description |
This API is used to import QuestionSet from one instance of sunbird to another instance of sunbird. |
{% swagger method="post" path="/questionset/v1/import" baseUrl="" summary="This API is used to import QuestionSet from one instance of sunbird to another instance of sunbird." expanded="true" %} {% swagger-description %} • The endpoint for
Import QuestionSet
• It points to inquiry-api-service (assessment service) -
• All parameters marked with
are mandatory. You must provide values for these parameters.
• Mandatory fields cannot be null or empty. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="Content-Type" type="String" required="true" %} The Content-Type entity is the media type of the resource. The possible media types can be:
{% endswagger-parameter %}{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="Authorization" type="String" required="true" %} You require authorization to make use of the API. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received, here.
Bearer {{api_key}}
{% endswagger-parameter %}{% swagger-parameter in="body" name="request" type="Object" required="true" %} The body is the representation of the resource object for importing a question set {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="x-channel-id" type="String" %} Unique identification number associated with a root organization. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="The Import QuestionSet operation was successful!" %}
"id": "api.questionset.import",
"ver": "3.0",
"ts": "2020-12-17T16:29:11ZZ",
"params": {
"resmsgid": "7cce8934-0a2f-46bf-a0ee-be5f49874cae",
"msgid": null,
"err": null,
"status": "successful",
"errmsg": null
"responseCode": "OK",
"result": {
"processId": "80a765c7-2202-4b3f-b473-448b5c2cd20e"
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="400: Bad Request" description="The Import QuestionSet operation failed. You may have missed providing input for a mandatory parameter.'" %}
"id": "api.questionset.import",
"ver": "3.0",
"ts": "2020-12-17T16:30:16ZZ",
"params": {
"resmsgid": "31f88a39-2514-4d86-b424-240166e315be"
"msgid": null,
"status": "failed",
"errmsg": "Validation Failed! Mandatory Properties Are [name, code, mimeType, primaryCategory, framework]",
"responseCode": "CLIENT_ERROR",
"result": {
"messages": null
{% endswagger-response %}
{% swagger-response status="500: Internal Server Error" description="We track these errors automatically and try to set it right at the earliest." %}
"id": "api.question.import",
"ver": "1.0",
"ts": "2020-12-10T08:51:51.647Z",
"params": {
"resmsgid": "f234a6f0-3ac4-11eb-b0a2-8d5c9f561887",
"msgid": null,
"status": "failed",
"err": null,
"errmsg": null
"responseCode": "SERVER_ERROR",
"result": {}
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}
"request": {
"questionset": [
"source": "",
"metadata": {
"framework": "ekstep_ncert_k-12",
"channel": "01309282781705830427",
"name": "QustionSet-1",
"code": "9ae33d1e-a682-f30c-04b5-9bda236650ac",
"lastPublishedBy": "5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64"
"collection": [
"identifier": "do_11324642736155033614",
"unitId": "do_11324642761348710417"
Attribute | Description | Type |
source | Represents the source of questionset object | string |
metadata | Represents the additional metadata for the questionset object | Object |
collection | Represents the collection with which Questionset can be linked. | Array of strings |
Attribute | Type | Description |
processId | String | Unique process ID |
curl --location -g --request POST '{{host}}/questionset/v1/import' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}' \
--header 'X-Channel-Id: {{channel_id}}' \
--data-raw '{
"request": {
"questionset": [
"source": "",
"metadata": {
"framework": "ekstep_ncert_k-12",
"channel": "01309282781705830427",
"name": "QustionSet-1",
"code": "9ae33d1e-a682-f30c-04b5-9bda236650ac",
"lastPublishedBy": "5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64"
"collection": [
"identifier": "do_11324642736155033614",
"unitId": "do_11324642761348710417"