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RSK with MyCrypto

Meri Herrera edited this page Jul 24, 2018 · 6 revisions

RSK with MyCrypto

MyCrypto is a multi-network wallet that provides many features to manage your accounts. This article explains different features available for RSK.

Some features are only available in the desktop app. Download it here.

Using MyCrypto

In first place, we must select RSK network. Choose RSK in the network selector at top menu, in the Other Networks section. Consider MainNet and TestNet availability.

RSK checksum address encoding is automatically integrated with MyCrypto. It's advisable to use checksummed addresses.

Create new RSK account.

create wallet tab

To create a new walet using keystore file or mnemonic phrase you must use the desktop app.

It's recommended to do this offline.

Keystore file:

  1. Enter password
  2. Keep your keystore safe.
  3. Start using your new account!
  4. Optional: download paper wallet.

Important: address displayed in paper wallet is wrongly checksummed!

Mnemonic phrase:

  1. Write down your phrase.
  2. Don't lose the recovery phrase!
  3. Start using your new account!

Go here to get some SBTC on TestNet.

Access existing RSK account

view send tab

  1. Unlock your account using your favourite method.
  2. Send your SBTC!

Interact with tokens

  1. Go to View & Send tab
  2. Check your token is listed in token balances. You can Scan for tokens or Add custom token manually.
  3. Send tokens using the same input used to send transaction. Beside amount field select token to send.
  4. Send your tokens!

Interact with Smart Contracts

contracts tab

  1. Go to Contracts tab.
  2. Enter contract address and provide an ABI, or select one of the existing contracts.
  3. Interact!
Interact with RSK bridge contract

You can get the federation address using the existing contract called Bridge. In Contracts tab, select Bridge contract. Access to it and read getFederationAddress method.

Other available features

  • Send Offline Generate a raw transaction offline.

    Good practice: sign your transaction isolated from internet, and then connect to send the signed transaction. It's a secure method.

  • TX Status Track your transaction once it's sent.

  • View Info View your account information.

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