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e13 Preprocessing transcriptomic library encounter pipefail #68
Hi, and thanks for the very detailed report. We have noticed this issue in the spacemake For the rest of the Open-ST workflow, these reports are not really necessary. You can make sure the rest of the pipeline runs by using I hope this helps, and sorry for the inconvenience! Dani |
That probably means you used the default spacemake mode that runs meshing before stitching the https://rajewsky-lab.github.io/openst/latest/computational/pairwise_alignment/#tissue-transcriptome Under "My |
Hi,when I`m running example data on the Preprocessing transcriptomic library step, I encounter the problem.
Here is the log file.
I understand you're busy, but if you have some time, I would really appreciate your help with this issue.
Steps to reproduce the bug
Environment info
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