The following installs daemontools, and creates a service for solr-security-proxy with specified params:
# install daemontools
sudo apt-get install -y daemontools daemontools-run
# configure our service
sudo mkdir -p /etc/service/solr-security-proxy
sudo tee /etc/service/solr-security-proxy/run <<EOT
#! /bin/bash
exec node /vagrant/solr-security-proxy.js --port 8008 --backend.port 8080 --validPaths /reuters/select
sudo chmod u+rwx /etc/service/solr-security-proxy/run
Now it should run automatically.
NOTE: in, there seems to be a bug where /usr/bin/svscanboot is
not run until after a reboot. Perhaps it can be run manually somehow.
See /etc/init/svscan.conf and /var/lib/dpkg/info/daemontools-run.postinst
To kill svscan this does not work (something brings it right back):
pstree -a
ps aux | egrep 'svscan|readproctitle|node|supervise'
pkill 'svscan|readproctitle service|supervise|node'
cd /etc/service/solr-security-proxy
sudo svc -dx .
sudo svstatus . # run this a couple of times, watch it come back
Instead, edit /etc/service/solr-security-proxy/run and comment out the "exec" line:
sudo vim /etc/service/solr-security-proxy
sudo svc -dx /etc/service/solr-security-proxy
ps aux | egrep 'svscan|readproctitle|node|supervise' # looks good