This custom command must be the first of a search (or a sub-search). The results are displayed in a table that contains:
- always following fields = ['misp_attribute_id', 'misp_category', 'misp_event_id', 'misp_event_uuid', 'misp_object_id', 'misp_timestamp', 'misp_to_ids', 'event_tag', 'misp_tag', 'misp_type', 'misp_value' ]
- if object_id is not equal 0, object attributes are displayed on the same row and field type is set to object, value to object_id
- depending on options, 'misp_attribute_uuid' (getuuid is True), 'misp_orgc_id' (getorg is True), 'misp_event_info' and 'misp_description' (add_descriptioon is True)
- and a column by type either with a value or empty
So the output can be immediately reused in a search without complex transforms
The command syntax is as follow:
|mispgetioc **[misp_instance=instance_name] ( [json_request=@JSON] [eventid=(uu)id] or string (comma-separated)| [last=interval] | [date="YYYY-mm-dd"] )**
add_description = boolean
category = string (comma-separated)
expand_object = boolean
geteventtag = boolean
getorg = boolean
getuuid = boolean
include_deleted = boolean
limit = integer
not_tags = string (comma-separated)
output = (default|raw)
pipesplit = boolean
tags = string (comma-separated)
to_ids = boolean
type = string (comma-separated)
warning_list = boolean
include_decay_score = boolean
decaying_model = integer
exclude_decayed = boolean
decay_score_threshold = integer
Note: Boolean can be <1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>
- In version >= 3.0.0, you musp provide misp_instance name
- You must set either parameter 'json_request' 'eventid', 'last' or 'date'
- eventid is either a single value (event_id on the instance, uuid) or a comma-separated list of values. You can mix event_ids and event uuids.
- last interval is a number followed by a letter d(ays), h(ours) or m(inutes)
- date is any valid time filter
see also for example for a generating command (first line of SPL)
one example:
|mispgetioc misp_instance=default_misp eventid=477 category="Payload delivery,Network activity,External analysis" type="sha256,domain,ip-dst,text" getuuid=Y getorg=Y
will return the following columns
| _time | misp_category | misp_event_id | misp_ip_dst | misp_domain | misp_sha256 | misp_orgc | misp_text | misp_to_ids | misp_type | misp_attribute_uuid | misp_value
another example:
|mispgetioc misp_instance=default_misp last=7d type="sha256,domain,ip-dst,text" to_ids=Y getuuid=Y getorg=Y
- The other parameters are optional
you may filter the results using
- to_ids (boolean),
- type. Use a CSV string to list the types; for example type="domain" or type="domain,hostname,ip-dst"
- category Use a CSV string to list the categories; for example category="Payload delivery" or category="Payload delivery,Network activity,External analysis"
- tags. Use a CSV string to search for events with these tags
- not_tags. Use a CSV string to search for events which have not these tags
you may set getuuid=Y to get the event UUID in the results
likewise set getorg=Y to list the originating organisation
geteventtag will return event tags in the result
**if you want to split multivalue attributes set pipesplit to "True" **
misp_instance = Option(
**Syntax:** **misp_instance=instance_name*
**Description:** MISP instance parameters
as described in local/misp42splunk_instances.conf.''',
# MANDATORY: json_request XOR eventid XOR last XOR date
json_request = Option(
**Syntax:** **json_request=***valid JSON request*
**Description:**Valid JSON request''',
eventid = Option(
**Syntax:** **eventid=***id1(,id2,...)*
**Description:**list of event ID(s) or event UUID(s).''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("eventid", r"^[0-9a-f,\-]+$"))
last = Option(
**Syntax:** **last=***<int>d|h|m*
**Description:** publication duration in day(s), hour(s) or minute(s).
**nota bene:** last is an alias of published_timestamp''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("last", r"^[0-9]+[hdm]$"))
date = Option(
**Syntax:** **date=***The user set event date field
- any of valid time related filters"*
**Description:**starting date.
**eventid**, **last** and **date** are mutually exclusive''',
# Other params
add_description = Option(
**Syntax:** **add_description=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True
**Description:**Boolean to return misp_description.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
category = Option(
**Syntax:** **category=***CSV string*
**Description:**Comma(,)-separated string of categories to search for.
Wildcard is %.''',
expand_object = Option(
**Syntax:** **gexpand_object=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to have object attributes expanded (one per line).
By default, attributes of one object are displayed on same line.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
geteventtag = Option(
**Syntax:** **geteventtag=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean includeEventTags. By default only
attribute tag(s) are returned.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
getorg = Option(
**Syntax:** **getorg=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to return the ID of the organisation that
created the event.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
getuuid = Option(
**Syntax:** **getuuid=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to return attribute UUID.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
include_deleted = Option(
**Syntax:** **include_deleted=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean include_deleted. By default only not-deleted
attribute are returned.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
limit = Option(
**Syntax:** **limit=***<int>*
**Description:**define the limit for each MISP search;
default 1000. 0 = no pagination.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("limit", r"^[0-9]+$"))
not_tags = Option(
**Syntax:** **not_tags=***CSV string*
**Description:**Comma(,)-separated string of tags to exclude.
Wildcard is %.''',
output = Option(
**Syntax:** **output=***<default|rawy>*
**Description:**selection between the default behaviou or JSON output by attribute.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match(
"output", r"(default|raw)"))
page = Option(
**Syntax:** **page=***<int>*
**Description:**define the page for each MISP search; default 1.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("limit", r"^[0-9]+$"))
pipesplit = Option(
**Syntax:** **pipesplit=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to split multivalue attributes.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
tags = Option(
**Syntax:** **tags=***CSV string*
**Description:**Comma(,)-separated string of tags to search for.
Wildcard is %.''',
to_ids = Option(
**Syntax:** **to_ids=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to search only attributes with the flag
"to_ids" set to true.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
type = Option(
**Syntax:** **type=***CSV string*
**Description:**Comma(,)-separated string of types to search for.
Wildcard is %.''',
warning_list = Option(
**Syntax:** **warning_list=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to filter out well known values.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean())
include_decay_score = Option(
**Syntax:** **include_decay_score=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to return decay sores.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean(), default=False)
decaying_model = Option(
**Syntax:** **decaying_model=***<int>*
**Description:**ID of the decaying model to select specific model.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("decaying_model", r"^[0-9]+$"))
exclude_decayed = Option(
**Syntax:** **exclude_decayed=***<1|y|Y|t|true|True|0|n|N|f|false|False>*
**Description:**Boolean to exclude decayed attributes.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Boolean(), default=False)
decay_score_threshold = Option(
**Syntax:** **decay_score_threshold=***<int>*
**Description:**define the minimum sore to override on-the-fly the threshold of the decaying model.''',
require=False, validate=validators.Match("decay_score_threshold", r"^[0-9]+$"))
in the app, you can set the logging level. logs are written to misp42.log (access via inspect jobs).