The TDP boundary diagram has been temporarily modified herein to reflect updates to the data flow.
Data files from grantees will, for the most part, follow the original flow:
- users with
OFA Admin
and (STT)Data Analyst
roles will upload and submit files via the web application - upon submission, files will be scanned for viruses via ClamAV. Infected files will be discarded, and clean files will be stored in AWS S3 buckets.
Files stored in's encrypted AWS S3 buckets will be transferred via SFTP to the ACFTitan server, which lives within the legacy system's (TDRS) ATO boundary diagram, as shown below. A more complete visual of the TDRS architecture and ATO boundary can be found here 🔒.
These files will be picked up by the ACF OCIO Ops team, who maintain TDRS, for data processing and dB storage. This transfer process is temporary until TDP reaches parity with TDRS in terms of data processing, validation, and dB storage. More background on TDRS functionality can be found here