A Generic Puzzle Solver
The project has two main objectives:
- Create a Generalized Solver : The solver will perform a breadth-first search of a given problem space such that we will always reach out goal configuration with the shortest path. In this implementation, we use create a template such that any puzzle implementing the solver must provide the following:
- An initial configuration
- A function that can generate all the children (possible next configurations)
- A function that determines whether or not a configuration is a goal configuration
- Implement various puzzles : Puzzles implement the required functionally stated above as well as provide an input
(The project spec can be found here: CS4 Projects page).
usage: clock hours start end
./clock 15 3 6
- Step 0: The clock was set to 3:00
- Step 1: The clock was set to 4:00
- Step 2: The clock was set to 5:00
- Step 3: The clock was set to 6:00
./clock 10 6 5
- Step 0: The clock was set to 6:00
- Step 1: The clock was set to 5:00
./clock 100 98 101 Error, initial time and goal time must be less than or equal to the hours on the clock.
usage: hanoi pegs pieces
./hanoi 1 1
Step 0
Step 1
./hanoi 2 3
No solution found.
./hanoi 3 2
Step 0
- - -
Step 1
2 1
- - -
Step 2
1 2
- - -
Step 3
- - -
There are two arguments:
The name of the input file to read for the initial configuration data. If this name is "-" then the initial configuration data is read from the standard input.
The name of the output file where the solution is to be written. If this name is "-" then the solution is written to the standard output.
usage: inFile|- outFile|-
./jam jam1.in -
Step 0
* B B
* * A
Step 1
B B *
* * A
Step 2
* * A
C C *
Step 3
* * A
* C C
./jam - -
6 6
5 5 5 0
0 0 2 0
no solution exists
usage: pegs numPegs
./pegs 2
Step 0: R R . B B
Step 1: R . R B B
Step 2: R B R . B
Step 3: R B R B .
Step 4: R B . B R
Step 5: . B R B R
Step 6: B . R B R
Step 7: B B R . R
Step 8: B B . R R
./pegs 1
Step 0: R . B
Step 1: . R B
Step 2: B R .
Step 3: B . R