diff --git a/example/lib/example_web/templates/page/index.html.eex b/example/lib/example_web/templates/page/index.html.eex
index 2129c29..2b2e398 100644
--- a/example/lib/example_web/templates/page/index.html.eex
+++ b/example/lib/example_web/templates/page/index.html.eex
@@ -327,5 +327,38 @@ airports = [{"Louis Armstrong", "MSY"}, {"John F. Kennedy", "JFK"}]
+ <%= row do %>
+ <%= col do %>
+ Table
+ <% end %>
+ <%= col do %>
+ <%= table do %>
+ <%= table_head do %>
+ <%= table_row do %>
+ <%= table_header do: "ID" %>
+ <%= table_header do: "First Name" %>
+ <%= table_header do: "Last Name" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= table_body do %>
+ <%= for n <- 0..9 do %>
+ <%= table_row do %>
+ <%= table_data do: n %>
+ <%= table_data do: "John" %>
+ <%= table_data do: "Doe#{n}" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= table_row do %>
+ <%= table_data do: "10" %>
+ <%= table_data do: "Jane" %>
+ <%= table_data do: "Doe" %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/harmonium.ex b/lib/harmonium.ex
index 2e6282e..786d0ce 100644
--- a/lib/harmonium.ex
+++ b/lib/harmonium.ex
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ defmodule Harmonium do
defp error_helper(error) do
case Application.get_env(:harmonium, :error_helper, nil) do
nil ->
- {message, opts} = error
+ {message, _opts} = error
{module, function} -> apply(module, function, [error])
@@ -689,6 +689,30 @@ defmodule Harmonium do
+ defdelegate table_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_head_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_head(opts \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_body_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_body(opts \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_row_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_row(opts \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_header_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_header(opts \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_data_class(modifiers \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
+ defdelegate table_data(opts \\ []), to: Harmonium.Table
@mock_form_default_form %Phoenix.HTML.Form{data: %{}, errors: [], name: "mock", id: "mock"}
@mock_form_default_inputs %{
empty: nil,
diff --git a/lib/harmonium/table.ex b/lib/harmonium/table.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f9505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/harmonium/table.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+defmodule Harmonium.Table do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Adds component to render pagination with correct harmonium classes.
+ """
+ import Phoenix.HTML.Tag
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a callout class.
+ iex> table_class()
+ "rev-Table"
+ iex> table_class(color: "blue")
+ "rev-Table rev-Table--colorblue"
+ iex> table_class(bold: true)
+ "rev-Table rev-Table--bold"
+ """
+ def table_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table element (
+ iex> safe_to_string(table(do: []))
+ ~S()
+ """
+ def table(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:table, :table_class, opts)
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a table head class.
+ iex> table_head_class()
+ "rev-Table-head"
+ iex> table_head_class(stacked: true)
+ "rev-Table-head rev-Table-head--stacked"
+ """
+ def table_head_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table-head", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table head element ().
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_head(do: []))
+ ~S()
+ """
+ def table_head(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:thead, :table_head_class, opts)
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a table body class.
+ iex> table_body_class()
+ "rev-Table-body"
+ iex> table_body_class(stacked: true)
+ "rev-Table-body rev-Table-body--stacked"
+ """
+ def table_body_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table-body", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table body element ().
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_body(do: []))
+ ~S()
+ """
+ def table_body(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:tbody, :table_body_class, opts)
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a table row class.
+ iex> table_row_class()
+ "rev-Table-row"
+ iex> table_row_class(stacked: true)
+ "rev-Table-row rev-Table-row--stacked"
+ """
+ def table_row_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table-row", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table row element ().
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_row(do: []))
+ ~S(
+ """
+ def table_row(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:tr, :table_row_class, opts)
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a table header class.
+ iex> table_header_class()
+ "rev-Table-header"
+ iex> table_header_class(stacked: true)
+ "rev-Table-header rev-Table-header--stacked"
+ """
+ def table_header_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table-header", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table header element ().
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_header(do: []))
+ ~S( | )
+ """
+ def table_header(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:th, :table_header_class, opts)
+ @doc """
+ Constructs a table data class.
+ iex> table_data_class()
+ "rev-Table-data"
+ iex> table_data_class(stacked: true)
+ "rev-Table-data rev-Table-data--stacked"
+ """
+ def table_data_class(modifiers \\ []), do: Harmonium.rev_class("rev-Table-data", modifiers)
+ @doc """
+ Renders a table data element ().
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_data)
+ ~S( | | )
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_data(attrs: [colspan: 2]))
+ ~S( | )
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_data(do: []))
+ ~S( | )
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_data(bold: true, attrs: [colspan: 2], do: []))
+ ~S( | )
+ iex> safe_to_string(table_data(bold: true, italic: true, attrs: [colspan: 2], do: []))
+ ~S( | )
+ """
+ def table_data(opts \\ []), do: table_element(:td, :table_data_class, opts)
+ defp table_element(tag, class_function, opts) do
+ {block, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :do, [])
+ {attrs, modifiers} = Keyword.pop(opts, :attrs, [])
+ modifier_classes = apply(__MODULE__, class_function, [modifiers])
+ opts = Keyword.merge(attrs, [class: modifier_classes])
+ content_tag tag, opts do
+ block
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/harmonium/table_test.exs b/test/harmonium/table_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe1e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/harmonium/table_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+defmodule Harmonium.TableTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ import Phoenix.HTML, only: [safe_to_string: 1]
+ import Harmonium.Table
+ doctest Harmonium.Table