folder: the Dummy React Dashboard, created using create-react-appuml_diagrams/
folder : UML Diagrams for better project description
- Dummy React Conf Dashboard is used by the Dummy React Conference organizers
- The Dashboard is made using the Create-React-App boilerplate, features include :
- Authentification & Access Control:
- 2 main users :
- admin : has All permissions
- readOnlyAdmin : has Read Only permission
- 2 main users :
- View statistics :
- Time left until the start of the conference
- Number of speakers, sessions, attendees
- ...etc
- Perform CRUD operations on :
- Conference information
- Attendees
- Speakers
- Schedule and Sessions
- Authentification & Access Control:
- React.js
- React Router
- Material UI
- Redux
- Formik
- Axios
- Visual Paradigm Online (for UML Diagrams)