The first one, the error is thrown since the database wasn't migrated. The second one arises since we state Pokemon.where... but Pokemon isn't defined yet.
Q1: How are the random Pokemon appearing? What is the common factor between all the possible Pokemon that appear? *
The pokemon are appearring each time you land on the page, generated randomly by db:seed. They are all Gen 1 Starters.
Question 2a: What does the following line do "<%= button_to "Throw a Pokeball!", capture_path(id: @pokemon), :class => "button medium", :method => :patch %>"? Be specific about what "capture_path(id: @pokemon)" is doing. If you're having trouble, look at the Help section in the README.
capture_path allows the function to take in the pokemon (referenced by the id) and pass it along to capture so it can assign a trainer to the pokemon.
Question 4: What did you pass into the redirect_to? If it is a path, what did that path need? If it is not a path, why is it okay not to have a path here?
Path! It needed to know the trainer id, since it was a trainer_path
Question 5: Explain how putting this line "flash[:error] = @pokemon.errors.full_messages.to_sentence" shows error messages on your form.
Since pokemon will validate the ndex and the name, without it, there will be an error, that gets written into a sentent with .to_sentence and be alerted by flash.