- ((OTRS)) Community Edition version 6
- PHP 7.x with composer
First, download the web service configuration from GitHub. Navigate as an admin to Admin
=> Web Service Management
=> Add Web Service
=> Import web service
. Enter a name for the web service. I suggest to use GenericTicketConnectorREST
because this is used in the example.
Clone this repository and run composer update
to add the Unirest library:
$ git clone https://github.com/rkaldung/otrs-gi-rest-php.git php-rest-client
$ cd php-rest-client
$ composer update
Edit client.php and complete the baseURL and configure FQDN, web service name and valid agent credentials.
Your client is ready to go and can be executed by php client.php
An introduction for the Generic Interface for the latest ((OTRS)) Community Editon is available in the online manual.
The default operations TicketCreate and TicketUpdate are not able to send a new article via e-mail. For this use case you could install the free add-on Znuny4OTRS-GIArticleSend.