A simple javascript library that wraps the Google Docs JSON API. Part of the Recline suite of data libraries (but has no dependencies on core Recline).
Get data from the API:
url: 'https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aon3JiuouxLUdDlGV2lCakoydVh1U014cHRqcXpoWVE#gid=0'
.done(function(result) {
// structure of result is below
The result of fetch has a convenient structure of the following form:
result = {
records: // array of Objects
fields: // array of Field Objects as per http://www.dataprotocols.org/en/latest/json-table-schema.html
metadata: {
spreadsheetTitle: ...,
worksheetTitle: ...,
title: spreadsheetTitle +" :: "+ result.worksheetTitle
You can also use GDocs parsing without depending on jQuery:
// json should be the JSON you get from the Google Docs JSON API
var out = recline.Backend.GDocs.parseData(json);
You may specify info about the Google Spreadsheet in several ways
// GDocs spreadsheet URL
url: 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aon3JiuouxLUdGlQVDJnbjZRSU1tUUJWOUZXRG53VkE#gid=0'
// OR the key
url: '0Aon3JiuouxLUdDQwZE1JdV94cUd6NWtuZ0IyWTBjLWc'
// OR URL to API
url: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/0Aon3JiuouxLUdDQwZE1JdV94cUd6NWtuZ0IyWTBjLWc/od6/public/values?alt=json'
In addition you can provide a worksheet index (starting at 1):
url: ...
worksheetIndex: 2
NB: we try to guess from #gid={worksheetIndex} and o/w default to 1. A problem with guessing from gid is that the API worksheet indexes follow the order of the worksheets as shown in the spreadsheet but #gid seems to follow creation order so the gid and worksheetIndex may not be the same if you have re-ordered spreadsheets
- underscore
- jQuery (optional) - only if you want ajax requests
- underscore.deferred (optional) - only needed if no jQuery
One of the reasons for the different options is that it ensures you can use this library in the browser and in webworkers (where jQuery does not function).