diff --git a/vesuvius/CHANGELOG b/vesuvius/CHANGELOG
index 4e504f11..86f44c6b 100755
--- a/vesuvius/CHANGELOG
+++ b/vesuvius/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
-Changes since Vesuvius 0.9.1 was released (2011-05-20)
+Changes since Vesuvius 0.9.2 was released (2012-04-12)
-Greg: new Vesuvius 0.9.2 starter database
-Greg: Pushed packaged Vesuvius 0.9.2 to Launchpad for Download
-2012:0417 Update
+Changes since Vesuvius 0.9.1 was released (2011-05-20)
+2012:0412 Update
+Greg: /INSTALL updated to help with the installer-less setup of Vesuvius v0.9.2
+Greg: /CHANGELOG_DB truncated (starter db and production/trunk are in sync)
+Greg: new Vesuvius 0.9.2 starter database added /backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v092.sql (old db's removed)
Greg: Patch fixing microtime in debug XML filenames
Greg: More resiliency in MPRES module: we only handle/process the first XML attachment ~ any others are ignored
Greg: Added purge log option to MPRES (emails recieved log, and persons reported log) both of which are audited.
Greg: Updated the Audit log in Admin module to accomodate more audit types.
Greg: Tied Event Manager's 3 auditable actions: new event, event delete, event purge to the Admin audit log.
+Greg: Pushed packaged Vesuvius 0.9.2 to Launchpad for Download
2012:0410 Update
diff --git a/vesuvius/INSTALL b/vesuvius/INSTALL
index 596b7d59..c6e31777 100755
--- a/vesuvius/INSTALL
+++ b/vesuvius/INSTALL
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Vesuvius 0.9.1 Installation Instructions
+// Vesuvius 0.9.2 Installation Instructions
Currently, Vesuvius lacks an installer, so the installation process is done manually.
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Please follow the steps below to instantiate an instance of Vesuvius >>
1) Get the codebase (you have it already, since you're reading this?)
Check out the codebase from launchpad >>
(or download a packaged version) from >>
@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ location: .htaccess.example ~ copy it to .htaccess and then begin to modify the
may or may not even need to edit it, depending on where your site is located. Specifically,
refer to these lines:
+##### Only use 1 of the following RewriteBase options ~ comment the other out
##### for when Sahana is installed on a virtual host at root level ie. http://domain.com/
RewriteBase /
-##### for when Sahana is installed in a user homedir ie. http://domain.gov/~gmiernicki/sahanaDev/www/
-#RewriteBase /~gmiernicki/sahanaDev/www/
+##### for when Sahana is installed in a user homedir ie. http://domain.gov/~gmiernicki/vesuvius/vesuvius/www/
+#RewriteBase /~miernickig/vesuvius/vesuvius/www/
If your site is running on the root path of a domain, you will not have to change anything.
You are good to go with the default example file. Else, your site is running on a non-root
@@ -39,13 +40,13 @@ its path to the path of your installation.
4) Create a new MySQL Database on your server. Assign a new user to the database. Edit
-the sahana.conf file from the previous step with the new database settings.
+the sahana.conf file from the step 2 with the new database's settings.
5) Import an initial database. You can do this in a number of tools, for example:
PHPMyAdmin, MySQL Admin, or from a shell with the mysql command. The default database to
-use in the file /backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v091.sql
+use in the file /backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v092.sql
@@ -57,9 +58,11 @@ cd www ;
mkdir tmp ;
chmod 777 tmp ;
+(the above may be unnecesary as the packaged version of Vesuvius v0.9.2 has these folder packaged)
-7) If you wish to use the snapshot module for database backups and restores, then you
+7) *OPTIONAL* If you wish to use the snapshot module for database backups and restores, then you
must also update the permissions on the /backups folder:
chmod 777 backups ;
@@ -70,11 +73,24 @@ chmod 777 backups ;
and login >>
username: root
-password: Agasti2011
+password: Vesuvius2012
-After login, it would be adviseable to go to My Settings and then Change My Password
-to alter the default password and add a bit of security to your site.
+After logging in, its adviseable to go to My Settings and then the Change My Password tab
+to alter the default password and add a bit of security to your site!!
9) Make the cache folder for the htmlPurifier writable:
-chmod -R 777 3rd/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache
\ No newline at end of file
+chmod -R 777 3rd/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache
+This final step allows your instance to be able to download a fresh purifier definition and cache it locally.
+10) Enjoy Vesuvius!
+--Sahana Vesuvius Team
diff --git a/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v090.sql b/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v090.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index 80aebb00..00000000
--- a/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v090.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2949 +0,0 @@
--- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
--- version 3.3.4
--- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
--- Host: localhost
--- Generation Time: Feb 11, 2011 at 05:25 PM
--- Server version: 5.0.77
--- PHP Version: 5.3.5
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
--- Database: `vesuvius`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `adodb_logsql`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `adodb_logsql` (
- `created` datetime NOT NULL,
- `sql0` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
- `sql1` text NOT NULL,
- `params` text NOT NULL,
- `tracer` text NOT NULL,
- `timer` decimal(16,6) NOT NULL
--- Dumping data for table `adodb_logsql`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `alt_logins`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `alt_logins` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `type` varchar(60) default 'openid',
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `alt_logins`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `audit`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `audit` (
- `audit_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `u_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `change_type` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
- `change_table` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `change_field` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `prev_val` text,
- `new_val` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`audit_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `audit`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `config`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `config` (
- `config_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `module_id` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `confkey` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`config_id`),
- KEY `module_id` (`module_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `config`
-INSERT INTO `config` (`config_id`, `module_id`, `confkey`, `value`) VALUES
-(6, 'admin', 'acl_locking', '1'),
-(7, 'admin', 'acl_signup_enabled', '1'),
-(2251, 'plus', 'timeout', '864000');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `contact`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `contact` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `opt_contact_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `contact_value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`opt_contact_type`)
--- Dumping data for table `contact`
-INSERT INTO `contact` (`p_uuid`, `opt_contact_type`, `contact_value`) VALUES
-('1', 'email', 'root@localhost');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `field_options`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `field_options` (
- `field_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `option_code` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `option_description` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `display_order` int(8) default NULL
--- Dumping data for table `field_options`
-INSERT INTO `field_options` (`field_name`, `option_code`, `option_description`, `display_order`) VALUES
-('opt_id_type', 'nic', 'National Identity Card', NULL),
-('opt_id_type', 'pas', 'Passport', NULL),
-('opt_id_type', 'dln', 'Driving License Number', NULL),
-('opt_id_type', 'oth', 'Other', NULL),
-('opt_status', 'ali', 'Alive & Well', NULL),
-('opt_status', 'mis', 'Missing', NULL),
-('opt_status', 'inj', 'Injured', NULL),
-('opt_status', 'dec', 'Deceased', NULL),
-('opt_gender', 'mal', 'Male', NULL),
-('opt_gender', 'fml', 'Female', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'fat', 'Father', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'mot', 'Mother', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'bro', 'Brown', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'sis', 'Sister', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gft', 'GrandFather', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gmt', 'GrandMother', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gfpat', 'GrandFatherPaternal', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gfmat', 'GrandFatherMaternal', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gmpat', 'GrandMotherPaternal', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'gmmat', 'GrandMotherMaternal', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'fnd', 'Friend', NULL),
-('opt_relationship_type', 'oth', 'Other', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'home', 'Home(permanent address)', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'name', 'Contact Person', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'pmob', 'Personal Mobile', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'curr', 'Current Phone', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'cmob', 'Current Mobile', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'email', 'Email address', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'fax', 'Fax Number', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'web', 'Website', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'inst', 'Instant Messenger', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'GRN', 'Green', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'GRY', 'Gray', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R1', 'American Indian or Alaska Native', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'U', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_marital_status', 'unk', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_marital_status', 'sin', 'Single', NULL),
-('opt_marital_status', 'mar', 'Married', NULL),
-('opt_marital_status', 'div', 'Divorced', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'a+', 'A+', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'a-', 'A-', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'b+', 'B+', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'b-', 'B-', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'ab+', 'AB+', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'ab-', 'AB-', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'o+', 'O+', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'o-', 'O-', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'BRO', 'Brown', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'BLU', 'Blue', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'BLK', 'Black', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'DRK', 'Dark', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AFG', 'Afghanistan', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'BLK', 'Black', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'ALB', 'Albino', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'BLN', 'Blond or Strawberry', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ALA', 'Åland Islands', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'BLK', 'Black', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'BLD', 'Bald', NULL),
-('opt_location_type', '2', 'Town or Neighborhood', NULL),
-('opt_location_type', '1', 'County or Equivalent', NULL),
-('opt_contact_type', 'zip', 'Zip Code', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'UNK', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ALB', 'Albania', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DZA', 'Algeria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ASM', 'American Samoa', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AND', 'Andorra', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AGO', 'Angola', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AIA', 'Anguilla', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ATA', 'Antarctica', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ATG', 'Antigua and Barbuda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ARG', 'Argentina', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ARM', 'Armenia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ABW', 'Aruba', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AUS', 'Australia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AUT', 'Austria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AZE', 'Azerbaijan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BHS', 'Bahamas', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BHR', 'Bahrain', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BGD', 'Bangladesh', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRB', 'Barbados', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BLR', 'Belarus', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BEL', 'Belgium', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BLZ', 'Belize', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BEN', 'Benin', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BMU', 'Bermuda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BTN', 'Bhutan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BOL', 'Bolivia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BIH', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BWA', 'Botswana', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BVT', 'Bouvet Island', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRA', 'Brazil', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IOT', 'British Indian Ocean Territory', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRN', 'Brunei Darussalam', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BGR', 'Bulgaria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BFA', 'Burkina Faso', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BDI', 'Burundi', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KHM', 'Cambodia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CMR', 'Cameroon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CAN', 'Canada', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CPV', 'Cape Verde', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CYM', 'Cayman Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CAF', 'Central African Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TCD', 'Chad', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CHL', 'Chile', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CHN', 'China', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CXR', 'Christmas Island', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CCK', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COL', 'Colombia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COM', 'Comoros', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COG', 'Congo', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AFG', 'Afghanistan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ALA', 'Åland Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ALB', 'Albania', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DZA', 'Algeria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ASM', 'American Samoa', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AND', 'Andorra', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AGO', 'Angola', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AIA', 'Anguilla', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ATA', 'Antarctica', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ATG', 'Antigua and Barbuda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ARG', 'Argentina', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ARM', 'Armenia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ABW', 'Aruba', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AUS', 'Australia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AUT', 'Austria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'AZE', 'Azerbaijan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BHS', 'Bahamas', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BHR', 'Bahrain', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BGD', 'Bangladesh', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRB', 'Barbados', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BLR', 'Belarus', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BEL', 'Belgium', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BLZ', 'Belize', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BEN', 'Benin', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BMU', 'Bermuda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BTN', 'Bhutan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BOL', 'Bolivia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BIH', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BWA', 'Botswana', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BVT', 'Bouvet Island', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRA', 'Brazil', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IOT', 'British Indian Ocean Territory', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BRN', 'Brunei Darussalam', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BGR', 'Bulgaria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BFA', 'Burkina Faso', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BDI', 'Burundi', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KHM', 'Cambodia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CMR', 'Cameroon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CAN', 'Canada', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CPV', 'Cape Verde', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CYM', 'Cayman Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CAF', 'Central African Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TCD', 'Chad', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CHL', 'Chile', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CHN', 'China', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CXR', 'Christmas Island', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CCK', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COL', 'Colombia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COM', 'Comoros', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COG', 'Congo', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COD', 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'COK', 'Cook Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CRI', 'Costa Rica', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CIV', 'Côte d''Ivoire', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HRV', 'Croatia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CUB', 'Cuba', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CYP', 'Cyprus', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CZE', 'Czech Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DNK', 'Denmark', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DJI', 'Djibouti', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DMA', 'Dominica', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DOM', 'Dominican Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ECU', 'Ecuador', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'EGY', 'Egypt', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SLV', 'El Salvador', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GNQ', 'Equatorial Guinea', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ERI', 'Eritrea', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'EST', 'Estonia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ETH', 'Ethiopia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FLK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FRO', 'Faroe Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FJI', 'Fiji', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FIN', 'Finland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FRA', 'France', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GUF', 'French Guiana', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PYF', 'French Polynesia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ATF', 'French Southern Territories', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GAB', 'Gabon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GMB', 'Gambia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GEO', 'Georgia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'DEU', 'Germany', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GHA', 'Ghana', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GIB', 'Gibraltar', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GRC', 'Greece', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GRL', 'Greenland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GRD', 'Grenada', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GLP', 'Guadeloupe', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GUM', 'Guam', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GTM', 'Guatemala', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GGY', 'Guernsey', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GIN', 'Guinea', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GNB', 'Guinea-Bissau', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GUY', 'Guyana', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HTI', 'Haiti', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HMD', 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VAT', 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HND', 'Honduras', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HKG', 'Hong Kong', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'HUN', 'Hungary', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ISL', 'Iceland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IND', 'India', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IDN', 'Indonesia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IRN', 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IRQ', 'Iraq', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IRL', 'Ireland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'IMN', 'Isle of Man', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ISR', 'Israel', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ITA', 'Italy', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'JAM', 'Jamaica', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'JPN', 'Japan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'JEY', 'Jersey', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'JOR', 'Jordan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KAZ', 'Kazakhstan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KEN', 'Kenya', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KIR', 'Kiribati', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PRK', 'Korea, Democratic People''s Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KOR', 'Korea, Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KWT', 'Kuwait', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KGZ', 'Kyrgyzstan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LAO', 'Lao People''s Democratic Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LVA', 'Latvia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LBN', 'Lebanon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LSO', 'Lesotho', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LBR', 'Liberia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LBY', 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LIE', 'Liechtenstein', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LTU', 'Lithuania', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LUX', 'Luxembourg', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MAC', 'Macao', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MKD', 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MDG', 'Madagascar', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MWI', 'Malawi', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MYS', 'Malaysia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MDV', 'Maldives', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MLI', 'Mali', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MLT', 'Malta', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MHL', 'Marshall Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MTQ', 'Martinique', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MRT', 'Mauritania', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MUS', 'Mauritius', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MYT', 'Mayotte', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MEX', 'Mexico', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'FSM', 'Micronesia, Federated States of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MDA', 'Moldova, Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MCO', 'Monaco', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MNG', 'Mongolia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MNE', 'Montenegro', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MSR', 'Montserrat', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MAR', 'Maroon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MOZ', 'Mozambique', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MMR', 'Myanmar', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NAM', 'Namibia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NRU', 'Nauru', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NPL', 'Nepal', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NLD', 'Netherlands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ANT', 'Netherlands Antilles', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NCL', 'New Caledonia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NZL', 'New Zealand', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NIC', 'Nicaragua', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NER', 'Niger', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NGA', 'Nigeria', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NIU', 'Niue', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NFK', 'Norfolk Island', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MNP', 'Northern Mariana Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'NOR', 'Norway', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'OMN', 'Oman', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PAK', 'Pakistan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PLW', 'Palau', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PSE', 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PAN', 'Panama', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PNG', 'Papua New Guinea', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PRY', 'Paraguay', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PER', 'Peru', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PHL', 'Philippines', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PCN', 'Pitcairn', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'POL', 'Poland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PRT', 'Portugal', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'PRI', 'Puerto Rico', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'QAT', 'Qatar', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'REU', 'Réunion', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ROU', 'Romania', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'RUS', 'Russian Federation', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'RWA', 'Rwanda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'BLM', 'Saint Barthélemy', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SHN', 'Saint Helena', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'KNA', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LCA', 'Saint Lucia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'MAF', 'Saint Martin (French part)', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SPM', 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VCT', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'WSM', 'Samoa', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SMR', 'San Marino', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'STP', 'Sao Tome and Principe', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SAU', 'Saudi Arabia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SEN', 'Senegal', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SRB', 'Serbia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SYC', 'Seychelles', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SLE', 'Sierra Leone', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SGP', 'Singapore', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SVK', 'Slovakia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SVN', 'Slovenia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SLB', 'Solomon Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SOM', 'Somalia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ZAF', 'South Africa', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SGS', 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ESP', 'Spain', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'LKA', 'Sri Lanka', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SDN', 'Sudan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SUR', 'Suriname', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SJM', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SWZ', 'Swaziland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SWE', 'Sweden', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'CHE', 'Switzerland', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'SYR', 'Syrian Arab Republic', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TWN', 'Taiwan, Province of China', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TJK', 'Tajikistan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TZA', 'Tanzania, United Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'THA', 'Thailand', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TLS', 'Timor-Leste', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TGO', 'Togo', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TKL', 'Tokelau', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TON', 'Tonga', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TTO', 'Trinidad and Tobago', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TUN', 'Tunisia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TUR', 'Turkey', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TKM', 'Turkmenistan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TCA', 'Turks and Caicos Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'TUV', 'Tuvalu', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'UGA', 'Uganda', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'UKR', 'Ukraine', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ARE', 'United Arab Emirates', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'GBR', 'United Kingdom', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'USA', 'United States', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'UMI', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'URY', 'Uruguay', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'UZB', 'Uzbekistan', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VUT', 'Vanuatu', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VEN', 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VNM', 'Viet Nam', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VGB', 'Virgin Islands, British', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'VIR', 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'WLF', 'Wallis and Futuna', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ESH', 'Western Sahara', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'YEM', 'Yemen', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ZMB', 'Zambia', NULL),
-('opt_country', 'ZWE', 'Zimbabwe', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'HAZ', 'Hazel', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'MAR', 'Maroon', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'MUL', 'Multicolored', NULL),
-('opt_eye_color', 'PNK', 'Pink', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'DBR', 'Dark Brown', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'FAR', 'Fair', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'LGT', 'Light', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'LBR', 'Light Brown', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'MED', 'Medium', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'UNK', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'OLV', 'Olive', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'RUD', 'Ruddy', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'SAL', 'Sallow', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'YEL', 'Yellow', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'BLU', 'Blue', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'BRO', 'Brown', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'GRY', 'Gray', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'GRN', 'Green', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'ONG', 'Orange', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'PLE', 'Purple', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'PNK', 'Pink', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'RED', 'Red or Auburn', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'SDY', 'Sandy', NULL),
-('opt_hair_color', 'WHI', 'White', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R2', 'Asian', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R3', 'Black or African American', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R4', 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R5', 'White', NULL),
-('opt_race', 'R9', 'Other Race', NULL),
-('opt_religion', 'PEV', 'Protestant, Evangelical', 1),
-('opt_religion', 'PML', 'Protestant, Mainline', 2),
-('opt_religion', 'PHB', 'Protestant, Historically Black', 3),
-('opt_religion', 'CAT', 'Catholic', 4),
-('opt_religion', 'MOM', 'Mormon', 5),
-('opt_religion', 'JWN', 'Jehovah''s Witness', 6),
-('opt_religion', 'ORT', 'Orthodox', 7),
-('opt_religion', 'COT', 'Other Christian', 8),
-('opt_religion', 'JEW', 'Jewish', 9),
-('opt_religion', 'BUD', 'Buddhist', 10),
-('opt_religion', 'HIN', 'Hindu', 11),
-('opt_religion', 'MOS', 'Muslim', 12),
-('opt_religion', 'OTH', 'Other Faiths', 13),
-('opt_religion', 'NOE', 'Unaffiliated', 14),
-('opt_religion', 'VAR', 'Unknown', 15),
-('opt_hair_color', 'UNK', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_skin_color', 'MBR', 'Medium Brown', NULL),
-('opt_gender', 'unk', 'Unknown', NULL),
-('opt_gender', 'cpx', 'Complex', NULL),
-('opt_blood_type', 'c++5', 'C++', 0);
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `hospital`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `hospital` (
- `hospital_uuid` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `short_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
- `street1` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
- `street2` varchar(120) default NULL,
- `city` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `county` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `region` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `postal_code` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
- `country` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `latitude` double NOT NULL,
- `longitude` double NOT NULL,
- `phone` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `fax` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `email` varchar(64) default NULL,
- `npi` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `patient_id_prefix` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `creation_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `icon_url` varchar(128) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`hospital_uuid`),
- KEY `hospital_uuid` (`hospital_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `hospital`
-INSERT INTO `hospital` (`hospital_uuid`, `name`, `short_name`, `street1`, `street2`, `city`, `county`, `region`, `postal_code`, `country`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `phone`, `fax`, `email`, `npi`, `patient_id_prefix`, `creation_time`, `icon_url`) VALUES
-(-1, ' NOT AT HOSPITAL', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '2010-10-04 19:36:01', ' '),
-(1, 'Suburban Hospital', 'sh', '8600 Old Georgetown Rd', '', 'Bethesda', 'Montgomery', 'MD', '20817', 'USA', 38.99731, -77.10984, '3018963100', '', '', '', '911-', '2010-01-01 01:01:01', 'theme/lpf3/img/suburban.png'),
-(2, 'National Naval Medical Center', 'nnmc', 'National Naval Medical Center', '', 'Bethesda', 'Montgomery', 'MD', '20889', 'US', 39.00204, -77.0945, '3012954611', '', '', '', '', '2010-09-22 18:49:34', 'theme/lpf3/img/nnmc.png');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `image`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `image` (
- `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `image` mediumblob,
- `image_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `image_height` int(11) default NULL,
- `image_width` int(11) default NULL,
- `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `category` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `url` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `url_thumb` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `original_filename` varchar(64) default NULL,
- `crop_x` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_y` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_w` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_h` int(16) default NULL,
- `full_path` varchar(512) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`),
- KEY `image_id` (`image_id`,`p_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `image`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `image_tag`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `image_tag` (
- `tag_id` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `tag_x` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_y` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_w` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_h` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_text` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`),
- KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`,`image_id`),
- KEY `image_id` (`image_id`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `image_tag`:
--- `image_id`
--- `image` -> `image_id`
--- Dumping data for table `image_tag`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `incident`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `incident` (
- `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `parent_id` bigint(20) default NULL,
- `search_id` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `name` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `shortname` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `date` date default NULL,
- `type` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `latitude` double default NULL,
- `longitude` double default NULL,
- `default` tinyint(1) default NULL,
- `private_group` int(16) default NULL,
- `closed` tinyint(1) default NULL,
- `description` varchar(1024) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`incident_id`),
- KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `incident`
-INSERT INTO `incident` (`incident_id`, `parent_id`, `search_id`, `name`, `shortname`, `date`, `type`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `default`, `private_group`, `closed`, `description`) VALUES
-(1, NULL, NULL, 'Test Event', 'test', '2000-01-01', 'TEST', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, '');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `lc_fields`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `lc_fields` (
- `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `tablename` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `fieldname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
--- Dumping data for table `lc_fields`
-INSERT INTO `lc_fields` (`id`, `tablename`, `fieldname`) VALUES
-(1, 'field_options', 'option_description'),
-(2, 'ct_unit', 'name'),
-(3, 'ct_unit_type', 'name'),
-(4, 'ct_unit_type', 'description');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `location`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `location` (
- `loc_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `parent_id` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `opt_location_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `iso_code` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `description` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`loc_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `location`
-INSERT INTO `location` (`loc_uuid`, `parent_id`, `opt_location_type`, `name`, `iso_code`, `description`) VALUES
-('8y2flc-10', NULL, '1', 'Baltimore (city), MD [TO DO]', '1702381', NULL),
-('8y2flc-11', NULL, '1', 'Anne Arundel County, MD [TO DO]', '1710958', NULL),
-('8y2flc-12', NULL, '1', 'Alexandria (city), VA [TO DO]', '1498415', NULL),
-('8y2flc-13', NULL, '1', 'Arlington County, VA [TO DO]', '1480119', NULL),
-('8y2flc-14', NULL, '1', 'Falls Church (city), VA [TO DO]', '1498422', NULL),
-('8y2flc-15', NULL, '1', 'Fairfax County, VA [TO DO]', '1480119', NULL),
-('8y2flc-16', NULL, '1', 'Fairfax (city), VA [TO DO]', '1789070', NULL),
-('8y2flc-17', NULL, '1', 'Loudoun County, VA [TO DO]', '1480141', NULL),
-('8y2flc-18', NULL, '1', 'Manassas (city), VA [TO DO]', '1498430', NULL),
-('8y2flc-19', NULL, '1', 'Manassas Park (city), VA [TO DO]', '1498431', NULL),
-('8y2flc-2', NULL, '1', 'Montgomery County, MD', '1712500', 'n/a'),
-('8y2flc-21048', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Abrams', '2458850', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21049', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Allanwood', '589631', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21050', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Alta Vista', '589637', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21051', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Alta Vista Terrace', '589638', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21052', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ancient Oak', '1712938', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21053', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ancient Oak North', '1712939', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21054', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ancient Oak West', '1712940', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21055', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Anscroft', '1712766', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21056', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Arcola', '589650', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21057', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashburton', '589659', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21058', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashleigh', '589661', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21059', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashley Manor', '1712767', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21060', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashmead', '1712768', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21061', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashton', '582943', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21062', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashton Manor', '1712769', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21063', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashton Pond', '1712770', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21064', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashton Preserve', '2458866', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21065', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ashton River Estates', '1712771', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21066', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Aspen Hill', '589663', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21067', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Aspen Hill Park', '589664', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21068', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Aspen Knolls', '589665', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21069', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Avenel', '1729631', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21070', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Avery', '589672', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21071', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Banner Country', '1712676', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21072', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bannockburn', '589689', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21073', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bannockburn Estates', '589690', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21074', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bannockburn Heights', '589691', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21075', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Barnesville', '589696', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21076', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Barton Woods', '1712677', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21077', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Battery Park', '589702', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21078', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Beallmount', '1712868', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21079', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Beallsville', '591624', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21080', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Beantown', '589713', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21081', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Beau Monde Estates', '1712578', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21082', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bel Pre Farms', '589724', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21083', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bells Mill', '589728', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21084', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Belvedere', '1712944', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21085', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bennington', '1712679', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21086', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bethesda', '583184', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21087', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Beverly Farms', '589751', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21088', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Big Pines', '589752', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21089', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Big Woods Acres', '1712523', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21090', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Black Hill', '1712579', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21091', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blackburn Village', '2458892', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21092', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blackrock Estates', '1712580', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21093', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blackrock Hills', '1712581', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21094', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blackrock Mill', '589765', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21095', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blair Portal', '589768', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21096', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blocktown', '583289', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21097', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Blount Commons', '2458894', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21098', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bondbrook', '1712948', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21099', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bonifant Village', '2458896', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21100', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bootjack', '588621', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21101', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bowie Mill Estates', '1712680', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21102', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bowie Mill Park', '1712682', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21103', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Boyds', '583349', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21104', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bradley Farms', '589795', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21105', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bradley Hills', '589796', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21106', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bradley Hills Grove', '589797', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21107', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bradley Woods', '589798', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21108', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bradmoor', '589799', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21109', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brandermill', '1712683', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21110', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Briars Acres', '1712684', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21111', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bridlewood', '1712582', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21112', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Briggs-Chaney Estates', '2458906', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21113', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brighton', '589816', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21114', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brighton Estates', '1712685', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21115', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brighton Knolls', '1712686', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21116', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brink', '588623', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21117', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brink Meadow', '1712687', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21118', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brinklow', '588624', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21119', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brinkwood Estates', '1712688', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21120', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Broadwood Manor', '589822', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21121', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brook Hollow', '1712690', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21122', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookdale', '589823', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21123', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brooke Grove', '1712693', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21124', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brooke Meadow', '2458907', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21125', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookemanor Estates', '1712695', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21126', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookeville', '589824', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21127', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookeville Heights', '1712697', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21128', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookeville Knolls', '1712698', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21129', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookmead', '1712872', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21130', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookmead North', '1712873', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21131', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookmont', '589828', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21132', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brookside Forest', '589829', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21133', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brown', '589832', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21134', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Browningsville', '589835', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21135', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Browns Corner', '588625', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21136', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Browns Corner[80]', '1712874', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21137', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Browns Corner[93]', '1713090', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21138', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brownstown', '583443', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21139', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Brownstown Estates', '1712585', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21140', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Bucklodge', '588626', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21141', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burdette', '589852', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21142', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnham Hills', '1712699', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21143', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnham Woods', '1712700', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21144', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burning Tree Estates', '589856', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21145', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnt Mills', '589858', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21146', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnt Mills Hills', '589859', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21147', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnt Mills Knolls', '589860', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21148', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnt Mills Manor', '589861', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21149', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burnt Mills Village', '583493', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21150', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Burtonsville', '583500', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21151', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Byeforde', '589870', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21152', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cabin John', '589873', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21153', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cabin John Park', '589874', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21154', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Camelback Village', '1712702', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21155', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Campbell Corner', '589880', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21156', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Candlewood Park', '2458919', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21157', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Capitol View Park', '589890', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21158', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Carderock', '589893', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21159', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Carderock Springs', '589894', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21160', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Carole Acres', '589901', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21161', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Carroll Knolls', '589902', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21162', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Carroll Manor', '589903', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21163', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cashell Estates', '2458927', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21164', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cashell Manor', '1712705', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21165', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cashell Woods', '1712707', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21166', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Castlegate', '2458928', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21167', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Creek Estates', '1712587', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21168', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Grove', '589922', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21169', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Grove Knolls', '1712525', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21170', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Heights', '589924', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21171', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Heights Estates', '1712526', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21172', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cedar Knoll Farms', '1712709', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21173', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chadswood', '1712711', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21174', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Charlene', '1712712', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21175', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Charred Oak Estates', '589942', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21176', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cherry Valley', '1712713', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21177', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cherrywood', '1712714', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21178', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chesney', '1712528', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21179', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chestnut Hills', '589960', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21180', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chestnut Ridge', '589961', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21181', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase', '589963', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21182', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Lake', '589964', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21183', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Manor', '589965', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21184', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Section 4', '589966', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21185', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Section Five', '1669432', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21186', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Section Three', '1669430', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21187', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Terrace', '589967', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21188', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase View', '589968', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21189', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Chevy Chase Village', '1669429', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21190', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Claggettsville', '589980', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21191', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clarksbrook Estates', '1712589', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21192', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clarksburg', '583799', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21193', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clarksburg Heights', '1712590', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21194', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Claysville', '588634', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21195', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clearspring Manor', '1712530', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21196', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clifton Park Village', '589991', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21197', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cliftonbrook', '1712717', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21198', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Clopper', '589992', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21199', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cloverly', '583819', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21200', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cohasset', '589995', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21201', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Colesville', '589998', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21202', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Colesville Heights', '2458953', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21203', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Colesville Manor', '589999', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21204', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Colesville Park', '590000', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21205', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'College View', '1713117', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21206', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Columbia Forest', '590004', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21207', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Comus', '588637', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21208', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Comus Sugarloaf', '1712467', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21209', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Congressional Manor', '590007', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21210', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Connecticut Avenue Estates', '590008', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21211', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Connecticut Avenue Hills', '590009', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21212', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Connecticut Avenue Park', '590010', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21213', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Connecticut Gardens', '590011', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21214', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'County View', '1712531', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21215', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Coventry', '1712595', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21216', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cresthaven', '590043', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21217', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Crestview', '590044', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21218', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Cropley', '583978', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21219', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Croydon Park', '590054', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21220', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus', '584009', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21221', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Gardens', '1712470', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21222', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Hill', '1712532', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21223', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Manor', '1712533', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21224', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Terrace', '1712476', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21225', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Valley Estates', '1712478', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21226', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus Valley Park', '1712534', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21227', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Damascus View', '1712479', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21228', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Darnestown', '590068', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21229', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Darnestown Hills', '1712953', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21230', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Darnestown Knolls', '1712954', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21231', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dawsonville', '590071', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21232', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Deakins Range', '1712876', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21233', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Deer Park', '590080', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21234', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Deerfield', '590083', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21235', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dellabrooke Estates', '1712719', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21236', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Denit Estates', '1712720', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21237', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Derwood', '590089', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21238', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Diamond Farms', '1712600', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21239', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Diamond View', '1712480', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21240', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dickerson', '584103', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21241', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dobridge', '1712721', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21242', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dorsey Estates', '1712722', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21243', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Drumeldra Hills', '590112', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21244', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Drummond', '588551', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21245', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Dunlops Hills', '590119', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21246', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Duvall Manor', '1712539', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21247', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'East Springbrook', '590124', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21248', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Edgemoor', '590134', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21249', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Edgewood', '590139', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21250', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Edinburgh', '2458987', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21251', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor', '590142', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21252', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor Acres', '1712724', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21253', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor Farms', '1712726', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21254', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor Highlands', '2458988', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21255', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor View', '1712728', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21256', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ednor Woods', '1712729', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21257', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Elizabeths Delight', '1712541', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21258', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Elmer', '588652', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21259', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Emery Corners', '590159', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21260', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Emory Grove', '590165', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21261', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'English Manor', '590167', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21262', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'English Village', '590168', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21263', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Estates at Rivers Edge', '1712880', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21264', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Esworthy Estates', '1712881', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21265', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Esworthy Park', '1712882', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21266', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Etchison', '590524', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21267', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairhill', '1712883', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21268', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairknoll', '590181', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21269', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairland', '590182', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21270', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairland Acres', '2458994', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21271', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairland Estates', '2458995', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21272', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairland Heights', '590183', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21273', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairview', '1713129', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21274', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairview Estates', '590191', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21275', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairway', '590192', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21276', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fairway Hills', '590193', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21277', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Falls Orchard', '590194', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21278', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fallsgrove', '2458998', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21279', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Farmingdale Estates', '1712602', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21280', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Farmlands', '1712884', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21281', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fawsett Farms', '590195', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21282', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fernshire Farms', '1712603', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21283', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fernshire Woods', '1712604', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21284', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fernwood', '590204', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21285', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fetrows', '1712732', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21286', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Flintridge', '1712733', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21287', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Flower Hill', '1712605', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21288', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Forest Estates', '590214', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21289', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Forest Glen', '584443', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21290', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Forest Glen Park', '590215', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21291', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Forest Grove (historical)', '1713138', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21292', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fountain View', '1712608', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21293', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Four Corners', '590232', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21294', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fox Chapel', '1712734', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21295', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fox Hills', '590238', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21296', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fox Hills Green', '1712969', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21297', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fox Hills North', '1712960', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21298', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Fox Ridge Estates', '1712483', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21299', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Foxhall', '590240', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21300', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Foxlair Acres', '1712738', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21301', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Franklin Knolls', '590246', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21302', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Franklin Park', '590247', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21303', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Freedom Forest', '1712739', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21304', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Frenchton Place', '2459010', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21305', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Friendship', '584509', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21306', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Friendship Heights', '590258', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21307', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Friendship Knolls', '1712484', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21308', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Friendship Village', '1852591', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21309', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Gaithersburg', '593389', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21310', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Garfield Manor', '1712740', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21311', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Garrett Park', '584560', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21312', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Garrett Park Estates', '590283', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21313', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Gayfields', '590286', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21314', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Georgetown Village', '590292', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21315', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Georgian Colonies', '2459015', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21316', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Georgian Forest', '590293', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21317', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Germantown', '584579', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21318', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Germantown Estates', '1712614', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21319', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Germantown Park', '1712616', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21320', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Germantown View', '1712618', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21321', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glemont Forest', '590309', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21322', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen', '590310', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21323', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Cameron Estates', '1712485', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21324', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Cove', '590312', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21325', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Echo', '590313', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21326', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Echo Heights', '590314', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21327', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Haven', '1713143', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21328', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Hills', '590317', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21329', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Mar Park', '590318', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21330', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glen Query', '1712963', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21331', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenallen', '590320', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21332', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenbrook', '590322', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21333', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenbrook Knoll', '590323', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21334', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenmont', '590330', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21335', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenmont Hills', '590331', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21336', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenmont Village', '590332', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21337', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenora Hills', '590333', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21338', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenview', '590335', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21339', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Glenwood', '590337', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21340', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Gold Mine Crossing', '2459017', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21341', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Golf Estates', '1712742', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21342', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Good Hope', '584637', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21343', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Good Hope Estates', '2459018', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21344', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Goodacre Knolls', '590344', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21345', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Goshen', '590347', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21346', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Goshen Hunt Estates', '1712746', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21347', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Goshen Hunt Hills', '1712747', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21348', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Granby Woods', '1712749', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21349', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Great Falls', '590363', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21350', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Green Acres', '590365', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21351', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Green Castle Woods', '2459024', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21352', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Green Tree Manor', '590373', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21353', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Green Wood Knolls', '590374', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21354', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Greenhills', '1712543', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21355', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Greenridge Acres', '1712751', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21356', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Greenwich Forest', '590383', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21357', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Grey Estates', '590387', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21358', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Griffith Park', '1712754', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21359', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Gum Springs', '2459028', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21360', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hadley Farms', '1712756', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21361', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hallowell', '1712757', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21362', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Halpine Village', '590404', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21363', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hamlet North', '1712622', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21364', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Harlow', '1712885', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21365', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Harmony Hall', '1712486', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21366', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Harmony Hills', '590424', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21367', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hartley Hall Estates', '1712965', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21368', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Harvest Hunt Farm', '1712966', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21369', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hawlings Hills', '1712758', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21370', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hawlings Meadow', '1712887', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21371', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hawlings River Estates', '1712759', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21372', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hawlings View', '1712761', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21373', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Henderson Corner', '1712762', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21374', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Heritage Walk', '2459045', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21375', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hermitage Park', '590450', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21376', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hickory Grove', '2459046', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21377', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hickory Hill', '1712488', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21378', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hickory Ridge', '1712489', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21379', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'High Point', '590459', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21380', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Highland View', '590469', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21381', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Highlands of Darnestown', '1712968', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21382', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Highlands of Olney', '1712763', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21383', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Highview', '1712544', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21384', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hillandale', '590471', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21385', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hillandale Heights', '590472', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21386', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hillmead', '590476', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21387', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Holiday Hills', '1712764', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21388', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Holiday Park', '590486', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21389', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hollinridge', '590487', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21390', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Holly Hill', '590491', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21391', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hollywood Park', '590494', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21392', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Homecrest', '590495', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21393', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Homestead Estates', '590496', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21394', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Homewood', '590497', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21395', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hungerford Towne', '590513', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21396', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hunting Hill', '590516', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21397', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Huntington', '590519', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21398', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Huntington[97]', '590520', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21399', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Huntington Terrace', '590521', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21400', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Hyattstown', '590526', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21401', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Indian Spring Terrace', '590534', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21402', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Indian Spring Village', '590535', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21403', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Inverness Knolls', '2459067', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21404', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Janwood', '1712495', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21405', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Jerusalem', '590558', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21406', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Jonesville', '590570', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21407', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kemp Mill', '1852594', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21408', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kemp Mill Estates', '590582', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21409', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kemp Mill Farms', '2459076', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21410', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kemp Mill Forest', '2459077', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21411', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ken Gar', '590586', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21412', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kensington', '590589', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21413', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kensington Estates', '590590', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21414', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kensington Heights', '590591', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21415', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kensington Knolls', '590592', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21416', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kensington View', '590593', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21417', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kenwood', '590595', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21418', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kenwood Park', '590598', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21419', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kilmarock', '590601', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21420', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kimberley', '590602', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21421', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kings Square', '1712776', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21422', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kings Valley', '588684', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21423', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kings Valley Manor', '1712545', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21424', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kingsley', '590604', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21425', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kingstead Knolls', '1712546', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21426', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Kingsview Knolls', '1712628', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21427', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Knightsbridge', '2459084', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21428', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Knollwood', '1712972', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21429', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lake Normandy Estates', '590622', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21430', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lake Potomac', '1712973', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21431', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lakewood Estates', '590627', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21432', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Landon Village', '590631', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21433', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Larchmont Knolls', '590638', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21434', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Layhill', '590644', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21435', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Layhill South', '590645', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21436', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Layhill Village', '590646', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21437', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Layton Ridge', '1712778', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21438', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Laytonsville', '585383', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21439', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Laytonsville Knolls', '1712780', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21440', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lees Corner', '1712629', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21441', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lelands Corner', '585398', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21442', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lewisdale', '590661', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21443', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Liberty Heights', '1712630', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21444', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Linden', '590668', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21445', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Locust Hill Estates', '590689', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21446', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Log Town (historical)', '1712575', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21447', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Londonderry', '1712783', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21448', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lone Oak', '590693', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21449', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Longdraft', '1712632', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21450', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Longview South', '1712784', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21451', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Longwood', '590701', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21452', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lutes', '590710', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21453', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Luxmanor', '585639', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21454', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Lyttonsville', '1713183', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21455', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Maidens Fancy Manor', '2459106', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21456', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Manor Oaks', '2459108', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21457', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Manor Park', '590730', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21458', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Manor Village', '2459109', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21459', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Maplewood', '590736', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21460', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Martins Addition', '1713187', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21461', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Martins Additions', '1669431', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21462', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Martinsburg', '585719', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21463', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Marymount', '590756', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21464', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Maydale', '2459120', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21465', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'McAuley Park', '590768', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21466', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'McKenney Hills', '590777', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21467', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Meadowbrook Estates', '1712634', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21468', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Meadowood', '590785', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21469', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Merrimack Park', '590790', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21470', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Metropolitan Grove', '588697', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21471', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Middlebrook', '590795', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21472', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Middlebrook Hills', '1712790', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21473', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Middlebrook Mobile Home Park', '1712791', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21474', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Miles Corner', '1712635', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21475', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Milestone', '1712793', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21476', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mill Grove Gardens', '1712794', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21477', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mills Farm', '1712980', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21478', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mills Farm East', '1712981', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21479', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mitchells Range', '1712982', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21480', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mohican Hills', '590811', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21481', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Monocacy (historical)', '1712550', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21482', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Monterrey Village', '590817', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21483', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montgomery Hills', '590818', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21484', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montgomery Knolls', '590819', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21485', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montgomery Meadows', '2459134', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21486', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montgomery Square', '590820', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21487', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montgomery Village', '1712797', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21488', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Montrose', '590821', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21489', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mount Ephraim', '588701', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21490', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mount Lebanon', '1712502', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21491', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mount Radnor Heights', '1712503', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21492', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mount Zion', '590849', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21493', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mountain View Estates', '1712997', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21494', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Mullinix', '590859', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21495', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Muncaster Manor', '1712800', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21496', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Naples Manor', '2459137', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21497', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Nathans Hill', '1712802', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21498', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Natural Woods', '1712552', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21499', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Needwood Estates', '2459138', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21500', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Neelsville', '590869', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21501', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'New Birmingham Manor', '590871', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21502', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'New Hampshire Estates', '590873', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21503', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Newport Hills', '590881', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21504', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norbeck', '586203', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21505', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norbeck Estates', '1712804', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21506', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norbrook Village', '1712805', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21507', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Bethesda', '1867297', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21508', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Chevy Chase', '590889', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21509', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Farm', '2459144', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21510', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Germantown', '1713199', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21511', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Hills Sligo Park', '590892', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21512', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Kensington', '590893', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21513', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Potomac', '1713001', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21514', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Sherwood Forest', '590898', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21515', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Springbrook', '590899', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21516', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'North Takoma Park', '590900', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21517', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Northbrook Estates', '590902', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21518', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Northwest Park', '590904', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21519', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Northwest Park[77]', '590905', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21520', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Northwood Forest', '590906', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21521', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Northwood Park', '590907', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21522', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norwood', '590908', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21523', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norwood Estates', '590909', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21524', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norwood Knolls', '2459150', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21525', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Norwood Village', '1713201', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21526', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oak Hill Estates', '1712807', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21527', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oak Ridge', '1712637', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21528', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oak Springs', '2459153', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21529', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakdale', '590918', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21530', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakhurst', '2459156', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21531', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakmont', '590928', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21532', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakmont Manor', '1712638', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21533', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakview', '586281', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21534', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Oakwood Knolls', '590931', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21535', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Observatory Heights', '1712809', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21536', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Old Farm', '590939', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21537', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Old Georgetown Estates', '590940', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21538', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Old Germantown', '588705', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21539', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Old Salem Village', '590943', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21540', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney', '590948', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21541', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Acres', '1712810', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21542', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Estates', '1712812', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21543', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Mill', '1712813', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21544', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Oaks', '1712814', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21545', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Square', '1712816', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21546', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Olney Town', '1712818', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21547', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Orchard Place', '1712819', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21548', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Orchard Pond', '1712640', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21549', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Paint Branch Estates', '2459164', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21550', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Paint Branch Farms', '590964', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21551', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Park View Estates', '1712554', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21552', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parkridge', '1712641', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21553', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parkridge Estates', '1712642', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21554', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parkside', '590973', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21555', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parkview Estates', '590975', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21556', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parkwood', '590978', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21557', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Parrs Ridge', '1713204', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21558', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Peach Orchard Heights', '590988', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21559', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Perrywood Estates', '586479', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21560', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pine Hill', '591008', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21561', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pine Knolls', '591010', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21562', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pioneer Hills', '1712893', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21563', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pleasant Fields', '1712643', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21564', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pleasant Run', '1712644', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21565', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Plumgar', '1712821', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21566', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Plyers Mill Estates', '591030', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21567', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Polo Club Estates', '1713002', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21568', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Pooks Hill', '591043', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21569', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Poolesville', '593418', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21570', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac', '591056', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21571', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Chase', '1713003', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21572', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Chase Estates', '1713004', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21573', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Falls', '591057', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21574', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Grove', '1713005', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21575', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Hunt Acres', '591060', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21576', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Manors', '591061', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21577', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Park Estate', '1712894', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21578', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Potomac Woods', '591064', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21579', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Prathertown', '591068', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21580', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Purdum', '586728', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21581', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quail Hill', '1712823', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21582', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quail Ridge', '1712824', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21583', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quail Run', '1713010', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21584', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quail Valley', '1712645', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21585', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quaint Acres', '591086', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21586', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quince Orchard', '588718', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21587', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quince Orchard Knolls', '1713012', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21588', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quince Orchard Manor', '1712646', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21589', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Quince Orchard Valley', '1712649', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21590', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Randolph Hills', '591097', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21591', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Redland', '586797', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21592', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Regency Estates', '591109', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21593', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Relda Square', '1712653', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21594', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ridgecrest', '2459193', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21595', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ridgeland Farm Estates', '1712895', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21596', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ridges of Stedwick', '2459194', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21597', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Riding Stable Estates', '2459195', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21598', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rive Gauche Estates', '1712896', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21599', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Riverwood', '1712897', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21600', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Robindale', '591148', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21601', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Forest', '591149', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21602', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Gardens', '591150', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21603', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Hills', '591151', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21604', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Knolls', '591152', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21605', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Palisades', '591153', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21606', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rock Creek Village', '591154', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21607', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rockcrest', '591161', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21608', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rockland', '591166', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21609', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rockville', '586901', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21610', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rocky Brook Park', '591168', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21611', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rocky Gorge Meadows', '1712827', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21612', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rocky Road Park', '1712828', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21613', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rolling Acres', '591174', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21614', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rolling Knolls', '1712829', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21615', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rollingwood', '591175', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21616', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rollins Park', '591176', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21617', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ronalee Hills', '1712510', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21618', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rose Hill Estates', '591182', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21619', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rosedale Park', '591184', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21620', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rosemary Hills', '591185', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21621', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rosemont', '1712656', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21622', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rosewood Estates', '1712830', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21623', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rossmoor', '1867299', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21624', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Running Brook Acres', '1712657', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21625', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rushville', '588722', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21626', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Rusty Acres', '1713216', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21627', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Saddle Creek', '2459211', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21628', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sam Rice Manor', '1712832', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21629', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sandy Spring', '587218', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21630', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sandy Spring Meadow', '1712834', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21631', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sanford', '591228', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21632', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Schneiders Trailer Haven', '1712835', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21633', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Scotland', '591240', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21634', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sellman', '591246', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21635', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca', '587270', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21636', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Chase', '1712562', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21637', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Highlands', '1712903', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21638', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Overlook', '1712512', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21639', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Park', '1712836', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21640', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Springs', '2459218', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21641', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seneca Upland', '1712837', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21642', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sequoia', '2459219', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21643', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Seven Oaks', '591248', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21644', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sherwood Forest', '591274', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21645', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Silver Crest', '1712513', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21646', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Silver Rock', '591288', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21647', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Silver Spring', '591290', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21648', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Silver Spring Park', '591291', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21649', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Slidell', '588725', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21650', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sligo', '1713229', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21651', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sligo Park Hills', '591303', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21652', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sligo Woods', '591304', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21653', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Smithville', '1713230', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21654', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sniders Estates', '591310', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21655', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Somerset', '591314', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21656', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Somerset Heights', '591315', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21657', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sonoma', '591316', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21658', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'South Kensington', '1867302', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21659', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'South Woodside Park', '591322', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21660', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Southview', '1712563', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21661', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spencerville', '591326', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21662', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spencerville Knolls', '1713233', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21663', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spring Garden Estates', '1712565', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21664', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spring Hill', '591331', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21665', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spring Hill[30]', '595654', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21666', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spring Lake Park', '591332', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21667', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Spring Meadows', '1712905', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21668', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Springbrook', '591334', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21669', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Springbrook Forest', '591335', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21670', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Springbrook Manor', '591336', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21671', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Springfield', '591337', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21672', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Springwood', '591339', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21673', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stephen Knolls', '591346', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21674', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stewart Town', '587553', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21675', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stonebridge', '2459253', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21676', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stoneridge', '1712662', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21677', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stoney Brook', '591355', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21678', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stoney Brook Estates', '591356', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21679', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stoney Creek Estates', '1713018', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21680', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stoney Creek Farm', '1713019', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21681', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Stratton Woods', '591360', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21682', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sugarland', '591372', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21683', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sugarloaf Vista', '1712517', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21684', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sumner', '591377', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21685', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sunnymeade', '1712844', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21686', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sunset Terrace', '591382', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21687', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sunshine', '587637', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21688', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sunshine Acres', '1712845', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21689', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sweepstakes', '1712566', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21690', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sycamore Acres', '591387', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21691', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Sycamore Creek', '591388', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21692', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Takoma Park', '598146', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21693', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Tanterra', '1712846', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21694', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'The Colony', '1712666', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21695', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'The Hamlet', '591403', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21696', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'The Plantations', '1712847', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21697', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'The Ponderosa', '1712520', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21698', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Thompsons Corner', '588732', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21699', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Tilden Woods', '591410', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21700', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Timberland Estates', '1712849', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21701', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Tobytown', '1712907', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21702', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Towne Centre Place', '1712850', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21703', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Travilah', '588734', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21704', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Travilah Acres', '1713020', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21705', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Travilah Meadows', '1713021', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21706', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Triadelphia (historical)', '598518', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21707', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Tulip Hill', '591437', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21708', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Twin Brook', '591444', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21709', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Twin Brook Forest', '591445', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21710', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Unity', '593437', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21711', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Upper Seneca Crest', '1712521', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21712', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Valley Stream Estates', '587992', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21713', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Viers Mill Village', '588007', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21714', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Walkers Choice', '1712851', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21715', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Walnut Hill', '1712667', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21716', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Walnut Woods', '591489', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21717', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Ward Farm Estates', '1712853', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21718', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Waring (historical)', '1712576', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21719', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Washington Grove', '591497', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21720', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Washingtonian Woods', '2459307', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21721', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Watkins Mill', '1712854', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21722', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Watkins Overlook', '1712857', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21723', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wesmond', '1712569', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21724', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'West Chevy Chase Heights', '591516', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21725', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'West End Park', '591519', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21726', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'West Riding', '1712672', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21727', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westboro', '591530', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21728', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westerly', '1712570', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21729', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westgate', '591533', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21730', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westmore', '591534', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21731', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westmoreland Hills', '591535', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21732', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Westwood', '591537', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21733', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wexford', '1712859', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21734', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wheaton', '588185', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21735', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wheaton Crest', '593889', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21736', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wheaton Forest', '591539', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21737', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wheaton Hills', '588187', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21738', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wheaton Woods', '591540', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21739', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Whetstone', '1712860', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21740', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'White Oak', '591544', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21741', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Whitehall Manor', '591548', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21742', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wickford', '588230', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21743', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wilber', '1712673', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21744', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wildcat Forest', '1712862', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21745', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wilderness Walk', '1712863', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21746', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wildwood Hills', '591555', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21747', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wildwood Manor', '591556', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21748', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Willerburn Acres', '591558', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21749', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Willett Estates', '1712864', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21750', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Williamsburg Estates', '591560', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21751', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Williamsburg Square', '1712674', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21752', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Williamsburg Village', '1712866', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21753', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Willow Ridge', '1713024', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21754', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Willson Hills', '591567', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21755', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Windbrook', '2459325', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21756', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Windham (historical)', '1713258', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21757', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Windham Manor', '591575', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21758', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Windmill Farm', '1713025', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21759', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Winters Run', '2459329', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21760', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wolf Acres', '591580', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21761', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wood Acres', '591584', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21762', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodburn', '591587', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21763', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodbyran Farms', '1712909', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21764', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodfield', '591591', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21765', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodhaven', '591592', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21766', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodley Gardens', '591600', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21767', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodmont', '591602', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21768', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodmoor', '591603', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21769', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodside', '588337', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21770', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodside Forest', '591605', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21771', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Woodside Park', '591606', NULL),
-('8y2flc-21772', '8y2flc-2', '2', 'Wyngate', '591616', NULL),
-('8y2flc-4', NULL, '1', 'District of Columbia [TO DO]', '1702382', '(There is also a City of Washington ''Civic'' code: 2390665)'),
-('8y2flc-5', NULL, '1', 'Prince George''s County, MD [TO DO]', '1714670', 'Codes at Level 1 are all ''Civic'' category BGN codes'),
-('8y2flc-7', NULL, '1', 'Frederick County, MD [TO DO]', '1711211', 'Codes at Level 2 are all ''Populated Places'' category BGN codes'),
-('8y2flc-8', NULL, '1', 'Howard County, MD [TO DO]', '1709077', NULL),
-('8y2flc-9', NULL, '1', 'Baltimore County, MD [TO DO]', '1695314', NULL);
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `location_details`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `location_details` (
- `poc_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `location_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
- `opt_person_loc_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `address` text,
- `postcode` varchar(30) default NULL,
- `long_lat` varchar(20) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`poc_uuid`,`location_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `location_details`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `loc_seq_seq`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `loc_seq_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
--- Dumping data for table `loc_seq_seq`
-INSERT INTO `loc_seq_seq` (`id`) VALUES
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `mpres_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `mpres_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `email_date` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `update_time` datetime NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `mpres_log`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `mpres_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `old_passwords`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `old_passwords` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`password`)
--- Dumping data for table `old_passwords`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `password_event_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `password_event_log` (
- `log_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `comment` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `event_type` int(11) default '1',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `password_event_log`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `password_event_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_deceased`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_deceased` (
- `deceased_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `details` text,
- `date_of_death` date default NULL,
- `location` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `place_of_death` text,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`deceased_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_deceased`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_deceased`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_details`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_details` (
- `details_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `next_kin_uuid` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `birth_date` date default NULL,
- `opt_age_group` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `relation` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_country` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_race` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_religion` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_marital_status` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_gender` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `occupation` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `years_old` int(7) default NULL,
- `minAge` int(7) default NULL,
- `maxAge` int(7) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`details_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_details`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_details`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_followers`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_followers` (
- `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `follower_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `follower_p_uuid` (`follower_p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_followers`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- `follower_p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_followers`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_missing`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_missing` (
- `missing_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `last_seen` text,
- `last_clothing` text,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`missing_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_missing`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_missing`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_notes`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_notes` (
- `note_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `note_about_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `note_written_by_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `note` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
- `when` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`),
- KEY `note_about_p_uuid` (`note_about_p_uuid`),
- KEY `note_written_by_p_uuid` (`note_written_by_p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_notes`:
--- `note_about_p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- `note_written_by_p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_notes`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_physical`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_physical` (
- `physical_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `opt_blood_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `height` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `weight` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_eye_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_skin_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_hair_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `injuries` text,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`physical_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_physical`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_physical`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Stand-in structure for view `person_search`
-CREATE TABLE `person_search` (
-`p_uuid` varchar(60)
-,`full_name` varchar(100)
-,`given_name` varchar(50)
-,`family_name` varchar(50)
-,`opt_status` varchar(3)
-,`updated` timestamp
-,`opt_gender` varchar(10)
-,`years_old` int(7)
-,`image_height` int(11)
-,`image_width` int(11)
-,`url_thumb` varchar(512)
-,`comments` text
-,`last_seen` text
-,`icon_url` varchar(128)
-,`shortname` varchar(16)
-,`hospital` varchar(30)
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_seq`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
--- Dumping data for table `person_seq`
-INSERT INTO `person_seq` (`id`) VALUES
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_status`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_status` (
- `status_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `isReliefWorker` tinyint(4) default NULL,
- `opt_status` varchar(3) default NULL,
- `updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `isvictim` tinyint(1) default '1',
- `updated_server` timestamp NULL default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`status_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_status`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_status`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_to_hospital`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_to_hospital` (
- `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `hospital_uuid` int(32) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- KEY `hospital_uuid` (`hospital_uuid`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_to_hospital`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- `hospital_uuid`
--- `hospital` -> `hospital_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_to_hospital`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_to_report`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_to_report` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `rep_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `relation` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`rep_uuid`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`,`rep_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_to_report`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_to_report`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_updates`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_updates` (
- `update_index` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `updated_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `updated_column` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `old_value` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `new_value` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `updated_by_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`update_index`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `updated_by_p_uuid` (`updated_by_p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `person_updates`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- `updated_by_p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `person_updates`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `person_uuid`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `person_uuid` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `full_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `family_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `l10n_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `custom_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `given_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `person_uuid`
-INSERT INTO `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`, `full_name`, `family_name`, `l10n_name`, `custom_name`, `given_name`) VALUES
-('1', 'Root Admin', 'Admin', NULL, NULL, 'Root');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pfif_export_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_export_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
- `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_mode` varchar(6) NOT NULL,
- `start_time` datetime default NULL,
- `end_time` datetime default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `person_count` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `note_count` int(11) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `pfif_export_log`:
--- `repository_id`
--- `pfif_repository` -> `id`
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_export_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pfif_harvest_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_harvest_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
- `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
- `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_time` datetime default NULL,
- `end_time` datetime default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_count` int(11) default '0',
- `person_count` int(11) default '0',
- `note_count` int(11) default '0',
- `person_updates` int(11) default '0',
- `images_in` int(11) default '0',
- `images_retried` int(11) default '0',
- `images_failed` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `pfif_harvest_log`:
--- `repository_id`
--- `pfif_repository` -> `id`
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_harvest_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pfif_note_seq`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_note_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_note_seq`
-INSERT INTO `pfif_note_seq` (`id`) VALUES
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pfif_repository`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_repository` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `base_url` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `role` varchar(6) NOT NULL,
- `granularity` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `deleted_record` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `params` varchar(1000) default NULL,
- `sched_interval_minutes` int(11) default '60',
- `log_granularity` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime default NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime default NULL,
- `total_persons` int(11) default '0',
- `total_notes` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_repository`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pfif_xml`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_xml` (
- `xml_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `type` varchar(6) NOT NULL default 'person',
- `pfif_version` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '1.2',
- `src_repository_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `entry_date` datetime NOT NULL,
- `document` mediumtext NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`xml_id`),
- KEY `src_repository_id` (`src_repository_id`,`p_uuid`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `pfif_xml`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_xml`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `phonetic_word`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `phonetic_word` (
- `encode1` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `encode2` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `pgl_uuid` varchar(60) default NULL
--- Dumping data for table `phonetic_word`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `plus_access_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `plus_access_log` (
- `access_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `api_key` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `access_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `application` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `version` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `ip` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `call` varchar(64) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`access_id`),
- KEY `api_key` (`api_key`)
--- Dumping data for table `plus_access_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `plus_report_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `plus_report_log` (
- `report_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`report_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `plus_report_log`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `plus_report_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `pop_outlog`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `pop_outlog` (
- `outlog_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `mod_accessed` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
- `time_sent` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `send_status` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
- `error_message` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `email_recipients` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`outlog_index`)
--- Dumping data for table `pop_outlog`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `rap_log`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `rap_log` (
- `rap_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`rap_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `rap_log`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `rap_log`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `resource_to_incident`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `resource_to_incident` (
- `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
- PRIMARY KEY (`incident_id`,`p_uuid`)
--- Dumping data for table `resource_to_incident`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `rez_pages`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `rez_pages` (
- `rez_page_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `rez_menu_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `rez_page_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `rez_menu_order` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `rez_content` mediumtext NOT NULL,
- `rez_description` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `rez_timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `rez_visibility` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`rez_page_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `rez_pages`
-INSERT INTO `rez_pages` (`rez_page_id`, `rez_menu_title`, `rez_page_title`, `rez_menu_order`, `rez_content`, `rez_description`, `rez_timestamp`, `rez_visibility`) VALUES
-(-51, 'TriagePic Release Notes', 'TriagePic Release Notes', -51, '\n\n\n\n
TriagePic Release Notes
\nFrom January, 2011. Earlier notes are available off-line.
\n\n\nFebruary, 2011
\nVersion 1.16 (click to expand)
\n\nOverall, this version:\n
\n- Fixes two problems when saving email settings and outbox entries.
\n- Allows local outbox history deletions.
\n- Aligns disaster event categories better with PL.
\n- A recently introduced bug, where email setting changes were not saved, is fixed.
\n- In the Outbox, the “Pic†column was earlier converted to counts (instead of Y/N), but this conversion wasn’t getting saved in the outbox.xml file except for new entries. Now it is.
\n- Version 1.16 allows the user to go into the Outbox and delete one or more individual items from the outbox history. These are local deletes for now - they are not reported to the central LPF database.
\n- There are two ways to delete a particular selected Outbox row: hit the “Delete†key (or DEL or Backspace) or open the Outbox Details window and hit the new “Delete†button. The first method also allows multiple rows to be selected and deleted. To facilitate this functionality, a single click on an Outbox row now selects it, instead of opening Outbox Details (which now takes a double click).
\n- A delete is persisted by changing the contents of outbox.xml. The contents removed from outbox.xml is moved to a separate file under the “deleted†directory, e.g., “911-1234 Green [from outbox].xmlâ€. Also moved are the associated *.lpf, *.pfif, and *.jpg files.
\n- Deletion of one or more rows normally concludes with a dialog box saying:
\n"Deleted patient data moved to the C:/Shared TriagePic Data/deleted/ folder:"
\nfollowed by, for each deleted row, patient number, zone, and number of deleted files, e.g.:
\n"2045 Green (4 files)"
\nAll the filenames will begin, in this case, with “2045 Green…†. There are typically 4 files, consisting of an outbox fragment .xml, an .lpf file, a .pfif file, and one .jpg file. If problems arise during the deletion process, additional error dialog boxes may precede the normal one.
\n- Specifically, when deleting a row, possible error messages are:
\n\n- "Could not open file C:/Shared TriagePic Data/sent/"
\n- For .lpf and .pfif attachments:
\n"More than 1 file was found with the pattern C:/Shared TriagePic Data/sent/*.{some extension}
\nAll will be moved to the folder C:/Shared TriagePic Data/deleted/."
\n- "It was planned to delete the file C:/Shared TriagePic Data/sent/{somefile.ext}
\nby moving it to the archive C:/Shared TriagePic Data/deleted/,
\nbut a file of that name already exists there, which was renamed to " \n- "There were no files to delete." This might occur after an abnormal termination due to crash or debugging.
\n- If deleting the last row from history, a dummy blank row is automatically inserted into outbox.xml. This prevents problems later. The first real data replaces that row.
\n- TriagePic previously had a 3-way categorization of events: “TEST or DEMOâ€, “DRILLâ€, or “REAL – NOT A DRILLâ€. In the first category, a default instance was “Unnamed TEST or DEMOâ€. PL has adopted a 2-way categorization: “TEST†or “REALâ€, which it is exposing through the web service (and cached by TriagePic); the default instance is “Test Eventâ€. To align closer to PL, the TriagePic UI is now showing the two categories “TEST/DEMO/DRILL†and “REAL – NOT A DRILLâ€. Additionl cleanups to support this re-categorization are discussed next.
\n- If it is necessary to distinguish between a test and a drill (for instance, in filling out EDXL headers for the .lpf files), the mapping will be that “Test Event†is considered a test and all other events of PL type TEST are considered a drill.
\n- Historical outbox entries where Event = “Unnamed TEST or DEMO†are changed to Event = “Test Eventâ€. This (and correction of related bugs) will allow the stat boxes for Current Event to show useful results when the current event for TriagePic is Test Event.
\n- If the cached event list includes event “new eventâ€, which PL once exposed, it is deleted.
\n\n\nJanuary, 2011
\nVersion 1.15 (click to expand)
\n- Version 1.15 fixes several problems with the newly introduced EmailSettings.xml file. (And for those who upgraded to v 1.14 and had problems, a workaround replacement EmailSettings.xml file was distributed.)\n
- If migrating from TriagePic v 1.13 or earlier, email settings previously in SharedTriagePic.xml now migrate correctly to EmailSettings.xml. In 1.14, only the default (new-install) contents for EmailSettings.xml appear.\n
- Related to that, if “NLM (Testing)†was in the profile in use (rather than Generic, Suburban Hospital, or NNMC), the default contents of the EmailSettings.xml file was incorrect (e.g., first line begins as "
\n- The preceding problem caused the app to silently quit during startup, right after the “Could not connect to web service…†dialog. Changed to be noisy, identifying the bad xml file. Similar noisy reads are also now done for HospitalSettings.xml, OtherSettings.xml, and UsersAndVersions.xml.
\n\nVersion 1.14 (click to expand)
\n\nOverall, this version\n
\n- improves the Outbox, the listing of sent items, particularly the information shown when clicking on a particular entry and seeing the dialog box now called “Outbox Detailsâ€.
\n- has some preliminary work on deletion capabilities (most of which is not exposed in this release).
\n- The Outbox “Sent†column before always showed “Yâ€, whether the email send was successful or not. It now should show “N†if email send was not 100% successful to all recipients. (Error cases have not been extensively tested.) In code, the function myEmail.MySendMail now returns a Boolean value to indicate success, the two values of which (for anonymized and regular sends) determine the Outbox “Sent†value. To achieve that, the function body, particularly inside the catch handlers, has been moderately modified.
\n- The Outbox listing of sent items now includes nicknames/aliases in the “First†name column, and avoids trailing spaces in the “First†and “Last†columns. The format is now:
\n First: William "Bill" A.
\n Last: Stockton Jr.
\n- The title bar of Outbox Details now includes the form name and an alias if present, and handles a missing patient name specially. Two examples:
\n Outbox Details - [No Patient Name Given]
\n Outbox Details - William "Bill" A. Stockton Jr.
\n- Outbox Details is larger. It now reveals both left and right filmstrip controls. A new read-only area in the lower-left shows details of the selected record. This is largely the same information that’s in the selected Outbox data row. Since the Outbox data row items are sometimes truncated or scrolled from visibility, this gives a more complete picture at a glance. Minor differences from Outbox, seen in Outbox Details, are:\n
- The “when sent†timestamp is in a different format which includes the year, and shows the month as a number. (There is a separate alternative-format timestamp field that could be shown, but we chose not to.)
\n- The count of pictures is not needed, given that you can see them.
\n- The read-only role (primary or secondary) & optional caption for a selected photo is shown. By default, the primary photo is selected when Outbox Details opens. The selection can be changed just as under the Main Info tab.\n
- When opening an Outbox Details, you may get the warning message:
\n"There is a mismatch between the ''Pic'' count and the number of images found in the folder
\nIf you just sent this email, wait a few seconds for background processing to complete and try again." \n- On startup, new folder C:/TriagePic Shared Data/deleted is created if not present.
\n- The form, class, and .cs file “FormSentImages†has been renamed to “FormOutboxDetailsâ€.
\n- For version 1.13, an “About†entry is added to the System menu (upper left hand corner). “About†content design is very much like the splash screen, but slightly bigger, with title bar, OK button, and mention of the LPF project. The wordings on the splash screen and main title bar were slightly revised.\n
- During startup, a missing outbox.xml file is always checked for, not just when a new “outbox queue†directory is created. If missing, a file defining an empty queue is substituted.
\n- The file TriagePicSharedSettings.xml is split into 3 files: EmailSettings.xml, HospitalSettings.xml, and OtherSettings.xml. Internally, new I/O classes are created for them. Startup code is added to do migration from the old to new structure, and to use the new structure for fresh installs (with Generic, NLM, NNMC, Suburban internal file resources). For existing installs, after migration, the old settings file is retained but renamed TriagePicSharedSettings[obsolete].xml.\n
- The PatientID format setting is now retained, specifically in the HospitalSettings.xml file. The representation is the fixed number of digits (not counting alphanumeric prefix); a variable number of digits is represented by -1. For new installs, the default patient ID format for Suburban and NNMC is “fixed 4 digitâ€; for NLM and Generic, it’s “variable†format.\n
- Under “Hospital†tab, the leftover subheading “Policies and Other Settings†was removed… (See the separate “Policies†tab instead, created in a prior version.)\n
- Edits to any field under the “Hospital†tab now takes effect immediately, not just when TriagePic exits. Likewise the Patient Prefix on the “Policies†tab.\n
- For programmers, the TriagePic VS project now contains a set of Class Diagrams.
', 'TriagePic Release Notes', '2011-02-04 16:34:24', 'External Page'),
-(-50, 'TriagePic Overview', 'TriagePic Overview', -50, 'Overview
\r\nTriagePic, a hospital-based Windows application, helps quickly gather photos and minimal information about disaster victims arriving at a perimeter triage station, particularly to assist with family reunification. Photos can be gathered using a webcam or paired Bluetooth camera. TriagePic can be used with a hospital''s preprinted triage forms, auto-incrementing mass casualty ID numbers. As each patient is routed to a color-coded zone for treatment, information about that patient is emailed to designated recipients, such as hospital reunification counselors and emergency managers. If set up as intended, the information is also sent to and read in by this web site.', 'TriagePic Overview', '2011-02-02 20:21:35', 'External Page'),
-(-20, 'Error #20', 'Error #20', -20, 'You do not have permission to access this event. If you believe this is in error, please contact lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov', 'Error #20', '2011-01-10 19:11:39', 'Hidden'),
-(-6, 'Password Change Successful', 'Password Change Successful', 11, '
Your password has been changed and the new password emailed to you. Please use it for future logins.
', 'Password Change Successful', '2010-09-29 11:55:51', 'Hidden'),
-(-5, 'Password Change Unsuccessful', 'Password Change Unsuccessful', 7, '
Your attempted password change was unsuccessful. It appears you used an invalid confirmation code.
', 'Password Change Unsuccessful', '2010-09-29 11:56:09', 'Hidden'),
-(-4, 'Account Already Active', 'Account Already Active', 6, '
This confirmation link is no longer valid. The account attached to it is already active.
', 'Account Already Active', '2010-09-29 11:56:06', 'Hidden'),
-(-3, 'Registration Unsuccessful', 'Registration Unsuccessful', 5, '
Your attempted registration confirmation was unsuccessful. It appears you attempted to confirm an invalid user. Please re-initiate the registration process from your device to try again.
', 'Registration Unsuccessful', '2010-09-29 11:56:05', 'Hidden'),
-(-2, 'Registration Unsuccessful', 'Registration Unsuccessful', 2, '
Your attempted registration confirmation was unsuccessful. It appears you attempted to confirm a user with an invalid confirmation code. Please re-initiate the registration process from your device to try again.
', 'Registration Unsuccessful', '2010-09-29 11:56:04', 'Hidden'),
-(-1, 'Registration Successful', 'Registration Successful', 1, '
Thank you for confirming your registration.
The device you registered can now utilize the Person Locator web services. (ie. Searching for and Reporting Persons on ReUnite)
Additionally, your user account is now active and you may log into this site with the login/password that was supplied in the email you received. After logging in, you may change your password by going to User Preferences and navigating to "Change Password".
', 'Registration Successful', '2010-07-15 15:00:07', 'Hidden'),
-(11, 'How do I search for a person?', 'How do I search for a person?', 14, 'Searching
\n1) Enter a name in the search box
\n2) Click on the "Search" button, or hit Enter
\n Joseph Doe
\n Doe, Jane
\n Joseph Joe Joey
\nIt is best to leave off titles (“Dr.â€, “Mrs.â€) and suffixes (“Jrâ€) at this time.
\nSearch Options
\nYou may also specify status, gender, and age to limit your search results. The default is to search all options. To access search options, click on the "+ More Options" link.
\nStatus choices are missing (blue), alive and well (green), injured (red), deceased (black), or unknown (gray)
\nGender choices are male, female, and other/unknown.
\nAge choices are 0-17, 18+, or unknown.
\nResults include any of the search terms.
\nUnder the search box is the number of records found that match your search, and the total number in the database (eg, Found 2 out of 43).
\nYou may sort your results by Time, Name, Age, or Status.
\nInteractive mode displays photos by page. The default is 25 per page. You may change it to 50 or 100 per page via the pull down menu at the top of the results.
\nHands Free mode displays photos as three as three scrolling rows of photographs. The photos always distribute themselves evenly among the rows, starting at the right side and from top row to bottom. If there are more images than can be shown at once, the rows will become animated to scroll horizontally with wrap-around. There is no meaning to the ordering of the images at this time.
\nGetting Details about a Given Photo
\nClick on the photo for more information.
\nPause and Play Buttons
\nIf horizontal scrolling is occurring, Pause will stop that, and Play will resume it. Even while paused, the search will be repeated every minute to look for fresh content.
\nOther Information
\nWhat Information is being Searched, and How Often Is It Updated?
\nOnce a set of result images for a search is loaded, the search will be quietly repeated every minute to see if there is new content to include.
\nInformation is being input via TriagePic and records set to us directly by email (e.g., with our iPhone app).
\nData Updates
\nOnce a set of result images for a search is loaded, the search will be quietly repeated every minute to see if there is new content.\nInformation is being input via TriagePic and records sent to us directly by email (e.g., with our iPhone app).\n
', 'Instructions for searching on the site', '2010-12-03 20:36:49', 'Public'),
-(14, 'Contact us', 'Contact us', 21, '', 'Contact NLM', '2011-02-11 17:22:02', 'Public'),
-(15, 'Landing', '', 31, 'This is an organized online bulletin board to aid in locating someone after a disaster.
\nAnyone may use the search feature, without logging in or registering for an account to search for people. You may also get basic information about someone missing or found, including photos, as reported by family members, friends, or participating local hospitals.
\nClick Here to Begin Searching for People\n
\nTo do more with the site like reporting people, first create an account and login. Then you can:
\n\n - Report someone as missing, and include photographs of them
\n - Update that report, e.g., if the person is found or their status changes
\n - Share the ability to update a report with family members and friends
\nParticipating local hospitals can report basic information about arriving disaster victims. (Suburban Hospital’s implementation is furthest along.)
\nThe site does no automatic notification at this time, so check back periodically. But hospital personnel may contact you.
\n', 'Landing', '2011-02-03 18:55:22', 'External Page'),
-(24, 'Links', 'Links', 18, '', 'Disaster related links ', '2011-02-11 17:22:26', 'Public'),
-(26, 'About Us', 'About Us', 17, '', 'Description of People Locator', '2011-02-11 17:22:42', 'Public'),
-(30, 'ABOUT', 'ABOUT', 22, '', 'ABOUT', '2011-02-11 17:22:51', 'External Page');
-UPDATE `rez_pages` SET `rez_content` = 'Links
-To update the content of this page, navigate to Administration -> Resources Pages and then click on the edit icon of the page you wish to edit.' WHERE `rez_pages`.`rez_page_id` = 24;
-UPDATE `rez_pages` SET `rez_content` = 'Contact Us
-To update the content of this page, navigate to Administration -> Resources Pages and then click on the edit icon of the page you wish to edit.' WHERE `rez_pages`.`rez_page_id` = 14;
-UPDATE `rez_pages` SET `rez_content` = 'About Us
-To update the content of this page, navigate to Administration -> Resources Pages and then click on the edit icon of the page you wish to edit.' WHERE `rez_pages`.`rez_page_id` = 26;
-UPDATE `rez_pages` SET `rez_content` = 'ABOUT
-To update the content of this page, navigate to Administration -> Resources Pages and then click on the edit icon of the page you wish to edit.' WHERE `rez_pages`.`rez_page_id` = 30;
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sessions`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
- `session_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `sess_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `secret` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `inactive_expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `data` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `sessions`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_data_classifications`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_data_classifications` (
- `level_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `level` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`level_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `sys_data_classifications`
-INSERT INTO `sys_data_classifications` (`level_id`, `level`) VALUES
-(1, 'Person Sensitive'),
-(2, 'Organization Sensitive'),
-(3, 'Legally Sensitive'),
-(4, 'National Security Sensitive'),
-(5, 'Socially Sensitive'),
-(6, 'System Sensitive'),
-(7, 'Not Sensitive'),
-(8, 'Unclassified');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_group_to_data_classification`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_group_to_data_classification` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `level_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `crud` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`level_id`),
- KEY `level_id` (`level_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `sys_group_to_data_classification`
-INSERT INTO `sys_group_to_data_classification` (`group_id`, `level_id`, `crud`) VALUES
-(1, 1, 'crud'),
-(1, 2, 'crud'),
-(1, 3, 'crud'),
-(1, 4, 'crud'),
-(1, 5, 'crud'),
-(1, 6, 'crud'),
-(1, 7, 'crud'),
-(1, 8, 'crud'),
-(2, 1, 'crud'),
-(2, 2, 'crud'),
-(2, 3, 'crud'),
-(2, 4, 'crud'),
-(2, 5, 'crud'),
-(2, 6, 'crud'),
-(2, 7, 'crud'),
-(2, 8, 'crud'),
-(3, 1, 'crud'),
-(3, 2, 'crud'),
-(3, 3, 'crud'),
-(3, 4, 'crud'),
-(3, 5, 'crud'),
-(3, 6, 'crud'),
-(3, 7, 'crud'),
-(3, 8, 'crud'),
-(4, 1, 'crud'),
-(4, 2, 'crud'),
-(4, 3, 'crud'),
-(4, 4, 'crud'),
-(4, 5, 'crud'),
-(4, 6, 'crud'),
-(4, 7, 'crud'),
-(4, 8, 'crud'),
-(5, 1, 'crud'),
-(5, 2, 'crud'),
-(5, 3, 'crud'),
-(5, 4, 'crud'),
-(5, 5, 'crud'),
-(5, 6, 'crud'),
-(5, 7, 'crud'),
-(5, 8, 'crud'),
-(6, 1, 'crud'),
-(6, 2, 'crud'),
-(6, 3, 'crud'),
-(6, 4, 'crud'),
-(6, 5, 'crud'),
-(6, 6, 'crud'),
-(6, 7, 'crud'),
-(6, 8, 'crud'),
-(7, 1, 'crud'),
-(7, 2, 'crud'),
-(7, 3, 'crud'),
-(7, 4, 'crud'),
-(7, 5, 'crud'),
-(7, 6, 'crud'),
-(7, 7, 'crud'),
-(7, 8, 'crud'),
-(8, 1, 'crud'),
-(8, 2, 'crud'),
-(8, 3, 'crud'),
-(8, 4, 'crud'),
-(8, 5, 'crud'),
-(8, 6, 'crud'),
-(8, 7, 'crud'),
-(8, 8, 'crud');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_group_to_module`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_group_to_module` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `module` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `status` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`module`)
--- Dumping data for table `sys_group_to_module`
-INSERT INTO `sys_group_to_module` (`group_id`, `module`, `status`) VALUES
-(1, 'admin', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'cam', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'dap', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'em', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'ha', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'inw', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'plus', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'pop', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'pref', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'rap', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'reg', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'rez', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'tp', 'enabled'),
-(1, 'xst', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'inw', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'plus', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'pref', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'rap', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'rez', 'enabled'),
-(2, 'xst', 'enabled'),
-(3, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(3, 'inw', 'enabled'),
-(3, 'rap', 'enabled'),
-(3, 'rez', 'enabled'),
-(3, 'xst', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'inw', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'plus', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'pref', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'rap', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'rez', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'tp', 'enabled'),
-(5, 'xst', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'dap', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'em', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'ha', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'inw', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'plus', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'pref', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'rap', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'rez', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'tp', 'enabled'),
-(6, 'xst', 'enabled'),
-(7, 'eap', 'enabled'),
-(7, 'plus', 'enabled');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_tablefields_to_data_classification`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_tablefields_to_data_classification` (
- `table_field` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- `level_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`table_field`,`level_id`),
- KEY `level_id` (`level_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `sys_tablefields_to_data_classification`
-INSERT INTO `sys_tablefields_to_data_classification` (`table_field`, `level_id`) VALUES
-('group_details', 1),
-('identity_to_person', 1),
-('person_deceased', 1),
-('person_details', 1),
-('person_missing', 1),
-('person_physical', 1),
-('person_status', 1),
-('person_to_pgroup', 1),
-('person_to_report', 1),
-('person_uuid', 1),
-('pgroup', 1),
-('org_main', 2),
-('sector', 2),
-('camp_reg', 5),
-('contact', 5),
-('location_details', 5),
-('audit', 6),
-('chronology', 6),
-('config', 6),
-('ct_catalogue', 6),
-('field_options', 6),
-('image', 6),
-('ims_alternate', 6),
-('ims_inventory_records', 6),
-('ims_item_records', 6),
-('ims_relation', 6),
-('ims_reorder_level', 6),
-('ims_transfer_item', 6),
-('lc_fields', 6),
-('lc_tmp_po', 6),
-('resource_to_incident', 6),
-('rms_fulfil', 6),
-('rms_pledge', 6),
-('rms_plg_item', 6),
-('rms_priority', 6),
-('rms_request', 6),
-('rms_req_item', 6),
-('rms_status', 6),
-('sessions', 6),
-('sync_instance', 6),
-('sys_data_classifications', 6),
-('sys_group_to_data_classification', 6),
-('sys_tablefields_to_data_classification', 6),
-('sys_user_groups', 6),
-('sys_user_to_group', 6),
-('users', 6),
-('camp_services', 7),
-('ct_cat_unit', 7),
-('ct_unit', 7),
-('ct_unit_type', 7),
-('ims_optimization', 7),
-('incident', 7),
-('location', 7),
-('rms_tmp_sch', 8);
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_user_groups`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_user_groups` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `group_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`)
--- Dumping data for table `sys_user_groups`
-INSERT INTO `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`, `group_name`) VALUES
-(1, 'Administrator'),
-(2, 'Registered User'),
-(3, 'Anonymous User'),
-(5, 'Hospital Staff'),
-(6, 'Hospital Staff Admin'),
-(7, 'Researchers');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `sys_user_to_group`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `sys_user_to_group` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `group_id` (`group_id`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `sys_user_to_group`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- `group_id`
--- `sys_user_groups` -> `group_id`
--- Dumping data for table `sys_user_to_group`
-INSERT INTO `sys_user_to_group` (`group_id`, `p_uuid`) VALUES
-(1, '1');
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `users`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `users` (
- `user_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `password` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `salt` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `status` varchar(60) default 'active',
- `confirmation` varchar(255) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `user_name` (`user_name`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `users`
-INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `p_uuid`, `user_name`, `password`, `salt`, `changed_timestamp`, `status`, `confirmation`) VALUES
-(1, '1', 'root', 'c78cd6254de60e91a402f733d12a0c3f', 'e5cb9f3624f2d81964', 1297450104, '', NULL);
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `user_preference`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `user_preference` (
- `pref_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `module_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
- `pref_key` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`pref_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `user_preference`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `user_preference`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Table structure for table `voice_note`
--- Creation: Feb 11, 2011 at 01:20 PM
-CREATE TABLE `voice_note` (
- `voicenote_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `original_filename` varchar(255) default NULL,
- `data` mediumblob,
- `length` double default NULL,
- `format` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `sample_rate` int(8) default NULL,
- `channels` int(8) default NULL,
- `speaker` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`voicenote_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`)
--- RELATIONS FOR TABLE `voice_note`:
--- `p_uuid`
--- `person_uuid` -> `p_uuid`
--- Dumping data for table `voice_note`
--- --------------------------------------------------------
--- Structure for view `person_search`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_search`;
-CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `person_search` AS select distinct `a`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,`a`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,`a`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,`a`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,`b`.`opt_status` AS `opt_status`,`b`.`updated` AS `updated`,`c`.`opt_gender` AS `opt_gender`,`c`.`years_old` AS `years_old`,`i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,`i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,`i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,`e`.`comments` AS `comments`,`e`.`last_seen` AS `last_seen`,(case when (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) then NULL else `h`.`icon_url` end) AS `icon_url`,`inc`.`shortname` AS `shortname`,`h`.`short_name` AS `hospital` from ((((((((`person_uuid` `a` join `person_status` `b` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid`))) left join `image` `i` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `i`.`p_uuid`))) join `person_details` `c` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`))) left join `person_missing` `e` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `e`.`p_uuid`))) join `resource_to_incident` `rti` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `rti`.`p_uuid`))) join `incident` `inc` on((`inc`.`incident_id` = `rti`.`incident_id`))) left join `person_to_hospital` `pth` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `pth`.`p_uuid`))) left join `hospital` `h` on((`pth`.`hospital_uuid` = `h`.`hospital_uuid`))) where (((1 = 0) or (`b`.`opt_status` = _utf8'mis') or (`b`.`opt_status` = _utf8'ali') or (`b`.`opt_status` = _utf8'inj') or (`b`.`opt_status` = _utf8'dec') or (`b`.`opt_status` = _utf8'unk') or isnull(`b`.`opt_status`)) and ((1 = 0) or (`c`.`opt_gender` = _utf8'mal') or (`c`.`opt_gender` = _utf8'fml') or ((`c`.`opt_gender` <> _utf8'mal') and (`c`.`opt_gender` <> _utf8'fml')) or isnull(`c`.`opt_gender`)) and ((1 = 0) or (cast(`c`.`years_old` as unsigned) < 18) or (cast(`c`.`years_old` as unsigned) >= 18) or isnull(cast(`c`.`years_old` as unsigned))) and ((1 = 0) or (`h`.`short_name` = _utf8'sh') or (`h`.`short_name` = _utf8'nnmc') or ((`h`.`short_name` <> _utf8'sh') and (`h`.`short_name` <> _utf8'nnmc')) or isnull(`h`.`short_name`)) and (`b`.`isvictim` = _utf8'1')) group by `a`.`p_uuid`;
--- Constraints for dumped tables
--- Constraints for table `image_tag`
-ALTER TABLE `image_tag`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `image_tag_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `image` (`image_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `mpres_log`
-ALTER TABLE `mpres_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `mpres_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `password_event_log`
-ALTER TABLE `password_event_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `password_event_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_deceased`
-ALTER TABLE `person_deceased`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_deceased_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_details`
-ALTER TABLE `person_details`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_details_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_followers`
-ALTER TABLE `person_followers`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`follower_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_missing`
-ALTER TABLE `person_missing`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_missing_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_notes`
-ALTER TABLE `person_notes`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`note_about_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`note_written_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_physical`
-ALTER TABLE `person_physical`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_physical_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_status`
-ALTER TABLE `person_status`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_status_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_to_hospital`
-ALTER TABLE `person_to_hospital`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_to_hospital_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_to_hospital_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`hospital_uuid`) REFERENCES `hospital` (`hospital_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_to_report`
-ALTER TABLE `person_to_report`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_to_report_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `person_updates`
-ALTER TABLE `person_updates`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- ADD CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`updated_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `pfif_export_log`
-ALTER TABLE `pfif_export_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `pfif_export_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `pfif_harvest_log`
-ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `pfif_xml`
-ALTER TABLE `pfif_xml`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `pfif_xml_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `plus_report_log`
-ALTER TABLE `plus_report_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `plus_report_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `rap_log`
-ALTER TABLE `rap_log`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `rap_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `sys_user_to_group`
-ALTER TABLE `sys_user_to_group`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- ADD CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `users`
-ALTER TABLE `users`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `user_preference`
-ALTER TABLE `user_preference`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `user_preference_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- Constraints for table `voice_note`
-ALTER TABLE `voice_note`
- ADD CONSTRAINT `voice_note_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
--- schema revisions...
--- thru 2011.0303
-ALTER TABLE `image` DROP `image` ;
-ALTER TABLE `incident` ADD `street` VARCHAR( 256 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
diff --git a/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v091.sql b/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v091.sql
deleted file mode 100755
index adbdc8ee..00000000
--- a/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v091.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1726 +0,0 @@
--- MySQL dump 10.11
--- Host: localhost Database: vesuvius091
--- ------------------------------------------------------
--- Server version 5.0.77-log
-/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
-/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
-/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
--- Table structure for table `adodb_logsql`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adodb_logsql`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `adodb_logsql` (
- `created` datetime NOT NULL,
- `sql0` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
- `sql1` text NOT NULL,
- `params` text NOT NULL,
- `tracer` text NOT NULL,
- `timer` decimal(16,6) NOT NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `adodb_logsql`
-LOCK TABLES `adodb_logsql` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `adodb_logsql` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `adodb_logsql` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `alt_logins`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `alt_logins`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `alt_logins` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `type` varchar(60) default 'openid',
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `alt_logins`
-LOCK TABLES `alt_logins` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `alt_logins` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `alt_logins` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `audit`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `audit` (
- `audit_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `u_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `change_type` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
- `change_table` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `change_field` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `prev_val` text,
- `new_val` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`audit_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `audit`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `audit` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `audit` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `config`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `config` (
- `config_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `module_id` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `confkey` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`config_id`),
- KEY `module_id` (`module_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `config`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `config` (`config_id`, `module_id`, `confkey`, `value`) VALUES (3,'admin','acl_base','installed'),(5,'admin','acl_enabled','1');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `contact`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `contact` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `opt_contact_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `contact_value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`opt_contact_type`),
- KEY `contact_value` (`contact_value`),
- KEY `opt_contact_type` (`opt_contact_type`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `contact`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `contact` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `contact` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `field_options`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `field_options`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `field_options` (
- `field_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `option_code` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `option_description` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `display_order` int(8) default NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `field_options`
-LOCK TABLES `field_options` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `field_options` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `field_options` (`field_name`, `option_code`, `option_description`, `display_order`) VALUES ('opt_status','ali','Alive & Well',NULL),('opt_status','mis','Missing',NULL),('opt_status','inj','Injured',NULL),('opt_status','dec','Deceased',NULL),('opt_gender','mal','Male',NULL),('opt_gender','fml','Female',NULL),('opt_contact_type','home','Home(permanent address)',NULL),('opt_contact_type','name','Contact Person',NULL),('opt_contact_type','pmob','Personal Mobile',NULL),('opt_contact_type','curr','Current Phone',NULL),('opt_contact_type','cmob','Current Mobile',NULL),('opt_contact_type','email','Email address',NULL),('opt_contact_type','fax','Fax Number',NULL),('opt_contact_type','web','Website',NULL),('opt_contact_type','inst','Instant Messenger',NULL),('opt_eye_color','GRN','Green',NULL),('opt_eye_color','GRY','Gray',NULL),('opt_race','R1','American Indian or Alaska Native',NULL),('opt_race',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BRO','Brown',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BLU','Blue',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_skin_color','DRK','Dark',NULL),('opt_country','AFG','Afghanistan',NULL),('opt_skin_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_skin_color','ALB','Albino',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLN','Blond or Strawberry',NULL),('opt_country','ALA','Åland Islands',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLD','Bald',NULL),('opt_location_type','2','Town or Neighborhood',NULL),('opt_location_type','1','County or Equivalent',NULL),('opt_contact_type','zip','Zip Code',NULL),('opt_eye_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_country','ALB','Albania',NULL),('opt_country','DZA','Algeria',NULL),('opt_country','ASM','American Samoa',NULL),('opt_country','AND','Andorra',NULL),('opt_country','AGO','Angola',NULL),('opt_country','AIA','Anguilla',NULL),('opt_country','ATA','Antarctica',NULL),('opt_country','ATG','Antigua and Barbuda',NULL),('opt_country','ARG','Argentina',NULL),('opt_country','ARM','Armenia',NULL),('opt_country','ABW','Aruba',NULL),('opt_country','AUS','Australia',NULL),('opt_country','AUT','Austria',NULL),('opt_country','AZE','Azerbaijan',NULL),('opt_country','BHS','Bahamas',NULL),('opt_country','BHR','Bahrain',NULL),('opt_country','BGD','Bangladesh',NULL),('opt_country','BRB','Barbados',NULL),('opt_country','BLR','Belarus',NULL),('opt_country','BEL','Belgium',NULL),('opt_country','BLZ','Belize',NULL),('opt_country','BEN','Benin',NULL),('opt_country','BMU','Bermuda',NULL),('opt_country','BTN','Bhutan',NULL),('opt_country','BOL','Bolivia',NULL),('opt_country','BIH','Bosnia and Herzegovina',NULL),('opt_country','BWA','Botswana',NULL),('opt_country','BVT','Bouvet Island',NULL),('opt_country','BRA','Brazil',NULL),('opt_country','IOT','British Indian Ocean Territory',NULL),('opt_country','BRN','Brunei Darussalam',NULL),('opt_country','BGR','Bulgaria',NULL),('opt_country','BFA','Burkina Faso',NULL),('opt_country','BDI','Burundi',NULL),('opt_country','KHM','Cambodia',NULL),('opt_country','CMR','Cameroon',NULL),('opt_country','CAN','Canada',NULL),('opt_country','CPV','Cape Verde',NULL),('opt_country','CYM','Cayman Islands',NULL),('opt_country','CAF','Central African Republic',NULL),('opt_country','TCD','Chad',NULL),('opt_country','CHL','Chile',NULL),('opt_country','CHN','China',NULL),('opt_country','CXR','Christmas Island',NULL),('opt_country','CCK','Cocos (Keeling) Islands',NULL),('opt_country','COL','Colombia',NULL),('opt_country','COM','Comoros',NULL),('opt_country','COG','Congo',NULL),('opt_country','AFG','Afghanistan',NULL),('opt_country','ALA','Åland Islands',NULL),('opt_country','ALB','Albania',NULL),('opt_country','DZA','Algeria',NULL),('opt_country','ASM','American Samoa',NULL),('opt_country','AND','Andorra',NULL),('opt_country','AGO','Angola',NULL),('opt_country','AIA','Anguilla',NULL),('opt_country','ATA','Antarctica',NULL),('opt_country','ATG','Antigua and Barbuda',NULL),('opt_country','ARG','Argentina',NULL),('opt_country','ARM','Armenia',NULL),('opt_country','ABW','Aruba',NULL),('opt_country','AUS','Australia',NULL),('opt_country','AUT','Austria',NULL),('opt_country','AZE','Azerbaijan',NULL),('opt_country','BHS','Bahamas',NULL),('opt_country','BHR','Bahrain',NULL),('opt_country','BGD','Bangladesh',NULL),('opt_country','BRB','Barbados',NULL),('opt_country','BLR','Belarus',NULL),('opt_country','BEL','Belgium',NULL),('opt_country','BLZ','Belize',NULL),('opt_country','BEN','Benin',NULL),('opt_country','BMU','Bermuda',NULL),('opt_country','BTN','Bhutan',NULL),('opt_country','BOL','Bolivia',NULL),('opt_country','BIH','Bosnia and Herzegovina',NULL),('opt_country','BWA','Botswana',NULL),('opt_country','BVT','Bouvet Island',NULL),('opt_country','BRA','Brazil',NULL),('opt_country','IOT','British Indian Ocean Territory',NULL),('opt_country','BRN','Brunei Darussalam',NULL),('opt_country','BGR','Bulgaria',NULL),('opt_country','BFA','Burkina Faso',NULL),('opt_country','BDI','Burundi',NULL),('opt_country','KHM','Cambodia',NULL),('opt_country','CMR','Cameroon',NULL),('opt_country','CAN','Canada',NULL),('opt_country','CPV','Cape Verde',NULL),('opt_country','CYM','Cayman Islands',NULL),('opt_country','CAF','Central African Republic',NULL),('opt_country','TCD','Chad',NULL),('opt_country','CHL','Chile',NULL),('opt_country','CHN','China',NULL),('opt_country','CXR','Christmas Island',NULL),('opt_country','CCK','Cocos (Keeling) Islands',NULL),('opt_country','COL','Colombia',NULL),('opt_country','COM','Comoros',NULL),('opt_country','COG','Congo',NULL),('opt_country','COD','Congo, the Democratic Republic of the',NULL),('opt_country','COK','Cook Islands',NULL),('opt_country','CRI','Costa Rica',NULL),('opt_country','CIV','Côte d\'Ivoire',NULL),('opt_country','HRV','Croatia',NULL),('opt_country','CUB','Cuba',NULL),('opt_country','CYP','Cyprus',NULL),('opt_country','CZE','Czech Republic',NULL),('opt_country','DNK','Denmark',NULL),('opt_country','DJI','Djibouti',NULL),('opt_country','DMA','Dominica',NULL),('opt_country','DOM','Dominican Republic',NULL),('opt_country','ECU','Ecuador',NULL),('opt_country','EGY','Egypt',NULL),('opt_country','SLV','El Salvador',NULL),('opt_country','GNQ','Equatorial Guinea',NULL),('opt_country','ERI','Eritrea',NULL),('opt_country','EST','Estonia',NULL),('opt_country','ETH','Ethiopia',NULL),('opt_country','FLK','Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',NULL),('opt_country','FRO','Faroe Islands',NULL),('opt_country','FJI','Fiji',NULL),('opt_country','FIN','Finland',NULL),('opt_country','FRA','France',NULL),('opt_country','GUF','French Guiana',NULL),('opt_country','PYF','French Polynesia',NULL),('opt_country','ATF','French Southern Territories',NULL),('opt_country','GAB','Gabon',NULL),('opt_country','GMB','Gambia',NULL),('opt_country','GEO','Georgia',NULL),('opt_country','DEU','Germany',NULL),('opt_country','GHA','Ghana',NULL),('opt_country','GIB','Gibraltar',NULL),('opt_country','GRC','Greece',NULL),('opt_country','GRL','Greenland',NULL),('opt_country','GRD','Grenada',NULL),('opt_country','GLP','Guadeloupe',NULL),('opt_country','GUM','Guam',NULL),('opt_country','GTM','Guatemala',NULL),('opt_country','GGY','Guernsey',NULL),('opt_country','GIN','Guinea',NULL),('opt_country','GNB','Guinea-Bissau',NULL),('opt_country','GUY','Guyana',NULL),('opt_country','HTI','Haiti',NULL),('opt_country','HMD','Heard Island and McDonald Islands',NULL),('opt_country','VAT','Holy See (Vatican City State)',NULL),('opt_country','HND','Honduras',NULL),('opt_country','HKG','Hong Kong',NULL),('opt_country','HUN','Hungary',NULL),('opt_country','ISL','Iceland',NULL),('opt_country','IND','India',NULL),('opt_country','IDN','Indonesia',NULL),('opt_country','IRN','Iran, Islamic Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','IRQ','Iraq',NULL),('opt_country','IRL','Ireland',NULL),('opt_country','IMN','Isle of Man',NULL),('opt_country','ISR','Israel',NULL),('opt_country','ITA','Italy',NULL),('opt_country','JAM','Jamaica',NULL),('opt_country','JPN','Japan',NULL),('opt_country','JEY','Jersey',NULL),('opt_country','JOR','Jordan',NULL),('opt_country','KAZ','Kazakhstan',NULL),('opt_country','KEN','Kenya',NULL),('opt_country','KIR','Kiribati',NULL),('opt_country','PRK','Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','KOR','Korea, Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','KWT','Kuwait',NULL),('opt_country','KGZ','Kyrgyzstan',NULL),('opt_country','LAO','Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',NULL),('opt_country','LVA','Latvia',NULL),('opt_country','LBN','Lebanon',NULL),('opt_country','LSO','Lesotho',NULL),('opt_country','LBR','Liberia',NULL),('opt_country','LBY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',NULL),('opt_country','LIE','Liechtenstein',NULL),('opt_country','LTU','Lithuania',NULL),('opt_country','LUX','Luxembourg',NULL),('opt_country','MAC','Macao',NULL),('opt_country','MKD','Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','MDG','Madagascar',NULL),('opt_country','MWI','Malawi',NULL),('opt_country','MYS','Malaysia',NULL),('opt_country','MDV','Maldives',NULL),('opt_country','MLI','Mali',NULL),('opt_country','MLT','Malta',NULL),('opt_country','MHL','Marshall Islands',NULL),('opt_country','MTQ','Martinique',NULL),('opt_country','MRT','Mauritania',NULL),('opt_country','MUS','Mauritius',NULL),('opt_country','MYT','Mayotte',NULL),('opt_country','MEX','Mexico',NULL),('opt_country','FSM','Micronesia, Federated States of',NULL),('opt_country','MDA','Moldova, Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','MCO','Monaco',NULL),('opt_country','MNG','Mongolia',NULL),('opt_country','MNE','Montenegro',NULL),('opt_country','MSR','Montserrat',NULL),('opt_country','MAR','Maroon',NULL),('opt_country','MOZ','Mozambique',NULL),('opt_country','MMR','Myanmar',NULL),('opt_country','NAM','Namibia',NULL),('opt_country','NRU','Nauru',NULL),('opt_country','NPL','Nepal',NULL),('opt_country','NLD','Netherlands',NULL),('opt_country','ANT','Netherlands Antilles',NULL),('opt_country','NCL','New Caledonia',NULL),('opt_country','NZL','New Zealand',NULL),('opt_country','NIC','Nicaragua',NULL),('opt_country','NER','Niger',NULL),('opt_country','NGA','Nigeria',NULL),('opt_country','NIU','Niue',NULL),('opt_country','NFK','Norfolk Island',NULL),('opt_country','MNP','Northern Mariana Islands',NULL),('opt_country','NOR','Norway',NULL),('opt_country','OMN','Oman',NULL),('opt_country','PAK','Pakistan',NULL),('opt_country','PLW','Palau',NULL),('opt_country','PSE','Palestinian Territory, Occupied',NULL),('opt_country','PAN','Panama',NULL),('opt_country','PNG','Papua New Guinea',NULL),('opt_country','PRY','Paraguay',NULL),('opt_country','PER','Peru',NULL),('opt_country','PHL','Philippines',NULL),('opt_country','PCN','Pitcairn',NULL),('opt_country','POL','Poland',NULL),('opt_country','PRT','Portugal',NULL),('opt_country','PRI','Puerto Rico',NULL),('opt_country','QAT','Qatar',NULL),('opt_country','REU','Réunion',NULL),('opt_country','ROU','Romania',NULL),('opt_country','RUS','Russian Federation',NULL),('opt_country','RWA','Rwanda',NULL),('opt_country','BLM','Saint Barthélemy',NULL),('opt_country','SHN','Saint Helena',NULL),('opt_country','KNA','Saint Kitts and Nevis',NULL),('opt_country','LCA','Saint Lucia',NULL),('opt_country','MAF','Saint Martin (French part)',NULL),('opt_country','SPM','Saint Pierre and Miquelon',NULL),('opt_country','VCT','Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',NULL),('opt_country','WSM','Samoa',NULL),('opt_country','SMR','San Marino',NULL),('opt_country','STP','Sao Tome and Principe',NULL),('opt_country','SAU','Saudi Arabia',NULL),('opt_country','SEN','Senegal',NULL),('opt_country','SRB','Serbia',NULL),('opt_country','SYC','Seychelles',NULL),('opt_country','SLE','Sierra Leone',NULL),('opt_country','SGP','Singapore',NULL),('opt_country','SVK','Slovakia',NULL),('opt_country','SVN','Slovenia',NULL),('opt_country','SLB','Solomon Islands',NULL),('opt_country','SOM','Somalia',NULL),('opt_country','ZAF','South Africa',NULL),('opt_country','SGS','South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',NULL),('opt_country','ESP','Spain',NULL),('opt_country','LKA','Sri Lanka',NULL),('opt_country','SDN','Sudan',NULL),('opt_country','SUR','Suriname',NULL),('opt_country','SJM','Svalbard and Jan Mayen',NULL),('opt_country','SWZ','Swaziland',NULL),('opt_country','SWE','Sweden',NULL),('opt_country','CHE','Switzerland',NULL),('opt_country','SYR','Syrian Arab Republic',NULL),('opt_country','TWN','Taiwan, Province of China',NULL),('opt_country','TJK','Tajikistan',NULL),('opt_country','TZA','Tanzania, United Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','THA','Thailand',NULL),('opt_country','TLS','Timor-Leste',NULL),('opt_country','TGO','Togo',NULL),('opt_country','TKL','Tokelau',NULL),('opt_country','TON','Tonga',NULL),('opt_country','TTO','Trinidad and Tobago',NULL),('opt_country','TUN','Tunisia',NULL),('opt_country','TUR','Turkey',NULL),('opt_country','TKM','Turkmenistan',NULL),('opt_country','TCA','Turks and Caicos Islands',NULL),('opt_country','TUV','Tuvalu',NULL),('opt_country','UGA','Uganda',NULL),('opt_country','UKR','Ukraine',NULL),('opt_country','ARE','United Arab Emirates',NULL),('opt_country','GBR','United Kingdom',NULL),('opt_country','USA','United States',NULL),('opt_country','UMI','United States Minor Outlying Islands',NULL),('opt_country','URY','Uruguay',NULL),('opt_country','UZB','Uzbekistan',NULL),('opt_country','VUT','Vanuatu',NULL),('opt_country','VEN','Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of',NULL),('opt_country','VNM','Viet Nam',NULL),('opt_country','VGB','Virgin Islands, British',NULL),('opt_country','VIR','Virgin Islands, U.S.',NULL),('opt_country','WLF','Wallis and Futuna',NULL),('opt_country','ESH','Western Sahara',NULL),('opt_country','YEM','Yemen',NULL),('opt_country','ZMB','Zambia',NULL),('opt_country','ZWE','Zimbabwe',NULL),('opt_eye_color','HAZ','Hazel',NULL),('opt_eye_color','MAR','Maroon',NULL),('opt_eye_color','MUL','Multicolored',NULL),('opt_eye_color','PNK','Pink',NULL),('opt_skin_color','DBR','Dark Brown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','FAR','Fair',NULL),('opt_skin_color','LGT','Light',NULL),('opt_skin_color','LBR','Light Brown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','MED','Medium',NULL),('opt_skin_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','OLV','Olive',NULL),('opt_skin_color','RUD','Ruddy',NULL),('opt_skin_color','SAL','Sallow',NULL),('opt_skin_color','YEL','Yellow',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLU','Blue',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BRO','Brown',NULL),('opt_hair_color','GRY','Gray',NULL),('opt_hair_color','GRN','Green',NULL),('opt_hair_color','ONG','Orange',NULL),('opt_hair_color','PLE','Purple',NULL),('opt_hair_color','PNK','Pink',NULL),('opt_hair_color','RED','Red or Auburn',NULL),('opt_hair_color','SDY','Sandy',NULL),('opt_hair_color','WHI','White',NULL),('opt_race','R2','Asian',NULL),('opt_race','R3','Black or African American',NULL),('opt_race','R4','Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander',NULL),('opt_race','R5','White',NULL),('opt_race','R9','Other Race',NULL),('opt_religion','PEV','Protestant, Evangelical',1),('opt_religion','PML','Protestant, Mainline',2),('opt_religion','PHB','Protestant, Historically Black',3),('opt_religion','CAT','Catholic',4),('opt_religion','MOM','Mormon',5),('opt_religion','JWN','Jehovah\'s Witness',6),('opt_religion','ORT','Orthodox',7),('opt_religion','COT','Other Christian',8),('opt_religion','JEW','Jewish',9),('opt_religion','BUD','Buddhist',10),('opt_religion','HIN','Hindu',11),('opt_religion','MOS','Muslim',12),('opt_religion','OTH','Other Faiths',13),('opt_religion','NOE','Unaffiliated',14),('opt_religion',NULL,'Unknown',15),('opt_hair_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','MBR','Medium Brown',NULL),('opt_gender',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_gender','cpx','Complex',NULL),('opt_status','unk','Unknown',NULL),('opt_status','fnd','Found',NULL),('opt_country',NULL,'Unknown',NULL);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `field_options` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `hospital`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `hospital` (
- `hospital_uuid` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `short_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
- `street1` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
- `street2` varchar(120) default NULL,
- `city` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `county` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `region` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `postal_code` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
- `country` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `latitude` double NOT NULL,
- `longitude` double NOT NULL,
- `phone` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `fax` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `email` varchar(64) default NULL,
- `www` varchar(256) default NULL,
- `npi` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `patient_id_prefix` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `patient_id_suffix_variable` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
- `patient_id_suffix_fixed_length` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `creation_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `icon_url` varchar(128) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`hospital_uuid`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `hospital`
-LOCK TABLES `hospital` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hospital` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `hospital` (`hospital_uuid`, `name`, `short_name`, `street1`, `street2`, `city`, `county`, `region`, `postal_code`, `country`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `phone`, `fax`, `email`, `www`, `npi`, `patient_id_prefix`, `patient_id_suffix_variable`, `patient_id_suffix_fixed_length`, `creation_time`, `icon_url`) VALUES (1,'Suburban Hospital','sh','8600 Old Georgetown Rd',NULL,'Bethesda','Montgomery','MD','20817','USA',38.99731,-77.10984,'3018963100',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'911-',1,0,'2010-01-01 06:01:01','theme/lpf3/img/suburban.png'),(2,'National Naval Medical Center','nnmc','National Naval Medical Center',NULL,'Bethesda','Montgomery','MD','20889','US',39.00204,-77.0945,'3012954611',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'000-',1,0,'2010-09-22 22:49:34','theme/lpf3/img/nnmc.png');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hospital` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `image`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `image` (
- `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `image_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `image_height` int(11) default NULL,
- `image_width` int(11) default NULL,
- `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `category` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `url` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `url_thumb` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `original_filename` varchar(64) default NULL,
- `crop_x` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_y` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_w` int(16) default NULL,
- `crop_h` int(16) default NULL,
- `full_path` varchar(512) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `image_id` (`p_uuid`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `image`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `image_tag`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `image_tag`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `image_tag` (
- `tag_id` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `tag_x` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_y` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_w` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_h` int(12) NOT NULL,
- `tag_text` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`),
- KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`,`image_id`),
- KEY `image_id` (`image_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `image_tag_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `image` (`image_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `image_tag_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `image` (`image_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `image_tag`
-LOCK TABLES `image_tag` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `incident`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `incident` (
- `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `parent_id` bigint(20) default NULL,
- `search_id` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `name` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `shortname` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `date` date default NULL,
- `type` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `latitude` double default NULL,
- `longitude` double default NULL,
- `default` tinyint(1) default NULL,
- `private_group` int(16) default NULL,
- `closed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
- `description` varchar(1024) default NULL,
- `street` varchar(256) default NULL,
- `external_report` varchar(8192) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`incident_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `shortname_idx` (`shortname`),
- KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `incident`
-LOCK TABLES `incident` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `incident` (`incident_id`, `parent_id`, `search_id`, `name`, `shortname`, `date`, `type`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `default`, `private_group`, `closed`, `description`, `street`, `external_report`) VALUES (1,NULL,NULL,'Test Exercise','test','2000-01-01','TEST',0,0,1,NULL,0,'','','');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `lc_fields`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lc_fields`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `lc_fields` (
- `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `tablename` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- `fieldname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `lc_fields`
-LOCK TABLES `lc_fields` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `lc_fields` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `lc_fields` (`id`, `tablename`, `fieldname`) VALUES (1,'field_options','option_description'),(2,'ct_unit','name'),(3,'ct_unit_type','name'),(4,'ct_unit_type','description');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `lc_fields` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `loc_seq_seq`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `loc_seq_seq`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `loc_seq_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `loc_seq_seq`
-LOCK TABLES `loc_seq_seq` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `loc_seq_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `loc_seq_seq` (`id`) VALUES (0);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `loc_seq_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `location`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `location` (
- `loc_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `parent_id` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `opt_location_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `iso_code` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `description` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`loc_uuid`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `location`
-LOCK TABLES `location` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `location_details`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `location_details`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `location_details` (
- `poc_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `location_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
- `opt_person_loc_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `address` text,
- `postcode` varchar(30) default NULL,
- `long_lat` varchar(20) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`poc_uuid`,`location_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `location_details`
-LOCK TABLES `location_details` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location_details` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `location_details` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `mpres_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mpres_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `mpres_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `email_date` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `update_time` datetime NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `mpres_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `mpres_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `mpres_log`
-LOCK TABLES `mpres_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `old_passwords`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `old_passwords`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `old_passwords` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`password`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `old_passwords`
-LOCK TABLES `old_passwords` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `old_passwords` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `old_passwords` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `password_event_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `password_event_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `password_event_log` (
- `log_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `comment` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `event_type` int(11) default '1',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `password_event_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `password_event_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `password_event_log`
-LOCK TABLES `password_event_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `password_event_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `password_event_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_deceased`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_deceased`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_deceased` (
- `deceased_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `details` text,
- `date_of_death` date default NULL,
- `location` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `place_of_death` text,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`deceased_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_deceased_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_deceased_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_deceased`
-LOCK TABLES `person_deceased` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_deceased` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_deceased` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_details`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_details`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_details` (
- `details_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `next_kin_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `birth_date` date default NULL,
- `opt_age_group` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `relation` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_country` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_race` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_religion` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_marital_status` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_gender` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `occupation` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `years_old` int(7) default NULL,
- `minAge` int(7) default NULL,
- `maxAge` int(7) default NULL,
- `last_seen` text,
- `last_clothing` text,
- `other_comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`details_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- UNIQUE KEY `search_index` (`p_uuid`,`opt_age_group`,`opt_gender`,`years_old`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_details_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_details_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_details`
-LOCK TABLES `person_details` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_details` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_details` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_followers`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_followers`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_followers` (
- `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `follower_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `follower_p_uuid` (`follower_p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`follower_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`follower_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_followers`
-LOCK TABLES `person_followers` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_followers` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_followers` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_notes`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_notes`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_notes` (
- `note_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `note_about_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `note_written_by_p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `note` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
- `when` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`),
- KEY `note_about_p_uuid` (`note_about_p_uuid`),
- KEY `note_written_by_p_uuid` (`note_written_by_p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`note_about_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`note_written_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`note_about_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`note_written_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_notes`
-LOCK TABLES `person_notes` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_notes` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_notes` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_physical`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_physical`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_physical` (
- `physical_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `opt_blood_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `height` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `weight` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `opt_eye_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_skin_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `opt_hair_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `injuries` text,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`physical_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_physical_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_physical_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_physical`
-LOCK TABLES `person_physical` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_physical` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_physical` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Temporary table structure for view `person_search`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_search`;
-/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `person_search`*/;
-/*!50001 CREATE TABLE `person_search` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128),
- `full_name` varchar(100),
- `given_name` varchar(50),
- `family_name` varchar(50),
- `opt_status` varchar(3),
- `updated` datetime,
- `opt_gender` varchar(10),
- `years_old` bigint(11),
- `image_height` int(11),
- `image_width` int(11),
- `url_thumb` varchar(512),
- `icon_url` varchar(128),
- `shortname` varchar(16),
- `hospital` varchar(30),
- `comments` text,
- `last_seen` text
--- Table structure for table `person_seq`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_seq`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_seq`
-LOCK TABLES `person_seq` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `person_seq` (`id`) VALUES (4);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_status`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_status`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_status` (
- `status_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `isReliefWorker` tinyint(4) default NULL,
- `opt_status` varchar(3) default NULL,
- `last_updated` datetime default NULL,
- `isvictim` tinyint(1) default '1',
- `creation_time` datetime default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`status_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `search_index` (`opt_status`,`last_updated`,`isvictim`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_status_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_status_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_status`
-LOCK TABLES `person_status` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_status` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_status` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_to_report`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_to_report`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_to_report` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `rep_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `relation` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`rep_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_to_report_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_to_report_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_to_report`
-LOCK TABLES `person_to_report` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_to_report` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_to_report` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_updates`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_updates`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_updates` (
- `update_index` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `updated_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `updated_column` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `old_value` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `new_value` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `updated_by_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`update_index`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `updated_by_p_uuid` (`updated_by_p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`updated_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`updated_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_updates`
-LOCK TABLES `person_updates` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_updates` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_updates` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `person_uuid`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_uuid`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `person_uuid` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `full_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `family_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `l10n_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `custom_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `given_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `hospital_uuid` varchar(60) default NULL,
- `expiry_date` datetime default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`),
- UNIQUE KEY `search_index` (`p_uuid`,`full_name`,`incident_id`,`hospital_uuid`),
- KEY `full_name_idx` (`full_name`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `person_uuid`
-LOCK TABLES `person_uuid` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_uuid` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`, `full_name`, `family_name`, `l10n_name`, `custom_name`, `given_name`, `incident_id`, `hospital_uuid`, `expiry_date`) VALUES ('1','Root /','/',NULL,NULL,'Root',0,NULL,NULL),('3','Anonymous User','User',NULL,NULL,'Anonymous',0,NULL,NULL);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_uuid` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_export_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_export_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_export_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
- `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
- `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_time` datetime default NULL,
- `end_time` datetime default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_count` int(11) default '0',
- `person_count` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_export_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_export_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_export_log`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_export_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_export_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_export_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_harvest_note_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_harvest_note_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
- `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
- `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_time` datetime default NULL,
- `end_time` datetime default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_count` int(11) default '0',
- `note_count` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_note_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_note_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_harvest_note_log`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_harvest_note_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_harvest_person_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_harvest_person_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` (
- `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
- `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
- `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `start_time` datetime default NULL,
- `end_time` datetime default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
- `last_count` int(11) default '0',
- `person_count` int(11) default '0',
- `images_in` int(11) default '0',
- `images_retried` int(11) default '0',
- `images_failed` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
- KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_person_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_person_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_harvest_person_log`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_harvest_person_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_note`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_note`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_note` (
- `note_record_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `source_version` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `source_repository_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `linked_person_record_id` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `entry_date` datetime NOT NULL,
- `author_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `author_email` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `author_phone` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `source_date` datetime NOT NULL,
- `found` varchar(5) default NULL,
- `status` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `email_of_found_person` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `phone_of_found_person` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `last_known_location` text,
- `text` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`note_record_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `source_repository_id` (`source_repository_id`),
- KEY `linked_person_record_id` (`linked_person_record_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `pfif_note_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`source_repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='IMPORT WILL FAIL if you add foreign key constraints.';
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_note`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_note` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_note_seq`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_note_seq`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_note_seq` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_note_seq`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_note_seq` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `pfif_note_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_person`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_person`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_person` (
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `source_version` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
- `source_repository_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `entry_date` datetime NOT NULL,
- `expiry_date` datetime default NULL,
- `author_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `author_email` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `author_phone` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `source_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `source_date` datetime default NULL,
- `source_url` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `full_name` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `first_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `last_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `home_city` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `home_state` varchar(15) default NULL,
- `home_country` varchar(2) default NULL,
- `home_neighborhood` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `home_street` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `home_postal_code` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `photo_url` varchar(512) default NULL,
- `sex` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `date_of_birth` date default NULL,
- `age` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `other` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `source_repository_id` (`source_repository_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_person`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_person` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_person` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_person` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pfif_repository`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_repository`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pfif_repository` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `base_url` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `resource_type` varchar(6) NOT NULL default 'person',
- `role` varchar(6) NOT NULL,
- `granularity` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `deleted_record` varchar(10) default NULL,
- `params` varchar(1000) default NULL,
- `sched_interval_minutes` int(11) default '60',
- `log_granularity` varchar(20) default NULL,
- `first_entry` datetime default NULL,
- `last_entry` datetime default NULL,
- `total_persons` int(11) default '0',
- `total_notes` int(11) default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pfif_repository`
-LOCK TABLES `pfif_repository` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_repository` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_repository` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `phonetic_word`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phonetic_word`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `phonetic_word` (
- `encode1` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `encode2` varchar(50) default NULL,
- `pgl_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `phonetic_word`
-LOCK TABLES `phonetic_word` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phonetic_word` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phonetic_word` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `plus_access_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plus_access_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `plus_access_log` (
- `access_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `access_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `application` varchar(32) default NULL,
- `version` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `ip` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `call` varchar(64) default NULL,
- `api_version` varchar(8) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`access_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `plus_access_log`
-LOCK TABLES `plus_access_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_access_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_access_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `plus_report_log`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plus_report_log`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `plus_report_log` (
- `report_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`report_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `plus_report_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `plus_report_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `plus_report_log`
-LOCK TABLES `plus_report_log` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_report_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_report_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `pop_outlog`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pop_outlog`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `pop_outlog` (
- `outlog_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `mod_accessed` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
- `time_sent` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `send_status` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
- `error_message` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
- `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `email_recipients` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`outlog_index`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `pop_outlog`
-LOCK TABLES `pop_outlog` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pop_outlog` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pop_outlog` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `rap_log`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `rap_log` (
- `rap_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- PRIMARY KEY (`rap_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `rap_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `rap_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `rap_log`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rap_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rap_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `rez_pages`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rez_pages`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `rez_pages` (
- `rez_page_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `rez_menu_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `rez_page_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `rez_menu_order` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `rez_content` mediumtext NOT NULL,
- `rez_description` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `rez_timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
- `rez_visibility` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`rez_page_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `rez_pages`
-LOCK TABLES `rez_pages` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rez_pages` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `rez_pages` (`rez_page_id`, `rez_menu_title`, `rez_page_title`, `rez_menu_order`, `rez_content`, `rez_description`, `rez_timestamp`, `rez_visibility`) VALUES (-45,'PLUS Web Service API','PLUS Web Service API',35,'PL User Service API','PLUS Web Service API','2011-03-10 23:29:45','Hidden'),(-30,'ABOUT','ABOUT',31,'Some of the Sahana Agasti modules are being actively developed, maintained, or customized by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, Maryland. NLM is in a community partnership with 3 nearby hospitals (National Naval Medical Center, NIH Clinical Center, Suburban Hospital) to improve emergency responses to a mass disaster impacting those hospitals. The partnership, called the Bethesda Hospitals\' Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP), received initial federal funding for LPF and other NLM IT projects in 2008-9. The LPF project is currently supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, through NLM’s Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC). Software development is headed by LHNCBC\'s Communication Engineering Branch (CEB), with additional content from LHNCBC\'s Computer Science Branch (CSB) and the Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), part of NLM\'s Specialized Information Services.
','ABOUT','2011-03-17 23:13:25','Hidden'),(-20,'Error #20 :: Access Denied','Error #20 :: Access Denied',-20,'You do not have permission to access this event. If you believe this is in error, please contact lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov','Error #20 :: Access Denied','2011-02-04 00:01:42','Hidden'),(-6,'Password Change Successful','Password Change Successful',11,'
Your password has been changed and the new password emailed to you. Please use it for future logins.
','Password Change Successful','2010-09-29 15:55:51','Hidden'),(-5,'Password Change Unsuccessful','Password Change Unsuccessful',7,'
Your attempted password change was unsuccessful. It appears you used an invalid confirmation code.
','Password Change Unsuccessful','2010-09-29 15:56:09','Hidden'),(-4,'Account Already Active','Account Already Active',6,'
This confirmation link is no longer valid. The account attached to it is already active.
','Account Already Active','2010-09-29 15:56:06','Hidden'),(-3,'Registration Unsuccessful','Registration Unsuccessful',5,'
Your attempted registration confirmation was unsuccessful. It appears you attempted to confirm an invalid user. Please re-initiate the registration process from your device to try again.
','Registration Unsuccessful','2010-09-29 15:56:05','Hidden'),(-2,'Registration Unsuccessful','Registration Unsuccessful',2,'
Your attempted registration confirmation was unsuccessful. It appears you attempted to confirm a user with an invalid confirmation code. Please re-initiate the registration process from your device to try again.
','Registration Unsuccessful','2010-09-29 15:56:04','Hidden'),(-1,'Registration Successful','Registration Successful',1,'
Thank you for confirming your registration.
The device you registered can now utilize the Person Locator web services. (ie. Searching for and Reporting Persons on ReUnite)
Additionally, your user account is now active and you may log into this site with the login/password that was supplied in the email you received. After logging in, you may change your password by going to User Preferences and navigating to \"Change Password\".
','Registration Successful','2010-07-15 19:00:07','Hidden'),(11,'How do I search for a person?','How do I search for a person?',14,'Searching
\n1) Enter a name in the search box
\n2) Click on the \"Search\" button, or hit Enter
\n Joseph Doe
\n Doe, Jane
\n Joseph Joe Joey
\nIt is best to leave off titles (“Dr.â€, “Mrs.â€) and suffixes (“Jrâ€) at this time.
\nSearch Options
\nYou may also specify status, gender, and age to limit your search results. The default is to search all options. To access search options, click on the \"+ More Options\" link.
\nStatus choices are missing (blue), alive and well (green), injured (red), deceased (black), or unknown (gray)
\nGender choices are male, female, and other/unknown.
\nAge choices are 0-17, 18+, or unknown.
\nResults include any of the search terms.
\nUnder the search box is the number of records found that match your search, and the total number in the database (eg, Found 2 out of 43).
\nYou may sort your results by Time, Name, Age, or Status.
\nInteractive mode displays photos by page. The default is 25 per page. You may change it to 50 or 100 per page via the pull down menu at the top of the results.
\nHands Free mode displays photos as three as three scrolling rows of photographs. The photos always distribute themselves evenly among the rows, starting at the right side and from top row to bottom. If there are more images than can be shown at once, the rows will become animated to scroll horizontally with wrap-around. There is no meaning to the ordering of the images at this time.
\nGetting Details about a Given Photo
\nClick on the photo for more information.
\nPause and Play Buttons
\nIf horizontal scrolling is occurring, Pause will stop that, and Play will resume it. Even while paused, the search will be repeated every minute to look for fresh content.
\nOther Information
\nWhat Information is being Searched, and How Often Is It Updated?
\nOnce a set of result images for a search is loaded, the search will be quietly repeated every minute to see if there is new content to include.
\nInformation is being input via TriagePic and records set to us directly by email (e.g., with our iPhone app).
\nData Updates
\nOnce a set of result images for a search is loaded, the search will be quietly repeated every minute to see if there is new content.\nInformation is being input via TriagePic and records sent to us directly by email (e.g., with our iPhone app).\n
','Instructions for searching on the site','2010-12-04 01:44:15','Public'),(29,'General Resources','General Resources',38,'
','Resources for a disaster','2011-05-11 22:48:31','Hidden');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rez_pages` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `sessions`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
- `session_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `sess_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `secret` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
- `inactive_expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
- `data` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `sessions`
-LOCK TABLES `sessions` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `sys_group_to_module`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_group_to_module`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `sys_group_to_module` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `module` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `status` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`module`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `sys_group_to_module`
-LOCK TABLES `sys_group_to_module` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_group_to_module` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `sys_group_to_module` (`group_id`, `module`, `status`) VALUES (1,'admin','enabled'),(1,'eap','enabled'),(1,'em','enabled'),(1,'ha','enabled'),(1,'home','enabled'),(1,'int','enabled'),(1,'inw','enabled'),(1,'plus','enabled'),(1,'pop','enabled'),(1,'pref','enabled'),(1,'rap','enabled'),(1,'rez','enabled'),(1,'tp','enabled'),(1,'xst','enabled'),(2,'eap','enabled'),(2,'home','enabled'),(2,'inw','enabled'),(2,'pref','enabled'),(2,'rap','enabled'),(2,'rez','enabled'),(2,'xst','enabled'),(3,'eap','enabled'),(3,'home','enabled'),(3,'inw','enabled'),(3,'rap','enabled'),(3,'rez','enabled'),(3,'xst','enabled'),(5,'eap','enabled'),(5,'home','enabled'),(5,'inw','enabled'),(5,'pref','enabled'),(5,'rap','enabled'),(5,'rez','enabled'),(5,'tp','enabled'),(5,'xst','enabled'),(6,'eap','enabled'),(6,'em','enabled'),(6,'ha','enabled'),(6,'home','enabled'),(6,'inw','enabled'),(6,'pref','enabled'),(6,'rap','enabled'),(6,'rez','enabled'),(6,'tp','enabled'),(6,'xst','enabled'),(7,'eap','enabled'),(7,'home','enabled'),(7,'inw','enabled'),(7,'pref','enabled'),(7,'rap','enabled'),(7,'rez','enabled'),(7,'xst','enabled');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_group_to_module` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `sys_user_groups`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_groups`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `sys_user_groups` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `group_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`)
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `sys_user_groups`
-LOCK TABLES `sys_user_groups` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`, `group_name`) VALUES (1,'Administrator'),(2,'Registered User'),(3,'Anonymous User'),(5,'Hospital Staff'),(6,'Hospital Staff Admin'),(7,'Researchers');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `sys_user_to_group`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_to_group`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `sys_user_to_group` (
- `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- KEY `group_id` (`group_id`),
- CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `sys_user_to_group`
-LOCK TABLES `sys_user_to_group` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_to_group` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `sys_user_to_group` (`group_id`, `p_uuid`) VALUES (3,'3'),(1,'1');
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_to_group` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `user_preference`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_preference`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `user_preference` (
- `pref_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `module_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
- `pref_key` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
- `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`pref_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `user_preference_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `user_preference_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `user_preference`
-LOCK TABLES `user_preference` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user_preference` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user_preference` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `users`
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `users` (
- `user_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
- `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- `password` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `salt` varchar(100) default NULL,
- `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
- `status` varchar(60) default 'active',
- `confirmation` varchar(255) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
- UNIQUE KEY `user_name` (`user_name`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `users_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `users`
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */;
-INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `p_uuid`, `user_name`, `password`, `salt`, `changed_timestamp`, `status`, `confirmation`) VALUES (1,'1','root','c78cd6254de60e91a402f733d12a0c3f','e5cb9f3624f2d81964',1297450104,'active',NULL),(3,'3','anonymous',NULL,NULL,0,'active',NULL);
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Table structure for table `voice_note`
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voice_note`;
-SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;
-SET character_set_client = utf8;
-CREATE TABLE `voice_note` (
- `voicenote_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `p_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL,
- `original_filename` varchar(255) default NULL,
- `data` mediumblob,
- `length` double default NULL,
- `format` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `sample_rate` int(8) default NULL,
- `channels` int(8) default NULL,
- `speaker` varchar(16) default NULL,
- `url` varchar(255) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`voicenote_id`),
- KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
- CONSTRAINT `voice_note_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
- CONSTRAINT `voice_note_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
-SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
--- Dumping data for table `voice_note`
-LOCK TABLES `voice_note` WRITE;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note` DISABLE KEYS */;
-/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note` ENABLE KEYS */;
--- Dumping routines for database 'pl'
-/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `delete_person` */;;
-/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
-/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `delete_person`(IN id VARCHAR(128))
--- Delete reporter from contact
-DELETE c.* FROM contact c, person_to_report pr WHERE pr.rep_uuid = c.p_uuid AND pr.p_uuid = id;
--- Delete reporter from location_details
-DELETE ld.* FROM location_details ld, person_to_report pr WHERE pr.rep_uuid = ld.poc_uuid AND pr.p_uuid = id;
--- Delete reporter from person_uuid (child tables: person_status)
-DELETE p.* FROM person_uuid p, person_to_report pr WHERE pr.rep_uuid = p.p_uuid AND pr.p_uuid = id AND pr.rep_uuid NOT IN (SELECT p_uuid FROM users);
--- Delete person from person_uuid (child tables: person_status, person_to_report, person_details, person_physical)
-DELETE person_uuid.* FROM person_uuid WHERE p_uuid = id;
--- Delete person from pfif_person
-DELETE pfif_person.* FROM pfif_person WHERE p_uuid = id;
--- Delete note from pfif_note
-DELETE pfif_note.* FROM pfif_note WHERE p_uuid = id;
--- Set to null linked records in pfif_note
-UPDATE pfif_note SET linked_person_record_id = NULL WHERE p_uuid = id;
--- Delete person from contact
-DELETE contact.* FROM contact WHERE p_uuid = id;
--- Delete person from image
-DELETE image.* from image where p_uuid = id;
-END */;;
-/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch` */;;
-/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
-/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`sahanaPlStage`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch`(
- IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
- IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN incidentName VARCHAR(100),
- IN sortBy VARCHAR(100),
- IN pageStart INT,
- IN perPage INT
- IF searchTerms = '' THEN
- FROM person_uuid pu
- JOIN incident i ON (pu.incident_id = i.incident_id AND i.shortname = incidentName)
- LIMIT 5000
- );
- FROM person_uuid pu
- JOIN incident i ON (pu.incident_id = i.incident_id AND i.shortname = incidentName)
- WHERE full_name like CONCAT(searchTerms , '%')
- LIMIT 5000
- );
- SET @sqlString = CONCAT("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `tn`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,
- `tn`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,
- `tn`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,
- `tn`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,
- (CASE WHEN `ps`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'fnd') OR `ps`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `ps`.`opt_status` END) AS `opt_status`,
- DATE_FORMAT(ps.last_updated, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s') as updated,
- (CASE WHEN `pd`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `pd`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `pd`.`opt_gender` END) AS `opt_gender`,
- (CASE WHEN `pd`.`years_old` < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN `pd`.`years_old` >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END) as `age_group`,
- `pd`.`years_old` as `years_old`,
- `i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,
- `i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,
- `i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,
- (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END) AS `hospital`,
- (CASE WHEN (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) THEN NULL ELSE `h`.`icon_url` END) AS `icon_url`,
- `pd`.last_seen,
- `pd`.other_comments as comments
- FROM tmp_names tn
- JOIN person_status ps ON (tn.p_uuid = ps.p_uuid AND ps.isVictim = 1 AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN ps.opt_status NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'fnd') OR ps.opt_status IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE ps.opt_status END)))
- JOIN person_details pd ON (tn.p_uuid = pd.p_uuid AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `opt_gender` END))
- AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN CAST(`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END)))
- JOIN hospital h ON (tn.hospital_uuid = h.hospital_uuid AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END)))
- JOIN image i ON (tn.p_uuid = i.p_uuid)
- ORDER BY ", sortBy, " LIMIT ?, ?;");
- PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlString;
- SET @statusFilter = statusFilter;
- SET @genderFilter = genderFilter;
- SET @ageFilter = ageFilter;
- SET @hospitalFilter = hospitalFilter;
- SET @pageStart = pageStart;
- SET @perPage = perPage;
- SET NAMES utf8;
- EXECUTE stmt USING @statusFilter, @genderFilter, @ageFilter, @hospitalFilter,
- @pageStart, @perPage;
- DROP TABLE tmp_names;
-END */;;
-/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch2` */;;
-/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
-/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch2`(IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
- IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN incident VARCHAR(100),
- IN sortBy VARCHAR(100),
- IN pageStart INT,
- IN perPage INT,
- OUT totalRows INT)
- /* Consider removing the relevance order by (case when ... ) because honestly it is just barely good enough. */
- SET @sqlString = "
- `a`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,
- `a`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,
- `a`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,
- `a`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,
- (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END) AS `opt_status`,
- DATE_FORMAT(b.updated, '%m/%e/%y @ %l:%i:%s %p') as updated,
- (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END) AS `opt_gender`,
- (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END) as `age_group`,
- `i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,
- `i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,
- `i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,
- (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END) AS `hospital`,
- (CASE WHEN (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) THEN NULL ELSE `h`.`icon_url` END) AS `icon_url`,
- `inc`.`shortname` AS `shortname`,
- `pm`.last_seen, `pm`.comments
- FROM `person_uuid` `a`
- JOIN `person_status` `b` ON (`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid` AND `b`.`isVictim` = 1 )
- LEFT JOIN `image` `i` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `i`.`p_uuid`
- JOIN `person_details` `c` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`
- JOIN `incident` `inc` ON (`inc`.`incident_id` = `a`.`incident_id` AND `a`.`incident_id` <> 0 )
- LEFT JOIN `hospital` `h` ON `h`.`hospital_uuid` = `a`.`hospital_uuid`
- LEFT JOIN `person_missing` `pm` ON pm.p_uuid = a.p_uuid
- WHERE INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END))
- AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END))
- AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END))
- AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END))
- AND `shortname` = ?
- AND (full_name like CONCAT('%', ?, '%'))
- LIMIT ?, ?";
- PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlString;
- SET @searchTerms = searchTerms;
- SET @statusFilter = statusFilter;
- SET @genderFilter = genderFilter;
- SET @ageFilter = ageFilter;
- SET @hospitalFilter = hospitalFilter;
- SET @incident = incident;
- SET @sortBy = sortBy;
- SET @pageStart = pageStart;
- SET @perPage = perPage;
- EXECUTE stmt USING @statusFilter, @genderFilter, @ageFilter, @hospitalFilter, @incident,
- @searchTerms,@sortBy, @pageStart, @perPage;
- SELECT COUNT(p.p_uuid) INTO totalRows
- FROM person_uuid p
- JOIN incident i
- ON p.incident_id = i.incident_id
- WHERE i.shortname = incident;
-END */;;
-/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch_Count` */;;
-/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
-/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch_Count`(IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
- IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
- IN incident VARCHAR(100))
-/* counting */
- FROM `person_uuid` `a`
- JOIN `person_status` `b` ON (`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid` AND `b`.`isVictim` = 1 )
- JOIN `person_details` `c` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`
- JOIN `incident` `inc` ON (`inc`.`incident_id` = `a`.`incident_id` AND `a`.`incident_id` <> 0 )
- LEFT JOIN `hospital` `h` ON `h`.`hospital_uuid` = `a`.`hospital_uuid`
- WHERE INSTR(statusFilter, (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END))
- AND INSTR(genderFilter, (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END))
- AND INSTR(ageFilter, (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END))
- AND INSTR(hospitalFilter, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END))
- AND `shortname` = incident
- AND (full_name like CONCAT('%', searchTerms, '%') OR given_name SOUNDS LIKE searchTerms OR family_name SOUNDS LIKE searchTerms);
-END */;;
--- Final view structure for view `person_search`
-/*!50001 DROP TABLE `person_search`*/;
-/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `person_search`*/;
-/*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER */
-/*!50001 VIEW `person_search` AS select `a`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,`a`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,`a`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,`a`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,(case when ((`b`.`opt_status` not in (_utf8'ali',_utf8'mis',_utf8'inj',_utf8'dec',_utf8'unk',_utf8'fnd')) or isnull(`b`.`opt_status`)) then _utf8'unk' else `b`.`opt_status` end) AS `opt_status`,`b`.`last_updated` AS `updated`,(case when ((`c`.`opt_gender` not in (_utf8'mal',_utf8'fml')) or isnull(`c`.`opt_gender`)) then _utf8'unk' else `c`.`opt_gender` end) AS `opt_gender`,(case when isnull(cast(`c`.`years_old` as unsigned)) then -(1) else `c`.`years_old` end) AS `years_old`,`i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,`i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,`i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,(case when (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) then NULL else `h`.`icon_url` end) AS `icon_url`,`inc`.`shortname` AS `shortname`,(case when ((`h`.`short_name` not in (_utf8'sh',_utf8'nnmc')) or isnull(`h`.`short_name`)) then _utf8'public' else `h`.`short_name` end) AS `hospital`,`c`.`other_comments` AS `comments`,`c`.`last_seen` AS `last_seen` from ((((((`person_uuid` `a` join `person_status` `b` on(((`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid`) and (`b`.`isvictim` = 1)))) left join `image` `i` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `i`.`p_uuid`))) join `person_details` `c` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`))) join `incident` `inc` on((`inc`.`incident_id` = `a`.`incident_id`))) left join `hospital` `h` on((`h`.`hospital_uuid` = `a`.`hospital_uuid`))) left join `person_updates` `f` on((`a`.`p_uuid` = `f`.`p_uuid`))) */;
-/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
--- Dump completed on 2011-05-20 18:40:01
diff --git a/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v092.sql b/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v092.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e675cf2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vesuvius/backups/vesuviusStarterDb_v092.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2285 @@
+-- MySQL dump 10.11
+-- Host: localhost Database: vesuvius092
+-- ------------------------------------------------------
+-- Server version 5.0.95-log
+/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
+/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
+/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
+-- Table structure for table `adodb_logsql`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `adodb_logsql`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `adodb_logsql` (
+ `created` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `sql0` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
+ `sql1` text NOT NULL,
+ `params` text NOT NULL,
+ `tracer` text NOT NULL,
+ `timer` decimal(16,6) NOT NULL
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `adodb_logsql`
+LOCK TABLES `adodb_logsql` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `adodb_logsql` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `adodb_logsql` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `alt_logins`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `alt_logins`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `alt_logins` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `type` varchar(60) default 'openid',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `alt_logins`
+LOCK TABLES `alt_logins` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `alt_logins` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `alt_logins` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `arrival_rate`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arrival_rate`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `arrival_rate` (
+ `person_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `arrival_time` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `source_all` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ `source_triagepic` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ `source_reunite` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ `source_website` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ `source_pfif` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ `source_vanilla_email` int(32) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`person_uuid`),
+ KEY `incident_index` (`incident_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `arrival_rate_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`person_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `arrival_rate_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`incident_id`) REFERENCES `incident` (`incident_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `arrival_rate`
+LOCK TABLES `arrival_rate` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `arrival_rate` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `arrival_rate` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `audit`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `audit` (
+ `audit_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `x_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `u_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `change_type` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
+ `change_table` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `change_field` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `prev_val` text,
+ `new_val` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`audit_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `audit`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `audit` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `audit` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `config`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `config` (
+ `config_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `module_id` varchar(20) default NULL,
+ `confkey` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+ `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`config_id`),
+ KEY `module_id` (`module_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `config`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `config` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `contact`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `contact` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `opt_contact_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `contact_value` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`opt_contact_type`),
+ KEY `contact_value` (`contact_value`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `contact_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `contact`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `contact` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `contact` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `dao_error_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `dao_error_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `dao_error_log` (
+ `time` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `file` text,
+ `line` text,
+ `method` text,
+ `class` text,
+ `function` text,
+ `error_message` text,
+ `other` text
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='logs errors encountered in the DAO objects';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `dao_error_log`
+LOCK TABLES `dao_error_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dao_error_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dao_error_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_header`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_header`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_header` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `co_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL COMMENT 'ties the contentObject to a person',
+ `type` enum('lpf','tep','pix') default NULL COMMENT 'defines the type of the contentObject',
+ `content_descr` varchar(255) default NULL COMMENT 'Content description',
+ `incident_id` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `incident_descr` varchar(255) default NULL COMMENT 'Incident description',
+ `confidentiality` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`co_id`),
+ KEY `de_id` (`de_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid_idx` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_header_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_header_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_header`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_header` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_header` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_header` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_header_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_header_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_header_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the edxl_co_header table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_header_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_header_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_header_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `edxl_co_header_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_header_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_keywords`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_keywords`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_keywords` (
+ `co_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `keyword_num` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `keyword_urn` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`co_id`,`keyword_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_keywords_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`co_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_co_header` (`co_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_keywords`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_keywords` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_keywords` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_keywords` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_lpf`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_lpf`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_lpf` (
+ `co_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Sahana person ID',
+ `schema_version` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `login_machine` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `login_account` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `person_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Mass casualty patient ID',
+ `event_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `event_long_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `org_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `org_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `last_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `first_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `gender` enum('M','F','U','C') NOT NULL,
+ `peds` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
+ `triage_category` enum('Green','BH Green','Yellow','Red','Gray','Black') NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`co_id`,`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_lpf_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`co_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_co_header` (`co_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_lpf_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='LPF is an example of an "other xml" content object, e.g., ot';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_lpf`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_lpf` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_lpf` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_lpf` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_photos`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_photos`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_photos` (
+ `co_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Sahana person ID',
+ `mimeType` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'As in ''image/jpeg''',
+ `uri` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Photo filename = Mass casualty patient ID + zone + ''s#'' if secondary + optional caption after hypen',
+ `contentData` mediumtext character set ascii NOT NULL COMMENT 'Base-64 encoded image',
+ `image_id` int(20) default NULL COMMENT 'reference to the image.image_id field',
+ `sha1` varchar(40) default NULL COMMENT 'sha1 calculated hash of the image',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`co_id`,`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_photos_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`co_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_co_header` (`co_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_photos_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='LPF is an example of an "other xml" content object, e.g., ot';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_photos`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_photos` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_photos` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_photos` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_co_roles`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_co_roles`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_co_roles` (
+ `co_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `role_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `of_originator` tinyint(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '0 = false = of consumer',
+ `role_urn` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`co_id`,`role_num`),
+ KEY `role_num` (`role_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_roles_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`co_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_co_header` (`co_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_co_roles_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`role_num`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_roles` (`role_num`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_co_roles`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_co_roles` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_roles` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_co_roles` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_header`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_header`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_header` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `when_sent` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `sender_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Email, phone num, etc. Not always URI, URN, URL',
+ `distr_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Distribution ID. Sender may or may not choose to vary.',
+ `distr_status` enum('Actual','Exercise','System','Test') NOT NULL,
+ `distr_type` enum('Ack','Cancel','Dispatch','Error','Report','Request','Response','Update') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Not included: types for sensor grids',
+ `combined_conf` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Combined confidentiality of all content objects',
+ `language` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `when_here` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Received or sent from here. [local]',
+ `inbound` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'BOOLEAN [local]',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`)
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Overall message base, defined by EDXL Distribution Element';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_header`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_header` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_header` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_header` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_header_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_header_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_header_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the edxl_de_header table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_header_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_header_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_header_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `edxl_de_header_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_header_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_keywords`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_keywords`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_keywords` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `keyword_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `keyword_urn` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `keyword` varchar(255) character set latin1 NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`keyword_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_keywords_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_keywords`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_keywords` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_keywords` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_keywords` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_prior_messages`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_prior_messages`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_prior_messages` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `prior_msg_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `when_sent` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'external time',
+ `sender_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'external ID',
+ `distr_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'external distribution ID',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`prior_msg_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_prior_messages_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_prior_messages`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_prior_messages` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_prior_messages` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_prior_messages` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_roles`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_roles`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_roles` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `role_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `of_sender` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
+ `role_urn` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `role` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`role_num`),
+ KEY `role_idx` (`role_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_roles_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_roles`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_roles` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_roles` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_roles` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_target_addresses`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_target_addresses`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_target_addresses` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `address_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `scheme` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Like "e-mail"',
+ `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`address_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_target_addresses_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_target_addresses`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_target_addresses` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_addresses` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_addresses` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_target_circles`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_target_circles`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_target_circles` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `circle_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `latitude` float NOT NULL,
+ `longitude` float NOT NULL,
+ `radius_km` float NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`circle_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_target_circles_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_target_circles`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_target_circles` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_circles` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_circles` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_target_codes`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_target_codes`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_target_codes` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `codes_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `code_type` enum('country','subdivision','locCodeUN') default NULL COMMENT 'Respectively (1) ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code (2) ISO 3166-2 code: country + "-" + per-country 2-3 char code like state, e.g., "US-MD". (3) UN transport hub code: country + "-" + 2-3 char code (cap ASCII or 2-9), e.g., "US-BWI"',
+ `code` varchar(6) default NULL COMMENT 'See format examples for code_type field',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`codes_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_target_codes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_target_codes`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_target_codes` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_codes` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_codes` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `edxl_de_target_polygons`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `edxl_de_target_polygons`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `edxl_de_target_polygons` (
+ `de_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `poly_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `point_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Point within this polygon',
+ `latitude` float NOT NULL,
+ `longitude` float NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`de_id`,`poly_num`,`point_num`),
+ CONSTRAINT `edxl_de_target_polygons_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`de_id`) REFERENCES `edxl_de_header` (`de_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `edxl_de_target_polygons`
+LOCK TABLES `edxl_de_target_polygons` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_polygons` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `edxl_de_target_polygons` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `expiry_queue`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `expiry_queue`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `expiry_queue` (
+ `index` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `requested_by_user_id` int(16) default NULL,
+ `requested_when` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `requested_why` text COMMENT 'the reason (optional) why a expiration/deletion was requested',
+ `queued` tinyint(1) default NULL COMMENT 'true when an expiration is requested',
+ `approved_by_user_id` int(16) default NULL,
+ `approved_when` timestamp NULL default NULL,
+ `approved_why` text COMMENT 'the reason why an approval was accepted or rejected',
+ `expired` tinyint(1) default NULL COMMENT 'true when a expiration is approved',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`index`)
+) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='person expiry request management queue and related informati';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `expiry_queue`
+LOCK TABLES `expiry_queue` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `expiry_queue` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `expiry_queue` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `field_options`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `field_options`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `field_options` (
+ `field_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `option_code` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `option_description` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `display_order` int(8) default NULL,
+ KEY `option_code` (`option_code`),
+ KEY `option_description` (`option_description`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `field_options`
+LOCK TABLES `field_options` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `field_options` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `field_options` (`field_name`, `option_code`, `option_description`, `display_order`) VALUES ('opt_status','ali','Alive & Well',NULL),('opt_status','mis','Missing',NULL),('opt_status','inj','Injured',NULL),('opt_status','dec','Deceased',NULL),('opt_gender','mal','Male',NULL),('opt_gender','fml','Female',NULL),('opt_contact_type','home','Home(permanent address)',NULL),('opt_contact_type','name','Contact Person',NULL),('opt_contact_type','pmob','Personal Mobile',NULL),('opt_contact_type','curr','Current Phone',NULL),('opt_contact_type','cmob','Current Mobile',NULL),('opt_contact_type','email','Email address',NULL),('opt_contact_type','fax','Fax Number',NULL),('opt_contact_type','web','Website',NULL),('opt_contact_type','inst','Instant Messenger',NULL),('opt_eye_color','GRN','Green',NULL),('opt_eye_color','GRY','Gray',NULL),('opt_race','R1','American Indian or Alaska Native',NULL),('opt_race',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BRO','Brown',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BLU','Blue',NULL),('opt_eye_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_skin_color','DRK','Dark',NULL),('opt_skin_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_skin_color','ALB','Albino',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLN','Blond or Strawberry',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLK','Black',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLD','Bald',NULL),('opt_location_type','2','Town or Neighborhood',NULL),('opt_location_type','1','County or Equivalent',NULL),('opt_contact_type','zip','Zip Code',NULL),('opt_eye_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_eye_color','HAZ','Hazel',NULL),('opt_eye_color','MAR','Maroon',NULL),('opt_eye_color','MUL','Multicolored',NULL),('opt_eye_color','PNK','Pink',NULL),('opt_skin_color','DBR','Dark Brown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','FAR','Fair',NULL),('opt_skin_color','LGT','Light',NULL),('opt_skin_color','LBR','Light Brown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','MED','Medium',NULL),('opt_skin_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','OLV','Olive',NULL),('opt_skin_color','RUD','Ruddy',NULL),('opt_skin_color','SAL','Sallow',NULL),('opt_skin_color','YEL','Yellow',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BLU','Blue',NULL),('opt_hair_color','BRO','Brown',NULL),('opt_hair_color','GRY','Gray',NULL),('opt_hair_color','GRN','Green',NULL),('opt_hair_color','ONG','Orange',NULL),('opt_hair_color','PLE','Purple',NULL),('opt_hair_color','PNK','Pink',NULL),('opt_hair_color','RED','Red or Auburn',NULL),('opt_hair_color','SDY','Sandy',NULL),('opt_hair_color','WHI','White',NULL),('opt_race','R2','Asian',NULL),('opt_race','R3','Black or African American',NULL),('opt_race','R4','Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander',NULL),('opt_race','R5','White',NULL),('opt_race','R9','Other Race',NULL),('opt_religion','PEV','Protestant, Evangelical',1),('opt_religion','PML','Protestant, Mainline',2),('opt_religion','PHB','Protestant, Historically Black',3),('opt_religion','CAT','Catholic',4),('opt_religion','MOM','Mormon',5),('opt_religion','JWN','Jehovah\'s Witness',6),('opt_religion','ORT','Orthodox',7),('opt_religion','COT','Other Christian',8),('opt_religion','JEW','Jewish',9),('opt_religion','BUD','Buddhist',10),('opt_religion','HIN','Hindu',11),('opt_religion','MOS','Muslim',12),('opt_religion','OTH','Other Faiths',13),('opt_religion','NOE','Unaffiliated',14),('opt_religion',NULL,'Unknown',15),('opt_hair_color',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_skin_color','MBR','Medium Brown',NULL),('opt_gender',NULL,'Unknown',NULL),('opt_gender','cpx','Complex',NULL),('opt_status','unk','Unknown',NULL),('opt_status','fnd','Found',NULL),('opt_status_color','fnd','#7E2217',NULL),('opt_status_color','ali','#167D21',NULL),('opt_status_color','inj','#FF0000',NULL),('opt_status_color','unk','#808080',NULL),('opt_status_color','dec','#000000',NULL),('opt_status_color','mis','#0000FF',NULL);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `field_options` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `hospital`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `hospital` (
+ `hospital_uuid` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'enter name here',
+ `short_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default 'shortname',
+ `street1` varchar(120) default NULL,
+ `street2` varchar(120) default NULL,
+ `city` varchar(60) default NULL,
+ `county` varchar(60) default NULL,
+ `region` varchar(60) default NULL,
+ `postal_code` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `country` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `latitude` double NOT NULL default '38.995523',
+ `longitude` double NOT NULL default '-77.096597',
+ `phone` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `fax` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `email` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `www` varchar(256) default NULL,
+ `npi` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `patient_id_prefix` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `patient_id_suffix_variable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
+ `patient_id_suffix_fixed_length` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `creation_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `icon_url` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `legalese` text COMMENT 'legalese',
+ `legaleseAnon` text COMMENT 'anonymized legalese',
+ `legaleseTimestamp` timestamp NULL default NULL COMMENT 'when legalese was last updated',
+ `legaleseAnonTimestamp` timestamp NULL default NULL COMMENT 'when legaleseAnon was last updated',
+ `photo_required` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'Whether a photo is requred for incoming patients.',
+ `honor_no_photo_request` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'Whether to honor requests no to save patient images.',
+ `photographer_name_required` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Whether to require if a photographer include his/her name.',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`hospital_uuid`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `hospital`
+LOCK TABLES `hospital` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hospital` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `hospital` (`hospital_uuid`, `name`, `short_name`, `street1`, `street2`, `city`, `county`, `region`, `postal_code`, `country`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `phone`, `fax`, `email`, `www`, `npi`, `patient_id_prefix`, `patient_id_suffix_variable`, `patient_id_suffix_fixed_length`, `creation_time`, `icon_url`, `legalese`, `legaleseAnon`, `legaleseTimestamp`, `legaleseAnonTimestamp`, `photo_required`, `honor_no_photo_request`, `photographer_name_required`) VALUES (1,'Suburban Hospital','Suburban','8600 Old Georgetown Road','','Bethesda','Montgomery','MD','20814-1497','USA',43.4420293,-71.300549,'301-896-3118','','info@suburbanhospital.org','www.suburbanhospital.org','1205896446','911-',0,5,'2010-01-01 06:01:01','theme/lpf3/img/suburban.png','[This document is a straw man example, based on a reworking of the HIPAA policy statement at www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by Suburban Hospital or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to a full record generated by \"TriagePic\". Partial records (e.g., de-identified) have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nSuburban Hospital is covered by HIPAA, so the provided disaster victim information (the \"record\", which may include a photo) is governed by provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.\n\nDuring a disaster, HIPPA permits disclosures for treatment purposes, and certain disclosures to disaster relief organizations (like the American Red Cross) so that family members can be notified of the patient\'s location. (See CFR 164.510(b)(4).\n\nThe primary of purpose of the record is for family reunification. Secondary usages may include in-hospital patient tracking, treatment/continuity-of-care on patient transfer, disaster situational awareness and resource management, and feedback to emergency medical service providers who provide pre-hospital treatment. The record (in various forms) will be distributed within Suburban Hospital, and to and within the institutions with which Suburban Hospital partners through the Bethesda Hospital Emergency Preparedness Partnership. These are the NIH Clinical Center, Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital, and National Library of Medicine. In particular, the record is sent to NLM\'s Lost Person Finder database for exposure through the web site, with appropriate filtering and verification. HIPAA allows patients to be listed in the facility directory, and some aspects of Lost Person Finder are analogous to that. For more, see the Notice of Privacy Practices associated with the LPF web site. \n\nThe record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by Suburban Hospital personnel. The application includes the ability to express the following [TO DO]:\n\n- patient agrees to let hospital personnel speak with family members or friends involved in the patient\'s care (45 CFR 164.510(b));\n- patient wishes to opt out of the facility directory (45 CFR 164.510(a)); [THIS MIGHT BE INTERPRETED AS OPTING OUT OF LPF. MORE TO UNDERSTAND.]\n- patient requests privacy restrictions (45 CFR 164.522(a))\n- patient requests confidential communications (45 CFR 164.522(b))\n\n[IMPLICATIONS OF THESE CHOICES ON RECORD GENERATION NOT YET KNOWN.]\n\nIn addition, there is a requirement to distribute a notice of privacy practices, addressed by this attachment and the LPF Notice of Privacy Practices.\n\nPenalties for non-compliance with the above five rules may be waived, for a limited time in a limited geographical area, if the President declares an emergency or disaster AND the Health and Human Services Secretary declares a public health emergency. Within that declared timespan, a hospital may rely on the waiver (which covers all patients present) only from the moment of instituting its disaster protocol to at most 72 hours later. For more, see www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. The waiver is authorized under the Project Bioshield Act of 2004 (PL 108-276) and section 1135(b) of the Social Security Act.\n\nPhoto Copyright\n===============\nThe attached photo if any was taken by an employee or volunteer of Suburban Hospital and is copyright Suburban Hospital in the year given by the reporting date. Reproduction and distribution is permitted to the extent governed by policy for the overall record. Please credit Suburban Hospital and the employee(s)/volunteer(s) listed.','[This document is a straw man example. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by Suburban Hospital or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to an anonymized, de-identified record generated by \"TriagePic\". Full records (e.g., patient-identified) may have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nThe attached record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by Suburban Hospital personnel at the point where disaster victims arrive at the hospital. While the application does generate real-time patient-specific information (text and photo), the attached record has been anonymized/de-identified to remove patient identifiers (e.g., no photo), and is intended for public release. It retains categorial information on gender and adult-vs.-child (\"Peds\"), as well as arrival time, and the hospital personnel involved. It is intended to be useful for disaster situational awareness and rate-of-arrival purposes.\n\nNo system of de-identification that retains any useful information is perfect. The recipient who uses this record in an effort to re-identify patients is responsible for any legal ramifications and potential violations of HIPAA or other laws pertaining to patient confidentiality.','2011-10-04 16:50:51','2011-10-04 16:50:51',1,1,0),(2,'Walter Reed National Military Medical Center','WRNMMC','8901 Rockville Pike','','Bethesda','Montgomery','MD','20889-0001','USA',39.00204,-77.0945,'301-295-4611','','','www.bethesda.med.navy.mil','1356317069','',1,0,'2010-09-22 22:49:34','theme/lpf3/img/nnmc.png','[This document is a straw man example, based on a reworking of the HIPAA policy statement at www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by Walter Reed National Naval Medical Center or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to a full record generated by \"TriagePic\". Partial records (e.g., de-identified) have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nWalter Reed National Medical Medical Center is covered by HIPAA, so the provided disaster victim information (the \"record\", which may include a photo) is governed by provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.\n\nDuring a disaster, HIPPA permits disclosures for treatment purposes, and certain disclosures to disaster relief organizations (like the American Red Cross) so that family members can be notified of the patient\'s location. (See CFR 164.510(b)(4).\n\nThe primary of purpose of the record is for family reunification. Secondary usages may include in-hospital patient tracking, treatment/continuity-of-care on patient transfer, disaster situational awareness and resource management, and feedback to emergency medical service providers who provide pre-hospital treatment. The record (in various forms) will be distributed within Walter Reed National Medical Medical Center, and to and within the institutions with which National Naval Medical Center partners through the Bethesda Hospital Emergency Preparedness Partnership. These are the NIH Clinical Center, Walter Reed National Medical Medical Hospital, and National Library of Medicine. In particular, the record is sent to NLM\'s People Locator database for exposure through the web site, with appropriate filtering and verification. HIPAA allows patients to be listed in the facility directory, and some aspects of People Locator are analogous to that. For more, see the Notice of Privacy Practices associated with the PL web site. \n\nThe record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by Walter Reed National Military Medical Center personnel. The application includes the ability to express the following [TO DO]:\n\n- patient agrees to let hospital personnel speak with family members or friends involved in the patient\'s care (45 CFR 164.510(b));\n- patient wishes to opt out of the facility directory (45 CFR 164.510(a)); [THIS MIGHT BE INTERPRETED AS OPTING OUT OF PL. MORE TO UNDERSTAND.]\n- patient requests privacy restrictions (45 CFR 164.522(a))\n- patient requests confidential communications (45 CFR 164.522(b))\n\n[IMPLICATIONS OF THESE CHOICES ON RECORD GENERATION NOT YET KNOWN.]\n\nIn addition, there is a requirement to distribute a notice of privacy practices, addressed by this attachment and the PL Notice of Privacy Practices.\n\nPenalties for non-compliance with the above five rules may be waived, for a limited time in a limited geographical area, if the President declares an emergency or disaster AND the Health and Human Services Secretary declares a public health emergency. Within that declared timespan, a hospital may rely on the waiver (which covers all patients present) only from the moment of instituting its disaster protocol to at most 72 hours later. For more, see www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. The waiver is authorized under the Project Bioshield Act of 2004 (PL 108-276) and section 1135(b) of the Social Security Act.\n\nPhoto Copyright\n===============\nThe attached photo if any was taken by an employee or volunteer of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and is copyright Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the year given by the reporting date. Reproduction and distribution is permitted to the extent governed by policy for the overall record. Please credit Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the employee(s)/volunteer(s) listed.','[This document is a straw man example. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by Walter Reed National Military Medical Center or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to an anonymized, de-identified record generated by \"TriagePic\". Full records (e.g., patient-identified) may have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nThe attached record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by Walter Reed National Military Medical Center personnel at the point where disaster victims arrive at the hospital. While the application does generate real-time patient-specific information (text and photo), the attached record has been anonymized/de-identified to remove patient identifiers (e.g., no photo), and is intended for public release. It retains categorial information on gender and adult-vs.-child (\"Peds\"), as well as arrival time, and the hospital personnel involved. It is intended to be useful for disaster situational awareness and rate-of-arrival purposes.\n\nNo system of de-identification that retains any useful information is perfect. The recipient who uses this record in an effort to re-identify patients is responsible for any legal ramifications and potential violations of HIPAA or other laws pertaining to patient confidentiality.','2011-10-04 16:52:15','2011-10-04 16:52:15',1,1,0),(3,'NLM (testing)','NLM','9000 Rockville Pike','','Bethesda','Montgomery','MD','20892','USA',38.995523,-77.096597,'','','','www.nlm.nih.gov','1234567890','911-',1,-1,'2011-05-02 17:35:40','','[This document is a straw man example, based on a reworking of the HIPAA policy statement at www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by NLM or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to a full record generated by \"TriagePic\". Partial records (e.g., de-identified) have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nRecords generated by NLM personnel during TriagePic testing do not generally represent real disaster victims. Photos are most often of drill participants or NLM employees or contractors.\n\nFor any real disaster victim records gathered by a participating BHEPP hospital and provided to NLM:\n\nHospital records are generally covered by HIPAA, so the provided disaster victim information (the \"record\", which may include a photo) is governed by provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.\n\nDuring a disaster, HIPPA permits disclosures for treatment purposes, and certain disclosures to disaster relief organizations (like the American Red Cross) so that family members can be notified of the patient\'s location. (See CFR 164.510(b)(4).\n\nThe primary of purpose of the record is for family reunification. Secondary usages may include in-hospital patient tracking, treatment/continuity-of-care on patient transfer, disaster situational awareness and resource management, and feedback to emergency medical service providers who provide pre-hospital treatment. The record (in various forms) will be distributed within the originating hospital, within NLM (acting as if a hospital while testing by developers), and to and within the institutions with which NLM partners through the Bethesda Hospital Emergency Preparedness Partnership. These are the NIH Clinical Center, Walter Reed National Medical Medical Hospital, and Suburban Hospital. In particular, the record is sent to NLM\'s Person Locator database for exposure through the web site, with appropriate filtering and verification. HIPAA allows patients to be listed in the facility directory, and some aspects of Person Locator are analogous to that. For more, see the Notice of Privacy Practices associated with the PL web site. \n\nThe record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by BHEPP hospital personnel. The application includes the ability to express the following [TO DO]:\n\n- patient agrees to let hospital personnel speak with family members or friends involved in the patient\'s care (45 CFR 164.510(b));\n- patient wishes to opt out of the facility directory (45 CFR 164.510(a)); [THIS MIGHT BE INTERPRETED AS OPTING OUT OF LPF. MORE TO UNDERSTAND.]\n- patient requests privacy restrictions (45 CFR 164.522(a))\n- patient requests confidential communications (45 CFR 164.522(b))\n\n[IMPLICATIONS OF THESE CHOICES ON RECORD GENERATION NOT YET KNOWN.]\n\nIn addition, there is a requirement to distribute a notice of privacy practices, addressed by this attachment and the PL Notice of Privacy Practices.\n\nPenalties for non-compliance with the above five rules may be waived, for a limited time in a limited geographical area, if the President declares an emergency or disaster AND the Health and Human Services Secretary declares a public health emergency. Within that declared timespan, a hospital may rely on the waiver (which covers all patients present) only from the moment of instituting its disaster protocol to at most 72 hours later. For more, see www.hhs.gov/hipaafaq/providers/hipaa-1068.html. The waiver is authorized under the Project Bioshield Act of 2004 (PL 108-276) and section 1135(b) of the Social Security Act.\n\nPhoto Copyright\n===============\nThe attached photo if any was taken by an employee, contractor, or volunteer of NLM or of another institutional member of the BHEPP partnership and may be in some cases copyrighted by that institution in the year given by the reporting date or earlier. Reproduction and distribution is permitted to the extent governed by policy for the overall record. Please credit the NLM and/or BHEPP and the staffers listed.','[This document is a straw man example. It has not been reviewed by legal council, nor reviewed or approved by NLM or any other BHEPP member.]\n\n[The following is an example statement for attachment to an anonymized, de-identified record generated by \"TriagePic\". Full records (e.g., patient-identified) may have different statements.]\n\nNotice of Privacy Practices and Information Distribution\n========================================================\nThe attached record was generated by a \"TriagePic\" application, operated by NLM personnel with test data, or, less likely, by actual BHEPP-partner hospital personnel at the point where disaster victims arrive at the hospital. While the application does generate real-time patient-specific information (text and photo), the attached record has been anonymized/de-identified to remove patient identifiers (e.g., no photo), and is intended for public release. It retains categorial information on gender and adult-vs.-child (\"Peds\"), as well as arrival time, and the hospital personnel involved. It is intended to be useful for disaster situational awareness and rate-of-arrival purposes.\n\nNo system of de-identification that retains any useful information is perfect. The recipient who uses this record in an effort to re-identify patients is responsible for any legal ramifications and potential violations of HIPAA or other laws pertaining to patient confidentiality.','2011-10-04 16:53:01','2011-10-04 16:53:01',1,1,0),(4,'Shady Grove Adventist Hospital','Shady Grove','9901 Medical Center Drive','','Rockville','Montgomery','MD','20850','USA',39.096975,-77.199597,'(240) 826-6000','','','www.shadygroveadventisthospital.com','1376754457','',1,0,'2011-09-16 14:22:01','','...','...','2011-10-04 16:53:30','2011-10-04 16:53:30',1,1,0),(5,'Holy Cross Hospital','Holy Cross','1500 Forest Glen Road','','Silver Spring','Montgomery','MD','20910','USA',39.015784,-77.0359073,'301-754-7000','','','www.holycrosshealth.org','1225067101','',1,0,'2011-09-16 14:28:57','','...','...','2011-10-04 16:53:47','2011-10-04 16:53:47',1,1,0),(7,'Virginia Hospital Center, Arlington','VHC Arlington','1701 N. George Mason Drive','','Arlington','Arlington','VA','22205-3698','USA',38.889643,-77.126661,'(703) 558-5000','(703) 558-5787','','www.virginiahospitalcenter.com','1790785996','',1,0,'2011-09-16 14:38:11','','...','...','2011-10-04 16:53:57','2011-10-04 16:53:57',1,1,0),(8,'St. Francis BG','SFBG','1600 Albany Street','','Beech Grove','','Indiana','46107','',39,-77.101,'','','','http://www.stfrancishospitals.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=67','1205931706','',1,0,'2012-01-17 18:06:25','','','',NULL,NULL,1,1,0),(9,'St. Francis IND','STF-IND','8111 S Emerson Ave','','Indianapolis','','IN','46237','',39.6483541,-86.0823324,'(317) 528-5000','','','http://www.stfrancishospitals.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=67','1386749893 ','',1,0,'2012-01-17 18:08:32','','','',NULL,NULL,1,1,0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hospital` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `image`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `image` (
+ `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `image_type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `image_height` int(11) default NULL,
+ `image_width` int(11) default NULL,
+ `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `url` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `url_thumb` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `original_filename` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `principal` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `principal` (`principal`),
+ CONSTRAINT `image_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `image`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `image_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `image_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `image_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the image table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `image_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `image_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `image_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `image_tag`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `image_tag`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `image_tag` (
+ `tag_id` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `image_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `tag_x` int(12) NOT NULL,
+ `tag_y` int(12) NOT NULL,
+ `tag_w` int(12) NOT NULL,
+ `tag_h` int(12) NOT NULL,
+ `tag_text` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`),
+ KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`,`image_id`),
+ KEY `image_id` (`image_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `image_tag_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`image_id`) REFERENCES `image` (`image_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `image_tag`
+LOCK TABLES `image_tag` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `image_tag_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `image_tag_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `image_tag_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the image_tag table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `image_tag_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `image_tag_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `image_tag_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `image_tag_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `incident`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `incident` (
+ `incident_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `parent_id` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `search_id` varchar(60) default NULL,
+ `name` varchar(60) default NULL,
+ `shortname` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `date` date default NULL,
+ `type` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `latitude` double default NULL,
+ `longitude` double default NULL,
+ `default` tinyint(1) default NULL,
+ `private_group` int(11) default NULL,
+ `closed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `description` varchar(1024) default NULL,
+ `street` varchar(256) default NULL,
+ `external_report` varchar(8192) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`incident_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `shortname_idx` (`shortname`),
+ KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`),
+ KEY `private_group` (`private_group`),
+ CONSTRAINT `incident_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`private_group`) REFERENCES `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `incident`
+LOCK TABLES `incident` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `incident` (`incident_id`, `parent_id`, `search_id`, `name`, `shortname`, `date`, `type`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `default`, `private_group`, `closed`, `description`, `street`, `external_report`) VALUES (1,NULL,NULL,'Test Exercise','test','2000-01-01','TEST',0,0,1,NULL,0,'for the Test Exercise','','');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `incident_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `incident_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `incident_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the incident table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `incident_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `incident_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `incident_seq` (`id`) VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `incident_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `mpres_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mpres_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `mpres_log` (
+ `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
+ `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `email_date` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `update_time` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `xml_format` varchar(16) default NULL COMMENT 'MPRES (unstructured) or XML Format of Incoming Email',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `mpres_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `mpres_log`
+LOCK TABLES `mpres_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `mpres_messages`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mpres_messages`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `mpres_messages` (
+ `ix` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'the index',
+ `when` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'when the script was last executed',
+ `messages` text COMMENT 'the message log from the execution',
+ `error_code` int(12) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`ix`)
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='stores the message log from mpres module';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `mpres_messages`
+LOCK TABLES `mpres_messages` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_messages` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_messages` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `mpres_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mpres_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `mpres_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `last_executed` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `last_message` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='stores status of mpres module';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `mpres_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `mpres_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `mpres_seq` (`id`, `last_executed`, `last_message`) VALUES (1,'2012-04-01 04:00:00','');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `mpres_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `old_passwords`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `old_passwords`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `old_passwords` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
+ `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
+ `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`password`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `old_passwords`
+LOCK TABLES `old_passwords` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `old_passwords` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `old_passwords` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `password_event_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `password_event_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `password_event_log` (
+ `log_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `changed_timestamp` timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `comment` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `event_type` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `password_event_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `password_event_log`
+LOCK TABLES `password_event_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `password_event_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `password_event_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_deceased`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_deceased`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_deceased` (
+ `deceased_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `details` text,
+ `date_of_death` date default NULL,
+ `location` varchar(20) default NULL,
+ `place_of_death` text,
+ `comments` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`deceased_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_deceased_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_deceased`
+LOCK TABLES `person_deceased` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_deceased` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_deceased` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_details`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_details`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_details` (
+ `details_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `birth_date` date default NULL,
+ `opt_race` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `opt_religion` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `opt_gender` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `years_old` int(7) default NULL,
+ `minAge` int(7) default NULL,
+ `maxAge` int(7) default NULL,
+ `last_seen` text,
+ `last_clothing` text,
+ `other_comments` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`details_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `opt_gender` (`opt_gender`),
+ KEY `years_old` (`years_old`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_details_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_details`
+LOCK TABLES `person_details` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_details` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `person_details` (`details_id`, `p_uuid`, `birth_date`, `opt_race`, `opt_religion`, `opt_gender`, `years_old`, `minAge`, `maxAge`, `last_seen`, `last_clothing`, `other_comments`) VALUES (2995458,'3',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2996977,'4',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,18,150,'NLM (testing) Hospital',NULL,'LPF notification - disaster victim arrives at hospital triage station');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_details` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_followers`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_followers`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_followers` (
+ `id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `follower_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `follower_p_uuid` (`follower_p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `person_followers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`follower_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_followers`
+LOCK TABLES `person_followers` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_followers` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_followers` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_notes`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_notes`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_notes` (
+ `note_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `note_about_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `note_written_by_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `note` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
+ `when` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `suggested_status` varchar(3) default NULL COMMENT 'the status of the person as suggested by the note maker',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`),
+ KEY `note_about_p_uuid` (`note_about_p_uuid`),
+ KEY `note_written_by_p_uuid` (`note_written_by_p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`note_about_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `person_notes_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`note_written_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_notes`
+LOCK TABLES `person_notes` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_notes` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_notes` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_physical`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_physical`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_physical` (
+ `physical_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `opt_blood_type` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `height` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `weight` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `opt_eye_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `opt_skin_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `opt_hair_color` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `injuries` text,
+ `comments` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`physical_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_physical_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_physical`
+LOCK TABLES `person_physical` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_physical` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_physical` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Temporary table structure for view `person_search`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_search`;
+/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `person_search`*/;
+/*!50001 CREATE TABLE `person_search` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128),
+ `full_name` varchar(100),
+ `given_name` varchar(50),
+ `family_name` varchar(50),
+ `expiry_date` datetime,
+ `updated` datetime,
+ `updated_db` datetime,
+ `opt_status` varchar(3),
+ `opt_gender` varchar(10),
+ `years_old` bigint(11),
+ `minAge` bigint(11),
+ `maxAge` bigint(11),
+ `ageGroup` varchar(7),
+ `image_height` int(11),
+ `image_width` int(11),
+ `url_thumb` varchar(512),
+ `icon_url` varchar(128),
+ `shortname` varchar(16),
+ `hospital` varchar(30),
+ `comments` text,
+ `last_seen` text,
+ `mass_casualty_id` varchar(255)
+-- Table structure for table `person_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `person_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `person_seq` (`id`) VALUES (100);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_status`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_status`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_status` (
+ `status_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `opt_status` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'unk',
+ `last_updated` datetime default NULL,
+ `creation_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `last_updated_db` datetime default NULL COMMENT 'Last DB update. (For SOLR indexing.)',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`status_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `last_updated_db` (`last_updated_db`),
+ KEY `opt_status` (`opt_status`),
+ KEY `last_updated` (`last_updated`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_status_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_status`
+LOCK TABLES `person_status` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_status` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_status` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_to_report`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_to_report`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_to_report` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `rep_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`,`rep_uuid`),
+ KEY `rep_uuid` (`rep_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_to_report_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_to_report`
+LOCK TABLES `person_to_report` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_to_report` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_to_report` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_updates`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_updates`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_updates` (
+ `update_index` int(32) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `update_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `updated_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `updated_column` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `old_value` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `new_value` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `updated_by_p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`update_index`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `updated_by_p_uuid` (`updated_by_p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `person_updates_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`updated_by_p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_updates`
+LOCK TABLES `person_updates` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_updates` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_updates` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `person_uuid`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `person_uuid`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `person_uuid` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `full_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `family_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `given_name` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `incident_id` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `hospital_uuid` int(32) default NULL,
+ `expiry_date` datetime default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `full_name_idx` (`full_name`),
+ KEY `incident_id_index` (`incident_id`),
+ KEY `hospital_index` (`hospital_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `person_uuid_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`incident_id`) REFERENCES `incident` (`incident_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `person_uuid_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`hospital_uuid`) REFERENCES `hospital` (`hospital_uuid`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `person_uuid`
+LOCK TABLES `person_uuid` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_uuid` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`, `full_name`, `family_name`, `given_name`, `incident_id`, `hospital_uuid`, `expiry_date`) VALUES ('1','Root /','/','Root',NULL,NULL,NULL),('2','Email System','System','Email',NULL,NULL,NULL),('3','Anonymous User','User','Anonymous',NULL,NULL,NULL),('4','TestFrom WebServices','WebServices','TestFrom',NULL,NULL,NULL);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `person_uuid` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_export_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_export_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_export_log` (
+ `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
+ `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
+ `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `end_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_count` int(11) default '0',
+ `person_count` int(11) default '0',
+ `note_count` int(11) default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
+ KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_export_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_export_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_export_log`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_export_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_export_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_export_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_harvest_note_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_harvest_note_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` (
+ `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
+ `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
+ `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `end_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_count` int(11) default '0',
+ `note_count` int(11) default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
+ KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_note_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_note_log_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_harvest_note_log`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_harvest_note_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_note_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_harvest_person_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_harvest_person_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` (
+ `log_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `repository_id` int(11) default '0',
+ `direction` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'in',
+ `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_mode` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `start_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `end_time` datetime default NULL,
+ `first_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_entry` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `last_count` int(11) default '0',
+ `person_count` int(11) default '0',
+ `images_in` int(11) default '0',
+ `images_retried` int(11) default '0',
+ `images_failed` int(11) default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`log_index`),
+ KEY `repository_id` (`repository_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_harvest_person_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`repository_id`) REFERENCES `pfif_repository` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_harvest_person_log`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_harvest_person_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_harvest_person_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_note`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_note`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_note` (
+ `note_record_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `source_version` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '1.3',
+ `source_repository_id` int(11) default NULL,
+ `linked_person_record_id` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `entry_date` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `author_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `author_email` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `author_phone` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `source_date` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `found` varchar(5) default NULL,
+ `status` varchar(20) default NULL,
+ `email_of_found_person` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `phone_of_found_person` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `last_known_location` text,
+ `text` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`note_record_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `source_repository_id` (`source_repository_id`),
+ KEY `linked_person_record_id` (`linked_person_record_id`)
+) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='IMPORT WILL FAIL if you add foreign key constraints.';
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_note`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_note` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_note_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_note_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_note_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_note_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_note_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `pfif_note_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_note_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_person`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_person`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_person` (
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `source_version` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
+ `source_repository_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `entry_date` datetime NOT NULL,
+ `expiry_date` datetime default NULL,
+ `author_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `author_email` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `author_phone` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `source_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `source_date` datetime default NULL,
+ `source_url` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `full_name` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `first_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `last_name` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `home_city` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `home_state` varchar(15) default NULL,
+ `home_country` varchar(2) default NULL,
+ `home_neighborhood` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `home_street` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `home_postal_code` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `photo_url` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `sex` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `date_of_birth` date default NULL,
+ `age` varchar(10) default NULL,
+ `other` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `source_repository_id` (`source_repository_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_person`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_person` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_person` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_person` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pfif_repository`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pfif_repository`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pfif_repository` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `incident_id` bigint(11) default NULL,
+ `base_url` varchar(512) default NULL,
+ `subdomain` varchar(32) default 'YMz6eKr-yEA3TXGp',
+ `auth_key` varchar(16) default 'YMz6eKr-yEA3TXGp',
+ `resource_type` varchar(6) default NULL,
+ `role` varchar(6) default NULL,
+ `granularity` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ',
+ `deleted_record` varchar(10) NOT NULL default 'no',
+ `sched_interval_minutes` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `log_granularity` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '24:00:00',
+ `first_entry` datetime default NULL,
+ `last_entry` datetime default NULL,
+ `total_persons` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `total_notes` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `incident_id` (`incident_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `pfif_repository_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`incident_id`) REFERENCES `incident` (`incident_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pfif_repository`
+LOCK TABLES `pfif_repository` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_repository` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pfif_repository` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `phonetic_word`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `phonetic_word`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `phonetic_word` (
+ `encode1` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `encode2` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `pgl_uuid` varchar(128) default NULL
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `phonetic_word`
+LOCK TABLES `phonetic_word` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phonetic_word` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phonetic_word` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `plus_access_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plus_access_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `plus_access_log` (
+ `access_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `access_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `application` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `version` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `ip` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `call` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `api_version` varchar(8) default NULL,
+ `latitude` double default NULL COMMENT 'lat of the ip address',
+ `longitude` double default NULL COMMENT 'lon of the ip address',
+ `user_name` varchar(100) default NULL COMMENT 'users.user_name that make the call',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`access_id`),
+ KEY `user_idx` (`user_name`),
+ KEY `ip_idx` (`ip`),
+ CONSTRAINT `plus_access_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_name`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_name`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `plus_access_log`
+LOCK TABLES `plus_access_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_access_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_access_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `plus_report_log`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plus_report_log`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `plus_report_log` (
+ `report_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `enum` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`report_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `plus_report_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `plus_report_log`
+LOCK TABLES `plus_report_log` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_report_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plus_report_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `pop_outlog`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pop_outlog`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `pop_outlog` (
+ `outlog_index` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `mod_accessed` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
+ `time_sent` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `send_status` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
+ `error_message` varchar(512) NOT NULL,
+ `email_subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
+ `email_from` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `email_recipients` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`outlog_index`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `pop_outlog`
+LOCK TABLES `pop_outlog` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pop_outlog` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `pop_outlog` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `rap_log`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `rap_log` (
+ `rap_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `report_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`rap_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `rap_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `rap_log`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rap_log` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rap_log` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `rez_pages`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rez_pages`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `rez_pages` (
+ `rez_page_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `rez_menu_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `rez_menu_order` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `rez_content` mediumtext NOT NULL,
+ `rez_timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `rez_visibility` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`rez_page_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `rez_pages`
+LOCK TABLES `rez_pages` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rez_pages` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `rez_pages` (`rez_page_id`, `rez_menu_title`, `rez_menu_order`, `rez_content`, `rez_timestamp`, `rez_visibility`) VALUES (-45,'PLUS Web Service API',38,'Click here to open the Google Doc for the PLUS Web Services
','2012-03-01 21:29:28','Hidden'),(-30,'ABOUT',36,'Some of the Sahana Agasti modules are being actively developed, maintained, or customized by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, Maryland. NLM is in a community partnership with 3 nearby hospitals (National Naval Medical Center, NIH Clinical Center, Suburban Hospital) to improve emergency responses to a mass disaster impacting those hospitals. The partnership, called the Bethesda Hospitals\' Emergency Preparedness Partnership (BHEPP), received initial federal funding for LPF and other NLM IT projects in 2008-9. The LPF project is currently supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, through NLM’s Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC). Software development is headed by LHNCBC\'s Communication Engineering Branch (CEB), with additional content from LHNCBC\'s Computer Science Branch (CSB) and the Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), part of NLM\'s Specialized Information Services.
','2012-03-01 21:29:33','Hidden'),(-20,'Access Denied',-20,'You do not have permission to access this event. If you believe this is in error, please contact lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov','2011-06-14 16:59:53','Hidden'),(-6,'Password Reset.',8,'
Your password has been successfully reset and the new password emailed to you.
','2011-06-14 17:09:49','Hidden'),(-5,'Account activated.',7,'
Your account has been successfully activated. You may now
login to the site to begin using it.
','2011-06-14 17:09:49','Hidden'),(-4,'Account already active.',6,'
This confirmation link is no longer valid. The account attached to it is already active.
','2011-06-14 17:06:55','Hidden'),(11,'How do I search for a person?',14,'Searching
\n1) Enter a name in the search box
\n2) Click on the \"Search\" button, or hit Enter
\n Joseph Doe
\n Doe, Jane
\n Joseph Joe Joey
\nIt is best to leave off titles (\"Dr.\", \"Mrs.\") and suffixes (\"Jr\") at this time.
\nSearch Options
\nOnce you have performed a search, you may also limit your results by status, gender, and age.
\nStatus choices are missing (blue), alive and well (green), injured (red), deceased (black), found (brown) or unknown (gray).
\nGender choices are male, female, and other/unknown.
\nAge choices are 0-17, 18+, or unknown.
If you want to see only records that have photos, include \"[image]\" in the search box. Use \"[-image]\" to see only records that have no photos.
\nResults include any of the search terms. To tolerate misspellings, results are not limited to exact matches. Matches may include names found in certain fields, like Notes, that will be visible only if you consult the record\'s details.
\nUnder the search box is the number of records found that match your search, and the total number in the database (e.g., Found 2 out of 43).
\nYou may sort your results by Time, Name, Age, or Status. By Name orders by last name, then within that, first. By Age will use a calculated midpoint age for each record with an age range.
\nInteractive mode displays results by page. The default is 25 per page. You may change it to 50 or 100 per page via the pull down menu at the top of the results.
\nHands Free mode displays results as several horizontally-scrolling rows of boxes with a photograph or text. The boxes always distribute themselves evenly among the rows, starting at the right side and from top row to bottom. If there are more boxes than can be shown at once, the rows will become animated to scroll horizontally with wrap-around. There is no meaning to the ordering of the images at this time.
\nGetting Details about a Given Results
\nClick on the results (photo or text) for more information.
\nPause and Play Buttons
\nIf horizontal scrolling is occurring, Pause will stop that, and Play will resume it. Even while paused, the search will be repeated every minute to look for fresh content.
\nSearch and Data Updates
\nOnce a set of results for a search is loaded, the search will be quietly repeated every minute to see if there is new content.
New Information can be input via the Report a Person page, or sent to us directly by email or web service, e.g., from apps like ReUnite and TriagePic.\n
','2011-11-22 20:39:09','Public'),(24,'Links to other organizations',35,'Find Family and Friends
\nRed Cross Safe and Well List
\nNext of Kin National Registry
\nMissing Person Flier Creation Tools
\n\nDisaster Resources - General
\nDisaster Assistance
\nRed Cross Provides Shelters and Food
\nNLM\'s Disaster Information Management Resource Center, currently highlighting flood and hurricane information.
\n\nDisaster Resources - Tornadoes
\nFrom the Disaster Information Management Resource Center
\nFrom MedlinePlus
\nFrom NOAA 2011
\nAbout Joplin Globe\'s Facebook page - locates, reunites missing people in tornado aftermath\n\n\n\n\n','2012-03-01 21:29:37','Public'),(43,'How do I report a missing or found person?',18,'\n\n\n\n\n
Reporting a Missing or Found Person
\n - By Browser. Use the \"Report a Person\" link at left. This is the way to update a report, too.
\n - By iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Get our free “ReUnite” app from the Apple Store (details...).
\n - By Email. Put name and status in the subject line, as in \"Jane Doe missing\", attach a photo, and send to disaster@mail.nih.gov (details...).
\n - By Specialized Software for Hospitals. Ask NLM about our \"TriagePic\" Windows software for triage stations.
[[TO DO: In Spanish]]
[En Français]
Reporting using our iPhone™ App, “ReUnite”
\n\nOf particular interest to aid workers, we provide a free iPhone app called
ReUnite through the Apple Store. \nThis creates structured content with associated photographs (limited to 1 per submission so far). \nMore information can be transmitted to us this way than using the unstructured email method below.
\nReUnite currently supports iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 with iPhone OS 3.0 or later. iPod Touch and iPad are also usable.
Show/Hide More...\n
\nUsers can choose to take a new photo using their iPhone’s camera\nor use an existing image from their camera roll/photo library. \nThey are then able to tag certain information about the person in the photo. \nThe following fields, all optional, are available for editing:
\n - Given Name
\n - Family Name
\n - Health Status: (Alive & Well / Injured / Deceased / Unknown)
\n - Gender: (Male / Female / Unknown)
\n - Age Group: (0-17 / 18+ / Unknown) (or enter an estimated age instead)
\n - Estimated Age, in years
\n - Location Status: (Missing / Known)
\n - Last Known Location (if missing) / Current Location (otherwise)
Street (typically)
Town (typically)
\n - ID Tag Automatically generated by default. Aid workers can substitute organization’s triage number.
\n - Voice Note
\n - Text Note
In addition, the following info is generated at the time the record is created:
\n - GPS Location (if enabled)
\n - Date and time
\nThe image and corresponding information can then be sent by web service (or as backup, by email) to the PL server automatically. \n The info is also embedded into the image’s EXIF tags. \n The records (including photos) are stored locally on the iPhone in an SQLite database format. \n This database can be sent by email to
lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov,\n where support personnel can arrange to have it included in our database. \n Consequently, data can be collected when cell phone connectivity is not available,\n and subsequently sent when connectivity becomes available.
Quick Reporting by Email of Name, Status, and Photo
\n\nYou may also report a name and simple status directly to us by email (such as by cell phone). You may also attach a photograph (limited to 1 at the moment). Acceptable formats are .jpg (or .jpeg), .png, and .gif . For now, content in the email body is ignored.
Email to: disaster@mail.nih.gov
Subject Line: Name of Missing or Found Person Status
where Status, whose case doesn\'t matter, is
\n - Missing
\n - Alive and Well
\n - Injured
\n - Deceased
\n - Found (but it\'s better to use a status that indicates health too)
\nExample of subject line: “Jean Baptiste alive and well”
\nPunctuation will be treated as spaces.
Show/Hide More...\n
Table of Status Words
\n \n Status Assumed | \n Recognized words in subject line (case doesn’t matter) | \n
\n \n Missing | \n missing, lost, looking for, [to] find | \n
\n \n | \n French: disparu, perdu, trouver, a la recherche de, trouver [SUITE: à la recherche de] | \n
\n \n Alive and Well | \n alive, well, okay, OK, good, healthy, recovered, fine | \n
\n \n | \n French: en vie, vivant, ok, bien portant, en bonne sante, gueri [SUITE: en bonne santé, guéri] | \n
\n \n Injured | \n injured, hurt, wounded, sick, treated, recovering | \n
\n \n | \n French: blesse, mal en point, malade, soigne, convalscent [SUITE: blessé, soigné] | \n
\n \n Deceased | \n deceased, dead, died, buried | \n
\n \n | \n French: decede, mort, inhume [SUITE: décédé, inhumé ] | \n
\n \n Found | \n found | \n
When entering Status:
\n - Avoid using the word “not”
\n - Avoid using the word “found” alone, without further indicating health status in one of the three categories.
Creando un reporte [TO DO: about a Missing or Found Person][TRANSLATION IN PROGRESS]
\n [TO DO: Bullet points]
\n - By Browser. Use the \"Report a Person\" link at left. This is the way to update a report, too.
\n - By iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Get our free “ReUnite” app from the Apple Store (details...).
\n - By Email. Put name and status in the subject line, as in \"Jane Doe missing\", attach a photo, and send to disaster@mail.nih.gov (details...).
\n - By Specialized Software for Hospitals. Ask NLM about our \"TriagePic\" Windows software for triage stations.
[TO DO: Details]
Enviando un reporte mediante la aplicación de iPHone, \"ReUnite\"
\n De particular interés para los trabajadores humanitarios, ofrecemos una aplicación libre de costo para el iPhone llamada\n
ReUnite a través del \"Apple Store\". \n Esta aplicación crea un mensaje electrónico con un contenido estructurado con fotografías asociadas (limitado a 1 por reporte por el momento).\n Esta aplicación de iPhone permite proporcionar más información que mediante el método de correo electrónico no estructurado explicado arriba.\n
\n \"ReUnite\" actualmente soporta iPhone 3G y iPhone 4 con iPhone OS 3.0 o una versión más actual.
\n {TO DO: iPod Touch and iPad are also usable.]
{TO DO]Show/Hide More...\n
\n Los usuarios pueden elegir tomar una nueva foto usando la cámara de su iPhone o utilizar una imagen existente en su cámara, en su colección de fotografías\n digitales. Luego de eso, pueden etiquetar la fotografía con cierta información sobre la persona. Los siguientes campos, todos opcionales, están disponibles para ser editados:
\n - Nombre
\n - Apellido
\n - Estado de salud: (Vivo y bien / Herido / Fallecido / Desconocido)
\n - Género: (Hombre / Mujer / Desconocido)
\n - AGrupo de edad: (0-17 / 18 + / Desconocido) (o ingresar una edad estimada en el siguiente campo en su lugar)
\n - Edad estimada, en años
\n - Estado de la información de ubicación: (Desconocida o Conocida)
\n - Última ubicación conocida de la persona (si ubicación actual no es conocida) / Ubicación actual (si es conocida)
\n \n - Calle (típicamente)
\n - Ciudad o localidad (típicamente)
\n - Etiqueta de identificación generada automáticamente. Trabajadores humanitarios pueden substituir esta etiqueta por un código de triage de su organización.
\n - Notas [TO DO: Voice Note]
\n - Notas [TO DO: Text Note]
Además, la siguiente información se genera cuando sea crea el registro:
\n - Localización geográfica GPS
\n - Fecha y hora
\n Luego, la imagen y la información correspondiente pueden ser enviadas automáticamente por correo electrónico al servidor LPF.\n La información es también incluida en las etiquetas EXIF de la imagen. Los registros (incluyendo fotos) se almacenan localmente\n en el iPhone en un formato de base de datos SQLite. Esta base de datos puede ser enviada por correo electrónico a\n
lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov,\n donde el personal de soporte puede hacer arreglos para que se incluya en nuestra base de datos. Por lo tanto, datos pueden ser recopilados\n cuando la conectividad de teléfonos celulares no está disponible, y posteriormente enviados cuando la conectividad esté de nuevo disponible.\n
Creando un reporte rápidamente mediante email, incluyendo nombre, estado y foto
Usted puede también reportar directamente el nombre y estado de una persona mediante correo electrónico (por ejemplo desde su teléfono celular).\n Se puede también adjuntar una fotografía (solo una foto es permitida por el momento). Los formatos digitales aceptados son .jpg (o .jpeg),\n .png, y .gif. Por ahora, el contenido del cuerpo del mensaje es ignorado.\n
\n Envíe su correo electrónico a: disaster@nih.gov
En la línea de asunto (subject) de su mensaje electrónico ingrese el nombre de la persona encontrada o buscada, y una palabra que indique el \"estado\"\n o condición de esta persona [, TO DO where estado, whose case doesn\'t matter, is]
\n [TO DO: Spanish status strings are planned]
\n - Se busca
\n - Vivo y bien
\n - Herido/herida
\n - Fallecido
\n - Encontrado/encontrada ([TO DO: but it\'s better to use a status that indicates health too)
\n\n Por ejemplo:
\n Asunto: Juan Perez se busca
\n [TO DO: Punctuation will be treated as spaces.]
[TO DO:]Show/Hide More...\n
Tabla de palabras de \"estado\" o condición de la persona
\n [TO DO: Spanish status strings are planned. Add English, French rows here too. Also add spanish to English, French sections]\n
\n \n Estados usados por el sistema | \n Términos sugeridos para ser usados en \"estado\" ([TO DO: case doesn\'t matter]) | \n
\n \n Se busca | \n Se busca, perdida, perdido, buscando, por encontrar | \n
\n \n Vivo y bien | \n Vivo, bien, okey, saludable, recuperado | \n
\n \n Herido/herida | \n Herido, herida, lastimado, lastimada, enfermo, enferma, en tratamiento, recuperándose | \n
\n \n Fallecido | \n Fallecido, fallecida, muerto, muerta, murió, sepultado, sepultada | \n
\n \n Encontrado/encontrada | \n Encontrado, encontrada | \n
\n \n
\n Cuando se ingresa el estado de la persona:
\n - Evite usar la palabra \"no\"
\n - Evite usar la palabra \"encontrado\" o \"encontrada\" sola. Indique el estado de salud en una de las tres categorías: vivo y bien, herido, fallecido
Signalement d’une Personne Disparu ou Retrouvé
\n - Par Navigateur. Utilisez le lien \"Report a Person\" à gauche. C\'est la façon de mettre à jour un rapport, aussi.
\n - Par iPhone, iPod Touch, ou iPad. Obtenez notre application gratuite, “ReUnite”, disponible via Apple Store (détails...).
\n - Par Courriel. Mettez le nom et le statut dans la ligne sujet (\"Jane Doe disparu\" par exemple), joindre une photo, et courriel à disaster@mail.nih.gov (détails...)
\n - Par des Logiciels Spécialisés pour les Hôpitaux. Demandez NLM sur notre \"TriagePic\" logiciel Windows pour les stations de triage.
Signalement avec l’application iPhone™, “ReUnite”
\n\nEn soutien aux acteurs de l’aide internationale, nous proposons une application iPhone gratuite,\n(
“ReUnite”), disponible via Apple Store. \nCette application crée un courriel structuré avec photographie jointe (limité à une photographie par soumission). \nD’autres informations peuvent nous être transmises de cette manière, de préférence à l’utilisation d’un courriel classique, non structuré.
\n“ReUnite” prend actuellement en charge l’iPhone 3G et 4 de l’iPhone avec iPhone OS 3.0 ou une version ultérieure. \niPod Touch et iPad sont également utilisables.
Afficher/Masquer Plus d\'Info...\n
\nLes utilisateurs peuvent prendre une photo à l’aide de leur iPhone, ou sélectionner une photo dans leur galerie. \nIls peuvent ensuite joindre certaines informations sur la personne photographiée. \nLes champs suivants (tous optionnels) peuvent être remplis:
\n - Prénom
\n - Nom de Famille
\n - État de santé: (En vie / Blessé /Décédé /Inconnu)
\n - Sexe: (Masculin / Féminin / Inconnu)
\n - Âge: (0-17 / 18+ / Inconnu) (ou une estimation de l’âge)
\n - Âge présumé, en années
\n - État de position: (Disparu / Connu)
\n - Dernière position connue (si disparu) / Position actuelle (sinon)
Rue (par exemple)
Ville (par exemple)
\n - Badge d’identification Généré automatiquement par défaut. Le personnel humanitaire pourra y substituer un numéro de triage spécifique aux organismes.
\n - Autres remarques et commentaires
\nDe plus, les informations suivantes sont automatiquement générées lors de la création du signalement:
\n - Position GPS
\n - Date et heure
\nL’image et les informations associées peuvent ensuite être automatiquement envoyées par courrier électronique au serveur LPF. \nLes informations sont également ajoutées au contenu des tags EXIF de l’image. \nL’ensemble du signalement (y compris l’image) est enregistré localement sur l’iPhone dans une base de données au format SQLite. \nCette base de données peut être envoyée par courrier électronique à
lpfsupport@mail.nih.gov,\nafin que notre personnel procède à la mise à jour de notre base de données globale. \nAinsi, les données peuvent être collectées dans des zones sans connexion réseau puis transmises ultérieurement,\ndès qu’une connexion réseau est disponible.
Signalement rapide par Courriel - envoi de Nom, Statut et Photographie
\n\nLe nom et le statut d’une personne peut nous être envoyé\ndirectement par courrier électronique (par exemple, envoyé depuis un\ntéléphone portable). Il vous est également possible de joindre une photographie à votre\nmessage (fonctionnalité limitée à une seule photographie par message\npour l’instant). Les formats acceptés sont .jpg (ou .jpeg), .png, et .gif . Pour l’instant, toute information contenue dans le corps du message\nélectronique est ignorée.
Courriel à : disaster@mail.nih.gov
Sujet: Nom de la victime Statut
Statut =
\n - Disparu
\n - En Vie
\n - Blessé
\n - Décédé
\n - [Retrouvé] Mais il est préférable d\'utiliser un status qui précise la santé, aussi.
\nExemple de sujet d’un courriel: “Jean-Baptiste Dupont En Vie”
\nPonctuation seront traités comme des espaces.
Afficher/Masquer Plus d\'Info...\n
Tableau des mots décrivant le statut
\n \n Statut Présumé | \n \n Mots Recommandés à indiquer dans le sujet du courriel (pas de distinction entre majuscules et minuscules) | \n
\n \n Disparu | \n disparu, perdu, trouver, a la recherche de, trouver [SUITE: à la recherche de] | \n
\n \n | \n Anglais: missing, lost, looking for, [to] find | \n
\n \n En vie | \n en vie, vivant, ok, bien portant, en bonne sante, gueri [SUITE: en bonne santé, guéri] | \n
\n \n | \n Anglais: alive, well, okay, OK, good, healthy, recovered, fine | \n
\n \n Blessé | \n blesse, mal en point, malade, soigne, convalscent [SUITE: blessé, soigné] | \n
\n \n | \n Anglais: injured, hurt, wounded, sick, treated, recovering | \n
\n \n Décédé | \n decede, mort, inhume [SUITE: décédé, inhumé ] | \n
\n \n | \n Anglais: deceased, dead, died, buried | \n
\n \n
\nLorsque vous renseignez le statut:
\n - Évitez les tournures négatives “pas”, “non”
\n - Evitez d’utiliser le mot “trouvé” sans information complémentaire sur l’état de santé de la victime.
\n\n\n\n\n','2012-02-29 23:42:37','Public');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `rez_pages` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `sessions`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
+ `session_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `sess_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `secret` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `inactive_expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `expiry` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `data` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `sessions`
+LOCK TABLES `sessions` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `sys_group_to_module`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_group_to_module`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `sys_group_to_module` (
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `module` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
+ `status` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`module`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `sys_group_to_module`
+LOCK TABLES `sys_group_to_module` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_group_to_module` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `sys_group_to_module` (`group_id`, `module`, `status`) VALUES (1,'admin','enabled'),(1,'arrive','enabled'),(1,'eap','enabled'),(1,'em','enabled'),(1,'ha','enabled'),(1,'home','enabled'),(1,'inw','enabled'),(1,'mpres','enabled'),(1,'pfif','enabled'),(1,'plus','enabled'),(1,'pop','enabled'),(1,'pref','enabled'),(1,'report','enabled'),(1,'rez','enabled'),(1,'stat','enabled'),(1,'xst','enabled'),(2,'eap','enabled'),(2,'home','enabled'),(2,'inw','enabled'),(2,'pref','enabled'),(2,'report','enabled'),(2,'rez','enabled'),(2,'xst','enabled'),(3,'eap','enabled'),(3,'home','enabled'),(3,'inw','enabled'),(3,'report','enabled'),(3,'rez','enabled'),(3,'xst','enabled'),(5,'eap','enabled'),(5,'home','enabled'),(5,'inw','enabled'),(5,'pref','enabled'),(5,'report','enabled'),(5,'rez','enabled'),(5,'stat','enabled'),(5,'tp','enabled'),(5,'xst','enabled'),(6,'eap','enabled'),(6,'em','enabled'),(6,'ha','enabled'),(6,'home','enabled'),(6,'inw','enabled'),(6,'pref','enabled'),(6,'report','enabled'),(6,'rez','enabled'),(6,'stat','enabled'),(6,'tp','enabled'),(6,'xst','enabled'),(7,'eap','enabled'),(7,'home','enabled'),(7,'inw','enabled'),(7,'pref','enabled'),(7,'report','enabled'),(7,'rez','enabled'),(7,'stat','enabled'),(7,'xst','enabled');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_group_to_module` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `sys_user_groups`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_groups`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `sys_user_groups` (
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `group_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `sys_user_groups`
+LOCK TABLES `sys_user_groups` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`, `group_name`) VALUES (1,'Administrator'),(2,'Registered User'),(3,'Anonymous User'),(5,'Hospital Staff'),(6,'Hospital Staff Admin'),(7,'Researchers');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `sys_user_to_group`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_to_group`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `sys_user_to_group` (
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ KEY `group_id` (`group_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+ CONSTRAINT `sys_user_to_group_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `sys_user_groups` (`group_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `sys_user_to_group`
+LOCK TABLES `sys_user_to_group` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_to_group` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `sys_user_to_group` (`group_id`, `p_uuid`) VALUES (3,'3'),(1,'1'),(3,'2');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sys_user_to_group` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `user_preference`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_preference`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `user_preference` (
+ `pref_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `module_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
+ `pref_key` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
+ `value` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`pref_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `user_preference_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `user_preference`
+LOCK TABLES `user_preference` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user_preference` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `user_preference` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `users`
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `users` (
+ `user_id` int(16) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ `password` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `salt` varchar(100) default NULL,
+ `changed_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `status` varchar(60) default 'active',
+ `confirmation` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `oauth_id` varchar(32) default NULL COMMENT 'the oauth user id',
+ `profile_link` varchar(256) default NULL COMMENT 'url to profile',
+ `profile_picture` varchar(256) default NULL COMMENT 'url to profile pic',
+ `locale` varchar(8) default NULL COMMENT 'language locale',
+ `verified_email` tinyint(1) default NULL COMMENT 'true if email verified',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `user_name` (`user_name`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `users`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `p_uuid`, `user_name`, `password`, `salt`, `changed_timestamp`, `status`, `confirmation`, `oauth_id`, `profile_link`, `profile_picture`, `locale`, `verified_email`) VALUES (1,'1','root','c77ce1c91f65ec039c255b7b4981a452','e5cb9f3624f2d81964',1334258322,'active',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2,'2','mpres',NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3,'3','anonymous',NULL,NULL,0,'active',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `voice_note`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voice_note`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `voice_note` (
+ `voice_note_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
+ `p_uuid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `length` int(16) default NULL,
+ `format` varchar(16) default NULL,
+ `sample_rate` int(16) default NULL,
+ `channels` int(8) default NULL,
+ `speaker` enum('Person','Reporter','Other') default NULL COMMENT 'Used to identify speaker.',
+ `url_original` varchar(1024) default NULL COMMENT 'url of the original audio',
+ `url_resampled_mp3` varchar(1024) default NULL COMMENT 'url of the resampled audio in mp3 format',
+ `url_resampled_ogg` varchar(1024) default NULL COMMENT 'url of the resampled audio in ogg format',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`voice_note_id`),
+ KEY `p_uuid` (`p_uuid`),
+ CONSTRAINT `voice_note_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`p_uuid`) REFERENCES `person_uuid` (`p_uuid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `voice_note`
+LOCK TABLES `voice_note` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `voice_note_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voice_note_seq`;
+/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
+CREATE TABLE `voice_note_seq` (
+ `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'stores next id in sequence for the voice_note table',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
+-- Dumping data for table `voice_note_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `voice_note_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `voice_note_seq` (`id`) VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `voice_note_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Dumping routines for database 'vesuvius092'
+/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `delete_reported_person` */;;
+/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
+/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `delete_reported_person`(IN id VARCHAR(128),IN deleteNotes BOOLEAN)
+DELETE p.* FROM person_uuid p, person_to_report pr WHERE pr.rep_uuid = p.p_uuid AND pr.p_uuid = id AND pr.rep_uuid NOT IN (SELECT p_uuid FROM users);
+DELETE person_uuid.* FROM person_uuid WHERE p_uuid = id;
+DELETE pfif_person.* FROM pfif_person WHERE p_uuid = id;
+IF deleteNotes THEN
+ DELETE pfif_note.* FROM pfif_note WHERE p_uuid = id;
+ UPDATE pfif_note SET linked_person_record_id = NULL WHERE linked_person_record_id = id;
+END */;;
+/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch` */;;
+/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
+/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch`(IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
+ IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN incidentName VARCHAR(100),
+ IN sortBy VARCHAR(100),
+ IN pageStart INT,
+ IN perPage INT)
+ IF searchTerms = '' THEN
+ FROM person_uuid pu
+ JOIN incident i ON (pu.incident_id = i.incident_id AND i.shortname = incidentName)
+ LIMIT 5000
+ );
+ ELSEIF searchTerms = 'unknown' THEN
+ FROM person_uuid pu
+ JOIN incident i ON (pu.incident_id = i.incident_id AND i.shortname = incidentName)
+ WHERE (full_name = '' OR full_name IS NULL)
+ LIMIT 5000
+ );
+ FROM person_uuid pu
+ JOIN incident i ON (pu.incident_id = i.incident_id AND i.shortname = incidentName)
+ WHERE full_name like CONCAT(searchTerms , '%')
+ LIMIT 5000
+ );
+ SET @sqlString = CONCAT("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `tn`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,
+ `tn`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,
+ `tn`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,
+ `tn`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,
+ (CASE WHEN `ps`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'fnd') THEN 'unk' ELSE `ps`.`opt_status` END) AS `opt_status`,
+ CONVERT_TZ(ps.last_updated,'America/New_York','UTC') AS updated,
+ (CASE WHEN `pd`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `pd`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `pd`.`opt_gender` END) AS `opt_gender`,
+ `pd`.`years_old` as `years_old`,
+ `pd`.`minAge` as `minAge`,
+ `pd`.`maxAge` as `maxAge`,
+ `i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,
+ `i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,
+ `i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,
+ (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END) AS `hospital`,
+ (CASE WHEN (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) THEN NULL ELSE `h`.`icon_url` END) AS `icon_url`,
+ `pd`.last_seen,
+ `pd`.other_comments as comments,
+ ecl.person_id as mass_casualty_id
+ FROM tmp_names tn
+ JOIN person_status ps ON (tn.p_uuid = ps.p_uuid and (`tn`.`expiry_date` > NOW() OR `tn`.`expiry_date` IS NULL) AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN ps.opt_status NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'fnd') OR ps.opt_status IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE ps.opt_status END)))
+ JOIN person_details pd ON (tn.p_uuid = pd.p_uuid AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `opt_gender` END))
+ (CASE WHEN `pd`.`years_old` < 18 THEN 'youth'
+ WHEN `pd`.`years_old` >= 18 THEN 'adult' END)
+ AND `pd`.`minAge` < 18 AND `pd`.`maxAge` >= 18 THEN 'both'
+ WHEN CONVERT(`pd`.`minAge`, UNSIGNED INTEGER) IS NOT NULL AND `pd`.`minAge` >= 18 THEN 'adult'
+ WHEN CONVERT(`pd`.`maxAge`, UNSIGNED INTEGER) IS NOT NULL AND `pd`.`maxAge` < 18 THEN 'youth'
+ ELSE 'unknown'
+ END)))
+ JOIN hospital h ON (tn.hospital_uuid = h.hospital_uuid AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END)))
+ JOIN image i ON (tn.p_uuid = i.p_uuid AND i.principal = TRUE)
+ JOIN edxl_co_lpf ecl ON tn.p_uuid = ecl.p_uuid
+ ORDER BY ", sortBy, " LIMIT ?, ?;");
+ PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlString;
+ SET @statusFilter = statusFilter;
+ SET @genderFilter = genderFilter;
+ SET @ageFilter = ageFilter;
+ SET @hospitalFilter = hospitalFilter;
+ SET @pageStart = pageStart;
+ SET @perPage = perPage;
+ SET NAMES utf8;
+ EXECUTE stmt USING @statusFilter, @genderFilter, @ageFilter, @hospitalFilter, @pageStart, @perPage;
+ DROP TABLE tmp_names;
+END */;;
+/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch2` */;;
+/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
+/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch2`(IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
+ IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN incident VARCHAR(100),
+ IN sortBy VARCHAR(100),
+ IN pageStart INT,
+ IN perPage INT,
+ OUT totalRows INT)
+ SET @sqlString = "
+ `a`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,
+ `a`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,
+ `a`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,
+ `a`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,
+ (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END) AS `opt_status`,
+ DATE_FORMAT(b.updated, '%m/%e/%y @ %l:%i:%s %p') as updated,
+ (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END) AS `opt_gender`,
+ (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END) as `age_group`,
+ `i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,
+ `i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,
+ `i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,
+ (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END) AS `hospital`,
+ (CASE WHEN (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) THEN NULL ELSE `h`.`icon_url` END) AS `icon_url`,
+ `inc`.`shortname` AS `shortname`,
+ `pm`.last_seen, `pm`.comments
+ FROM `person_uuid` `a`
+ JOIN `person_status` `b` ON (`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid` AND `b`.`isVictim` = 1 )
+ LEFT JOIN `image` `i` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `i`.`x_uuid`
+ JOIN `person_details` `c` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`
+ JOIN `incident` `inc` ON (`inc`.`incident_id` = `a`.`incident_id` AND `a`.`incident_id` <> 0 )
+ LEFT JOIN `hospital` `h` ON `h`.`hospital_uuid` = `a`.`hospital_uuid`
+ LEFT JOIN `person_missing` `pm` ON pm.p_uuid = a.p_uuid
+ WHERE INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END))
+ AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END))
+ AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END))
+ AND INSTR(?, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END))
+ AND `shortname` = ?
+ AND (full_name like CONCAT('%', ?, '%'))
+ LIMIT ?, ?";
+ PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlString;
+ SET @searchTerms = searchTerms;
+ SET @statusFilter = statusFilter;
+ SET @genderFilter = genderFilter;
+ SET @ageFilter = ageFilter;
+ SET @hospitalFilter = hospitalFilter;
+ SET @incident = incident;
+ SET @sortBy = sortBy;
+ SET @pageStart = pageStart;
+ SET @perPage = perPage;
+ EXECUTE stmt USING @statusFilter, @genderFilter, @ageFilter, @hospitalFilter, @incident,
+ @searchTerms,@sortBy, @pageStart, @perPage;
+ SELECT COUNT(p.p_uuid) INTO totalRows
+ FROM person_uuid p
+ JOIN incident i
+ ON p.incident_id = i.incident_id
+ WHERE i.shortname = incident;
+END */;;
+/*!50003 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `PLSearch_Count` */;;
+/*!50003 SET SESSION SQL_MODE=""*/;;
+/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE `PLSearch_Count`(IN searchTerms CHAR(255),
+ IN statusFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN genderFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN ageFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN hospitalFilter VARCHAR(100),
+ IN incident VARCHAR(100))
+ FROM `person_uuid` `a`
+ JOIN `person_status` `b` ON (`a`.`p_uuid` = `b`.`p_uuid` AND `b`.`isVictim` = 1 )
+ JOIN `person_details` `c` ON `a`.`p_uuid` = `c`.`p_uuid`
+ JOIN `incident` `inc` ON (`inc`.`incident_id` = `a`.`incident_id` AND `a`.`incident_id` <> 0 )
+ LEFT JOIN `hospital` `h` ON `h`.`hospital_uuid` = `a`.`hospital_uuid`
+ WHERE INSTR(statusFilter, (CASE WHEN `b`.`opt_status` NOT IN ('ali', 'mis', 'inj', 'dec', 'unk') OR `b`.`opt_status` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `b`.`opt_status` END))
+ AND INSTR(genderFilter, (CASE WHEN `c`.`opt_gender` NOT IN ('mal', 'fml') OR `c`.`opt_gender` IS NULL THEN 'unk' ELSE `c`.`opt_gender` END))
+ AND INSTR(ageFilter, (CASE WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) < 18 THEN 'child' WHEN CAST(`c`.`years_old` AS UNSIGNED) >= 18 THEN 'adult' ELSE 'unknown' END))
+ AND INSTR(hospitalFilter, (CASE WHEN `h`.`short_name` NOT IN ('nnmc', 'suburban') OR `h`.`short_name` IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE `h`.`short_name` END))
+ AND `shortname` = incident
+ AND (full_name like CONCAT('%', searchTerms, '%') OR given_name SOUNDS LIKE searchTerms OR family_name SOUNDS LIKE searchTerms);
+END */;;
+-- Final view structure for view `person_search`
+/*!50001 DROP TABLE `person_search`*/;
+/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `person_search`*/;
+/*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER */
+/*!50001 VIEW `person_search` AS select `pu`.`p_uuid` AS `p_uuid`,`pu`.`full_name` AS `full_name`,`pu`.`given_name` AS `given_name`,`pu`.`family_name` AS `family_name`,`pu`.`expiry_date` AS `expiry_date`,`ps`.`last_updated` AS `updated`,`ps`.`last_updated_db` AS `updated_db`,(case when (`ps`.`opt_status` not in (_utf8'ali',_utf8'mis',_utf8'inj',_utf8'dec',_utf8'unk',_utf8'fnd')) then _utf8'unk' else `ps`.`opt_status` end) AS `opt_status`,(case when ((`pd`.`opt_gender` not in (_utf8'mal',_utf8'fml')) or isnull(`pd`.`opt_gender`)) then _utf8'unk' else `pd`.`opt_gender` end) AS `opt_gender`,(case when isnull(cast(`pd`.`years_old` as unsigned)) then -(1) else `pd`.`years_old` end) AS `years_old`,(case when isnull(cast(`pd`.`minAge` as unsigned)) then -(1) else `pd`.`minAge` end) AS `minAge`,(case when isnull(cast(`pd`.`maxAge` as unsigned)) then -(1) else `pd`.`maxAge` end) AS `maxAge`,(case when (cast(`pd`.`years_old` as unsigned) is not null) then (case when (`pd`.`years_old` < 18) then _utf8'youth' when (`pd`.`years_old` >= 18) then _utf8'adult' end) when ((cast(`pd`.`minAge` as unsigned) is not null) and (cast(`pd`.`maxAge` as unsigned) is not null) and (`pd`.`minAge` < 18) and (`pd`.`maxAge` >= 18)) then _utf8'both' when ((cast(`pd`.`minAge` as unsigned) is not null) and (`pd`.`minAge` >= 18)) then _utf8'adult' when ((cast(`pd`.`maxAge` as unsigned) is not null) and (`pd`.`maxAge` < 18)) then _utf8'youth' else _utf8'unknown' end) AS `ageGroup`,`i`.`image_height` AS `image_height`,`i`.`image_width` AS `image_width`,`i`.`url_thumb` AS `url_thumb`,(case when (`h`.`hospital_uuid` = -(1)) then NULL else `h`.`icon_url` end) AS `icon_url`,`inc`.`shortname` AS `shortname`,(case when ((`pu`.`hospital_uuid` not in (1,2,3)) or isnull(`pu`.`hospital_uuid`)) then _utf8'public' else lcase(`h`.`short_name`) end) AS `hospital`,`pd`.`other_comments` AS `comments`,`pd`.`last_seen` AS `last_seen`,`ecl`.`person_id` AS `mass_casualty_id` from ((((((`person_uuid` `pu` join `person_status` `ps` on((`pu`.`p_uuid` = `ps`.`p_uuid`))) left join `image` `i` on(((`pu`.`p_uuid` = `i`.`p_uuid`) and (`i`.`principal` = 1)))) join `person_details` `pd` on((`pu`.`p_uuid` = `pd`.`p_uuid`))) join `incident` `inc` on((`inc`.`incident_id` = `pu`.`incident_id`))) left join `hospital` `h` on((`h`.`hospital_uuid` = `pu`.`hospital_uuid`))) left join `edxl_co_lpf` `ecl` on((`ecl`.`p_uuid` = `pu`.`p_uuid`))) */;
+/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
+-- Dump completed on 2012-04-12 15:48:01
diff --git a/vesuvius/www/.htaccess.example b/vesuvius/www/.htaccess.example
index 33d04a45..c774f67c 100755
--- a/vesuvius/www/.htaccess.example
+++ b/vesuvius/www/.htaccess.example
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ RewriteEngine On
##### Only use 1 of the following RewriteBase options ~ comment the other out
##### for when Sahana is installed on a virtual host at root level ie. http://domain.com/
RewriteBase /
-##### for when Sahana is installed in a user homedir ie. http://domain.gov/~gmiernicki/sahanaDev/www/
+##### for when Sahana is installed in a user homedir ie. http://domain.gov/~gmiernicki/vesuvius/vesuvius/www/
#RewriteBase /~miernickig/vesuvius/vesuvius/www/
##### make mod_rewrite skip the subsequent rules if the file or folder exists already (the number must be incremented each time a new rule is added below)