Velocity: 19
- Continue parsing engine development, focusing on T1 validators and preparser refactor; as well as furthering Django Admin Enhancements, delivering STT fields and FIPS/TRIBE codes in user profiles. Scope .csv file a11y feasibility for errors messaging MVP and develop knowledge center video resource epic.
- #1965 Approved-user TDP homepage
- #2379 [Bug] Search form error count
- #1121 As a dev, I need to store my parsing log (TANF Section 1)
- #2403 [Bug] Investigate scheduled triggers for nightly scan
- #2300 [Design/OFA Deliverable] As System Owner, I need official guidance for TDP
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- #1543 Add Gunicorn settings to correctly receive header
- #1544 - [SPIKE] Add Nginx configuration - increase security and performance
- #2031 As a developer, I'd like good documentation for our cross origin code
- #1641 As a sys admin, I need to see meaningful STT name and FIPS/TRIBE code in a user's profile
- #2369 As tech lead, we need the parsing engine to run quality checks across TANF t1 lines
- #2115[DevOps] Create Utiilty Image(s) for CircleCI pipeline
- #2116 [DevOps] Container Registry creation
- #2385 as tech lead, I need develop and staging branches to deploy to acf domains
- #1613 As a developer, I need parsed file meta data (TANF Section 1)
- #2368 [Research Deliverable] Error prototypes to test alongside February Expansion
- #2379 [Design] Current State - Spinner indicator for data submissions
- [Internal] 1965 - TDP homepage, rolling into Sprint 69 external demo.