diff --git a/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.cpp b/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40b52af67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+Copyright Contributors to the libdnf project.
+This file is part of libdnf: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/
+Libdnf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Libdnf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with libdnf. If not, see .
+#include "test_progressbar_interactive.hpp"
+#include "../shared/private_accessor.hpp"
+#include "../shared/utils.hpp"
+#include "utils/string.hpp"
+namespace {
+// We look for control sequnces (such as move cursor up N times and carriage return)
+// and perform them. It basically simulates a terminal emulator.
+// It can look like: "\x1b[9A\r" = move cursor 9 times up followed by carriage return
+std::string perform_control_sequences(std::string target) {
+ const char * raw_string = target.c_str();
+ size_t amount = 1;
+ enum ControlSequence {
+ ESC,
+ };
+ ControlSequence state = EMPTY;
+ std::vector output = {{}};
+ size_t current_row = 0;
+ size_t current_column = 0;
+ for (size_t input_pos = 0; input_pos < strlen(raw_string); input_pos++) {
+ char current_value = raw_string[input_pos];
+ if (current_value == '\n') {
+ current_row++;
+ current_column = 0;
+ } else if (current_value == '\r') {
+ current_column = 0;
+ } else if (current_value == '\x1b') {
+ state = ESC;
+ } else if (current_value == '[' && state == ESC) {
+ amount = 1;
+ } else if (isdigit(current_value) && state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_INTRO) {
+ // current_value has to be one of: 0123456789
+ amount = static_cast(current_value - '0');
+ } else if ((state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_INTRO || state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_AMOUNT) && current_value == 'A') {
+ if (amount > current_row) {
+ CPPUNIT_FAIL(fmt::format("Cursor up control sequnce outside of output"));
+ }
+ current_row -= amount;
+ state = EMPTY;
+ } else if ((state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_INTRO || state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_AMOUNT) && current_value == 'B') {
+ current_row += amount;
+ state = EMPTY;
+ } else if (state == CONTROL_SEQUENCE_AMOUNT && amount == 2 && current_value == 'K') {
+ // erase the entire line
+ if (current_row < output.size()) {
+ output[current_row].clear();
+ }
+ state = EMPTY;
+ } else {
+ while (current_row >= output.size()) {
+ output.push_back({});
+ }
+ while (current_column >= output[current_row].length()) {
+ output[current_row].push_back(' ');
+ }
+ output[current_row][current_column] = current_value;
+ current_column++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (current_row >= output.size()) {
+ output.push_back({});
+ }
+ return libdnf5::utils::string::join(output, "\n");
+// Allows accessing private methods
+create_getter(to_stream, &libdnf5::cli::progressbar::DownloadProgressBar::to_stream);
+} //namespace
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::setUp() {
+ // MultiProgressBar behaves differently depending on interactivity
+ setenv("DNF5_FORCE_INTERACTIVE", "1", 1);
+ // Force columns to 70 to make output independ of where it is run
+ setenv("FORCE_COLUMNS", "70", 1);
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::tearDown() {
+ unsetenv("FORCE_COLUMNS");
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_perform_control_sequences() {
+ // This tests the perform_control_sequences testing utility.
+ std::string expected = "mmmmm\ndfdfdfdf";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("asd\ndfdfdfdf\x1b[1A\rmmmmm"));
+ expected = "aaa\nmmmmbb\ncccccccc";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("aaa\nbbbbbb\ncccccccc\x1b[1A\rmmmm\n"));
+ expected = "aaaa\nmmmmbb\ncccccccc\ndddddd";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("aaaa\nbbbbbb\ncccccccc\ndddddd\x1b[2A\rmmmm\n"));
+ expected = "aaaa\nb\nmmmm\nxxx\nb\nbb\ncccccccc\ndddddd";
+ expected, perform_control_sequences("aaaa\nb\nb\nb\nb\nbb\ncccccccc\ndddddd\x1b[5A\rmmmm\nxxx\n"));
+ expected = "aaa";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("xxx\x1b[2K\raaa"));
+ expected = "xxx\naaa";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("xxx\n\x1b[2K\raaa"));
+ expected = "xxx\naaa\nssss";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, perform_control_sequences("xxx\nfffff\x1b[2K\raaa\nssss"));
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_download_progress_bar() {
+ // In interactive mode not finished download progress bar is printed
+ auto download_progress_bar = std::make_unique(10, "test");
+ download_progress_bar->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ auto download_progress_bar_raw = download_progress_bar.get();
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ (*download_progress_bar.*get(to_stream{}))(oss);
+ Pattern expected = "\\[0/0\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, oss.str());
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ oss.str("");
+ (*download_progress_bar.*get(to_stream{}))(oss);
+ expected = "\\[0/0\\] test 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, oss.str());
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_download_progress_bar_with_messages() {
+ // In interactive mode not finished download progress bar with messages is printed
+ auto download_progress_bar = std::make_unique(10, "test");
+ download_progress_bar->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ download_progress_bar->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message2");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ (*download_progress_bar.*get(to_stream{}))(oss);
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[0/0\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ ">>> test message1\n"
+ ">>> test message2";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, oss.str());
+ download_progress_bar->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar->pop_message();
+ oss.str("");
+ (*download_progress_bar.*get(to_stream{}))(oss);
+ expected = "\\[0/0\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, oss.str());
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_multi_progress_bar_with_total_finished() {
+ // In interactive mode finished multi progressbar ends with a new line.
+ auto download_progress_bar1 = std::make_unique(10, "test1");
+ download_progress_bar1->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar1->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ auto download_progress_bar2 = std::make_unique(10, "test2");
+ download_progress_bar2->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar2->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar multi_progress_bar;
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar1));
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar2));
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ??????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ??????\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] Total 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 20.0 B | ??????\n";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages_with_total() {
+ // In interactive mode not finished progressbar with messages doesn't end with a new line.
+ // However finished progressbar does end with a new line.
+ // When messages are removed the multi progressbar shrinks, we cannot remove the already printed
+ // line but ensure it doesn't contain garbage.
+ auto download_progress_bar = std::make_unique(10, "test");
+ libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar multi_progress_bar;
+ auto download_progress_bar_raw = download_progress_bar.get();
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar));
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ ">>> test message1\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[0/1\\] Total 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ // Do several iterations, this simulates adding and removing scriplet messages.
+ // (They are removed when a scriptlet succeeds and doesn't print any output.)
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ // Output ends with an empty line because the progressbar has previously already
+ // extended to 4 lines and there is not way to remove the line
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[0/1\\] Total 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message2");
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message3");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ // Simulate appending after the finished MultiProgressBar to ensure cursor is at correct postion
+ oss << "Complete!";
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[1/1\\] Total 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "Complete!\n"
+ "\n"
+ "";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages_with_total() {
+ // Same as above but with multiple bars in multi progressbar
+ auto download_progress_bar1 = std::make_unique(10, "test1");
+ download_progress_bar1->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar1->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ auto download_progress_bar2 = std::make_unique(10, "test2");
+ download_progress_bar2->set_auto_finish(false);
+ download_progress_bar2->start();
+ libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar multi_progress_bar;
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar1));
+ auto download_progress_bar2_raw = download_progress_bar2.get();
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar2));
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message2");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ ">>> test message1\n"
+ ">>> test message2\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[1/2\\] Total 70% | ????? ??B\\/s | 14.0 B | ???????";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\\[1/2\\] Total 70% | ????? ??B\\/s | 14.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\n";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ // new iteration
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages() {
+ // With single bar and Total disabled
+ auto download_progress_bar = std::make_unique(10, "test");
+ libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar multi_progress_bar;
+ multi_progress_bar.set_total_bar_visible_limit(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar::NEVER_VISIBLE_LIMIT);
+ auto download_progress_bar_raw = download_progress_bar.get();
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar));
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ ">>> test message1";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ // Do several iterations
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/1\\] test 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+void ProgressbarInteractiveTest::test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages() {
+ // With multiple bars and Total disabled
+ auto download_progress_bar1 = std::make_unique(10, "test1");
+ download_progress_bar1->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar1->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ auto download_progress_bar2 = std::make_unique(10, "test2");
+ libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar multi_progress_bar;
+ multi_progress_bar.set_total_bar_visible_limit(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MultiProgressBar::NEVER_VISIBLE_LIMIT);
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar1));
+ auto download_progress_bar2_raw = download_progress_bar2.get();
+ multi_progress_bar.add_bar(std::move(download_progress_bar2));
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_ticks(4);
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::STARTED);
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message2");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ Pattern expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ ">>> test message1\n"
+ ">>> test message2";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\n";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ // new iteration
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 40% | ????? ??B\\/s | 4.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\n";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->add_message(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::MessageType::INFO, "test message1");
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->pop_message();
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_ticks(10);
+ download_progress_bar2_raw->set_state(libdnf5::cli::progressbar::ProgressBarState::SUCCESS);
+ oss << multi_progress_bar;
+ // Simulate appending after the finished MultiProgressBar to ensure cursor is at correct postion
+ oss << "Complete!";
+ expected =
+ "\\[1/2\\] test1 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "\\[2/2\\] test2 100% | ????? ??B\\/s | 10.0 B | ???????\n"
+ "Complete!\n"
+ "\n"
+ "";
+ ASSERT_MATCHES(expected, perform_control_sequences(oss.str()));
diff --git a/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.hpp b/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f55338f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libdnf5-cli/test_progressbar_interactive.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Copyright Contributors to the libdnf project.
+This file is part of libdnf: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/
+Libdnf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+Libdnf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with libdnf. If not, see .
+class ProgressbarInteractiveTest : public CppUnit::TestCase {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(ProgressbarInteractiveTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_perform_control_sequences);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_download_progress_bar);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_download_progress_bar_with_messages);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_multi_progress_bar_with_total_finished);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages_with_total);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages_with_total);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages);
+ void setUp() override;
+ void tearDown() override;
+ void test_perform_control_sequences();
+ void test_download_progress_bar();
+ void test_download_progress_bar_with_messages();
+ void test_multi_progress_bar_with_total_finished();
+ void test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages_with_total();
+ void test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages_with_total();
+ void test_multi_progress_bar_with_messages();
+ void test_multi_progress_bars_with_messages();