The utPLSQL website is powered by Jekyll. Which generated HTML when you push a commit to
This also works in harmony with the gh-pages branches on the various other repository to create a single website. For example the utpsql repositories gh-pages branch, is visible at
This allows for documentation from each sub repository to host it's own documentation without having to modify the repository directly.
Create a File in the _posts directory with the file name of
This file will be a standard Markdown file which can be editing with any text editor although there are many offline and online editors for Markdown.
The file will also need a YAML Front Matter section at the top of the file.
layout: post
title: "Title of Blog Post"
date: 2016-06-20 15:00:00 -0600
categories: moving
Look at an existing post if you want an example.
Jekyll will allow you to preview the site locally doing the following: