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#Given a collection of distinct integers, return all possible permutations.
Input: [1,2,3] Output: [ [1,2,3], [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], [3,2,1] ]
class Solution { public List permute(int[] nums) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); if (nums.length > 0) { if (nums.length == 1) { List composition = new ArrayList<>(); composition.add(Integer.valueOf(nums[0])); result.add(composition); } else { for (int i = nums.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // take out the last element int num = nums[i]; int[] temp_nums = new int[nums.length - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { temp_nums[j] = nums[j]; } for (int j = i + 1; j < nums.length; j++) { temp_nums[j - 1] = nums[j]; } // iteratively generate the permutation for nums without the taken element List temp_result = this.permute(temp_nums); for (List temp_composition : temp_result) { // add the taken element into the temp_permutation temp_composition.add(Integer.valueOf(num)); result.add(temp_composition); } } } } return result; } }