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New user's guide

reZach edited this page May 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

Please consult the following page for first time users of My Budget. Included are walkthroughs and explanations of the software. If you are looking for the application itself, you can find a download link on this page.

Step 1 - Choose a passphrase

The first time you load the app, you will have an opportunity to encrypt your budget information with a passphrase. This is an optional step, and just adds an extra layer of security to your data. To set your passphrase, enter it in the "passphrase" box before clicking go. If you don't want a passphrase, simply click go without entering anything in the input box.

Passphrase input box

Step 2 - Add some categories

My Budget organizes your transactions in categories and sub-categories. Think about what you spend your money on, and create categories and sub-categories to categorize these transactions.

Creating [sub]categories

Typed in the wrong name or title? You can easily rename a category or sub-category by clicking on the pencil icon. Confirm your change by clicking the checkmark, or cancel by clicking the no sign.

Renaming [sub]categories

Tip! - If you would like to expand or collapse all categories, you can do so with these buttons.

Collapse and expanding [sub]categories

Step 3 - Add your transactions

Select a category and sub-category, and enter any transactions you've made. The month for this transaction will be the currently selected month in the header! The "Note" field is optional.

Adding transactions

Transactions can be deleted individually or by bulk. Deleting transactions by bulk only deletes the transaction for the current month you are looking at!

Step 4 - Add your income

If you've added transactions with no income, you will see a negative net balance. Go and add your income by clicking on the Income button.

Adding your income

Add as many sources of income you have. You can choose the amount, start date and frequency of your income (if you add an income with a date in the past, we will calculate how much you have based on the current day and frequency of your income). Your income records will show up in a table below after you've added it.

Adding an income record

Step 5 - Save your pending changes

Any time you make a change while using My Budget, you need to save these changes or else they will not be persisted when you open the software up again. To see if you have pending changes, notice that the Save button is enabled. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Saving pending changes

Step 6 - Import transactions from your bank

We currently have limited support for this, but if you happen to have a supported bank, you can follow these steps to import your transactions from your bank. First, search for the bank name and select the entry that is displayed.

Searching for a bank

Enter your credentials you use to login to your bank.

Entering credentials

My Budget will log into your account and import transactions.

Transactions to import list

Clicking on any transaction, you can edit the category or sub-category it gets assigned to. Existing categories and sub-categories that exist in the month your transaction was made will be available to select from the drop-downs. You also have an option to create a new category or sub-category here as well. Any updates you make to a transaction, be sure to click Update after. To undo all changes to a transaction, click the Undo all button.

Editing imported transactions

Tip! - Only transactions that are set to be imported will be imported!

Import transactions checkbox

Step 7 - Navigate between months

You'll likely want an easy way to navigate between months while using My Budget. To do so, hover over the month name to get a friendly popup. You can navigate back a year (-12), 6 months (-6), today's month (Now), ahead 6 months (+6) or ahead a year (+12). You can also navigate back or ahead one month by clicking the arrows to the left and right of the month name in the header.

Moving to different months

Step 8 - Export / delete your data

In the future, we will have the ability to export your data in certain formats, but if you want to save your data elsewhere, you can do so by clicking the Export button in the header (Be sure to click Save before you export!!). If you'd like to delete all your data, click the Delete button (please close out of the app after clicking the Delete button).

Exporting and deleting data

Step 9 - Import your data (optional)

If you have exported your data (step 8) and would like to re-import, click the Import data button while the app has started and select your exported data file.

Selecting the import data button

You'll get a confirmation prompt when it succeeds.

Import success prompt

You can choose an optional passphrase like in Step 1 if you'd like before; this new passphrase overwrites your old passphrase.