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Rop.Dapper.ContribEx includes a DapperHelperExtend class to access to hidden information about classes and their attributes.

Rop.Dapper.ContribEx adds more helper methods for inserting, getting, updating and deleting records.


The full list of helpers for hidden information are:

List<PropertyInfo> ExplicitKeyPropertiesCache(Type type);
List<PropertyInfo> KeyPropertiesCache(Type type);
List<PropertyInfo> TypePropertiesCache(Type type);
List<PropertyInfo> ComputedPropertiesCache(Type type);
ISqlAdapter GetFormatter(IDbConnection connection);
IEnumerable<string> GetColumnNames(IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> props);
string GetTableName(Type type);
string GetForeignDatabaseName(Type type);
string SelectGetCache(Type type);
string SelectGetAllCache(Type type);
string SelectGetSlimCache(Type type);
string SelectGetAllSlimCache(Type type);
string DeleteByKeyCache(Type type);

The full list of helpers for class/table/key information are:

(PropertyInfo propkey, bool isautokey) GetSingleKey(Type t);
KeyDescription GetKeyDescription(Type t);
KeyDescription GetKeyDescription<T>();
object GetKeyValue<T>(T item);
SetKeyValue<T>(T item, object value);
(KeyDescription keydescription, object value) GetKeyDescriptionAndValue<T>(T item);

The full list of helpers to format list of keys are:

string GetIdList(IEnumerable<int> ids);
string GetIdList(IEnumerable<string> ids);
string GetIdListDyn(IEnumerable ids);

Miscellaneous helpers:

string GetMemberName<T>(this Expression<T> expression);


The full list of extension methods in ConnectionHelper are:

Delete methods

 bool DeleteByKey<T>(this IDbConnection conn, dynamic id, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
 bool Delete<T>(this IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr, dynamic key, int? commandTimeout = null);
 Task<bool> DeleteByKeyAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, dynamic id, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
 Task<bool> DeleteAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr, dynamic key,int? commandTimeout=null);

GetSlim methods

T GetSlim<T>(this IDbConnection connection, dynamic id, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
IEnumerable<T> GetAllSlim<T>(this IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
List<T> GetSomeSlim<T>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, IDbTransaction tr = null);
List<T> GetWhereSlim<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null);
Task<T> GetSlimAsync<T>(this IDbConnection connection, dynamic id, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllSlimAsync<T>(this IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null);

GetSome methods

List<T> GetSome<T>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
List<T> GetWhere<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
IEnumerable<(dynamic id, T value)> QueryIdValue<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, string field, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
IEnumerable<(dynamic id, A valueA, B valueB)> QueryIdValue<TA, A, B>(this IDbConnection conn, string fieldA, string fieldB, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? commandTimeout = null);
IEnumerable<(dynamic id, T value)> GetIdValues<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? commandtimeout=null);
IEnumerable<(dynamic id, A valueA, B valueB)> GetIdValues<TA, A, B>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, string fieldA, string fieldB, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? commandtimeout=null);
Task<List<T>> GetSomeAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<List<T>> GetWhereAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<IEnumerable<(dynamic id, T value)>> QueryIdValueAsync<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, string field, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<IEnumerable<(dynamic id, A valueA, B valueB)>> QueryIdValueAsync<TA, A, B>(this IDbConnection conn, string fieldA, string fieldB, string where, object param=null, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<List<(dynamic id, T value)>> GetIdValuesAsync<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<List<(dynamic id, A valueA, B valueB)>> GetIdValuesAsync<TA, A, B>(this IDbConnection conn, IEnumerable ids, string fieldA, string fieldB, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);      

Insert or Update methods

int InsertOrUpdate<T>(this IDbConnection conn, T item, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
bool UpdateIdValue<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, (dynamic id, T value) value, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? timeout = null);
bool UpdateIdValue<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, dynamic id, T value, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? timeout = null);
Task<int> InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(this IDbConnection conn, T item, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<bool> UpdateIdValueAsync<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, (dynamic id, T value) value, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null,int? timeout=null);
Task<bool> UpdateIdValueAsync<TA, T>(this IDbConnection conn, dynamic id, T value, string field, IDbTransaction tr = null, int? timeout = null);

Complex methods

 List<T> QueryJoin<T, M>(this IDbConnection conn, string query, object param, Action<T, M> join, IDbTransaction tr = null);

(C)2022 Ramón Ordiales Plaza