Retrieve the Event Streams credentials,
$ ibmcloud resource service-key "${ES_SVC_NAME}credentials1"
To access the Kafka Admin API, use the value for property kafka_admin_url.
The Swagger 2.0 docs for the IBM Event Streams Administration REST API is found at You can load the file via URL import in the, click File > Import URL > OK. Or read the README for the Admin API at
To authenticate add an X-Auth-Token HTTP Header with the apikey found in the service credentials.
$ KAFKA_APIKEY=abCDEfGh12ijklm3noPQRsTUacEwP6TgbJ5uoLMrof3N
To use the Admin API you need these full kafka_admin_url
and the apikey
from the Service Credentials
. In the examples below, replace the placeholders for these properties with the values from the Service Credentials
of your Event Streams service,
List the Kafka topics,
$ curl -X GET "${KAFKA_ADMIN_URL}/admin/topics" -H "X-Auth-Token: ${KAFKA_APIKEY}"
will return
[ { "name": "greetings", "partitions": 1, "replicationFactor": 3, "retentionMs": 86400000, "cleanupPolicy": "delete", "configs": { "cleanup.policy": "delete", "min.insync.replicas": "2", "retention.bytes": "104857600", "": "86400000", "segment.bytes": "536870912" }, "replicaAssignments": [ { "id": 0, "brokers": { "replicas": [ 0, 1, 2 ] } } ] } ]
Delete a topic,
$ curl -X DELETE "${KAFKA_ADMIN_URL}/admin/topics/greetings" -H "X-Auth-Token: ${KAFKA_APIKEY}"
Create a topic,
$ curl -X POST \ "${KAFKA_ADMIN_URL}/admin/topics" \ -H "X-Auth-Token: ${KAFKA_APIKEY}" \ -d '{ "name": "greetings", "partitions": 1 }'
Get a topic,
$ curl -X GET \ "${KAFKA_ADMIN_URL}/admin/topics/greetings" \ -H "X-Auth-Token: ${KAFKA_APIKEY}"
Update a topic configuration, fyi this example will return with 'invalid for topic'...
$ curl -X PATCH \ "${KAFKA_ADMIN_URL}/admin/topics/greetings" \ -H "X-Auth-Token: ${KAFKA_APIKEY}" \ -d '{ "new_total_partition_count": 1 }'
Go to Lab05.