Velocity: 5
- Design the pilot user onboarding content in the knowledge center and do the pilot program research planning. Additionally, mature the production environment, complete the file transfer and database backup functionality for the pilot program.
- N/A
- #1653 - [Design] As a Pilot User I want onboarding content for navigating parts of TDP
- #1781 - [Research Planning] TDP Pilot 2.0
- N/A
- #1493 - As ACF tech lead, I need all secret keys rotated and rotation steps updated
- #1680 - As an unapproved grantee user, I want my requested STT in my profile
- #1745 - Configure HHS/TANF-app:Main CircleCI jobs to deploy to the staging space
- #1746 - As tech lead, I need new routes and services for deployments from tanf-app/develop branch to tanf-staging space
- #1133 - As a grantee, I need my uploaded files transferred to ACF Titan
- #1627 - Configure ACF AMS service in ACF and TDP prod environments
- #1693 - As a grantee pilot user I want to be able to access the knowledge center through project updates environment
- #1778 - SPIKE: Investigate why production-deployment workflow fails
- #1866 - As tech lead, I want an automated database backup lifecycle implemented
- N/A
- 1631 will be demo'd at the next end of EOS meeting (Internally)
- 1241 will be demo'd as part of #1693 at the next demo
- 1736 will be demo'd as part of #1133 at the next demo