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318 lines (257 loc) · 9.59 KB
This API is used to read the question set on the Sunbird-inQuiry Platform.

Read QuestionSet Hierarchy

{% swagger method="get" path="/hierarchy/{QuestionSet_Id}" baseUrl="" summary="This API is used to read the question set on the Sunbird-inQuiry Platform." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} • The


endpoint executes a request for fetching the question set hierarchical structure.


• By default, this API tries to fetch a question set with live status. If you need to fetch the hierarchy of qustion set having any other status please use mode=edit query parameter.


• The endpoint for reading QuestionSet Hierarchy is



• It points to inquiry-api-service (assessment service) -



• You need to provide a valid QuestionSet Id value in {


field of the API URL.


• It is mandatory to provide values for parameters marked with



• Mandatory fields cannot be null or empty. {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="QuestionSet_Id" type="String" required="true" %} Please append a valid QuestionSet Id to the Request URL {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Content-Type" type="String" required="false" %} The Content-Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:


{% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authorization" type="String" required="true" %} To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received, here.

Set Bearer {{api_key}} {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="x-channel-id" type="String" %} Unique identification number associated with a root organization. {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="mode=edit" type="String" %} To fetch the latest version of a questionSet hierarchy from the Database for edit purposes {% endswagger-parameter %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description=""Read QuestionSet Hierarchy" operation was successfully executed" %}

  "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.get",
  "ver": "3.0",
  "ts": "2021-02-03T13:55:21ZZ",
  "params": {
    "resmsgid": "b810c4fd-231e-4b26-9be6-6345c49bde14",
    "msgid": null,
    "err": null,
    "status": "successful",
    "errmsg": null
  "responseCode": "OK",
  "result": {
    "questionSet": {
      "code": "finemanfine",
      "allowSkip": "Yes",
      "containsUserData": "No",
      "description": "updated_code_of_root",
      "language": [
      "mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.questionset",
      "showHints": "No",
      "createdOn": "2021-02-03T13:02:49.507+0000",
      "objectType": "QuestionSet",
      "primaryCategory": "Practice Question Set",
      "children": [
          "parent": "do_113208431570984960123",
          "code": "QS_Visibility_Parent",
          "allowSkip": "Yes",
          "containsUserData": "No",
          "description": "QS_Visibility_Parent",
          "language": [
          "mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.questionset",
          "showHints": "No",
          "createdOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.074+0000",
          "objectType": "QuestionSet",
          "primaryCategory": "Practice Question Set",
          "children": [
              "parent": "do_113208453505630208144",
              "code": "Q_Visibility_Parent",
              "language": [
              "mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.question",
              "createdOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.072+0000",
              "objectType": "Question",
              "primaryCategory": "Multiple Choice Question",
              "contentDisposition": "inline",
              "lastUpdatedOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.072+0000",
              "contentEncoding": "gzip",
              "showSolutions": "No",
              "allowAnonymousAccess": "Yes",
              "identifier": "do_113208453505613824142",
              "lastStatusChangedOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.072+0000",
              "visibility": "Parent",
              "showTimer": "No",
              "index": 1,
              "qType": "MCQ",
              "languageCode": [
              "version": 1,
              "versionKey": "1612360047074",
              "showFeedback": "No",
              "license": "CC BY 4.0",
              "depth": 2,
              "compatibilityLevel": 4,
              "name": "MCQ",
              "status": "Draft"
          "contentDisposition": "inline",
          "lastUpdatedOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.074+0000",
          "contentEncoding": "gzip",
          "showSolutions": "No",
          "allowAnonymousAccess": "Yes",
          "identifier": "do_113208453505630208144",
          "lastStatusChangedOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.074+0000",
          "requiresSubmit": "No",
          "visibility": "Parent",
          "showTimer": "No",
          "index": 1,
          "setType": "materialised",
          "languageCode": [
          "version": 1,
          "versionKey": "1612360047074",
          "showFeedback": "No",
          "license": "CC BY 4.0",
          "depth": 1,
          "compatibilityLevel": 4,
          "name": "QS_Visibility_Parent",
          "navigationMode": "non-linear",
          "shuffle": "Yes",
          "status": "Draft"
      "contentDisposition": "inline",
      "lastUpdatedOn": "2021-02-03T13:47:27.108+0000",
      "contentEncoding": "gzip",
      "showSolutions": "Yes",
      "allowAnonymousAccess": "Yes",
      "identifier": "do_113208431570984960123",
      "lastStatusChangedOn": "2021-02-03T13:02:49.507+0000",
      "requiresSubmit": "Yes",
      "visibility": "Default",
      "showTimer": "No",
      "summaryType": "Complete",
      "consumerId": "fa13b438-8a3d-41b1-8278-33b0c50210e4",
      "childNodes": [
      "setType": "materialised",
      "languageCode": [
      "version": 1,
      "versionKey": "1612360047108",
      "showFeedback": "Yes",
      "license": "CC BY 4.0",
      "depth": 0,
      "compatibilityLevel": 4,
      "name": "Test Question Set",
      "navigationMode": "linear",
      "shuffle": "Yes",
      "status": "Draft"

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="404: Not Found" description="QuestionSet Read Hierarchy operation failed !The possible reason for failure is that you may have provided wrong question id or the questionset is not published." %}

  "id": "api.questionset.hierarchy.get",
  "ver": "3.0",
  "ts": "2021-02-03T13:56:54ZZ",
  "params": {
    "resmsgid": "db5bcf74-d151-46f5-85b1-8512053923cb",
    "msgid": null,
    "err": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
    "status": "failed",
    "errmsg": "rootId do_113208431570984960123 does not exist"
  "responseCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
  "result": {}

{% endswagger-response %}

{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="Looks like something went wrong! These errors are tracked automatically" %}

  "result": {},
  "id": "string",
  "ver": "string",
  "ts": "string",
  "params": {
    "resmsgid": "string",
    "msgid": "string",
    "err": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "errmsg": "string"
  "responseCode": "string"

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

Success result schema

Attribute Description Type
identifier Questionset Identifier string
name Questionset name string
versionKey Questionset versionKey string
code Questionset code string
lastStatusChangedOn Last status changed time string
visibility Questionset visibility (eg. Parent/Default) string
mimeType Questionset mimeType (eg. application/vnd.sunbird.questionset) string
createdOn Questionset createtion timestamp string
objectType Questionset objectType (eg. QuestionSet) string
primaryCategory Questionset primaryCategory (eg. Practice Question Set) string
lastUpdatedOn Questionset last updated timestamp string
status Questionset status (eg. Draft/Live) string
children Children of Questionset, mostly sections or questions Object


curl --location -g --request GET '{{host}}/questionset/v1/hierarchy/read/{{questionSet_id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}'