what does a edge or a node represent?
- a node could be a german "Bahnhof"; or
- a collective name of a berth grouping
usefullness of layer?
- path traversel
- are lines connected?
- A->B->C: does a train need to reverse direction in B?
- what does a edge or a node represent?
- a node could be a german "Bahnhof"; or
- a collective name of a berth grouping
- [3] mileage in line with network layer and speed layer (see [4,5])
- attribute pos: for staions instead of start:, end: for lines
- pos: attribute as list for linear location of different running lines
- [6] change if implementaion for positioning code (see [7])
- stations, connections & locations * stations as vertex and connections as edges of a graph * locations the mileage of lines * redefined "lines" into "locations"
- a station with multiple parts can be grouped together
- joints/conjunctions of lines/locations needed
- renaming "locations" into "lines"
- renaming "stations" into "locations"
double vertex graph:
- complex implementation
- adaption of graph mit with properties :in and :out in direction of mileage
- path from nade X to node Y with railway typical constrains:
- Dijkstra
- Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- A* search algorithm
- Dijkstra to costly for a complete microscopic network -> idea if intermediate layer with lines and junctions (see Paper "Train Slots" Figure 9) -> new network layer
a directed graph can also model a common turnout, but not the signal or a crossing
turnout/crossing complex element in railML as well: "complexType SwitchIS"
direction in directed graph used for progression along objects
- progression forward as in with the milage of the tracks
- name: branch and relation
for this prototype no milage based on a line, but:
- selecting one milage out of the coverage of my scope
- conversion to an overall single milage -> missconception (see [6])
- [7] change if implementaion for positioning code (see [6])
base_ref connects to the BaseLayer
precision of pos is length 6 due to the "hoehenplan"
usefullness of layer?
- shortest path algorithms are to costly on full physical layer -> division into juctions by NEW network layer
- network_ref connects to the NetworkLayer
- conversion to an overall single milage -> missconception (see [6])
- [1] the modeling of a crossing can be used for all branching objects, but the directed graph modeling of a turnout cannot be used for crossings (see [2])
- name: branch and relation
- speed hierachy for turnouts: default -> tilting, overweight
- tracks - can have multiple track sections or train berths
- junctions definied as either the american Interlocking limit by NORAC:
"Interlocking limit: The tracks between the opposing home signals of an interlocking. - Home Signal: A fixed signal governing entrance to an interlocking or controlled point."
or by Vakhtel:2002 "Gesamtfahrstraßenknoten"
-> signals mark borders
- included specific limits in layer -> for block signals see resource layer
- tracks and junction contradictory to \cite{Gille:2008}
- name nodes which connects to other tracks/junctions
- [4] mileage in line with base layer and speed layer (see [3,5])
usefullness of layer? * path traversel with modified dijkstra for double vertecies * junction->track: is a track reachable? substitutability/vertretbarkeit? * calculating routing from physical layer via shortest path
- specify the physical interlocking limit for "in" and "out" of a junction
- simplify network layer with junction as vertex and link as edges (directed graph)
- renamed "nodes" to "junctions and "connections" to "links"
- network node either "in" or "out"
- links - can have multiple tracks, track sections or train berths
- junction->track: is a track reachable? substitutability/vertretbarkeit? -> solved in ResourceLayer (see [8])
- -> clustering of track berth in resource layer (see [8])
- junction border is a class "sign" from physical layer
automatic creation from physical layer desired
- physical layer needs: -> slope, max speed, radius (turnout speed), tunnel
- turnout speed information depends on turnout specimen
divided into characteristic sections (CS)
- within a CS, the maximum permissible speed and the track resistance is constant
network layer as a base
- each signal represents a place where a train can stop -> therefore blocksignals (BK4142) in contrast to the networl layer will result in an edge
- a network junction might have different dimensions depend on the used track. i.e. XR_west to track 1 ends earlier then to track 2 -> network references do make limited sense -> a lookup table (how to implement?) for A:pos to B:pos with the resistance
slope is valid for all routes in a network junction
radius and thus vmax speed for a junction depends on the physical path from the physical layer -> also relevant for the interlocking layer -> routine to include radius and v_max -> speed attribute also part of the physicalLayer in turnouts/crossings (see [2])
actual speed of train depends on combinations of track, train, dispatching (see Process Map of Railway Operation) and current behavior section (BS)
[5] mileage in line with base layer and network layer (see [3,4])
usefullness of layer?
- running time calculation
- resistance
- main running line / "durchgehendes Hauptgleis"
- correct speed limit determination at junction of two lines (e.g from XSZ to XPX via XBU)
- main running line / "durchgehendes Hauptgleis" need to be added
- better: only links from network layer as a base
- reduce path to only resource links from network layer
- speed hierachy: default -> tilting, overweight
differentiation between route start and route end at a signal:
- route start (entrance): destination, locked turnouts, flank zone, route clearing points
- route end (exit): overlap
howto include speed restrictions from shortened overlap? -> seperate attribute "speed" with default value ".inf"
needs to know speed restrictions from divirgent track at turnout/crossing (see speed layer) -> can be taken from turouts en route
turnout/crossing position information must be stored for route as well for flank protection for the use of a route
- different modelling of branch and branches for turnout en route and turouts in flankprotection: see W3 in XPD in route "track3" from A
[2] turnout/crossing speed must be derived from lower layer -> changed modelling of turnout/crossing for physicalLayer (see [1])
- derailer need to provide status and position
speed restrictions cannot be derived from radius, since the jerk is relevant
currently only train routes, no shunting routes
redefined "junction" of network layer
dual protection point: XPD_west/W4 with route1: A -> XPD_3 & route2: B -> XPD_1 *
open points:
- train protection system -> corresponding to detector(balise) in Physical Layer
- interlocking logic is an open point - e.g. swinging overlap, exclusion of overlap
usefullness of layer?
- devision of route signalling (interlocking layer) and block signalling (resource layer)
- adding distant signalling for routes with braking_distance
- to many options in case of many routes
- can be decided upon path and technology with actuall point applies
differentiating between junctions and links from network layer
links from network layer git type:
- "site" and "passage" as list in resource layer
composing larger area stations with different sites: e.g. Okerbach or divide Rebenau in passenger and freight site
borders by clearing points -> sections from physical layer
"virtual" smaller 'sections/physical layer' (e.g. 50 m) to accompany Moving Block with virtual blocks for transit layer and interlocking layer
[8] clustering of track berth for properties("vertretbarkeit"/substitutability) and naming for passengers
- sets/ group of tracks
usable length for trains for atrribute berth
usefullness of layer?
- automated dispatching \cite[p. 2-7 -- 2-12]{Pachl:1993}
- Fahrstraßenanforderungspunkt, Einstellanstoßpunkt, Signalsichtpunkt, Bremseinsatzpunkt
- request point, trigger point, view point, braking point
- trigger point 300m from braking point fix \cite{Kuemmell:1958}
- main signal, clearing point
- automated dispatching \cite[p. 2-7 -- 2-12]{Pachl:1993}
- segment id for reference needed
- enable blocking time and headway time
- switch from signal to signal based occupation time to clearing point to clearing point based occupation time
- decribed in P.114 Pachl:2002 3.edition - no longer included in higher editions
- trigger/braking point still oriented towards signals
- switch from signal to signal based occupation time to clearing point to clearing point based occupation time
- cases: pass, run-start, run-end, route-begin, route-extend
- minimal snippets might be combined
- edge cases: (swinging) overlap
- take resource boundery from resource layer
- push or pull
- push suiteable for run-start
- pull suiteable for route-extend
- ingress and egress object needs to be unique to enable a seqence
- seqeuncing of ingress/egress compare to a sequence number enables different combinations
- snippets may have more parts shown on different tracks:
- e.g. overlaps, or flank turnouts
- speed restrictions for route an overlap
- vehicle data ("Musterzug") should be added
- train formations for the snippets should be added
- timetabling as in a person constructing a feasible roster for trains needs to be addressed
- train groups
- deviations from train group
- individual trains/courses
- temporay trains/course
- intervals, courses
- connections for passengers, goods and vehicle circulations
- margins
- running path:
- network link sequence
- operational control point sequence
- run times
- parameters for driving behaviour
- route and overlap
- test if two trains have a route conflict -> interlocking layer
- PESP (\cite{Liebchen:2007}) enabling vie the connections and runs
- run time checkpoints for start and stop at berth; for pass at leaving the signal