The Dockerfile in this directory creates an image with the Fish shell installed for use in Web Terminal.
environment variable determines which shell will be used in your web terminal. This can be configured from within the Web Terminal Tooling image you use (as is the case for the Dockerfile in this directory), or by using wtoctl set shell <shell-name>
If the $SHELL
environment variable is not set, and Fish is installed in your Web Terminal Tooling image, you can run wtoctl set shell fish
to use the Fish shell. Upon running the command, your web terminal will restart and you will be presented with the Fish shell.
#TODO: !
Configure the following environment variables to point to your username in your container registry:
export REGISTRY=<your container registry>
export USER=<your registry's username>
With podman:
podman build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish
podman push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish
With docker:
docker build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish
docker push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish
export REGISTRY=""
export USER="aobuchow"
podman build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish
podman push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:fish