From 7cf14550896cab745c010bd8d89ae2b8a642e527 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alasdair Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 18:22:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Allow parsing doc comments and attributes on function clauses After de-scattering, top-level doc comments on function clauses will end up attached to the function clause AST nodes themselves, so we now print and parse such comments (and attributes) appropriately --- scattered_function_doc.sail | 11 +++++++++++ src/lib/ | 19 ++++++++++++++++--- src/lib/chunk_ast.mli | 2 +- src/lib/ | 4 +++- src/lib/ | 14 +++++++++++--- src/lib/ | 9 ++++++--- src/lib/parser.mly | 17 ++++++++++++++++- src/lib/ | 4 +++- test/typecheck/scattered_function_doc.sail | 11 +++++++++++ 9 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scattered_function_doc.sail create mode 100644 test/typecheck/scattered_function_doc.sail diff --git a/scattered_function_doc.sail b/scattered_function_doc.sail new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1240b5de0 --- /dev/null +++ b/scattered_function_doc.sail @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +default Order dec + +val foo : int -> unit + +scattered function foo + +/*! First clause doc comment */ +function clause foo(0) = () + +/*! Second clause doc comment */ +function clause foo(_) = () diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ index 6c0771958..b6f77022f 100644 --- a/src/lib/ +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ and chunk = rec_opt : chunks option; typq_opt : chunks option; return_typ_opt : chunks option; - funcls : pexp_chunks list; + funcls : (chunks * pexp_chunks) list; } | Val of { id : id; extern_opt : extern option; typq_opt : chunks option; typ : chunks } | Enum of { id : id; enum_functions : chunks list option; members : chunks list } @@ -207,7 +207,9 @@ let rec prerr_chunk indent = function | None -> () end; List.iteri - (fun i funcl -> + (fun i (funcl_header, funcl) -> + Printf.eprintf "%s header %d:\n" indent i; + Queue.iter (prerr_chunk (indent ^ " ")) funcl_header; Printf.eprintf "%s pat %d:\n" indent i; Queue.iter (prerr_chunk (indent ^ " ")) funcl.pat; begin @@ -1057,7 +1059,18 @@ and chunk_pexp ?delim comments (Pat_aux (aux, l)) = ignore (pop_trailing_comment comments exp_chunks (ending_line_num l)); { funcl_space = true; pat = pat_chunks; guard = Some guard_chunks; body = exp_chunks } -let chunk_funcl comments (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (_, pexp), _)) = chunk_pexp comments pexp +let chunk_funcl comments funcl = + let chunks = Queue.create () in + let rec chunk_funcl' comments (FCL_aux (aux, _)) = + match aux with + | FCL_attribute (attr, arg, funcl) -> + Queue.add (Atom (Printf.sprintf "$[%s %s]" attr arg)) chunks; + Queue.add (Spacer (false, 1)) chunks; + chunk_funcl' comments funcl + | FCL_doc (_, funcl) -> chunk_funcl' comments funcl + | FCL_funcl (_, pexp) -> chunk_pexp comments pexp + in + (chunks, chunk_funcl' comments funcl) let chunk_quant_item comments chunks last = function | QI_aux (QI_id kopt, l) -> diff --git a/src/lib/chunk_ast.mli b/src/lib/chunk_ast.mli index c360d2fd6..99ad00583 100644 --- a/src/lib/chunk_ast.mli +++ b/src/lib/chunk_ast.mli @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ and chunk = rec_opt : chunks option; typq_opt : chunks option; return_typ_opt : chunks option; - funcls : pexp_chunks list; + funcls : (chunks * pexp_chunks) list; } | Val of { id :; extern_opt : Parse_ast.extern option; typq_opt : chunks option; typ : chunks } | Enum of { id :; enum_functions : chunks list option; members : chunks list } diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ index e0c60779d..ad0ff5c0f 100644 --- a/src/lib/ +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -670,12 +670,14 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct let guarded_pat, body = doc_pexp_chunks_pair opts pexp in separate space [guarded_pat; string "=>"; body] - and doc_funcl return_typ_opt opts pexp = + and doc_funcl return_typ_opt opts (header, pexp) = let return_typ = match return_typ_opt with | Some chunks -> space ^^ prefix_parens indent (string "->") (doc_chunks opts chunks) ^^ space | None -> space in + doc_chunks opts header + ^^ match pexp.guard with | None -> (if pexp.funcl_space then space else empty) diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ index 0efa07f6f..def89e209 100644 --- a/src/lib/ +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -1081,8 +1081,14 @@ let to_ast_typschm_opt ctx (P.TypSchm_opt_aux (aux, l)) : tannot_opt ctx_out = let typq, ctx = to_ast_typquant ctx tq in (Typ_annot_opt_aux (Typ_annot_opt_some (typq, to_ast_typ ctx typ), l), ctx) -let to_ast_funcl ctx (P.FCL_aux (fcl, l) : P.funcl) : uannot funcl = +let rec to_ast_funcl doc attrs ctx (P.FCL_aux (fcl, l) : P.funcl) : uannot funcl = match fcl with + | P.FCL_attribute (attr, arg, fcl) -> to_ast_funcl doc ((attr, arg, l) :: attrs) ctx fcl + | P.FCL_doc (doc_comment, fcl) -> begin + match doc with + | Some _ -> raise (Reporting.err_general l "Function clause has multiple documentation comments") + | None -> to_ast_funcl (Some doc_comment) attrs ctx fcl + end | P.FCL_funcl (id, pexp) -> FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (to_ast_id ctx id, to_ast_case ctx pexp), (mk_def_annot l, empty_uannot)) @@ -1099,12 +1105,14 @@ let to_ast_impl_funcls ctx (P.FCL_aux (fcl, l) : P.funcl) : uannot funcl list = targets | None -> [FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (to_ast_id ctx id, to_ast_case ctx pexp), (mk_def_annot l, empty_uannot))] ) + | _ -> raise (Reporting.err_general l "Attributes or documentation comment not permitted here") let to_ast_fundef ctx (P.FD_aux (fd, l) : P.fundef) : uannot fundef = match fd with | P.FD_function (rec_opt, tannot_opt, _, funcls) -> let tannot_opt, ctx = to_ast_tannot_opt ctx tannot_opt in - FD_aux (FD_function (to_ast_rec ctx rec_opt, tannot_opt, (to_ast_funcl ctx) funcls), (l, empty_uannot)) + FD_aux + (FD_function (to_ast_rec ctx rec_opt, tannot_opt, (to_ast_funcl None [] ctx) funcls), (l, empty_uannot)) let rec to_ast_mpat ctx (P.MP_aux (mpat, l)) = MP_aux @@ -1165,7 +1173,7 @@ let to_ast_scattered ctx (P.SD_aux (aux, l)) = | P.SD_function (rec_opt, tannot_opt, _, id) -> let tannot_opt, _ = to_ast_tannot_opt ctx tannot_opt in (None, SD_function (to_ast_rec ctx rec_opt, tannot_opt, to_ast_id ctx id), ctx) - | P.SD_funcl funcl -> (None, SD_funcl (to_ast_funcl ctx funcl), ctx) + | P.SD_funcl funcl -> (None, SD_funcl (to_ast_funcl None [] ctx funcl), ctx) | P.SD_variant (id, parse_typq) -> let id = to_ast_id ctx id in let typq, typq_ctx = to_ast_typquant ctx parse_typq in diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ index e7f7496c4..6bfe06a9d 100644 --- a/src/lib/ +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -308,7 +308,12 @@ type rec_opt_aux = Rec_none (* no termination measure *) | Rec_measure of pat * exp (* recursive with termination measure *) -type funcl_aux = (* Function clause *) +type funcl = FCL_aux of funcl_aux * l + +and funcl_aux = + (* Function clause *) + | FCL_attribute of string * string * funcl + | FCL_doc of string * funcl | FCL_funcl of id * pexp type type_union = Tu_aux of type_union_aux * l @@ -326,8 +331,6 @@ type effect_opt = Effect_opt_aux of effect_opt_aux * l type rec_opt = Rec_aux of rec_opt_aux * l -type funcl = FCL_aux of funcl_aux * l - type subst_aux = (* instantiation substitution *) | IS_typ of kid * atyp (* instantiate a type variable with a type *) diff --git a/src/lib/parser.mly b/src/lib/parser.mly index 04459cf03..25ef5ff1b 100644 --- a/src/lib/parser.mly +++ b/src/lib/parser.mly @@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ let fix_extern typschm = function | None -> None | Some extern -> Some { extern with pure = typschm_is_pure typschm } +let funcl_annot fs fcl = + List.fold_right (fun f fcl -> f fcl) fs fcl + let effect_deprecated l = Reporting.warn ~once_from:__POS__ "Deprecated" l "Explicit effect annotations are deprecated. They are no longer used and can be removed." @@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ let warn_extern_effect l = let set_syntax_deprecated l = Reporting.warn ~once_from:__POS__ "Deprecated" l "Old set syntax, {|1, 2, 3|} can now be written as {1, 2, 3}." - + %} /*Terminals with no content*/ @@ -892,6 +895,12 @@ vector_update_list: | vector_update Comma vector_update_list { $1 :: $3 } +funcl_annotation: + | attr = Attribute + { (fun funcl -> FCL_aux (FCL_attribute (fst attr, snd attr, funcl), loc $startpos(attr) $endpos(attr))) } + | doc = Doc + { (fun funcl -> FCL_aux (FCL_doc (doc, funcl), loc $startpos(doc) $endpos(doc))) } + funcl_patexp: | pat Eq exp { mk_pexp (Pat_exp ($1, $3)) $startpos $endpos } @@ -913,6 +922,8 @@ funcl_patexp_typ: { (mk_pexp (Pat_when ($5, $7, $12)) $startpos $endpos, mk_tannot $2 $10 $startpos $endpos($10)) } funcl: + | funcl_annotation+ id funcl_patexp + { funcl_annot $1 (mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($2, $3)) $startpos($2) $endpos) } | id funcl_patexp { mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($1, $2)) $startpos $endpos } @@ -923,8 +934,12 @@ funcls2: { $1 :: $3 } funcls: + | funcl_annotation+ id funcl_patexp_typ + { let pexp, tannot = $3 in ([funcl_annot $1 (mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($2, pexp)) $startpos($2) $endpos)], tannot) } | id funcl_patexp_typ { let pexp, tannot = $2 in ([mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($1, pexp)) $startpos $endpos], tannot) } + | funcl_annotation+ id funcl_patexp And funcls2 + { (funcl_annot $1 (mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($2, $3)) $startpos($2) $endpos($3)) :: $5, mk_tannotn) } | id funcl_patexp And funcls2 { (mk_funcl (FCL_funcl ($1, $2)) $startpos $endpos($2) :: $4, mk_tannotn) } diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/ index 4edd0da0b..a10473f97 100644 --- a/src/lib/ +++ b/src/lib/ @@ -583,7 +583,9 @@ and doc_vector_update = function | VU_range (high, low, value) -> separate space [doc_atomic_exp high; string ".."; doc_atomic_exp low; equals; doc_exp value] -let doc_funcl (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, Pat_aux (pexp, _)), _)) = +let doc_funcl (FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, Pat_aux (pexp, _)), (def_annot, _))) = + doc_def_annot def_annot + ^^ match pexp with | Pat_exp (pat, exp) -> group (separate space [doc_id id; doc_pat pat; equals; doc_exp_as_block exp]) | Pat_when (pat, wh, exp) -> diff --git a/test/typecheck/scattered_function_doc.sail b/test/typecheck/scattered_function_doc.sail new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1240b5de0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/typecheck/scattered_function_doc.sail @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +default Order dec + +val foo : int -> unit + +scattered function foo + +/*! First clause doc comment */ +function clause foo(0) = () + +/*! Second clause doc comment */ +function clause foo(_) = ()