Project For DevJam Team - Infiltrators
To ensure Social Distancing is being followed , We have two approaches:-
- Queue Management in - front of retail shops. 2.Crowd counting and liminting the no. of people at a time the stores.
If either of the two is being unfollowed , we plan to send a message to the shop owner / manager.
This is the whole idea around which around project revovles.
This project is being developed using
- Python 3.6
- OpenCV
- imutils
- Numpy
We implemented a tracking + detection system for controlling the Queue and Crowd outside the store.
For detection we are using the pre-built model present in OpenCV:
hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor()
The tracking algorithm consists of Centroid POint tracking And ID Managements. The file in OUTSIDE_STORE has all the further details.
There is a video also in OUTSIDE_STORE which is used as a demo for the basic working of the aforementioned scripts. The full functionality of this is still a Work In Progress.
Directory_where_the_project_is>cd OUTSIDE_STORE
17 - 05 - 2020
Crowd checking is being done thru the files in the OUTSIDE_STORE.
For testing we have used the video also included in the folder.
Position Markers - Work In Progress(Not Reacting to the number of people in frame)
So on temporary basis , have included some custom markers.