All minor and major changes to the project will be documented here!
- Updating soon...
- Removed the Google AdMob Package
- Added ironSource Ads
- Removed Donations
- Fixed bugs arising out of updated sdk version
- Shuffle Play 🔀
- Tracks can now be deleted within the app 🚮
- Tracks are now arranged according to the playlist
- Tracks downloaded in previous versions will be categorized in 'Unorganized'
- Minor Banner Ads may be there
- Downloading optimized and etc.
- Features
- Added Music Player
- Added Notification Bar Music controller, thanks to react-native-track-player
- Supports Spotify Albums now, alongside Playlists
- Added Downloads Page
- Added a Mini player component ( Will add more features to it via OTA Updates )
- Support for OTA Updates
- Added Donation Page :)
- UI Changes
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed the screen mounting issue
- Improved the URL parsing
- Used to Download wrong tracks very often, acc to my testing it was reduced.
- UI does not break in case of low resoltion/screen size device
- Features
v1 (Intial Release)
- Supports Spotify Playlist
- Playing a downloaded a song, launches Music player Intent.
- Download All functionality
- Save the playlist for later