diff --git a/conf/README.md b/conf/README.md index 3400b288456..eac213b5653 100644 --- a/conf/README.md +++ b/conf/README.md @@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ higher priority). * `nb_nfs_mount` - NFS mount point used specifically for testing noobaa db NFS mount test * `custom_default_storageclass_names` - Set to true if custom storageclass names use instead of default one. * `storageclassnames` - Under this key, custom storage class names for `cephFilesystems`, `cephObjectStores`, `cephBlockPools`, `cephNonResilientPools`, `nfs` and for `encryption` are defined. +* `submariner_source` - Source from which we take submariner build, ex: upstream, downstream, downstream_unreleased +* `submariner_release_type` - Released OR Unreleased submariner build +* `enable_globalnet` - enable or disable globalnet for submariner +* `submariner_unreleased_channel` - submariner channel for unreleased downstream build #### UPGRADE