This repo contains all of the configuration files I use for most of my desktop environment.
Have a look at this markdown for some example key mappings available with my config.
The vim config is probably the most annoying to install (and probably the only one worth mentioning how to install), because you need to use different .vimrc
file depending on the vim version.
This is due to the use of a different vim plugin manager: version < 8.0 uses NeoBundle
and version >= 8.0 uses Dein.vim
So, please check your vim version first, and run stuff according to the right version.
Also, you might want to install exuberant-ctags
and Ag
(silver searcher) to prevent some warning/error messages when opening vim.
# Setup the directory structure to make Ultisnip and persistent Undos work:
bash ./
# Either copy or symlink the vim7.4/.vimrc to your home directory:
cp path/to/conf/vim7.4/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
# Install NeoBundle first:
sh ./
# Install the plugins by running the command below, or open vim and run ":NeoBundleInstall":
vim +NeoBundleInstall +qall
# Setup the directory structure to make Ultisnip and persistent Undos work (hopefully):
bash ./
# Either copy or symlink the vim7.4/.vimrc to your home directory:
cp path/to/conf/vim8/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
# Install NeoBundle first:
sh ./ ~/.vim/dein
Open vim and run the following in command mode:
:call dein#install()
I have an Xmonad config file for use in my linux desktop, where I use a hybrid of KDE and xmonad desktop environment/windows manager.
Just briefly, xmonad is essentially a tmux for normal windows like terminal, web browser, file browser, etc.
Move or copy xmonad.hs
file to ~/.xmonad
and compile it:
cp path/to/conf/xmonad.hs ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
xmonad --recompile
Either reboot or logout and log back in for the changes to reflect.
Other config files for tmux
, bash
, inputrc
or whatever config files you can find in this directory, just copy or symlink it to your home directory.