Source code of the algorithm (in lua) to calculate the Shapley Value, one of the main concepts from Cooperative Game Theory.
Understand how it works:
The algorithm is defined by the given formula:
Take care with the sum set notation. All the S subsets from N \ {i} generated from permutation respects this rule, but you don't use all the subsets to calculate the shapley value. You need to remove the duplicated elements:
Correct interpretation of set to be iterated in sum:
function shapleyValueActionSet(N, i)
local P = powerSet(N)
local R = set{}
forEach(P, function(p)
local subset = set{subtract(p, set{i})}
if not isSubsetOrEquals(subset, R) then R = union(R, subset) end
return R
Wrong interpretation of set to be iterated in sum:
function shapleyValueActionSet(N, i)
local P = powerSet(N)
local R = set{}
forEach(P, function(p)
local subset = set{subtract(p, set{i})}
R = union(R, subset) --Here is the problem, you'll have duplicated elements
return R
I also tried to play with permutations:
-- Returns the set which will be iterated in sum in shapley value algorithm, using set generated from permutations of N elements
-- It's slower than shapleyValueActionSet
function shapleyValueActionSetPermutations(N, i)
local permutations = permutations(setToArray(N))
local R = set{}
forEach(permutations, function(_, p)
local newSet = set{}
forEach(p, function(_, v)
if v == i then
local subset = set{newSet}
if not isSubsetOrEquals(subset, R) then R = union(R, subset) end
--R = union(R, subset)
return "BREAK"
newSet[v] = true
return R
-- Return all the possible permutations from array (|array|!)
function permutations(array)
if #array == 1 then
return array
elseif #array == 2 then
return {{array[1], array[2]}, {array[2], array[1]}}
local result = {}
__recursivePermutations(array, result, 1)
return result
The code try to follow the formula literally as a study case, instead of be the most optimized. Just let me know if you have some doubts or suggestions. I really would appreciate if you test it in more Coalitional Game cases.
Made with Lua 5.3.2