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Jet module API doc.


To access the jet.peer module:

local peer = require('jet.peer')

pi =[config])

Creates a new peer using Jet's "trivial" message protocol and returns it. If config.sync is not true then all methods of pi are async/non-blocking.

local peer = require('jet.peer')
local pi =

The config table is optional. If provided all entries are optional too:

local pi ={
  ip = '', -- the jet daemon ip, default 'localhost'
  port = '', -- the jet daemon 'trivial' port, default 11122
  name = 'foo', -- some name which will be assoc. at the daemon for debugging
  loop = my_loop, -- an lua-ev loop instance, default ev.Loop.default
  on_connect = print, -- a function which will be called 'on connect' to the daemon
  on_close = print, -- a function which will be called when the peer closes
  sync = false, -- creates sync working peer

When the config.sync flag is set, the peer instance behaves very different than the 'default/async' one. The 'sync' peer is documented separatly.


Closes the peer instance. All states, methods and fetchers will be removed from the Jet daemon.


Issues a 'call' Jet message to the daemon with the specified path and parameters. If callbacks is provided, the message is a Request and either callbacks.success or callbacks.error will be called on Response.

  success = function(result)
  error = function(err)


Issues a 'set' Jet message to the daemon with the specified path and value. If callbacks is provided, the message is a Request and either callbacks.success or callbacks.error will be called on Response.

  success = function()
  error = function(err)

fetcher = pi:fetch(match|fetch_params,fetch_callback,[callbacks])

Creates a new fetcher. If the first parameter is a string, a 'fetch' message whith the following fetch_params is send to the daemon:

fetch_params = {
  matches = {match}

Else the fetch_params are used unmodified. If fetch_params.sort is not defined or is no valid sort option, the fetch_callback receives the parameters (event,path,value,fetcher). The event can be either add, change or remove. add is always the first event. change means that the paths's associated value has changed and remove means that the state or method are not available at the Jet bus any longer. States and methods may become available any time later on, though. Note that value is nil for methods.

local allstuff = pi:fetch('.*',function(event,path,value)

Else, if fetch_params.sort specifies a valid sort config, the fetch_callback receives the parameters (changes,n). To minimize network traffic, only the changes are posted to the peers. changes is an array, which contains all entries within the requested sort range (from,to) which have been changed, added or moved. In addition to their respective path and value there is also the index field, specifying the position within the sort range. n denotes the number of elements that are currently in the requested sorted collection. n >= 0 and n <= (to - from).

local top_ten = {}

local show_top_ten = function(changes,n)
  -- merge the changes into top_ten
  for _,change in ipairs(changes) do
    top_ten[change.index] = {
		path = change.path,
		value = change.value
  -- display top_ten
  -- note: maybe there are only 5 players available (some may lhave left the game meanwhile)
  -- in this case n is 5.
  for i=1,n do

    matches = {'player'},
	sort = {
	  byValue = true,    -- optional, default is false
	  descending = true, -- optional, default is false
	  prop = 'score', -- optional, tells which entry of table to use as order criteria
	  from = 1, -- optional, default is 1
	  to = 10, -- optional, default is 10

The fetcher argument passed in as fetch_callback param is the same as returned by the pi:fetch(...) call. You can use the fetcher to call fetcher:unfetch().

-- print first 5 events
local i = 0
  i = i + 1
  if i == 5 then
-- fetches all available jet states and methods and prints
-- the basic notification info until 'toggle_the_fetch' is called
local print_fetch = pi:fetch(exp,function(path,event,data)

    path = 'toggle_the_fetch',
    call = function()
      if print_fetch:is_fetching() then
        return 'off'
        return 'on'

state = pi:state(desc,[callbacks])

Adds a new state to the daemon and returns a state instance. The callbacks table is optional. The desc parameter must look like this:

local net_state = pi:state({
  path = 'settings/net', -- a string, required
  value = {             -- any lua value
    mode = 'static'
    address = '182.167.233',
	subnet = ''
  set = change_net      -- a function which gets called, whenever the peer receives a 'set' Message, optional
  -- set_async = change_net_async -- a function which gets called, whenever the peer receives a 'set' Message, optional
  success = print,      -- a function which gets called when adding the states to the daemon succeeded
  error = print         -- a function which gets called when adding the states to the daemon failed

If the path is already in use by any peer, the error callback is called. The set and set_async callbacks must ot be defined at the same time for one state. If the set and set_async callback are not set, the state is considered read-only.


If the set callback is set, it gets called with the requested value:

local change_net = function(requested_net)
  ... -- process params

If change_net does not return a value and does not throw an error, requested_net is considered the new value of the state and a change notification is posted to the daemon automatically.

local change_net = function(requested_net)
  ... -- process params
  ... -- adjust the requested value
  var adjusted = {
    address = requested_net.address,
    mode = requested_net.mode,
	subnet = ''
  return requested_net

If change_net returns a value, this would be considered the new value of the state and a change notification with this value would be posted to the daemon automatically.

local change_net = function(requested_net)
  ... -- process params
  ... -- some other dude will "manually" issue a state change notification
  return nil,true

If change_net returns true at second position, the set operation is considered a success BUT no change notification will be posted automatically. Instead some other "dude" must do it, e.g. in this case through net:value({...}).


If the set_async callback is set, it gets called with a reply function and the requested value:

local change_net_async = function(reply,requested_net)
  ... -- process params
  on_settings_changed(function(err,ok) -- this is some async action
    if err or not ok then
	  reply({   -- reply with error
	    error = err or 'failure'
	  reply({   -- reply with result, result value must be not nil and not false
	    result = ok


Starts the event loop. This call only returns if the pi gets closed for some reason. (Internally just calls lua-ev `loop:loop()). If integrating with other lua-ev watchers, this may not need to be called.


Fetcher can be create by a peer instance (pi:fetch(...)).


Sends a 'unfetch' Jet message to the daemon. No more notifications are send to the peer.


Sends a 'fetch' Jet message to the daemon. Notifications will be send again to the peer. This is shorthand for creating the same fetcher again with pi:fetch(...).


Returns true if the fetch is currently active/fetching.


States can be created by a peer instance (pi:state(...)).


Removes the state from the jet daemon. The state's set or set_async callbacks will not be called any more. The callbacks argument is optional.

  success = print, -- called when the state has been successfully removed from the daemon
  error = print -- callled when the state could be removed from the daemon


Once removed, re-adds the state to the jet daemon. The state's set or set_async callbacks will be called again. The value and callbacks arguments are optional.

net:add({   -- provide a new value
  mode = 'auto'
  success = print, -- called when the state has been successfully removed from the daemon
  error = print -- callled when the state could be removed from the daemon
net:add(nil,{  -- keep state's value
  success = print, -- called when the state has been successfully removed from the daemon
  error = print -- callled when the state could be removed from the daemon

[current_val] = state:value([new_val])

If new_val is nil returns the state's current value. Else posts a change notification for this state.

local val = a_state:value() -- read current val
a_state:value(val+1) -- post a state change