is an array of Objects containing the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
context | String | A JSON Pointer containing the path to the containing property which was resolved |
$ref | String | The original $ref property |
original | Object | The original Swagger 2.0 version of the resolved reference |
updated | Object | The OpenAPI 3.0 version of the resolved reference |
source | String | The resolved source of the external $ref |
"context": "#/paths/~1subscriptions~1{subscriptionId}~1providers~1Microsoft.Commerce~1RateCard/get/x-ms-examples/GetRateCard",
"$ref": "../examples/GetRatecard.json",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/2fb9a0b3b902335ff0b0033711c234431931ec9d/specification/commerce/resource-manager/Microsoft.Commerce/2015-06-01-preview/examples/GetRatecard.json",
"original": {
"title": "Get RateCard",
"parameters": {
"subscriptionId": "6d61cc05-8f8f-4916-b1b9-f1d9c25aae27",
"api-version": "2015-06-01-preview",
"$filter": "OfferDurableId eq 'MS-AZR-0003P' and Currency eq 'USD' and Locale eq 'en-US' and RegionInfo eq 'US'"
"responses": {
"200": {
"body": {
"OfferTerms": [],
"Meters": [
"EffectiveDate": "2017-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"IncludedQuantity": 0,
"MeterCategory": "Test Category",
"MeterId": "1d7518e5-bc2f-4a93-9057-1b3047856645",
"MeterName": "Test Meter",
"MeterRates": {
"0": 1.99,
"100": 0.99
"MeterRegion": "US West",
"MeterSubCategory": "Test Subcategory",
"MeterTags": [
"Third Party"
"Unit": "Hours"
"updated": {
"title": "Get RateCard",
"parameters": {
"subscriptionId": "6d61cc05-8f8f-4916-b1b9-f1d9c25aae27",
"api-version": "2015-06-01-preview",
"$filter": "OfferDurableId eq 'MS-AZR-0003P' and Currency eq 'USD' and Locale eq 'en-US' and RegionInfo eq 'US'"
"responses": {
"200": {
"body": {
"OfferTerms": [],
"Meters": [
"EffectiveDate": "2017-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"IncludedQuantity": 0,
"MeterCategory": "Test Category",
"MeterId": "1d7518e5-bc2f-4a93-9057-1b3047856645",
"MeterName": "Test Meter",
"MeterRates": {
"0": 1.99,
"100": 0.99
"MeterRegion": "US West",
"MeterSubCategory": "Test Subcategory",
"MeterTags": [
"Third Party"
"Unit": "Hours"