Docker Run/Pull/Stop/Delete
docker run --name "name_of_container" -d "container_image_name"
in daemon mode (run behind the process)
docker run --name "name_of_container" -d -t "container_image_name"
(to create the container and keep it up/running behind)docker ps
(list of running docker containers/to identify a running container in docker)docker ps -a
(list of all docker containers, that are not discarded yet)docker inspect
(runtime information of container; listing metadata about a running or stopped container in json format)docker inspect - '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(retrieve only ip address of a running container)docker inspect - '{{.NetworkSettings.Port}}' CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(retrieve only port of a running container)docker stop CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(stopping a running container)docker kill CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(stopping a running container forcefully)docker kill -s SIGKILL CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(to restart a stopped container)docker start -ai CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(to restart a stopped container and output of the command)docker restart CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(my-httpd-container)docker rmi IMAGE_NAME/IMAGE_ID
(delete a container image from machine/cached)`docker rm CONTIANER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID
(delete a container not the image)docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
(deleting all container,-q
returns only Id of containers)docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID bash
: to enter the running docker container;it
: interactive terminal; to enter the running docker container/access the running container bash shell)- Example:
docker exec -it mysql bash
- Example:
(to see the console log of the container)- Example:
docker logs mysql
- Example:
Manipulating Container Images
- To share image accross server, team , platform
- Docker image registry(ies)
Saving and Loading Images
docker save
docker save [-o FILENAME] IMAGE_NAME[:TAG]
is optional; generated image in standard output as binary data)- Example:
docker save -o
docker load
docker load [-i FILENAME]
- Example:
docker load -i mysql.tar
- (
docker gzip [-i FILENAME]
) - (
docker gunzip
) (before importing it to te daemon's caches history)
Publishing Image to a Registry
docker tag
- Example:
docker tag nginx nginx
docker tag mysql-custom devops/mysql
(to tag an image) (The mysql-custom option is the image name that is stored in the docker daemon's cache)docker tag mysql-custom devops/mysql:snapshots
(to use a different tag name)- To associate multiple tags with a single image, use
docker tag
command - Tags can be removed from the daemon using
docker rmi devops/mysql:snapshot
- Because multiple tags can point to the same image, to remove an image referred to by multiple tags, each tag should be individually removed first
Push an Image to the Registry
docker push
docker push NAME[:TAG]
- Example:
docker push nginx
- Image name syntax
(tag normally version number)
To delete from docker cache of any Image that is downloaded to docker cached
docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE..]
(Options: --force or -f to delete forcefully)docker rmi $(docker images -q)
(deleting all images)
Modifying Images
docker diff
docker diff CONTAINER
- Example:
docker diff mysql-basic
docker commit
- Example:
docker mysql-basic.mysql-custom
- Options available for
docker commit
--author=" "
--message=" "
docker commit mysql-basic mysql-cutom
(to commit the changes to another image, run this command) !?
- Using a running container
docker run -p host_port:container_port --name container_name image_name
- Using a Dockerfile
docker build -t DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME /path/DOCKER_FILE
- To mount volume within host and container
docker run -p host_port:container_port --name container_name -v /path/folder:/path/in_container image_name
- Example:
docker run -p 81:80 --name localdocker -v /home/user/Docker/src:/var/www/html testdocker
docker inspect -f=='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name|ID
docker inspect -f=='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.MacAddress}}{{end}}' container_name|ID
docker inspect -f=='{{.LogPath}}' container_name|ID
docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Image}}' container_name|ID
docker logs --details container_name|ID
docker logs --tail all container_name|ID
docker logs -f container_name|ID
docker -H=remote-docker-engine:PORT_NO
- example -
docker -H= run --name -d lb_nginx nginix:v1
docker run --cpus=.5 --name ubuntu_container -d ubuntu
[not more than 50% cpus]docker run --memory=100m --name ubuntu_container -d ubuntu
[use 100 mb]
- Image Layers -
Read Only
; Container Layer -Read Write
- COPY-ON-WRITE - Write/Update of a file can only apply on Container Layer or Read Write Layer.
docker volume create data_volume
. It will createdata_volume
directory under/var/lib/docker/volumes
folder. Then we can run to mount with container;docker run -v data_volument:/var/lib/mysql --name -d mysql_db mysql
- Two Types of Volume
- Volume Mount - mounts a volumn creating by docker & mounts the directory in the
directory. - Bind Mount - mounts the directory in any location in the host machine.
- Volume Mount - mounts a volumn creating by docker & mounts the directory in the
- Using
is old way. The new way is to use--mount
option which is more verbose. - Example:
docker run --mount type=bind, source=/data/mysql, target=/var/lib/mysql -d --name mysql_db mysql
- Storage Drivers
- Docker common storage drivers -
,Device Mapper
- Docker common storage drivers -
- Volume Drivers (Volumes are handled by Volume Driver Plugins)
- The default Vuloumn Driver Plugin is
. The Local Volume Driver Plugin helps creating a volumn in Docker Host Machine and store the data under/var/lib/docker/volumes
directory. - Volume Driver Provider:
,Azure File Storage
,DigitalOcean Block Storage
etc. -
- Example:
docker run -it --name mysql-con --volume-driver rexray/ebs --mount src=ebs-vol, target=/var/lib/mysql mysql
- Example:
- The default Vuloumn Driver Plugin is
- Container Runtime -
. - Container Runtime Interface(CRI) -
- Container Network Interface(CNI) -
- Container Storage Interface(CSI) -
,Amazon EBS
- CSI is not built on K8S specific standard rather built on general storage standard that can support any storage vendor.
- Kubernetes, CloudFoundry & Mesos are on board with CSI.
- Set of RPC
- CreateVolume
- DeleteVolume
- ControllerPublishVolume
docker run ubuntu --network=none
ordocker run ubuntu --network=host
. Default isbridge
- Bridge network range start from
- By default docker create one internal network. We can create as well internal network as -
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= custom-isolated-network
docker network ls
docker inspect container_id
- docker container DNS always run at
port number. docker network create wp-mysql-network --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway=
docker network ls
docker inspect alpine-1 | grep -i network
docker network inspect bridge
docker run -d --name alpine-2 --network none alpine
docker network create wp-mysql-network --driver=bridge --subnet= --gateway=
docker run -d --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 --network wp-mysql-network mysql
docker network inspect wp-mysql-network
docker run -d --name webapp -e DB_Host=mysql-db --network wp-mysql-network kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql
docker network inspect wp-mysql-network
- Docker public DNS is Docker Hub ->
- image:
- Run from private registry:
docker run
- Docker registry is itself an application and availabe as an image and can be deployed as container in local.
- Deploy docker registry in locally -
docker run -d --name local-registry -p 5000:5000 registry:2
docker image tag my-image localhost:5000/my-image
- Push image in local registry -
docker push localhost:5000/my-image
- Pull image from local registry -
docker pull localhost:5000/my-image
- Pull image from another host registry -
docker pull
Follow the command docker info
To Change this - WARNING: No swap limit support
to Configure/Enable from vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=0"
fromGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"
sudo update-grub
docker stats
ordocker stats container_name
ordocker stats container_id
Limiting Memory Usage
- Hard Limit
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --memory="256m" nginx
- Soft Limit
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --memory-reservation="256m" nginx
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --memory="256m"--memory-reservation="512m" nginx
- Using Memory Swap (To limit a container's use of memory swap to disk use)
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --memory="256m" --memory-swap="512m" nginx
- Hard Limit
Limiting CPU Usage
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --cpus=".5" nginx
- To limit a container’s CPU shares use
docker run --name lb_nginx -d -p 8081:80 --cpus-shares="512" nginx
docker run --cap-add NET_BIND ubuntu
docker run --cap-drop KILL ubuntu
docker run --privileged ubuntu
Create a docker-compose.yml file under the path /root/wordpress. Once done, run a docker-compose up.
version: '3.0'
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mysecretpassword
image: postgres
image: wordpress
- db
- 8085:80
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml config
docker-compose up
- Create a container with volume
docker run --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 -v /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql
- To view the data in mysql-db container
docker exec mysql-db mysql -pdb_pass123 -e 'use foo; select * from myTable'
docker network ls
- What is the subnet configured on bridge network?
docker inspect bridge
- Run a container named alpine-2 using the alpine image and attach it to the none network.
docker run --name alpine-2 --network=none -d alpine
- Create a new network named wp-mysql-network using the bridge driver. Allocate subnet Configure Gateway
docker network create wp-mysql-network --subnet= --gateway=
- Deploy a mysql database using the mysql:5.6 image and name it mysql-db. Attach it to the newly created network wp-mysql-network. Set the database password to use db_pass123. The environment variable to set is MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
docker run --name mysql-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 --network=wp-mysql-network -d mysql:5.6
- Deploy a web application named webapp, using image kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql. Expose port to 38080 on the host. The application takes an environment variable DB_Host that has the hostname of the mysql database. Make sure to attach it to the newly created network wp-mysql-network
docker run --network=wp-mysql-network -e DB_Host=mysql-db -e DB_Password=db_pass123 -p 38080:8080 --name webapp --link mysql-db:mysql-db -d kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql