All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PHPStan reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors rule.
- Instore QR Tramma repeated code.
- Instore QR Tramma support.
- pablorsk/dx-php to mercadopago/dx-php 3.
- pablorsk/dx-php bump.
- README with docker instructions.
- fix/doctrine-inflector compatibility with PHP8 and Laravel 9.
- pablorsk/dx-php bump.
- dx-php bump. Some class namespaces fixed.
- dx-php updated to 2.2.3, with latest change from MercadoPago team.
- dx-php updated with psr-4 fixes
- Changelog file.
- Fix error when throw an exception different to MercadoPagoException.
- composer upgraded preventing security issues.
- composer.lock
- Using new version of MercadoPago SDK (dx)