Releases: salemove/ios-bundle
Releases · salemove/ios-bundle
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.5.2
- Observe if an engagement-request is timed out
- Deprecate public screen sharing interfaces
- Rework static Media capabilities
- Modify PII Masking behaviour based on masking settings
- Make GliaCoreError readable. Add custom string convertible support.
- Improve error reason for Messageable interfaces
- Improve error reason for Mediable interfaces
- Improve error reason for Engageable interfaces
- Improve error reason for Queueable interfaces
- Improve error reason for OpaqueAuthentication interfaces
- Improve error reason for fetchSiteConfiguration interface
- Cover missed configuration step with error throwing
- Mark deprecated public method for requesting visitor code (String) as unavailable
- Discard foreign logs from RemoteLogger
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.5.1
- Enqueue to default queues
- Log error for invalid PII mask regexp
- JWT validation on empty value
- Mark send singleChoiceOption interface unavailable
- Deprecate public screen sharing interfaces
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.5.0
- Introduce front and back camera switching
- Introduce refreshing of access token for Direct ID authentication
- Restore sending correct error when enqueuing
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.4.4
- Prevent screen sharing from turning off app comes to foreground
- Fix for LiveObservation memory issue
- Fix handling security scan result
- Fix video engagement being stuck in connecting state
- Add error handling and logging to refreshing access token
- Move public API docs location
- Change /* documentation to ///
- Extend Authentication structure with interface for updating DirectID
- Change
in remote logs - Increment project version to 1.4.4
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.4.3
- Fix UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions crash in Flutter environment
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.4.2
- Fix LO sometimes not restoring after returning from background
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.4.1
- Increment patch version SDK version to 1.4.1
- Log authentication during ongoing engagement
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.4.0
- Crash during pushing to Phoenix channel
- Fix Twilio.decline received during restoring engagement
- Fix audio engagement can't be restored
- Extend public Engagement model with media state
- Improve ConferenceProvider logging
- Fix race condition between unauthentication and end engagement
- Increment minor SDK version to 1.4.0
- Pass current visitor access token during authentication
- Add confirmation alert on view dismiss in TestingApp
- Add allowedDuringEngagement behavior for authentication
- Remove circular reference from Xcode 15.3 and onwards
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.3.10
- Improve Live Observation performance
Glia iOS Core SDK 1.3.9
Minor fixes and stability improvements