The following commands are for review. If you are following the workshop, be mindful not to run any create, update or delete commands.
List the Event Streams CLI Plugin commands,
$ ibmcloud es -h NAME: ibmcloud es - Plugin for IBM Event Streams (build 1908221834) USAGE: ibmcloud es command [arguments...] [command options] COMMANDS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- broker Display details of a broker. broker-config Display broker configuration. cluster Display details of the cluster. group Display details of a consumer group. group-delete Delete a consumer group. group-reset Reset the offsets for a consumer group. groups List the consumer groups. init Initialize the IBM Event Streams plugin. topic Display details of a topic. topic-create Create a new topic. topic-delete Delete a topic. topic-delete-records Delete records from a topic before a given offset. topic-partitions-set Set the partitions for a topic. topic-update Update the configuration for a topic. topics List the topics. help, h Show help
Create an instance of the IBM Event Streams service,
$ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create user1-eventstreams messagehub standard us-south Creating service instance remkohdev-eventstreams in resource group default of account USER1's Account as [email protected]... OK Service instance user1-eventstreams was created. Name: user1-eventstreams ID: crn:v1:bluemix:public:messagehub:us-south:a/1ab2c3de456789fg01h23i4j5k6l78mn:12a34bc5-de67-8f9g-h012-34i567jk8901:: GUID: 12a34bc5-de67-8f9g-h012-34i567jk8901 Location: us-south State: active Type: service_instance Sub Type: Created at: 2019-10-17T15:04:16Z Updated at: 2019-10-17T15:04:16Z
Initialize the Event Streams CLI Plugin,
$ ibmcloud es init API Endpoint: OK
Create a new topic called
,$ ibmcloud es topic-create greetings --partitions 1 Created topic greetings OK
Display details of a topic called
,$ ibmcloud es topic greetings Details for topic greetings Topic name Internal? Partition count Replication factor greetings false 1 3 Partition details for topic greetings Partition ID Leader Replicas In-sync 0 2 [2 0 1] [2 0 1] Configuration parameters for topic greetings Name Value cleanup.policy delete min.insync.replicas 2 segment.bytes 536870912 86400000 retention.bytes 104857600 OK
Delete an existing topic called
,$ ibmcloud es topic-delete greetings Really delete topic 'greetings'? [y/N]> y Topic greetings deleted successfully OK
List all topics,
$ ibmcloud es topics OK No topics found.
List all consumer groups,
$ ibmcloud es groups OK No consumer groups found.