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Aaron H edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

This document is to establish some consistent norms that will be used throughout the application. Using consistent language and decoration reduces cognitive load for the users and accelerates on-boarding.


Buttons and UI components should use supplemental icons (in addition to text) wherever possible and appropriate. When possible, reinforce existing choices (ie. the buttons that lead to new actions prepend the plus icon; if you add a button that leads to a new action, yours should too)

Table Rows

Table rows that offer contextual actions for each row should have an action buttons column, set to the far-right.

Action Buttons

All buttons should be classed with btn btn-xs, additional classes depend on the type of button.

  • View for buttons that lead to the show action for that row; the button should be additionally classed with btn-primary
  • Edit for buttons that lead to the edit action for that row; the button should be additionally classed with btn-info, and the text pre-pended with the edit font-awesome icon.
  • Print for buttons that link to a printing action for that row; the button should be additionally classed with btn-info, and the text pre-pended with the print font-awesome icon.
  • Delete for buttons that link to the 'destroy' action for that row; the button should be additional classed with btn-danger, and the text pre-pended with the trash font-awesome icon.

Any other actions not covered above should follow these guidelines:

  • No Action Button except View should be given btn-primary
  • If the action does not directly modify data, class it with btn-info
  • If the action directly modifies data or is destructive, class it with btn-danger

Use the FontAwesome icon that suits the action (use your judgement) and is not used for a different action.

Component Styling

Form Layout

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