I have been installing the Catalyst app in /var/lib/catalyst/ocr.
Installation: Untar or clone to a directory of your choosing (I like /var/lib/catalyst/OCR). DoJob.pl DoImage.pl OCR/Ocrdb.pm OCR/hocrUtils.pm root/* lib/* inc/* ocr.conf
To start the Scheduler, run
cd /var/lib/catalyst/OCR ;
./DoJob.pl --startScheduler ; \
To start the web control panel, run (if you want to use port 3333)
cd /var/lib/catalyst/OCR ;
./script/ocr_server.pl -p3333 --verbose --debug
Note: Many CPAN modules need to be installed. When you do this, please would you note the cpanm commands needed and contribute this to the project? For master and worker. And note your Linux distro. Check that you have all needed modules by saying './DoJob.pl' with no parameters. Likewise with the other .pl scripts.
Install needed modules: sudo cpanm Getopt::Long sudo cpanm File::Touch sudo cpanm Email::Sender::Simple ++
If you have not installed cpanm, look at https://github.com/miyagawa/cpanminus Quickstart: Run the following command to install it curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus or sudo curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - App::cpanminus
Installation on a worker machine is by installWorker.sh. This is pushed to a worker machine by pushWorker.sh. The master machine can also be a worker, so run installWorker.sh there too.
DataBase config:
Mysql needs to be configured by saying something like: $ mysql -hsnap -Dmydb -uocruser -p < ocrResults.sql
This assumes the MySQL server is on the host 'snap', and the user 'ocruser' has table create privileges. There is friendly MySQL help at https://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress#Using_the_MySQL_Client
In /etc/ocr/db.ini, normally we have [DBconn] hostname=snap.example.org
or [DBconn] hostname=yb.example.org
However, in the special case where the OCR database machine is also an OCR worker machine, we need: [DBconn] hostname=localmysql
Worker log dir: The installation created a directory /var/log/ocr/ in each worker machine which is writeable by the user running this cat app. Log rotation on this is in /etc/logrotate.d/ocr (correct the user,group). With log rotation, it becomes easy to compare the performance of the worker computers 'wc -l /var/log/ocr/*.log'.
/var/log/ocr/*.log { daily missingok rotate 52 create 644 richard adm }