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MLControl is a command-line tool designed to help manage machine learning experiment workflows on Google Drive and Vast.ai. This tool allows you to create project directory templates and upload local data and models to Google Drive effortlessly. It also wraps the Vast.ai CLI so you can rent a GPU, download or upload data and models with Google Drive and run your model training scripts in a simple manner.
- Initialize MLOps Projects: Create a structured project directory on Google Drive.
- Upload Data: Upload local data directories to your Google Drive project.
- Connect to a GPU machine: Search for and connect to GPUs offered by Vast.ai cloud services.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rejsafranko/MLControl.git cd MLControl
Install the CLI tool:
pip install -e .
Before using mlcontrol
, you need to set up Google Drive API credentials.
Enable the Google Drive API:
- Go to the Google Developers Console.
- Create a new project or select an existing one.
- Navigate to the "APIs & Services" > "Library".
- Search for "Google Drive API" and enable it.
Set up OAuth 2.0 credentials:
- Go to "APIs & Services" > "Credentials".
- Click "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth client ID".
- Configure the consent screen if prompted.
- Select "Desktop app" and click "Create".
- Download the JSON file and rename it to
. - Place the
file in the root directory of your project.
To initialize a new MLOps project on Google Drive:
mlcontrol init [PROJECT_NAME]
This command creates a new project directory with subdirectories data/ and models/.
To list projects at the top level of your storage:
mlcontrol list-projects
To upload a local data file (.csv, .png, etc.) or a local model file (.pth, .keras, etc.) to an existing project on Google Drive:
mlcontrol upload [-d/-m] [/path/to/local/data] [PROJECT_NAME]
Replace /path/to/local/data with the path to your local file and provide the project name where you want to upload the file.
To list datasets or models in an existing project on Google Drive:
mlcontrol list [-d/-m] [PROJECT_NAME]
-d argument is for datasets, -m argument is for models
Example command to search for GPUs with supported filters:
mlcontrol gpus --gpu_ram 16 --gpu_arch nvidia --disk_space 30
Filter descriptions:
mlcontrol gpus --help