There are several ways how the mapping from files in the package into the Magento source is accomplished:
- A mapping in the composer.json
- MagentoConnect package.xml file
- modman file
As long as one of these mappings can be found, Magento modules are installable.
The package files are symlinked into the Magento instance by default. You can also use a copy or hardlink deploy strategy by configuring it in the root composer.json (see below).
A repository of composer ready Magento modules can be found on
The Magento root directory must be specified in the composer.json
under extra.magento-root-dir
NOTE: modman's include and bash feature will never get supported!
If you don't like modman files, you can define mappings in a package composer.json file instead.
"name": "test/test",
"type": "magento-module",
"extra": {
"map": [
["themes/default/skin", "public/skin/frontend/foo/default"],
["themes/default/design", "public/app/design/frontend/foo/default"],
["modules/My_Module/My_Module.xml", "public/app/etc/modules/My_Module.xml"],
["modules/My_Module/code", "public/app/code/local/My/Module"],
["modules/My_Module/frontend/layout/mymodule.xml", "public/app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/mymodule.xml"]
parameter can be used to override module default mapping. For example, module default mapping is: app/code/community/CompanyDir/ModuleDir/*
=> app/code/community/CompanyDir/ModuleDir/
, but you would like to have it as app/code/community/CompanyDir/ModuleDir/*
=> app/code/local/CompanyDir/ModuleDir
So sample module
is provided by company
with version *
Here is the entry for composer.json:
"require": {
"company/module": "*"
"repositories": [
"extra": {
"magento-map-overwrite": {
"company/module": [
["app/code/community/CompanyDir/ModuleDir/*", "app/code/local/CompanyDir/ModuleDir"]
so company/module
is an array of mapping entries - arrays where first key is source path and second key is destination path.