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BitcoinKit.Swift is a package that extends BitcoinCore.Swift and makes it usable with Bitcoin Mainnet and Testnet networks.



First, you nead an instance of BitcoinKit.Kit class. You can initialize it with Mnemonic seed or BIP32 extended key (private or public). To generate seed from mnemonic seed phrase you can use HdWalletKit.Swift to convert a word list to a seed.

import HdWalletKit

let words = ["mnemonic", "phrase", "words"]
let passphrase: String = ""
let seed = Mnemonic.seed(mnemonic: words, passphrase: passphrase)!

Then you can pass a seed to initialize an instance of BitcoinKit.Kit

let bitcoinKit = try BitcoinKit.Kit(
        seed: seed,
        purpose: Purpose.bip84,
        walletId: "unique_wallet_id",
        syncMode: BitcoinCore.SyncMode.full,
        networkType: BitcoinKit.Kit.NetworkType.mainNet,
        confirmationsThreshold: 3,
        logger: nil


BitcoinKit.Swift supports BIP44, BIP49 and BIP84 wallets. They have different derivation paths, so you need to specify this on kit initialization.


BitcoinKit.Swift pulls all historical transactions of given account from bitcoin peers according to SPV protocol. This process may take several hours as it needs to download every block header with some transactions to find transactions concerning the accounts addresses. In order to speed up the initial blockchain scan, BitcoinKit.Swift has some optimization options:

  • It doesn't download blocks added before the BIP44 was implemented by wallets, because there were no transactions concerning addresses generated by BIP44 wallets.

  • If you set .api or .newWallet to syncMode parameter, it first requests from an API(currently the hashes of the blocks where there are transactions we need. Then, it downloads those blocks from the bitcoin peers. This reduces the initial synchronization time to several minutes. This also carries some risks that makes it possible for a middle-man attacker to learn about the addresses requested from your IP address. But your funds are totally safe.

If you set .full to syncMode, then only decentralized peers are used. Once the initial blockchain scan is completed, the remaining synchronization works with decentralized peers only for all syncModes.

Additional parameters:

  • networkType: Mainnet or Testnet
  • confirmationsThreshold: Minimum number of confirmations required for an unspent output to be available for use (default: 6)
  • logger: (optional) an instance of Logger class

Initializing with HD extended key

You can initialize BitcoinKit.Kit using BIP32 Extended Private/Public Key as follows:

let extendedKey = try! HDExtendedKey(extendedKey: "xprvA1BgyAq84AiAsrMm6DKqwCXDwxLBXq76dpUfuNXNziGMzDxYLjE9AkuYBAQTpt6aJu4nFYamh6BbrRkys5fJcxGd7qixNrpVpPBxui9oYyF")

let bitcoinKit = try BitcoinKit.Kit(
    extendedKey: extendedKey,
    walletId: "unique_wallet_id",
    syncMode: BitcoinCore.SyncMode.full,
    networkType: BitcoinKit.Kit.NetworkType.mainNet,
    confirmationsThreshold: 3,
    logger: nil

If you restore with a public extended key, then you only will be able to watch the wallet. You won't be able to send any transactions. This is how the watch account feature is implemented.

Starting and Stopping

BitcoinKit.Kit require to be started with start command. It will be in synced state as long as it is possible. You can call stop to stop it


Getting wallet data


Balance is provided in Satoshis:

let balance = bitcoinKit.balance


Unspendable balance is non-zero if you have UTXO that is currently not spendable due to some custom unlock script. These custom scripts can be implemented as a plugin, like Hodler

Last Block Info

let blockInfo = bitcoinKit.lastBlockInfo!


Receive Address

Get an address which you can receive coins to. Receive address is changed each time after you actually get some coins in that address

bitcoinKit.receiveAddress()   // "mgv1KTzGZby57K5EngZVaPdPtphPmEWjiS"


You can get your transactions using transactions(fromUid: String? = nil, type: TransactionFilterType?, limit: Int? = nil) method of the BitcoinKit.Kit instance. It returns Single<[TransactionInfo]>. You'll need to subscribe and get transactions asynchronously. See RX Single Observers for more info.

let disposeBag = DisposeBag() // This must be retained

bitcoinKit.transactions(type: nil)
        onSuccess: { transactionInfos in
            for transactionInfo in transactionInfos {
                print("Hash: \(transactionInfo.uid)")
                print("Hash: \(transactionInfo.transactionHash)")
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
  • fromUid and limit parameters can be used for pagination.
  • type parameter enables to filter transactions by coins flow. You can pass incoming OR outgoing to get filtered transations


A sample dump:

//    (BitcoinCore.TransactionInfo) {
//        uid = "CD2BCD61-49E1-419C-AFF2-E4FF5D28E375"
//        transactionHash = "e1ef748cf68a73a59cddad4dde1251d043eed7e3543907be6a635fba4522bc97"
//        transactionIndex = 1
//        inputs = 2 values {
//            [0] = (TransactionInputInfo) {
//                mine = true
//                address = "36k1UofZ2iP2NYax9znDCsksajfKeKLLMJ"
//                value = 69988
//            }
//            [1] = (TransactionInputInfo) {
//                mine = true
//                address = "3QYxvoQHKipha2H3U8yeNh5cfutZK8qBPb"
//                value = 5976
//            }
//        }
//        outputs = 2 values {
//            [0] = (TransactionOutputInfo) {
//                mine = true
//                changeOutput = true
//                value = 69217
//                address = "38Ckn9tueUqTB8oy7UBWe1Gzy6uJpLZNep"
//                pluginId = nil
//                pluginData = nil
//                pluginDataString = nil
//            }
//            [1] = (TransactionOutputInfo) {
//                mine = true
//                changeOutput = false
//                value = 5976
//                address = "3N5r5te5617JcBftWt34nTC9sJ7ofL3rmS"
//                pluginId = nil
//                pluginData = nil
//                pluginDataString = nil
//            }
//        }
//        amount = 5976
//        type = sentToSelf
//        fee = 771
//        blockHeight = 770158
//        timestamp = 1672742140
//        status = relayed
//        conflictingHash = nil
//    }


A local unique ID


  • incoming
  • outgoing
  • sentToSelf


  • new -> transaction is in mempool
  • relayed -> transaction is in block
  • invalid -> transaction is not included in block due to an error OR replaced by another one (RBF).

Sending BTC

try! bitcoinKit.send(to: "36k1UofZ2iP2NYax9znDCsksajfKeKLLMJ", value: 100000000, feeRate: 10, sortType: .bip69)

This first validates a given address and amount, creates new transaction, then sends it over the peers network. If there's any error with given address/amount or network, it raises an exception.

Validate address

try bitcoinKit.validate(address: "mrjQyzbX9SiJxRC2mQhT4LvxFEmt9KEeRY")

Evaluate fee

try bitcoinKit.fee(to: "36k1UofZ2iP2NYax9znDCsksajfKeKLLMJ", value: 100000000, feeRate: 10, sortType: .bip69)

Parsing BIP21 URI

You can use parse method to parse a BIP21 URI:

bitcoinKit.parse(paymentAddress: "bitcoin:175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W?amount=50&label=Luke-Jr&message=Donation%20for%20project%20xyz")

// ▿ BitcoinPaymentData
//   - address : "175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W"
//   - version : nil
//   ▿ amount : Optional<Double>
//     - some : 50.0
//   ▿ label : Optional<String>
//     - some : "Luke-Jr"
//   ▿ message : Optional<String>
//     - some : "Donation for project xyz"
//   - parameters : nil

Subscribing to BitcoinKit data

Balance, transactions, last blocks synced and kit state are available in real-time. BitcoinCoreDelegate protocol must be implemented and set to BitcoinKit.Kit instance to receive that.

class Manager {
    let bitcoinKit: BitcoinKit.Kit
    init(kit: BitcoinKit.Kit) {
        bitcoinKit = kit
        bitcoinKit.delegate = self

extension Manager: BitcoinCoreDelegate {
    func transactionsUpdated(inserted: [TransactionInfo], updated: [TransactionInfo]) {
    func transactionsDeleted(hashes: [String]) {
    private func balanceUpdated(balance: Int) {
    func lastBlockInfoUpdated(lastBlockInfo: BlockInfo) {
    public func kitStateUpdated(state: BitcoinCore.KitState) {
        // BitcoinCore.KitState can be one of 3 following states:
        // synced
        // apiSyncing(transactions: Int)
        // syncing(progress: Double)
        // notSynced(error: Error)
        // These states can be used to implement progress bar, etc


  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 5+
  • iOS 13+


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Example Project

All features of the library are used in example project. It can be referred as a starting point for usage of the library.


The BitcoinKit toolkit is open source and available under the terms of the MIT License.