Releases: rvalitov/widgetkit-map-ex
Releases · rvalitov/widgetkit-map-ex
v1.4 (2016-01-30)
- Styling notification - styling is applied only to a map type called Styled. Otherwise the styling is not applied. The corresponding message is now displayed on the Style tab.
- The pins were not visible (even on old Map widgets) when using standard (not custom) pin images.
- There was en error when update details dialog didn't open if certain characters were used in the Release notes text.
v1.3 (2016-01-26)
- More map types (Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain, Styled) - the widget supports all standard map types that are available at Google Maps, read more.
- Advanced map controls - you can customize visibility of all map controls and tweak their look, read more, closes #3.
- Sophisticated styling options - you can create your own custom map with unique appearance using various styling options and Wizard, read more.
- Update notifications - you will be notified if new versions of the widget are available.
- Tooltips added to all options, closes #4
- Widgetkit 2.5.3 compliance - the core code updated according to the Widgetkit 2.5.3.
- More robust code for centering the map
- Dialog fix worked incorrectly if map center point wasn't defined
v1.2 (2016-01-18)
v1.1 (2015-12-30)
Tooltips added to the back-end
v1.0 (2015-12-13)
First release of MapEx widget