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This directory contains the services needed for a LUCI infrastructure.

  • auth_service/ Authentication Server. It provides centralized group management and group database replication across services.
  • components/ contains the modules shared by all services in this repository. This includes the embedable part of auth_service to act as a client for auth_service, ereporter2, tooling for testing and deployment.
  • config_service/ is a project configuration distribution server that supports importing from repositories.
  • isolate/ Isolate Server is a Content-Addressed Cache running on AppEngine backed by Cloud Storage.
  • machine_provider/ Machine provider is a service to lease VMs from a pool to users.
  • swarming/ Swarming Server is a task distribution engine for highly hetegeneous fleet at high scale.
  • third_party/ contains shared third parties. Services using these should symlink the packages inside the root server directory so it becomes available in sys.path.
  • third_party_local/ constains testing or tooling related third parties that are not meant to be ever used on a AppEngine server.