Con-Fusion is a mobile application for a Restaurant made with React Native, so it can run on both Android and iOS.
Create account
.- Browse the
. - See the Dishes in detail, add
andAdd to Favorite
a dish. - Reserve a Table -
Notification confirmation
andEvent Creation in Calendar
. Animations
.Swipe Gestures
.- Contact through e-mail or contact number.
- Detect device's
network state
react-redux is used to maintain states
json-server is used to simulate a REST API.
The app fetches and store data (as JSON) to the json-server.
permission handling
drawer navigation
multiple screens
remember me
use camera or select from gallery
json parsing
redux store
redux actions
- Node.js
- Expo CLI
- Any Text editor, I have used VS Code
- json-server
- Expo App on mobile
Clone the repository and navigate into the confusion folder.
$ git clone
Install the dependencies using npm.
$ npm install
To run the application on expo, execute the command
$ npm start
Copy the ip address shown by expo in terminal. (in place of yellow highlight)
Open another terminal and navigate into json-server folder and execute (replace ip_address with ip address from step 4)
$ json-server --watch db.json -p 3001 -d 2000 -H ip_address
Scan the QR code on your mobile phone with the Expo app.
HomeScreen Comment-Like-Swipe Login/SignUp
Menu ReserveTable MyFavorites
ContactUs/About NetworkState