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Interface for Demand Responsive Transport

This document specifies the endpoints and data that comprises the Interface for Demand Responsive Transport (IDRT).

Term Definitions

This section defines terms that are used throughout this document.

  • JSON - (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight format for storing and transporting data. This document uses many terms defined by the JSON standard, including field, array, and object. (
  • Query Parameter - Parameter of the query string of the URL.
  • Field - In JSON, a name/value pair consists of a field name (in double quotes), followed by a colon, followed by a value. (
  • GeoJSON - GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures ( All geographic data use WGS84.
  • Date - Date according to ISO 8601 ( "2020-01-23T18:25:43.511Z"
  • Boolean - one of: "true", "false"
  • Required - The field must be included in the dataset, and a value must be provided in that field for each record.
  • Optional - The field may be omitted. An omitted field is equivalent to a field that is empty. If a parent element is optional the element itself and all it's child elements may be omitted regardless if the child elements are defined as required.
  • Conditionally required - The field is required under certain conditions, which are outlined in the field description. Outside of these conditions, this field is optional.

General Usage Process

When third party systems like a MaaS-platform provide DRT-Service to it's users via IDRT the process in general include the following steps:

  1. Provide Customer Data: for identifying the customer in the support or for invoicing a minimal set of customer data must be provided by the MaaS-platform.
  2. Check Availability: The DRT-service has a flexible schedule so that availability and exact service time must be checked in advance.
  3. Book Ride: the DRT-Service can only be utilized when a ride has been booked in advance.

And if the MaaS-platform handles the payment process these additional steps might follow:

  1. Retrieve Invoice: The consumed service is invoiced and the relevant invoice data is fetched by the MaaS-platform.
  2. Update Invoice Payment Status: The status of the payment process is provided to the DRT-System.

Booking Process

There are two distinct processes how DRT-Systems can handle the booking process:

Explicit Booking

The booking is done explicitly by using the booking (POST) endpoint and might need to be confirmed using the confirmation (POST) endpoint. Neither are rides booked nor reserved in any form when using the availability endpoint.

Implicit Booking

The booking is done implicitly by checking the availability for the requested ride. If this ride is available it is reserved automatically for a system specific time range and needs to be confirmed only. No separated booking (POST) request is necessary.

Booking States

The status of the booking object changes during it's lifespan. While the DRT-System internally might use more fine grained states at least the following states should be exposed:

State Description
reserved The requested ride is reserved.
booked The requested ride is booked.
scheduled Ride is dispatched to a vehicle. The information regarding e.g. vehicle number, driver name is available.
in approach Vehicle is in approach to the pick up location. The liveApproachUrl is available.
arrived Vehicle has arrived at the pick up location.
on route Vehicle is on route to the drop off location.
done Ride has been completed.
no show User wasn't present at the pick up location.
canceled by user User canceled the ride.
canceled by system Ride was canceled by the system.
        O                         O
        |                         |
        |                         |
       \/                        \/
 |-------------|           |-------------|
 |  reserved   | --------> |    booked   | ----|
 |-------------|     ----- |-------------|     |
        |            |            |            |
       \/            |            |            |
       /\            |           \/            |
   reservation       |     |-------------|     |     |-------------|
    timed out        |---- |  scheduled  | --------> | canceled by |
                     |     |-------------|     |     |    user     |
                     |            |            |     |-------------|
                     |            |            |
                     |           \/            |
 |-------------|     |     |-------------|     |
 | canceled by | <-------- | in approach | ----
 |   system    |           |-------------|
 |-------------|                  |
 |-------------|           |-------------|
 |   no show   | <-------- |   arrived   |
 |-------------|           |-------------|
                           |  on route   |
                           |    done     |


For authentication an API key and secret are required across all endpoints. They must be present in the header of the requests as X-Api-Key and X-Api-Secret respectively. The API key is used for identifying the calling third-party-system too.


With the header parameter "Accept-Language" the preferred language of the third-party system for messages can be provided. This consists of a 2-3 letter base language tag representing the language, followed by sub-tags separated by ‘-‘ . The extra information is the region and country variant (like "en-US" or "fr-CA"). The default language is "en-US".


Webhooks are used to inform the third-party system about specific events occurring in the DRT-System. When that event occurs, the DRT-system makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. The request should be acknowledged immediately with http status code 204. It is assumed that the DRT-System has a management system for WebHooks that

  • resends requests if no acknowledgment has been received
  • eases the frequency of such repeated requests over time before finally dropping such requests
  • drops oldest requests to prevent overloading the request backlog


Webhook messages will be send by POST with the following header fields:

  • The header field X-Webhook-Id will provide a unique id for every message that was sent. The id can be used to identify duplicate messages. If a message was not acknowledged it will be send again with the same id.
  • Optionally when registering for a WebHook a signatureKey can be supplied. In this case the request will be hashed with the given signature key and added to the header field "X-Webhook-Signature". It can be used to verify the authentication of the request if no Api-Key is necessary for the MaaS-platform.

The message body contains the following information:

Field Name Required Type Defines
event Yes String Name of the event triggering the message.
objectRef Yes String The reference of the object. Either a "bookingId" or a "availabilityId".
object Yes JSON-Object The corresponding object to the event.


Possible events are:

Event name Object included Description
Booking:Status Booking The status of the booking has changed.
Booking:Change Booking Other parameters besides the status of the booking have changed, e.g. the assigned vehicle.
Availability:Monitor Availability The requested ride is available again.
vehicleLocation:Update vehicleLocation The location of the vehicle has changed.

Endpoints DRT-system

The following endpoints are provided by the DRT-system.

Service (GET)

Defines the type, geographic area and service period of available DRT-services.

Query Parameter Required Type Defines
pointLat Optional Double Latitude of the geographic point for which a DRT-service is searched.
pointLon Optional Double Longitude of the geographic point for which a DRT-service is searched.

Example Request



http status code Description
200 DRT-Service is available
400 Invalid request
422 No DRT-Service available
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
serviceId Yes String Identifier of the DRT-service. This should be globally unique even between different systems.
name Yes String Name of the DRT-service to be displayed e.g. to customers.
shortName Yes String Short name of the DRT-service to be displayed e.g. to customers.
description Optional String Additional information regarding the DRT-service which could be displayed e.g. to customers.
operator Yes String Name of the operator to be displayed e.g. to customers.
url Yes String The URL of the DRT-service providing more information for customers. The value must be a fully qualified URL that includes http:// or https://, and any special characters in the URL must be correctly escaped.
logoUrl Yes String URL to the logo of the DRT-service to be displayed to the customer.
termsAndConditions Yes JSON-Object Information regarding the terms and conditions.
- releaseDate Yes Date Release date of the terms and conditions.
- url Yes String URL where the terms and conditions can be accessed. The URL should point to a responsive HTML web site.
preBookingMinutes Yes Integer Number of minutes a booking can be placed into the future.
maximumPassengersPerBooking Yes Integer Maximum number of passengers for a single booking.
minimumOperatingDistance Yes Integer Minimum network distance in meters between start and end that will be served.
bookingProcess Yes String Type of the booking process supported. Either "explicit", "implicit" or "both".
tariff Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the available tariffs.
- id Yes String Identifier for the tariff.
- name Yes String Name of the tariff to be displayed e.g. to customers.
- description Yes String Description of the tariff to be displayed e.g. to customers.
services Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the spacial area, operating periods and type of the service.
- area Yes GeoJSON Multipolygon A multipolygon as described by the IETF RFC 7946 that describes the service area. For Polygons with more than one ring, the first MUST be the exterior ring, and any others MUST be interior rings. The exterior ring bounds the surface, and the interior rings (if present) bound holes within the surface.
- virtualStops Optional Array Array of JSON-Objects. Trips can start and end at virtual stops.
- - id Yes String Identifier of the virtual stop.
- - name Yes String Name of the virtual stop.
- - description Optional String Additional description of the virtual stop, e.g. "in front of 7-eleven".
- - point Yes GeoJSON Point Geo-coordinates of the virtual stop.
- operatingPeriods Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the time periods of the service operation.
- - id Yes String Identifier of the operation period.
- - start Yes Date Start date of the period.
- - end Yes Date End date of the period.
- bookableOptions Optional Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the bookable options e.g. stroller.
- - id Yes String Identifier of the option.
- - name Yes String Name of the option e.g. stroller, wheelchair.
- - maximumPerBooking Yes Integer Maximum number of options for a single booking.
customerApp Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects providing customer app information.
- os Yes String Identifier of the operating system, e.g. iOS.
- storeUri Optional String A URI where the customer app can be downloaded from. Typically this will be a URI to an app store such as Google Play. If the URI points to an app store such as Google Play, the URI should follow Android best practices so an app can directly open the URI to the native app store app instead of a website. If a rentalUri field is populated then this field is required, otherwise it is optional.
- discoveryUri Optional String A URI that can be used to discover if the customer app is installed on the device (e.g., using UIApplication canOpenURL:). This intent is used by apps prioritize customer apps for a particular user based on whether they already have a particular customer app installed. This field is required if a rentalUri field is populated, otherwise it is optional.

Example Response 200

    "serviceId": "1",
    "name": "Super DRT One",
    "shortName": "One",
    "description": "Super fast and super comfortable DRT service.",
    "operator": "DRT Inc.",
    "url": "",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "termsAndConditions": {
        "releaseDate": "2020-01-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        "url": ""
    "preBookingMinutes": 120,
    "bookingProcess": "explicit",
    "tariff": [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": "pay per use",
            "description": "simple pay per use tarif"
    "services": [{
            "maximumPassengersPerBooking": 2,
            "area": {
                "type": "MultiPolygon",
                "coordinates": [
                            [120.0, 40.0], [120.0, 50.0], [110.0, 50.0], [110.0, 40.0], [120.0, 40.0]/*outer*/
                            [122.0, 42.0], [122.0, 44.0], [124.0, 44.0], [124.0, 42.0], [120.0, 42.0]/*hole*/
            "virtualStops": [{
                    "id": "st01",
                    "name": "market place",
                    "description": "south east corner",
                    "point": {
                        "type": "Point",
                        "coordinates": [115.0, 45.0]
    "operatingPeriods": [{
            "id": "1",
            "start": "2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "end": "2020-05-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "bookableOptions": [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": "stroller",
            "maximumPerBooking": 2

Availability (POST)

Checks if a ride for the given origin, destination and time is possible. It is recommended to always use geo points for origin and destination even for services only operating between virtual stops. This allows the DRT-system to choose the most appropriate virtual stop even if this stop might not be the closest one.

Field Name Required Type Defines
serviceID Yes String Identifier of the DRT-service.
startPoint Conditionally required GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip. This field is required if startVirtualStop is not given.
startVirtualStop Conditionally required String Virtual start stop of the trip. This field is required if startPoint is not given. If startPoint is given this field is ignored.
endPoint Conditionally required GeoJson POINT End point of the trip. This field is required if endVirtualStop is not given.
endVirtualStop Conditionally required String Virtual end stop of the trip. This field is required if endPoint is not given. If endPoint is given this field is ignored.
departureTime Conditionally required Date Date and time when the trip should start. This field is required if arrivalTime is not given.
arrivalTime Conditionally required Date Date and time when the trip should reach its destination. This field is required if departureTime is not given. If departureTime ist given this field is ignored.
passengerNumber Yes Number Number of passengers.
maximumWalkingDistance Optional Number Maximum walking distance in meter between start point of the trip and pick up location and between drop off location and end point.
tarifID Yes String Identifier of the used tariff.
bookableOptions Optional Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the bookable options e.g. stroller.
- id Yes String Identifier of the option.
- number Yes Number Number of options to book.
bookingProcess Yes String Type of booking process to use for this request. Either "explicit" or "implicit".
availabilityMonitor Optional Boolean If "yes" the availability will be monitored if the ride request can't be fulfilled right now. If the requested ride can be served again a booking is created automatically and the given URL is called (Webhook). The created booking needs to be confirmed. In order to have this feature working the corresponding webhook "Availability:Monitor" must be subscribedn to.
customerID Conditionally required String If the availablility is monitored an identifier of the customer is required. It will be used for the automatically created booking once the ride becomes available.


http status code Description
200 Ride is available
400 Invalid request
422 Ride is not available
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip.
startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT End point of the trip.
endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure. It is strongly recommended to advice the customer to be present at the departure point at this time.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
tripSegment Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects providing information for each segment of the trip.
- startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
- endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
- mode Yes String Either "walk" or "ride".
- distance Conditionally required String Distance of the segment in meters if it's a walking segment.
- routeOutline Optional GeoJson LineString Visual representation of the trip segment as LineString to be displayed on a map to the customer. The outline is based on the map used by the DRT-system which might be different to the map used by the third-party system.
price Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object with information regarding the price of the trip.
- amount Yes Double Price of the trip.
- currency Yes String Currency the price is in (ISO 4217 code:
bookingId Optional String Identification of the booking. Only if implicit booking is used.
bookingUrl Optional String A JSON object that contains rental URLs (deep links).
- os Yes String Identifier of the operating system.
- uri Yes String This URI should be a deep link specific to this ride, and should not be a general page that includes general information for the DRT-service.

Example Response 200

    "StartPoint": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [115.0, 45.0]
    "startAddress": "Market Place 1",
    "endPoint": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [112.0, 42.0]
    "endAddress": "Grumman Square 3204",
    "departureTime": {
        "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:10:00.000Z",
        "latest": "2020-07-23T08:12:00.000Z"
    "arrivalTime": {
        "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:20:00.000Z",
        "latest": "2020-07-23T08:25:00.000Z"
    "tripSegment": [{
            "StartPoint": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [115.0, 45.0]
            "startAddress": "Market Place 1",
            "departureTime": {
                "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:10:00.000Z",
                "latest": "2020-07-23T08:12:00.000Z"
            "endPoint": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [112.0, 42.1]
            "endAddress": "Kings Grant 1200",
            "arrivalTime": {
                "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:17:00.000Z",
                "latest": "2020-07-23T08:22:00.000Z"
            "mode": "ride",
            "routeOutline": {
                "type": "LineString",
                "coordinates": [
                    [100.0, 0.0],
                    [101.0, 1.0]
        }, {
            "StartPoint": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [112.0, 42.1]
            "startAddress": "Kings Grant 1200",
            "departureTime": {
                "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:17:00.000Z",
                "latest": "2020-07-23T08:22:00.000Z"
            "endPoint": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [112.0, 42.0]
            "endAddress": "Grumman Square 3204",
            "arrivalTime": {
                "earliest": "2020-07-23T08:20:00.000Z",
                "latest": "2020-07-23T08:25:00.000Z"
            "mode": "walk",
            "distance": 200,
            "routeOutline": {
                "type": "LineString",
                "coordinates": [
                    [100.0, 0.0],
                    [101.0, 1.0]
    "price": {
        "amount": 3.40,
        "currency": "USD"

Response 422

Field Name Required Type Defines
code Yes String Code, as listed below.
description Yes String Human readable error description.
availabilityId Optional String If an availability monitor was requested a reference is provided. When the ride will be available again this reference will be included in the webhook message.
Code Description
100 "Start or end point outside of service area."
101 "Departure or arrival time outside of service operating times."
102 "Ride request can't be satisfied at this time."
103 "Start and end point of the ride are too close together."
104 "No rides are possible between the requested start & end point and time."
105 "Ride request can't be satisfied for this number of passengers."
106 "The bookable option can not be satisfied: {name}."
200 "Ride request can't be satisfied at this time. The availability will be monitored."

Customer (POST)

Create a customer account. It's recommended to provide the option to create shadow accounts for MaaS-platform customers. This way customers can be kept separate in order e.g. to handle different billing processes.

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the third party. Bookings are performed on behalf of the customer.
firstName Yes String First name of the customer.
lastName Yes String Last name of the customer.
Address Optional JSON-Object JSON-Object with address information.
- street Yes String Name of the street.
- houseNumber Yes String House number.
- city Yes String Name of the city.
- postcode Yes String Postal code of the city.
- country Yes String Name of the country.
email Yes String Email-address of the customer.
mobileNumber Optional String Mobile phone number.
defaultBookableOptions Optional Array Default bookable options.
- bookableOptions_<id> Yes Integer Default number of options to book for the bookable option with the given .


http status code Description
201 Creation successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Customer (PATCH)

Update customer data.

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the third party.
firstName Yes String First name of the customer.
lastName Yes String Last name of the customer.
Address Optional JSON-Object JSON-Object with address information.
- street Yes String Name of the street.
- houseNumber Yes String House number.
- city Yes String Name of the city.
- postcode Yes String Postal code of the city.
- country Yes String Name of the country.
email Yes String Email-address of the customer.
mobileNumber Optional String Mobile phone number.
defaultBookableOptions Optional Array Default bookable options.
- bookableOptions_<id> Yes Integer Default number of options to book for the bookable option with the given .


http status code Description
200 Update successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Customer (GET)

Get customer data.

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the third party.


http status code Description
200 Query successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the third party.
creationDate Yes Date Date when the account was created.
firstName Yes String First name of the customer.
lastName Yes String Last name of the customer.
Address Optional JSON-Object JSON-Object with address information.
- street Yes String Name of the street.
- houseNumber Yes String House number.
- city Yes String Name of the city.
- postcode Yes String Postal code of the city.
- country Yes String Name of the country.
email Yes String Email-address of the customer.
mobileNumber Optional String Mobile phone number.
defaultBookableOptions Optional Array Default bookable options.
- bookableOptions_<id> Yes Integer Default number of options to book for the bookable option with the given .

Customer (DELETE)

Delete a customer account.

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the third party.


http status code Description
204 Deletion successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Booking (POST)

Book a ride.

Field Name Required Type Defines
serviceId Yes String Identifier of the DRT-service.
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer on behalf the booking is performed.
startPoint Conditionally required GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip. This field is required if startVirtualStop is not given.
startVirtualStop Conditionally required String Virtual start stop of the trip. This field is required if startPoint is not given. If startPoint is given this field is ignored.
endPoint Conditionally required GeoJson POINT End point of the trip. This field is required if endVirtualStop is not given.
endVirtualStop Conditionally required String Virtual end stop of the trip. This field is required if endPoint is not given. If endPoint is given this field is ignored.
departureTime Conditionally required Date Date and time when the trip should start. This field is required if arrivalTime is not given.
arrivalTime Conditionally required Date Date and time when the trip should reach its destination. This field is required if departureTime is not given. If departureTime is given this field is ignored.
passengerNumber Yes Integer Number of passengers.
maximumWalkingDistance Yes Integer Maximum walking distance in meter between start point of the trip and pick up location and between drop off location and end point.
tarifId Yes String Identifier of the used tariff.
bookableOptions Optional Array Array of JSON-Objects describing the bookable options e.g. stroller.
- id Yes String Identifier of the option.
- number Yes Integer Number of options to book.
type Yes String Either "booking" or "reservation". If the trip is reserved it is not booked yet. It is only reserved for a system specific time and it's not bookable for others. It must be confirmed within the specified time frame. If not confirmed the reservation will be released.


http status code Description
200 Booking/Reservation successful
400 Invalid request
422 Booking/Reservation was not possible
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.
startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip.
startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT End point of the trip.
endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure. It is strongly recommended to advice the customer to be present at the departure point at this time.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
passengerNumber Yes Integer Number of passengers.
bookingCode Optional String Code for this booking. The code e.g. can be used to identify the customer at pick up.
maximumTimeWindow Yes String Difference between estimated departure time and latest departure time in minutes.
tripSegment Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects providing information for each segment of the trip.
- startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
- endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
- mode Yes String Either "walk" or "ride".
- distance Conditionally required Integer Distance of the segment in meters if it's a walking segment.
- routeOutline Yes GeoJson LineString Visual representation of the trip segment as LineString to be displayed on a map to the customer. The outline is based on the map used by the DRT-system which might be different to the map used by the third-party system.
price Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object with information regarding the price of the trip.
- amount Yes Double Price of the trip.
- currency Yes String Currency the price is in (ISO 4217 code:
vehicle Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object with information to the scheduled vehicle and driver.
- description Optional String Description of the scheduled vehicle e.g. brand and model.
- number Optional String Visual identification string of the scheduled vehicle, usually a number.
- licensePlate Optional String License plate of the scheduled vehicle.
- pictureUrl Optional String URL where a picture of the scheduled vehicle can be retrieved.
- driverName Optional String Name of the driver.

Response 422

Field Name Required Type Defines
code Yes String Code, as listed below.
description Yes String Human readable error description.
Code Description
100 "Start or end point outside of service area."
101 "Departure or arrival time outside of service operating times."
102 "Ride request can't be satisfied at this time."
103 "Start and end point of the ride are too close together."
104 "No rides are possible between the requested start & end point and time."
105 "Ride request can't be satisfied for this number of passengers."
106 "The bookable option can not be satisfied: {name}."

cancelBooking (POST)

Cancel a previously made booking or reservation if possible. The status of the booking is changed to "canceled by user".

Field Name Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.


http status code Description
204 Cancellation successful
400 Invalid request
404 Booking not found
500 Unexpected error

Booking (GET)

Query all information regarding the given booking.

Query Parameter Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.


http status code Description
200 Query successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip.
startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT End point of the trip.
endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip to be displayed to the customer.
departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure. It is strongly recommended to advice the customer to be present at the departure point at this time.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
passengerNumber Yes Integer Number of passengers.
bookingCode Optional String Code for this booking. The code e.g. can be used to identify the customer at pick up.
maximumTimeWindow Yes String Difference between estimated departure time and latest departure time in minutes.
tripSegment Yes Array Array of JSON-Objects providing information for each segment of the trip.
- startPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- startAddress Optional String Address of the start point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- departureTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the departure time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of departure.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of departure.
- endPoint Yes GeoJson POINT Start point of the trip segment.
- endAddress Optional String Address of the end point of the trip segment to be displayed to the customer.
- arrivalTime Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object providing the arrival time.
- - earliest Yes Date Estimated earliest date and time of arrival.
- - latest Yes Date Estimated latest date and time of arrival.
- mode Yes String Either "walk" or "ride".
- distance Conditionally required Integer Distance of the segment in meters if it's a walking segment.
- routeOutline Yes GeoJson LineString Visual representation of the trip segment as LineString to be displayed on a map to the customer. The outline is based on the map used by the DRT-system which might be different to the map used by the third-party system.
price Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object with information regarding the price of the trip.
- amount Yes Double Price of the trip.
- currency Yes String Currency the price is in (ISO 4217 code:
vehicle Yes JSON-Object JSON-Object with information to the scheduled vehicle and driver.
- description Optional String Description of the scheduled vehicle e.g. brand and model.
- number Optional String Visual identification string of the scheduled vehicle, usually a number.
- licensePlate Optional String License plate of the scheduled vehicle.
- pictureUri Optional String Picture of the scheduled vehicle.
- driverName Optional String Name of the driver.
status Yes String Status of the booking. At least the following status should be supported: "reserved", "booked", "scheduled", "in approach", "arrived", "on route", "done", "no show", "canceled by system", "canceled by user".

Confirmation (POST)

Confirm a previously made reservation. The reservation is turned into a booking.

Field Name Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.


http status code Description
204 Confirmation successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

vehicleLocation (GET)

Get the current location of the vehicle, which is dispatched for the ride. The location must only be available for bookings with the status "in approach", "arrived" and "on route". The location is intended to be used to visualize the approach of the vehicle to the customer.

Query Parameter Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.


http status code Description
200 Request successful
400 Invalid request
404 Booking not found

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
bookingId Yes String Identification of the booking.
location Yes GeoJson POINT Current location of the vehicle. The location is based on the map used by the DRT-system which might be different to the map used by the third-party system.
bearing Optional Number Current absolute bearing of the vehicle in degrees.
lastUpdate Optional Date Timepoint of the last location update.

Subscription (POST)

Create a webhook for the specified type of events.

Field Name Required Type Defines
event Yes Array String array of events.
url Yes String URL to be called.
signatureKey Optional String Signature that is used for hashing the request.


http status code Description
200 Subscription created
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
subscriptionId Yes String Identifier of the subscription.

Subscription (DELETE)

Delete a webhook.

Field Name Required Type Defines
subscriptionId Yes String Identifier of the subscription.


http status code Description
200 Subscription deleted
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Invoice (GET)

Fetch invoices which have been generated by the DRT-system.

Query Parameter Required Type Defines
dateStart Yes String Fetch invoices between start and end date.
dateEnd Yes String Fetch invoices between start and end date.


http status code Description
200 Successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Response 200

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the MaaS-platform.
invoiceId Yes String Identifier of this invoice.
date Yes String Date the invoice was created.
totalPrice Yes Double Total price of this invoice.
currency Yes String Currency the totalPrice is in (ISO 4217 code:
items Yes Array Array of bookings included in this invoice.
- bookingId No String Identification of the booking if the invoice item is related to a booking. A refund might not be related to a specific booking.
invoiceUrl Yes String URL where the invoice can be accessed e.g. in pdf-format.

PaymentStatus (POST)

Change the payment status of an invoice.

Field Name Required Type Defines
customerId Yes String Identifier of the customer used by the MaaS-platform.
invoiceId Yes String Identifier of this invoice.
status Yes String One of "paid", "dunned", "failed".


http status code Description
200 Successful
400 Invalid request
500 Unexpected error

Response 400

Field Name Required Type Defines
code Yes String Code, as listed below.
description Yes String Human readable error description.
Code Description
100 "Customer unknown."
101 "Invoice doesn't exist."
103 "Invalid status."