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This file contains all of the notable changes from Jervis releases. For the full change log see the commit log.

jervis 2.1

Bug fixes

  • 💥 Publishing bugfix - the published pom.xml for v2.0 did not have any dependencies listed. This patch-release fixes the published pom.

See Jervis 2.0 release notes for breaking changes if migrating from Jervis 1.x.

Breaking changes

And other critical notes.

In src/ folder:

  • LifecycleGenerator.loadPlatforms is renamed to LifecycleGenerator.loadPlatformsFile
  • If you instantiate a PipelineGenerator with a LifecycleGenerator, the LifecycleGenerator gets recreated from scratch. This means you can't modify your original LifecycleGenerator object with the expectation that PipelineGenerator.getGenerator() is updated. They're separate objects.
  • PipelineGenerator.getDefaultToolchainsEnvironment() will now always include the platform and OS even if they're not used in matrix building.

In vars/ folder:

  • loadCustomResource var no longer throws an exception. If a file does not exist it will return null instead of String contents.

Changes by DSL area

Jervis API changes in src/ folder

  • JervisException now supports throwing with a supplemental message.
  • SecurityIO.isBase64 method available. It returns a boolean if the String has valid base64 characters.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder

  • Bugfix: readGlobalResource couldn't read library resources due to incorrect filesystem path.
  • doNotRunCodeAfter step available which enables admins to warn users about pipeline step deprecations, migration paths, and eventually automatically stop running undesirable logic.

Job DSL changes in the jobs/ folder

  • Slack notifications via notify_slack() available for Job DSL scripts.

jervis 2.0.1 - Oct 19th, 2023

  • Critical bugfix: PUT requests would not properly send to servers. Exact root cause is unknown but the fix was validated as working.

jervis 2.0 - Jun 27th, 2023

This is a new major release. From an end user perspective, all behavior for 1.x and 0.x YAML files is still supported. However, there are major API changes which warrant bumping the major to warn integrators who may be using code.

Migrating code

You can use GNU sed to migrate code. The following is a sedfile of expressions.

s/ \+$//
s/net\.gleske\.jervis\.lang\.[Ll]ifecycleGenerator\([ .]getObjectValue\)/\1/g

Usage of the sedfile is the following.

find * -type f -name '*.groovy' -exec sed -i -f /tmp/sedfile {} +

Manually search for and change the following methods. See Major API changes section for details.

# change id_rsa_keysize usage to rsa_keysize
grep -r '\([gs]et\)\{0,1\}[Ii]d_rsa_keysize' *

Several Jenkins shared pipline vars have been converted to NonCPS. This means upstream admin* functions must also be changed to NonCPS. The following is an example of a NonCPS var.

def call() {
    // this method is NonCPS JIT compiled

If you define admin* vars you'll have to convert them to NonCPS. The following is a list of vars now requiring NonCPS annotation.

Migrating JSON to YAML

platforms, lifecycles, and toolchains have migrated from JSON to YAML. Users tend to define these files themselves. As a result, a migration script has been created. Run the migration script for your given prefix.

Major API changes

The following classes have been renamed.

Old name for imports New name for imports
net.gleske.jervis.lang.lifecycleGenerator net.gleske.jervis.lang.LifecycleGenerator
net.gleske.jervis.lang.lifecycleValidator net.gleske.jervis.lang.LifecycleValidator
net.gleske.jervis.lang.pipelineGenerator net.gleske.jervis.lang.PipelineGenerator
net.gleske.jervis.lang.platformValidator net.gleske.jervis.lang.PlatformValidator
net.gleske.jervis.lang.toolchainValidator net.gleske.jervis.lang.ToolchainValidator

The following methods and fields have been renamed or removed.

Class Old method name New method name
LifecycleValidator load_JSON() loadYamlFile()
LifecycleValidator load_JSONString() loadYamlString()
PlatformValidator load_JSON() loadYamlFile()
PlatformValidator load_JSONString() loadYamlString()
SecurityIO getId_rsa_keysize() getRsa_keysize()
SecurityIO setId_rsa_keysize() Removed
SecurityIO id_rsa_keysize Removed
ToolchainValidator load_JSON() loadYamlFile()
ToolchainValidator load_JSONString() loadYamlString()

The following methods have moved.

Method Old class New class
getObjectValue net.gleske.jervis.lang.LifecycleGenerator


  • Support for all vendors of JDK 1.8 is dropped in this release.
  • OpenJDK11 or OpenJDK17 is build runtime and OpenJDK8 is the bytecode compatibility going forward to match the Jenkins project. Groovy 2.4 does not support higher than OpenJDK8 bytecode.
  • Function getJervisYamlFiles(String owner, String repository) within class net.gleske.jervis.remotes.GitHubGraphQL used to default to master branch. It now defaults to main branch.
  • Function getJervisYamlFiles(String repositoryWithOwner) within class net.gleske.jervis.remotes.GitHubGraphQL used to default to master branch. It now defaults to main branch.

New features:

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder

  • Jervis steps read from platforms, lifecycles, and toolchains YAML instead of JSON.
  • Matrix building nodes reordered so it is wrapped in stages.
  • New hasGlobalResource() step which can be used to conditionally load resources from libraryResource step. Allows a pipeline developer to only call libraryResource if it exists. Normally libraryResource step will throw an exception if the step doesn't exist. This is a fully NonCPS step and can be called from other NonCPS code blocks.
  • New getBuildContextMap() which returns information about the current running pipeline such as how it was triggered, which part of Git workflow, and other meta info.
  • New getJervisPipelineGenerators() which can read multiple repositories and return .jervis.yml pipeline objects for each repository in one API call.
  • isBuilding() more reliable now that it is built into Jervis with unit tests. Several bugs were fixed while reaching 100% test coverage.
  • loadCustomResource() has some new behavior. It first loads adminLibraryResource, then checks for the resource in the global config files plugin, and finally falls back to libraryResource. It can also skip looking for adminLibraryResource via a new boolean option:
    // skip loading adminLibraryResource
    loadCustomResource('resource-name', true)
  • The following vars are now fully NonCPS. These vars can be called from within other NonCPS annotated methods in shared pipelines.

Jervis API changes in src/ folder

  • net.gleske.jervis.remotes.GitHubGraphQL has a new sendGQL method. variables are now supported as a Map in addition to a String. The Map will be automatically converted to a String before being sent to GitHub as a query.
  • HashiCorp Vault support classes available. This will eventually lead to better native pipeline integration with Vault.
    • VaultService class provides an easy to use communication class to KV Secrets Engine v1 and v2. AppRole authentication is recommended but any TokenCredential type can be used.
    • AppRole authentication provided by VaultAppRoleCredential. It automatically renews leases and rotates credentials as leases run out. By default AppRole role_id and secret_id are resolved from VaultRoleIdCredentialImpl, but custom credential resolver can be implented on VaultRoleIdCredential interface.
  • Extend net.gleske.jervis.remotes.StaticMocking test class to support recording mock API responses while calling Jervis dependent code.
  • SimpleRestServiceSupport class changes. All REST services provided in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.* have new behaviors.
    • New HTTP header available on all REST services. Setting the Parse-JSON HTTP header on any REST service will override its default behavior. It can force-parse JSON or it can force returning plain text for JSON APIs instead of parsed JSON objects.
    • The default API response for SimpleRestService ias changed from a Map to a String. This means if there's no content response an empty String will be returned regardless of JSON parsing for the API. This used to return an empty HashMap.
  • More flexibility has been added to static method net.gleske.jervis.remotes.SimpleRestService.apiFetch().
  • Enhancements in
    • Converted multiple functions to static to ease their use.
    • Added AES-256 encryption functions.
    • Added RS256 aglorithm for data signing and verification.
    • Added GitHub JSON Web Token (JWT) creation and verification support.
    • Added generic JWT verification.
    • avoidTimingAttack() static function available with usage documentation.
    • getRsa_keysize() always returns the calculated key size if any.
  • Enhancements in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.GitHub
    • Added support for adding headers to all requests via GitHub.headers field.
    • Updated client HTTP headers to match GitHub v3 REST API version 2022-11-28.
  • New CipherMap utility class meant to transparently provide strong encryption for map objects.
  • New EphemeralTokenCache credential which is an encrypted cache meant to store ephemeral API tokens issued by services such as GitHub App or any other time-limited token service. The intention of the cache is to reuse issued tokens in order to reduce API requests.
  • GitHub App authentication now available via the following classes.

Bug fixes:

  • Major bugfix: support for more HTTP methods which have no content in the response.
  • Bugfix: Groovy 3.0.5 YAML additional_toolchains order was not preserved. This change makes Jervis compatible with Groovy 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 3.0, and 4.0 series of releases. Jenkins LTS currently uses Groovy 2.4.21 so this is more of a future-proofing fix than a bug for existing usage.
  • Minor bugfix around cipherlist loading in LifecycleGenerator. Discovered via 100% test coverage goal.

Other notes:

  • Added support for VSCode dev containers to ease with portable development environments going forward. Due to tight integration with X11 and other Linux APIs the development host must be Linux in order to use VSCode dev containers. Fine for me since all of my computers are Linux but an important note for would-be contributors.
  • Upgraded to Gradle 7.6
  • Added support for building on OpenJDK 11 and OpenJDK 17. OpenJDK 17 requires Gradle 3 or higher.
  • Extended support for building and running on Groovy versions 2.4 through 4.0.
  • API docs now have syntax highlighting in sample usage code blocks.

jervis 1.7 - Apr 14th, 2020

Bug fixes:

  • Bugfix: Additional toolchains loaded into a matrix build did not properly matrix. This bug has been fixed and tests added to avoid it.
  • Security: Bump snakeyaml to 1.26 to protect against billion laughs style attacks.
  • Security: Use SafeConstructor when parsing YAML to prevent remote code execution. See Documentation and Java Doc.

Breaking Job DSL changes

Jobs generated now use the SCM Filter Jervis YAML plugin instead of the SCM Filter Branch PR plugin. If your Jenkins instance does not have the SCM Filter Jervis YAML plugin installed, then you'll get errors attempting to generate new jobs. This should not affect jobs that already exist but it also means existing jobs can't be regenerated without the plugin.

As a recommended migration path to convert all jobs to use the SCM Filter for Jervis YAML, you can run a script console script to regenerate all jbos

Deprecated pipeline steps

The following Jenkins pipeline steps provided by Jervis are deprecated and will go away in a future release.

  • isPRBuild() - use isBuilding('pr') instead.
  • isTagBuild() - use `isBuilding('tag') instead.

As an admin, if you still want to support these steps then create your own steps within your own shared pipeline library. Here are some examples:

Contents of vars/isPRBuild():

Boolean call() {

Contents of vars/isTagBuild.groovy:

Boolean call() {

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • New pipeline steps:
    • getMatrixAxes() - Spawned from a Jenkins blog post. It is not used directly by Jervis but is available to users of Jervis.
    • getUserBinding('somevar') - Users can set bindings in their pipeline runtime. This step allows pipeline shared libraries to retrieve bindings as opposed to having them passed as arguments to a step.
  • isBuilding now supports manually triggered builds via isBuilding('manually'). manually takes several options
    • isBuilding(manually: false, combined: true) - a boolean where if true returns the username of the user who triggered the build and is boolean truthy. If false it will return true if the build was triggered by anything except a user, manually.
    • isBuilding(manually: 'samrocketman', combined: true) - returns true only if the build was manually triggered by user samrocketman.
  • isBuilding now supports a combined boolean status of all filters for easing use in pipelines logic. Example of filtering for manually triggered tags is isBuilding(manually: true, tag: '/.*/', combined: true) which instead of returning a HashMap of the results for each filter it will return a single boolean. Returns true if all examples were true and false if any filter was not true.
  • isBuilding now supports a List. See also documentation in the Jervis wiki.

jervis 1.6 - Nov 10th, 2019

New features:

  • net.gleske.jervis.remotes.GitHubGraphQL has a new method getJervisYamlFiles which allows a caller to get multiple Jervis YAML files from multiple branches in a single API call. It is overloaded to return a list of files in each branch as well.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • New pipeline step isBuilding() which provides a versatile conditional which allows a Jenkins pipeline user to filter the type of build that the current runtime is. e.g. Cron build, PR build, tag build, branch build... It supports checking tags and branches against a filter (literal or regex) so that it matches only tags and branches which have a specific name. See the header comment in vars/isBuilding.groovy which has documentation and examples for how to use the step.

Job DSL scripts changes in the jobs/ folder:

  • Lots of code cleanup. Generating jobs just got a lot simpler! With the release of the scm-filter-jervis plugin we can now rely on on-the-fly branch detection. So we can generate jobs without pre-populating the repository with YAML. Rather than exhaustively listing everything that was deleted please review this git diff of code cleanup.

Other notes

  • For tests, net.gleske.jervis.remotes.StaticMocking now supports mocking GraphQL and can render a different response depending on the query passed to the GraphQL mock. See GitHubGraphQLTest.groovy for an example of how it is used in tests.
  • For tests, ./gradlew console now includes test classes in its classpath to help with debugging net.gleske.jervis.remotes.StaticMocking.

jervis 1.5 - Nov 9th, 2019

New features:

  • AutoRelease support class added which provides automated bumping for versions. This is useful in Jenkins pipeline scripts by giving the next version if given a version and a set of existing Git tags. It supports unconventional continuos release and semantic versioning. It supports tags having prefixes like v1.0 (prefix being v) and suffixes like v1.0-beta. The API documentation for the AutoRelease class has several examples for how this new feature behaves.

jervis 1.4 - Nov 1st, 2019

New features:

  • Support for external credentials integration. Most likely used by Jenkins credentials store. Currently, the only credential type is a TokenCredential for GitHub services.
  • net.gleske.jervis.remotes.creds.ReadonlyTokenCredential is available for implementation for a TokenCredential which doesn't support writing.

Other notes

  • Added Jacoco for code coverage.
  • Updated builds and coveralls to support Jacoco instead of Cobertura.
  • Local SonarQube analysis available.
  • Code has been refactored based on SonarQube analysis.
  • Upgraded SnakeYAML dependency to 1.25.

jervis 1.3 - Oct 31st, 2019

New features:

  • Test helper classes provided by Jervis may now be referenced by other projects via the tests classifier. Source code for tests available within the tests-sources classifier.
  • Add a GitHub GraphQL v4 API client. It's not used yet but is available for me to start using it in pipeline scripts.
  • Upgrade to Gradle 5.6.3. Unfortunately, we're losing our ability to calculate code coverage with Cobertura. However, that hasn't really worked since Groovy 2.0.8 anyways so there's no reason to keep holding back any longer.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • Added isPRBuild() step for filtering pull request builds. IS_PR_BUILD environment variable is available to shell scripts.
  • Added isTagBuild() step for filtering tag builds. IS_TAG_BUILD environment variable is available to shell scripts.
  • Allow admin extension of jervisBuildNode via adminJervisBuildNode step.
  • Allow admin extension of library resources with adminLibraryResource. This allows 3rd parties to integrate their own custom resources.
  • withEnvSecretWrapper now supports a secrets map.
  • BugFix decoding private keys

Job DSL scripts changes in the jobs/ folder:

  • Added support for the scm-filter-branch-pr 0.4 plugin which allows for filtering for branches and tags.
  • New Feature: tryReadFile is implemented for all Job DSL bindings so that Job DSL scripts can be customized as-needed by 3rd parties. This is to support reading jervis from a Git submodule.
  • Remove decoding private keys during job generation.
  • Replace config with pipelineBranchDefaultsProjectFactory

jervis 1.2 - Aug 12th, 2018

New features:

  • Support for skip_on_pr and skip_on_tag in YAML specification when publishing collections like artifacts. An admin can set default values for each per collection in jenkins.collect YAML.
  • A new net.gleske.jervis.remotes.SimpleRestService class is available which makes it easy to communicate with REST services. SnakeYAML is used for parsing JSON responses which is the same for the rest of the Jervis library.
  • generator.is_pr and generator.is_tag properties now provide a portable means for changing behavior based on what type of build is occuring.

Bug fixes:

  • Stashmap Preprocessor did not work at all which meant the HTML publisher was broken. This release fixes that.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • Major rewrite: buildViaJervis has been completely refactored and utilizes better use of pipeline variables.
  • Since skip_on_pr support is now built into Jervis this part was removed from the pipeline library.
  • Matrix builds are now grouped with a friendly name Build Project stage.
  • Support for admins to side load their own libraries to customize code.
  • Support to load JSON files from global config file plugin settings in Jenkins.
  • Publishing collections now occurs in parallel.
  • Updated to support generator.is_pr in Jervis.
  • HTML publishing is fixed!

jervis 1.1 - Apr 16th, 2018


Job DSL Scripts: Freestyle will no longer be updated. Only pipeline jobs are supported. This will not overwrite freestyle jobs. It will simply not touch them. The following migration path is recommended:

  • If you wish to preserve build history, then just disable all freestyle and matrix project jobs from running. Run disable-freestyle-jobs.
  • Permanently delete all disabled freestyle and matrix project jobs can be done after disabling them. Review what was disabled before running delete-freestyle-jobs Script Console script.

New features:

  • Admins can now define user input validation (or fall back to a default) on jenkins.collect publishers. For more complicated string input for settings which requires a specific format. This is to optionally protect users from accidentally defining an incorrect setting and breaking their builds. Validation also works on the default user field which means if a user does not pass validation, then their publisher is simply skipped.
  • Admins can preprocess stashmaps for publishers so that more complex stashing can occur if a plugin for publishing results requires it.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes critical bug where users who do not define collecting any artifacts in YAML will cause their job to fail to build.
  • Fixes critical bug where admins who define default settings as a fileset and a user does not customize it, causes an invalid value to be set as the default instead of the proper default.

Job DSL scripts changes in the jobs/ folder:

  • Since pipelines are now fully supported the configuring views for jobs no longer make sense. Configuring views has been removed.
  • Bugfix branch filters not working.
  • Jenkinsfile is no longer referenced in the repository. It is loaded by Jervis pipeline DSL scripts. Jenkins jobs now load a default Jenkinsfile provided by the plugins Multibranch: Pipeline with defaults and Config File Provider.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • Feature: failed unit tests are now properly exposed.
  • Feature: Cobertura report collection can now be customized for enforcement.
  • Feature: JUnit report collection can now be fully customized.
  • Bugfix: Pull request builds no longer worked after upgrading plugins. This is now fixed.

jervis 1.0 - Oct 30th, 2017


The major version was bumped because of API breaking changes. Be sure to fully test this release before rolling it out to production in your own Job DSL scripts.

  • Security Notice: Private keys smaller than 2048 are no longer allowed for securing repository secrets. Affected users will be required to generate a new key pair 2048 bits or larger. A KeyPairDecodeException will now be thrown when users attempt to use private keys smaller than 2048 bits to encrypt repository secrets. Users should rotate their secrets, rather than migrate, because their data was encrypted using a known broken RSA algorithm. Data encrypted with this weaker algorithm is not considered secure and will still be accessible in git history. Even if the git history is "modified" it may still exist in cloned copies. It is safer to assume the encrypted data was compromised. Learn more by reading about enforcing stronger RSA keys in the wiki.

  • The following deprecated methods were removed from Jervis and will no longer be available to Job DSL scripts. See Jervis 0.13 release notes for a migration path.

    net.gleske.jervis.lang.lifecycleGenerator.setPrivateKeyPath() path) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize) path) path, int keysize) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize) keysize) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize)

New features:

  • Jenkins Pipelines are now fully supported. Jobs will automatically start using pipelines if there's a Jenkinsfile in the root of the repository or if the following is set in .jervis.yml.

      pipeline_jenkinsfile: 'path/to/Jenkinsfile'

    See issue #98

  • What is supported in Pipelines?

    • Non-matrix building.
    • Matrix building.
    • New YAML spec for stashing artifacts (even in matrix building). jenkins.stash is the new YAML spec. See issue #100
    • New YAML spec for publishing artifacts. Items to be collected for publishing are automatically added to stashes in non-matrix builds. Admins can define simple collections or expose more advanced options to users for customizing the publisher. jenkins.collect is the new YAML spec. See also #97

Job DSL scripts changes in the jobs/ folder:

  • Job DSL scripts have been broken apart into more reusable parts. This uses an advanced feature of Groovy known as the binding. See jobs/ for details.
  • JSON files for platforms, lifecycles, and toolchains have been moved to the resources/ directory and are now shared with Jenkins pipelines.
  • Unit tests for JSON files in the resources directory have been moved to a separate file: src/test/groovy/jervisConfigsTest.groovy. This allows admins to easily copy existing tests for use in their own Job DSL script libraries.
  • New pipelineGenerator class is available for use in scripts.

Pipeline DSL scripts changes in the vars/ folder:

  • Added an example pipeline global shared library to resources/ and vars/.
  • New pipelineGenerator class is available for use in scripts.

Other notes for this release:

  • Freestyle jobs and Pipeline jobs are supported together as a transition in this release. In a future release, Freestyle job support will be dropped completely.

jervis 0.13

Migrating Job DSL scripts from jervis 0.12 to future proof:

  • In the root _jervis_generator job, the typical DSL Scripts path is jobs/**/*.groovy. firstjob_dsl.groovy is no longer the only script under the jobs/ folder. The DSL Scripts path must now specify jobs/firstjob_dsl.groovy.
  • It is recommended migrate lifecycleGenerator.setPrivateKeyPath(str) to lifecycleGenerator.setPrivateKey(new File(str).text) because setPrivateKeyPath() is deprecated.
  • Instead of setting securityIO.id_rsa_priv with a file path, it is better to call securityIO.setKey_pair() because id_rsa_priv is deprecated.

The following methods are now deprecated and should not be used. They will be removed in the next release.

net.gleske.jervis.lang.lifecycleGenerator.setPrivateKeyPath() path) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize) path) path, int keysize) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize) keysize) priv_key_file_path, String pub_key_file_path, int keysize)

Features and bugfixes:

  • Feature: The YAML key jenkins -> secrets can now be a simple Map instead of a list of maps. Both of the following are supported:
        - key: super_secret
          secret: <ciphertext>
        super_secret: <ciphertext>
  • Improvement: Encryption and decryption now occur in the JVM runtime instead of forking an openssl cli process.
  • Bugfix: since switching to bouncycastle, unit tests no longer throw closeWithWarning() warnings.

Job DSL script changes in jobs/ folder:

  • Support matrix building by integrating with the Groovy label assignment plugin.
  • Load GitHub token from credentials plugin.
  • Reorganize Job DSL scripts into separate files. This makes them more readable and composable by taking advantage of groovy bindings.
  • jobs/get_folder_credentials.groovy now makes use of the Bouncy Castle API Plugin to decrypt private keys. AES encryption is now supported in private keys.
  • Some URLs now hyperlink.

jervis 0.12

  • Enhancement: YAML containing a string of 'false' should evaluate to boolean false. See issue #90

jervis 0.11

  • Enhancement: cleanup added to Toolchains Specification. See issue #61
  • New feature: additional labels can be specified. See issue #87
  • New feature: additional toolchains can be set up. See issue #87
  • Bugfix null from blank lines in sections. See issue #88
  • Additional bug fixes.
  • Cleaned up firstjob_dsl.groovy removing deprecated methods. Removed credentials definition from folder because Job DSL plugin fixed it.

jervis 0.10

  • Bugfix when a toolchain is a number an unsupported toolchain exception is thrown. See issue #85
  • Enhancement: Better matrix support for toolchains. Now, any toolchain can be designated an advanced matrix or matrix support can be entirely disabled. The traditional behavior is known as simple matrix. See issue #84

Note: Edit your toolchains.json file and add matrix: advanced to the env toolchain. As a migration path, an exception will now be thrown if env does not declare the type of matrix. See wiki for details.

jervis 0.9

  • Bugfix Exception number of constructors during runtime do not match by converting Groovy exceptions to Java. See issue #82.

jervis 0.8

jervis 0.7

  • Bugfix urlencoding references. This improves fetching branches with special characters. See issue #77
  • Bugfix getObjectValue String vs Map. See issue #78
  • Make more use of lifecycleGenerator.generateSection() method. Fewer unit tests are required.
  • Upgrade ASM to 5.1 so all dependencies are up-to-date.
  • The changes in this version makes it easy to use the Collapsing Console Sections Plugin for Jenkins. This visually creates sections. e.g.
    • Section name: {1}
    • Section starts with: ^\# ([^ ]+ [^ ]+)$
    • Section ends with: ^\$ set \+x$

jervis 0.6

  • GitHub.fetch() function is now public and supported as an API.
  • GitHub.isUser() function is a new API function which checks if a user is in fact a user or an organization.
  • Bugfix mock for GitHubTest class not properly throwing a 404 on missing files.

jervis 0.5.2

  • Bugfix IncompatibleClassChangeError exception on JDK7

jervis 0.5.1

  • Bugfix a blank yaml key causing the library to throw an exception.

jervis 0.5

  • Support for Mac OS X.
  • Support for building with Java 1.8.
  • Upgrade Gradle to 2.11.
  • securityIO unit testing has been cleaned up.
  • General improvements to securityIO class.
  • Force Java 1.6 byte code so cobertura reports are accurate for all versions of groovy.

jervis 0.4

  • Better support for secure fields (encrypted values in YAML files). See issue #64.
  • Support for four new languages: c, cpp, go, and node_js.

jervis 0.3

  • Implement friendly matrix labels which allow Jenkins matrix jobs to have recognizable labels for matrix build project types. See issue #70
  • Multi-OS support. Toolchains and lifecycles files can be referenced in Job DSL scripts by platform and operating system. See issue #68

jervis 0.2

  • Renamed Java package from jervis to net.gleske.jervis.

jervis 0.1

  • Supported languages: groovy, java, ruby, and python.
  • Matrix build support.
  • RSA encrypted secure properties.
  • Fully generated groovydoc.
  • At least 80% test coverage.