11/12/2020 - 11/24/2020
- Getting shared clarity on the remaining sprints to deliver on OFA MVP
- Prepare for next Technical Review Board (TRB) - Draft System Design Document, Config Management Plan, Combined brief
- Mapping security controls to next few sprints
- Continue on session and permission management
- Start research synthesis for round 3
- Mapped security controls to issues in the next few sprints
- Continued work on session and permission management
- Completed round 3 research synthesis workshops
- As a user, I can fill out and submit a form to create my profile
- As an authenticated user that has been inactive for 30 minutes, I want to be notified to extend or end my session
- As an authenticated user who has been notified of an inactive session, I want to end or extend the session
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of deactivating users from the TDP system
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of reactivating users from the TDP system
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of deactivating users from the TDP system
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of reactivating users from the TDP system
- [Design] Update #164 mockup with design change to meet OFA MVP
- Continue to review XMS NextGen capability and assess what other access management features need to be build
- Start work on feature to upload flat files
- Share round 3 research findings
- Prepare for Section 4 & 5 of System Design Document for upcoming TRB (Dec 10)
- Mockups for deactivating and reactivating users (Raft)
- New user can submit profile to request access to the TDP system
- OCIO (security review of Raft's PR)
- Demo of session timeout functionality (Raft)
- QASP review (Alex)
- CircleCI (Alex)