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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

David Bouget edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 5 revisions

1. The software crashes when clicking on run segmentation or run reporting.

  • If you are running Raidionics on macOS, make sure you have installed the proper version of the software. The installer with a name trailing macOS.pkg will run on regular mac computers, while the installer with a name trailing macOS_arm.pkg is meant to be used on mac computers with an M1 chip CPU.

2. The segmentation process finishes quickly and no segmentation is produced.

  • The information available in the Logs window might provide an explanation to an unsuccessful segmentation attempt, which can be found in the top menu-bar, under Settings > Logs (alternatively using the CTRL + L shortcut).
  • A purge of the models can be attempted to trigger a re-download. Simply open the Settings panel (CTRL + P shortcut), in System settings click the Models purge option (with a trash bin icon).

3. Models missing (manual download)

  • ❌ Models are not being automatically downloaded when running Raidionics (e.g., internet/firewall issues), leading to failure to run segmentation tasks.
  • 💡 All the models used by Raidionics can be manually downloaded at the following Raidionics-models repo. After downloading each model archive, you simply need to extract the content and place the obtained folder inside ~/.raidionics/resources/models/.
  • ⚠️ Some models do require running other models as pre-processing step. In order to check it out, the json file inside each model folder must be read (e.g., ~/.raidionics/resources/models/MRI_GBM/pipeline.json). Each other model mentioned in the following format will need to be manually downloaded (e.g., "model": "MRI_Brain")
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