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BareMetal -

File metadata and controls

409 lines (269 loc) · 8.02 KB

BareMetal x86-64 API

Version 1 - November 14, 2016


This document details the API calls built into the BareMetal exokernel.


  1. Output
    • b_output
    • b_output_chars
  2. Input
    • b_input
    • b_input_key
  3. SMP
    • b_smp_set
    • b_smp_config
  4. Memory
    • b_mem_allocate
    • b_mem_release
  5. Network
    • b_net_tx
    • b_net_rx
  6. Disk
    • b_disk_read
    • b_disk_write
  7. Misc
    • b_system_config
    • b_system_misc



Output text to the screen or via serial. The string must be null-terminated - also known as ASCIIZ.

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RSI = message location (zero-terminated string)
OUT:	All registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rsi, Message
call b_output
Message: db 'This is a test', 0

C Example:

char Message[] = "This is a test";

b_output("This is a another test");


Output a number of characters to the screen or via serial.

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RSI = message location
		RCX = number of characters to output
OUT:	All registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rsi, Message
mov rcx, 4
call os_output_chars					; Only output the word 'This'
Message: db 'This is a test', 0

C Example:

b_output_chars("This is a test", 4);	// Output 'This'

char Message[] = "Hello, world!";
b_output_chars(Message, 5);				// Output 'Hello'



Accept a number of keys from the keyboard or via serial. The resulting string will automatically be null-terminated.

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RDI = location where string will be stored
		RCX = number of characters to accept
OUT:	RCX = length of string that were input (NULL not counted)
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rdi, Input
mov rcx, 20
call b_input
Input: db 0 times 21

C Example:

char Input[21];
b_input(Input, 20);


Scans for input from keyboard or serial.

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	Nothing
OUT:	AL = 0 if no key pressed, otherwise ASCII code, other regs preserved
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

call b_input_key
mov byte [KeyChar], al
KeyChar: db 0

C Example:

char KeyChar;
KeyChar = b_input_key();
if (KeyChar == 'a')


BareMetal uses a queue for tasks. Tasks are automatically pulled out of the queue by available CPU cores.


Add a workload to the processing queue.

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RAX = Code address
		RDX = Data address
OUT:	RAX = 0 on error

Assembly Example:

	mov rax, ap_code	; Our code to run on an available core
	xor rdx, rdx		; Clear RDX as there is no argument
	mov rcx, 1		; Set CPU with ID 1 to run code
	call [b_smp_set]


C Example:


Just a stub fuction at the moment


Memory is allocated in 2MiB pages.


Allocate pages of memory

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RCX = Number of pages to allocate
OUT:	RAX = Starting address (Set to 0 on failure)
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rcx, 2		; Allocate 2 2MiB pages (4MiB in total)
call b_mem_allocate
jz mem_fail
mov rsi, rax	; Copy memory address to RSI


Release pages of memory

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RAX = Starting address
		RCX = Number of pages to free
OUT:	RCX = Number of pages freed
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rax, rsi	; Copy memory address to RAX
mov rcx, 2		; Free 2 2MiB pages (4MiB in total)
call b_mem_release



Transmit data via Ethernet

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RSI = memory location of packet
		RCX = length of packet
		RDX = Interface ID
OUT:	All registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rsi, Packet
mov rcx, 1500
mod rdx, 0
call b_net_tx
Packet_Dest: db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ; Broadcast
Packet_Src: db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Packet_Type: dw 0xABBA
Packet_Data: db 'This is a test', 0

The packet must contain a proper 14-byte header.


Receive data via Ethernet

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RDI = memory location to store packet
		RDX = Interface ID
OUT:	RCX = length of packet, 0 if nothing to receive

Assembly Example:

mov rdi, Packet
mov rdx, 0
call b_net_rx
Packet: times 1518 db 0

Note: BareMetal does not keep a buffer of received packets. This means that the OS will overwrite the last packet as soon as a new one is received. Continuously polling the network by checking os_net_rx often, is possible, but this is not ideal. BareMetal allows for a network interrupt callback handler to be run whenever a packet is received. With a callback, a program will always be aware of when a packet is received.


BareMetal uses 4096 byte sectors for all disk access. Disk sectors start at 0. Individual calls to disk read and write functions support up to 512 sectors being read/written (2MiB).


Read a number of sectors from disk to memory

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RAX = Starting sector #
 		RCX = Number of sectors to read
 		RDX = Disk #
		RDI = Destination memory address
OUT:	RCX = Number of sectors read
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rax, 0		; Read sector 0
mov rcx, 1		; Read one sector
mov rdx, 0		; Read from Disk 0
mov rdi, diskbuffer	; Read disk to this memory address
call b_disk_read


Write a number of sectors from memory to disk

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RAX = Starting sector #
 		RCX = Number of sectors to write
 		RDX = Disk #
		RSI = Source memory address
OUT:	RCX = Number of sectors written
		All other registers preserved

Assembly Example:

mov rax, 0		; Write to sector 0
mov rcx, 1		; Write one sector
mov rdx, 0		; Write to Disk 0
mov rsi, diskbuffer	; Write the contents from this memory address to disk
call b_disk_write



View or modify system configuration options

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RDX = Function #
		RAX = Variable 1
OUT:	RAX = Result 1

Function numbers come in pairs (one for reading a parameter, and one for writing a parameter). b_system_config should be called with a function alias and not a direct function number.

Currently the following functions are supported:

  • 0: timecounter

    get the timecounter, the timecounter increments 8 times a second

  • 1: argc

    get the argument count

  • 2: argv

    get the nth argument

  • 3: networkcallback_get

    get the current networkcallback entrypoint

  • 4: networkcallback_set

    set the current networkcallback entrypoint

  • 5: clockcallback_get

    get the current clockcallback entrypoint

  • 6: clockcallback_set

    set the current clockcallback entrypoint

  • 30: mac

    get the current mac address (or 0 if ethernet is down)

every function that gets something sets RAX with the result

every function that sets something gets the value from RAX


Call miscellaneous OS sub-functions

Assembly Registers:

 IN:	RDX = Function #
		RAX = Variable 1
		RCX = Variable 2
OUT:	RAX = Result 1
		RCX = Result 2

Currently the following functions are supported:

  1. smp_get_id
    • Returns the APIC ID of the CPU that ran this function
    • out rax: The ID
  2. smp_lock
    • Attempt to lock a mutex, this is a simple spinlock
    • in rax: The address of the mutex (one word)
  3. smp_unlock
    • Unlock a mutex
    • in rax: The address of the mutex (one word)
  4. debug_dump_mem
    • os_debug_dump_mem
    • in rax: The start of the memory to dump
    • in rcx: Number of bytes to dump
  5. debug_dump_rax
    • Dump rax in Hex
    • in rax: The Content that gets printed to memory
  6. delay
    • Delay by X eights of a second
    • in rax: Time in eights of a second
  7. ethernet_status
    • Get the current mac address (or 0 if ethernet is down)
    • Same as system_config 30 (mac)
    • out rax: The mac address
  8. mem_get_free
    • Returns the number of 2 MiB pages that are available
    • out rcx: Number of pages
  9. smp_numcores
    • Returns the number of cores in this computer
    • out rcx: The number of cores
  10. smp_queuelen
    • Returns the number of items in the processing queue
    • out rax: Number of items in processing queue

// EOF